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View Full Version : Problem page? Been done before???

11-27-2004, 08:49 PM

how about a board for P.D.B.S? (Poor Desperate B/ Syndrome!)

Seems to me, much of the thinking behind

people buying 'mones has to do with their entire makeup as a human being. We want to use them to make something

incredible happen. Proving ourselves worthy of the PDBS tag.

Surely, I'm not the only one...right


Anyway, a problem page, if you will, relating to the "what 'mones should I wear for

this situation 'cause it's important to me, blah, blah, blah" theme. Keeping the scientific, observational stuff

to the main board.

I'm just saying this, because it's been another rough day at the office. I won't bore you

with the details...yet (hehe), but I would really like to do so, sometime. However, I feel given the general content

of the discussion board (and the way I perceive it ought to be), this stuff belongs somewhere else.


probably not necessary, but just a thought of mine.


11-28-2004, 08:26 AM

There is an Off Topic

board that used to get used a LOT for various topics. I don't follow it very closely, but there are probably quite

a few folks who would respond to any interesting topic there.

I am not too clear on your question/problem,

but if it has anything to do with pheromones at all, I don't see why it couldn't appear in the main forum. If you

had a rough day at the office and could use a spot to let off some steam and/or get a little support and/or advice,

the Off Topic board should do the trick.
