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View Full Version : thanx everyone

11-15-2001, 07:25 PM
So a while ago, I purchased PI (direct from the maker) but I really didn\'t have any luck with it. While looking around for other pheromone sites and what not I came across this forum and learned my problem is that I\'m 19 and was probably ODing on \'none.
After lurking around for a while I decided to get AE. The first time I tried it was the other night at a local popular nightclub. In order to experiment with the amount I tried a little at first then added a little bit more several times through the night. At first there wasn\'t much response but after a while I began to get a lot of looks and smiles from many girls.
At one point, as I was walking up to the bar, a girl that I didn\'t know stopped me and said \"hey babe\". I\'ve never had anything like this happen to me before, it was great. I was so surprised I didn\'t know what to say.
A little later I was dancing (like a total drunk) and this incredibly hot girl came up and began grinding with me. She wouldn\'t stop either.
I had a great time that night and I owe it all to you guys suggesting AE to Newbies like me. I no longer have my doubts about pheromones after my lack of success with PI.
Now I can\'t wait to try out Jambat\'s mix which I plan to get next.
Thanx again everyone.

11-15-2001, 08:33 PM
Hmm... I wonder if you might get similar results if you just use less of PI... Don\'t waste the bottle!

11-16-2001, 12:15 AM
Hey guy

Let try to mix PI and AE you will get good result too...!

Try it you will love it images/icons/wink.gif

Have a good day images/icons/laugh.gif


PS. Like he said please DO NOT waste this good stuffs images/icons/smile.gif

[ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: Mr.Jacky ]

11-16-2001, 12:52 PM
What does AE stand for

11-16-2001, 01:16 PM

AE is Alter Ego. It\'s on the Stone Labs page of Love-Scent site. Excellent stuff too!


11-16-2001, 03:58 PM

Hold on! Let me absorb this. First you tried PI, which is all A-None, and this didn\'t work. Then you tried AE, which is A-None, A-Nol, and A-Rone and this worked for you.

Now you want to try Jambats APC/NPA mix, which as far as anyone knows, contains no A-Nol or A-Rone, but only A-None. Did I miss something?

Oscar images/icons/crazy.gif

11-16-2001, 04:57 PM
Hi All,

There is definitely something beyond just RONE in NPA. What I can\'t say, but I think if you make up a batch of apc/PI and another of apc/npa, balencing them for equal concentrations of RONE, you will notice something distinctly different about the two both in the the effect on the wearer and on those around you. I wish I could be more specific, and there IS plenty of RONE in there, of course, but there are other ingredients that put it in a class all its own.


11-16-2001, 05:05 PM
I tried AE,PI and Musk and had great results. I was using public transportation on the way to work and experienced hair twirling, looks, and loads of smiles. It seemed as though the females where executing quite a bit of restraint to actually loose there self control. :-)

11-16-2001, 06:09 PM

A Freudian, perhaps?...You mentioned \"Rone\" throughout your reply!

Frankly it\'s whispered hereabouts that you are, at the very LEAST, one of the co-creators of NPA and The Edge.

We understand that you must keep some things secret, just please, let us know for certain what pheromones are in there. Any competitor worth his salt would be able to reverse engineer them to discover this anyway.

I spend eight or more hours a day handling thousands of items about whose contents I haven\'t a clue. I make my living as a Letter Carrier for the United States Postal Service. There\'s quite enough mystery in my life, thank you! images/icons/wink.gif

However, I figured it wouldn\'t kill me to \"push the envelope\" in THIS case, so to speak. images/icons/laugh.gif

Oscar images/icons/smile.gif

[ November 19, 2001: Message edited by: Wilde Oscar ]

11-19-2001, 10:45 AM

Bruce is telling us the truth. I have met personally with Bruce and we have dicscussed the NPA ingrediants. And he does not know of the other compounds or pheros in the mix. It is a trade secret and they will not even let Bruce in on it.

But I must say that NPA is awsome as far as hits. I have used it in mixes and without and get positive killer hits with it.


11-19-2001, 12:35 PM
Thats it well i say we start some rumours.

I tried the oxytocin approach and then we tried other like ciotin.

What about couplins or other androgens types, actually im going to go right off track.

Dopamine compounds, lets look at various brain neurotransmitters would it be possible to chuck in dopamine in a spray form.

Mycroft youre needed here mate where are you.

Adrenline maybe direct testorstorone ostergen. Just some ideas all the sciences dudes here. Lets figure it out.

11-19-2001, 06:03 PM
Canada Steve: How much AE did you wear and where?

11-19-2001, 10:18 PM
Big question is how it all fits together into a consistent story, DD.

This thread has pulled together a few themes, so I\'ll try and be integrative. (Plus I\'m at work and have a report-free hour. Yay!)

Good newsletter the other day, from Bruce and the Canadian; finally found out what a \'copulin\' is - not on medline, but, - and now I\'ve finally found out what David Berliner is up to lately - apart from 36 years of published papers in steroid chemistry, pheromone science & skin physiology, that is.

It is clear that there is more than just ratios of any one type of \'rone, \'nol or \'none in any particular product. (Thanks, Bruce). Reverse \'chemical engineering\', even with NMR or mass spec. techniques haven\'t even delineated what is in Coca Cola to my knowledge, let alone the ingredients of most of these products, (I might be wrong here, though). You might get an answer if you have access to the RIGHT techniques for a HPLC column, but you do need pure samples for a test assay.

On the neuroendocrine side of things, lets do a roll-call of known neuropeptides involved - LH, LHRH, oxytocin, CCK, VIP (especially in gel form or as a pessary; hint, hint!), etc.

We have mechanism of delivery - nose (50/50 for the existence of the VNO. Alright ... maybe 60/40, then!!), skin (especially the \'pink\' bits, which when stimulated, release oxytocin; hint, hint!!), sub-cutaneous (see my other replies re: pros & cons), oral (most are cleared by the liver on first pass, but some of you already know my views and experience re: ephedrine. Oh, and be on the look out for Cialis by Eli Lilly next year. Hint, hint!!), and let\'s not forget the eyes. Beauty and attraction are often visual things - see list of variations in the recent newsletter; different strokes for different folks.

Focussing on putting them together - let\'s assume there is \'capacity\', \'responsiveness\' or \'arousability\' in the receiver. (They must have a nose too!) Let\'s assume an active VNO - of whatever size - and that it DOES actually respond to pheromones.

Rule of thumb # 1: Let\'s get the visual stimuli right by dressing to suit the intended, rather than the usual \'pick-the-least-worn-item-in-the- laundry-hamper\' method.

Let\'s assume a \'soap-free\' shower has happened, and we go for the hands, arms, chest and neck to let the smells \'waft\' or \'blossom\' upwards, and then refresh every few hours. Let\'s pick the right ratio of Rs and Ns and Ls in a recipe/mix or a product so as not to smell like an unwashed boar, unless the receiver likes that sort of thing. (Or it\'s a hot night!) If the product\'s cool as it is, leave it alone. If it needs a cover, let\'s go with either a carrier perfume that suits our personality as well, or use a pheromone mix that already has a perfume that we know women like. Remembering that many women are put off by too much, or the wrong \'type\' of cologne. (Rule of thumb #2: generally avoid the heavy alcohol, cheap drugstore ones as they can \'bruise\' your expensive \'mone signature). Try not to rub in your stuff as again this \'bruises\' the goods; just let it sit on your skin or hair, and let it do it\'s thing.

Um ... use some mouthwash (Der!) and go easy on the brews, as this may cloud your capacity to pick up the subtle signs. Also, contrary to popular belief, more sweating occurs with alcohol than without - especially if your trying to \'loosen up\' or quell the \'scent of fear\'. Oh, and lose the gaspers. Vinegary sweat - from alcohol - and smoke can ruin your intricate pheromone investment. (Hint, hint!!) Sorry, dudes, no cocaine (Dopamine Reuptake inhibitor) or speed (indirect DRI); both can make you more sweaty, paranoid and impotent. (Yeah, like that\'s what we all want). Ecstasy is supposedly a serotonin nerve poison. (Hence, rule of thumb #3: If you drug and \'mone, you\'re a bloody idiot!)

Choose either a drug or pheromone, but the first TENDS to overwhelm the effect of the other, except - of, course - when it doesn\'t. (Hey??)

What I mean is, I\'m sure the effect will come through but let\'s assume we want to give it every chance to, and not stuff it up with off-putting visual, verbal, kinesthetic or olfactory cues. (Go ahead, flame me with opposite examples ... I dare you) images/icons/crazy.gif

When the pheromones either waft off, or you subtley touch your intended to leave your \'signature\' (or it happpens while they ravage you), they probably go up the snoz - or through their skin, MAYBE! - and probably, hit the VNO, sparking a cascade of nerve events via the olfactory bulb, olfactory cortex, hypothalamus and pituitary, resulting in the aforementioned neuropeptides happening, hormonal modulations, amine release in the appropriate neuron bodies, plus various autonomic responses to fire up the old arousal buttons.

Now, after that, I get lost in the exact physiology of arousal. I know the mechanics, but if anybody who can point me to a good and accurate flow diagram in a recent text, I\'d really appreciate it. images/icons/cool.gif

Enuf said.

11-19-2001, 11:58 PM
And the Edge has the same formula as NPA, right? TE is more diluted but contains the same amount pheromone per bottle.