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01-05-2005, 09:28 PM
I'm back in school to get my MBA and today was my first day for class. I wore two small dabs from the

Scent of Eros gel pack, two small dabs from a Chikara gel pack and two small dabs of A1. Applied one dab of each on

both sides of my neck. I covered this with Kiehl's Original Musk.

I got to school early to find a parking

space and just to get used to the school and the surroundings. I was one of the first 3 people to show up for

class. I took a seat far from the entrance to the class room. The room is split with half of the seats on the left

side of the room near the door, and half on the right where I sat. About 15 minutes after I sat down a beautiful

black woman comes and sits directly in front of me. We'll call her "Dee". We talk for a little while and she

mentions she has a boyfriend. Even after she tells me this she's still flirting, winking and giving me this sexy

smile. 10 minutes later another hot girl, this time a natural blond sits down next to "Dee". Then right as class

starts and nice looking brunette sits next to me. Being that this is a stats class we did a little statistical

exercise using the class. From the information we collected found out that out of 34 people in the class there are

11 females. Out of those 11 females, 8 sat on the side of the room I was on. The three girls that sat near me did

ALOT of hair twirling/straightening, fidgeting and smiling as the class went on. I'd only count "Dee" as a real

hit. She tells me as class ends, "here's my number so we can do homework" as she gives me a sexy wink.

I'm going to try different combinations for my three different classes. Tomorrow I'm wearing 'The Edge'

plus 'WAGG' covered with Silver Mountain Water by Creed. On Monday I'm wearing Alter Ego covered with a new

scent from L'Occitane. I'm going to try to keep the same combo's going the whole semester and see how people


01-05-2005, 09:41 PM
:cheers: Way to stand tall,


When you say dab of A1, did you dab from the bottle or dropper? :blink:

Thanks fer sharing!


01-05-2005, 10:11 PM
You ARE going to call Dee,


01-06-2005, 12:09 AM
I think that it was a mental

effect the girls automaticly reacted too.
Pheromones may have attracted the first 1,2 or 3.
Then it was really

just hey he looks cool(cause hez got thows girls around him)
Then they want to join in mabe because it looked like

a fun convo or they felt the need of competition
What is mba?-what grade are you in?

01-06-2005, 06:44 AM
ah... haha... i can't wait to

go back to school. i discovered pheromones right before i graduated college last year, so i've never had a chance

to try it out in a school environment. should be going back for my masters next year.... STATE baby! (you know, the

smarter a girl gets, the more not-so-attractive she gets, generally speaking of course...)

01-06-2005, 07:52 AM

I took the dab

of A1 from the dropper.


I've got to follow up on this one so yes, I'll be calling.

Probably this weekend.


I was just surprised that they all sat in the furtherst part of the

room from the door. My side of the room also was full while the other side had around 6-7 seats open. MBA is a

Master's of Business Administration.


I found 'mones after I graduated so I'm looking

forward to seeing how they work in a classroom setting. I know how they work in a job setting and I'm expecting

better, more blatent hits in college. As far as smarter girls being less attractive.....if this class is any

indication, then the smart girls are beeeautiful. I only saw about 2 or 3 girls that were not attractive in this

class. We'll see how it goes in my other two classes.

01-06-2005, 08:17 AM
She tells me

as class ends, "here's my number so we can do homework" as she gives me a sexy wink.

DAYUM!! :whip:

Because you had a lot of "homework" after the first day of class, right? Sounds like you are in like flynn with this

one. :thumbsup: Love how she did this after explicitly telling you she has a BF. So now that she's told you, if

you make a move on her, she's not responsible in her mind, because she did tell you after all... classic chick

logic, as described so accurately on the seduction sites.

On the whole, "smart girls are uglier/hotter" thing,

I think I can offer something in the way of explanation here. I agree that Kappakai's assertion that smarter girls

are less hot is generally true, but believe the reason you are experiencing a corollary to this rule is because you

are in an MBA program, specifically. MBA's are generally associated with money, and one rule I have found that is

DEFINITELY true is that hot chicks are attracted to money. Think there's a lot of hot chicks in B-school? When

you graduate, apply for a job at an investment banking firm... those places are just filled with one hot chick after

another. Maybe you should find cover scent that smells like money, and wear that to one of your classes.... hey

wait a minute, that's actually not a half bad idea... a scent that smells like money.....hmmm....:think:


- One last word on the smart chick/hot chick thing... not to slight your ambitions or anything, but judging on the

basis of the MBA's I've worked with in the workplace, having an MBA is NOT necessarily an indicator of high


01-06-2005, 08:58 AM
haha... yah, everyone's got an

MBA now. i guess you could see it two ways... everyone's got one, i should get one, or everyone's got one, what's

so special about it? i can see us just having a glut of MBA's, kind of like we had too many lawyers not long ago.

i will stand by my hot/ugly dumb/smart girls. i went to an ivy for three years. and while the braininess was

a turn oin for a geek like me, looks left much to be desired. my theory is that the smarter girls have a tendency to

think that their brain is their most beautiful asset, and spend more time on working that. whereas no-so-bright

girls probably value their bodies and looks more, and spend more time doing makeup.

just think: condi rice.

and yes, ibanks have some hot girls. probably the money thing. you see how many hot girls hang out at

medical school libraries? it's like they're just flocking to geek central. just goes to show for women, money and

power and prestige are a huge turn on.

01-06-2005, 09:24 PM
Sorry, guys. Some of your dogs

just won't hunt. You ever see a picture of Mariln Vos Savant? She is GORGEOUS. And there are plenty of other hot

women who are extremely smart, including Goldie Hawn (whom many people perceive as dumb because she acts that way)

and plenty of other women. I have known smart hot girls in person. They are around. There are plenty of

not-so-hot/not-so-smart girls, too. There is no real correlation between looks and intelligence.

01-07-2005, 06:26 AM
Ok, now this is what confuses me,

You were far from the door in a class room where several people were arriving, how did the girls as soon they

entered the door (far from where you were), detected your mones, indentified YOU as the emissor and then, went from

one side of the class room to sit next to you. Now, are you telling me that the mones had an imediate effect at 10

meters distance in what, 2 seconds after they entered the door? I can believe the flirting after they were close,but

i'm finding hard to believe that the rest were more than random events, or am i wrong? I have read allot of guys in

this forum saying they get women looking just by passing by, but how the hell do i read guys saying they got allot

of attention of women in a club just by walking in? I mean there are many guys in a club, when mones get to women,

how can they identify the emissor? I mean, why, once under the effect of mones, being more receptive/agressive,

don't they just go for the better looking guy??

01-07-2005, 07:03 AM
Sorry, guys.

Some of your dogs just won't hunt. You ever see a picture of Mariln Vos Savant? She is GORGEOUS. And there are

plenty of other hot women who are extremely smart, including Goldie Hawn (whom many people perceive as dumb because

she acts that way) and plenty of other women. I have known smart hot girls in person. They are around. There are

plenty of not-so-hot/not-so-smart girls, too. There is no real correlation between looks and


Hey Friendly-

Ha, perhaps no real correlation, I agree. Like I said, it's a

broad generalization, and while I disagree with your above examples, I know there are smart beautiful women.

Actually, I believe a brain will amplify a woman's beauty. And, on the flipside, there are plenty of dumb ugly

women. I'm just speaking empirically; go check out a community college, a state school and then a top ranked

university and you'll see what I've noticed, a trend if you will.

01-07-2005, 07:12 AM
Gegogi and I both spend time

around a University, he's a professor and I do some work for the school. From what Gegogi says, he meets plenty of

smart, attractive women on campus and I do also. I'd even argue that there is a greater percentage of good looking

women on campus than in the general population. That might just be my own conditioning because I don't find dumb

women to be attractive at all.

01-07-2005, 07:39 AM
I guess if you're talking

attraction, then my theory won't stand. Attraction takes much more than just looks into account, intelligence,

social grace, etc. Dumb girls turn me off, my sister-in-law is a dumb girl. But purely on looks, without taking

anything else into account... ah, moot point. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder anyway...

01-07-2005, 09:08 AM

01-07-2005, 09:27 AM
Well, you think about high

school and the different cliques everyone associated themselves with and where they ended up. Popular Britney types?

State school. Those two hot twin chicks? Community college. Geeky band/ math club types? Ivys and privates. And you

know in high school how much looks count for everything, especially what social group you belong in. I think it's

all some type of social conditioning. But, it changes when you get out of university... There is definitely

something to be said here about changing and maturing tastes. Not to mention that more schooling inevitably brings

greater wealth which means more money and time to spend on improving one's looks.

01-07-2005, 10:17 AM

You raise some

very good questions. I can't readily answer them because I don't really know the complete science behind

pheromones. I put them on and see what happens basically.

Anything with pheromones could be coincidence.

"Dee" could've given me her phone number with or without the mones. I'll never know. She could be looking for

some goober to do her homework for her. I'll have to find that out but for the moment, I'm counting it as a hit.

Also, in my message I stated the only part of the evening I counted as a hit was my interaction with


Well, last night was a completely different outcome. I wore one spray of The Edge to my chest along

with 2 drops of WAGG spread behind each ear. Covered the mones with Silver Mountain Water. Last nights class

seemed to be very quiet and it seemed that everyone was a little tense. I did get a look and a smile from this cute

Indian girl but besides that, it was a very quiet night. Got lots of respect from guys. Especially when the

teachers asked questions, they would look me way to see if I had the answer. This surprised me because during

introductions I told the whole class that it was my first semester back in school and I had no business background.

By the way, the class is an Accounting class. The first class I reported on had a much friendlier feel to it.

I hope to have better results from my third class on Monday.

01-07-2005, 12:17 PM
ST: use less edge and u will get

better results. what u got was promising, u just need to adjust the edge volume.

kappa: I 100 percent agree

with you.........I had this argument with others on another thread a while back....really not worth arguing about,

it won't get anywhere, but you are completely right, since we both are speaking in general terms.

01-07-2005, 10:04 PM
...Now, are you

telling me that the mones had an imediate effect at 10 meters distance in what, 2 seconds after they entered the

That is fairly typical for an indoor environment which is not extremely breezy. I can sit myself

down in an empty cinema/theater and within 15 minutes be surrounded by women. Other people have report similar


The women are not consciously drawn to the pheromones. They don't know they prefer to sit where they

do, although some probably sit in these various regions out of habit.

There is less general agreement about the

effective range of pheromones outside and in very large enclosed spaces (such as grocery stores, malls, etc.). I

think we all feel that the more open the space, the faster the pheromones disperse, and the faster the range of

effectiveness drops off.

01-07-2005, 10:06 PM
Hey Friendly-

Ha, perhaps no real correlation, I agree. Like I said, it's a broad generalization, and while I disagree with

your above examples, I know there are smart beautiful women. Actually, I believe a brain will amplify a woman's

beauty. And, on the flipside, there are plenty of dumb ugly women. I'm just speaking empirically; go check out a

community college, a state school and then a top ranked university and you'll see what I've noticed, a trend if

you will.
I have been on plenty of campuses. I have never seen a trend such as you describe.

01-07-2005, 11:29 PM
[QUOTE=Friendly1 I can sit myself

down in an empty cinema/theater and within 15 minutes be surrounded by women. Other people have report similar


The women are not consciously drawn to the pheromones. They don't know they prefer to sit where

they do, although some probably sit in these various regions out of habit.


Bad example. I have been the first one in the cinema

myself, without wearing mones. And before I know it, I'm surrounded by women and others. It is because I try to

pick out the best seat to view the screen. And the women and others are doing the same.

Everything is not

always because of mones.

Plus, they blow that hot, buttery popcorn smell into the theater. I don't know how

anyone can smell anything but that.

01-08-2005, 02:51 PM

OK fine, we'll

disagree. We all have different eyeballs with which to see the world, and different brains with which to perceive

it. I hardly expect other people to see things the way I do, but I'll still express it. It's a pretty un-PC thing

to say, to say that there is some kind of correlation between beauty and brains, but I'm not going to discount my

opinion just cause it sounds bad. It's just that my experiences and what I've seen have led me to entertain a

possible correlation like that, though I don't necessarily subscribe to it. I no longer base attraction solely on

looks, I expect something more substantial behind a set of pretty eyes. But, given that, looks are the first thing I

notice, though I believe that I am fortunate enough to expect the entire package, not just a brain or

legs/lips/breasts/ass, but, rather, all of that.

01-08-2005, 07:16 PM
Bad example. I

have been the first one in the cinema myself, without wearing mones. And before I know it, I'm surrounded by women

and others. It is because I try to pick out the best seat to view the screen. And the women and others are doing the

Different people have different ideas of what is the best seat in the theater.

However, I can

sit down in an empty restaurant and quickly find women coming in to eat around me.

I can stand in a corner of a

room and, as people enter it, the women will come to stand next to me.

The pattern is consistent. It doesn't

work that way if I enter a crowd that has already formed. The women tend to stay where they are, but then I find

myself surrounded by a sea of head-swishing.

01-08-2005, 10:05 PM
Sorry, guys.

Some of your dogs just won't hunt. You ever see a picture of Mariln Vos Savant? She is GORGEOUS. And there are

plenty of other hot women who are extremely smart, including Goldie Hawn (whom many people perceive as dumb because

she acts that way) and plenty of other women. I have known smart hot girls in person. They are around. There are

plenty of not-so-hot/not-so-smart girls, too. There is no real correlation between looks and intelligence.

I have to agree. For example, I think Jessica Simpson acts like quite an idiot, but that's part of her

appeal. It takes a lot of confidence to "go with" the ditzy, submissive attitude, but most women know it works best

for catching men. I've never seen any Proust or introductory books on quantum physics on her coffee table, but I

think there's a certain amount of sly IQ involved with choosing to act like she does.

01-09-2005, 12:18 AM
"Ha, perhaps no real

correlation, I agree. Like I said, it's a broad generalization, and while I disagree with your above examples, I

know there are smart beautiful women. Actually, I believe a brain will amplify a woman's beauty. And, on the

flipside, there are plenty of dumb ugly women. I'm just speaking empirically; go check out a community college, a

state school and then a top ranked university and you'll see what I've noticed, a trend if you


I've spent most of my life attending and working at colleges of all types and many locations.

I haven't noticed such a trend and I'm a very observant guy, especially when it comes to women.