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View Full Version : What happened to my perceptions?

Rover The Dog
12-29-2004, 11:32 PM
Well, I kept my perceptions in my car for about a few days. I had it tucked away in a compartment under the

armchair between the drivers seat and passenger seat completely out of sunlight. Well later on, I decided to use it

and I noticed that the bottle was wet not as if it had been leaking but as if it were condensation. I thought it

odd but did not think too much of this. I put it back and then noticed it once more later on and decided to take it

out of the car and put it on my shelf at home. When I looked at it, it had gone from an almost full bottle to an

almost empty bottle. So I guess I am wondering how it escaped since it was tightly screwed and I really dont think

it leaked?

12-30-2004, 02:33 AM
Well there have been some

problems with leakege for some time now... I poured my perception into another sprayer...

12-30-2004, 09:38 AM
Same here.