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View Full Version : Need advice on using TE

11-22-2004, 11:22 AM
I am new to

this forum and to using pheromones in general. I ordered the beginners pack (comes with TE). I am looking for some

advice on how to and not to use this product. Where should I apply it? Should I cover it up with cologne? Should I

put it on using dabs, or put it in the atomizer? Any comments or thoughts in general that would be beneficial for a

beginner would be much appreciated.

BTW I am a 22 year old male and I am wanting to help spice up things in my

current serious relationship. Also to enhance my group leading skills (I am already a fairly comfortable public


11-22-2004, 11:54 AM
Ok here goes TE hey 2 sprays one

on youre shirt one on youre neck to start with - no more than 4 otherwise you could stink a lot.

You could go

with dabs. The edge comes in an atomiser anyway unless you got the gel packs.

11-22-2004, 11:59 AM
Thanks for the help. By stink I

am assuming you mean an OD. Even if I use 2 sprays is it good practice to cover it up with cologne anyway or should

I let it go au natural (would the cologne alter its effect)?

11-22-2004, 12:03 PM
You can try both 1 on each day ie

cover colonge or without and go au natural.

Experiment and see which one works if you get some neg reactions

cover it up or use less but otherwise it should be ok.

Keep us updated

11-22-2004, 12:07 PM
I'll keep everyone posted on

my experiences with it. I also got sample packets of SOE, Chikara, TE sandalwood. I plan on giving those a test run

as well. One final question in the beginners pack it comes with "Super Primal Fragrance" Im not 100% sure what that

is and how/if to use it. According to the store the only thing they sale is Super Primal oils, but on the

description of the pack it says it contains -nol. Is this the same product or am I talking about 2 different


11-22-2004, 12:11 PM
Some ANol i think - found it a low

level cover scent more than anything else unspecified low amounts of Anol i think.

11-22-2004, 12:12 PM
Thanks for the info!

11-22-2004, 12:13 PM
I wouldn't spray it on

clothing. When I use The Edge, I spray it on my chest. If I am going for an OD effect, I'll apply four sprays to

my chest (one in each quadrant) and one spray on each of my fore-arms. I cover with a good fragrance like Creed,

Amouage Dia, or Jaipur.

11-22-2004, 12:15 PM
6 total sprays...seems pretty

high compared to things Ive read. What type of results do you get using that combo?

11-22-2004, 12:22 PM
6 total

sprays...seems pretty high compared to things Ive read. What type of results do you get using that combo?

I have been ignored. I have been sexually mauled. And just about everything in-between.

Experimentation will

tell you more about what works for you than what works for us. But we share anecdotes so other guys can get an idea

of what to look for.

OD-level applications are usually only recommended for crowded environments: clubs,

concerts, seminars, etc. Wherever you will be around many, many people. The fewer people you expect to encounter

at any one time in a six-to-twelve hour period, the less you need to apply.

Heat can make the OD-level worse. I

used to wear OD-quality pheromones to the office with good results. One day, I took a girl to lunch and had a flat

tire. While she got extremely excited by my manly ability to save the day and change the tire, when I returned to

the office (after having done this in the late August sun), another girl told me I stank.

So, if you're going

to be outdoors on a hot day or night for any length of time, or engaging in a lot of physical activity, you want to

back off on the OD-level application.

Just this past weekend I found myself a bit rank after a long day of

dancing (three classes in the afternoon and clubbing at night). Didn't notice any women backing off in the late

evening, but I had definitely worked up a sweat several times. I was wearing Chikara and Natural Attraction. Got

plenty of hits. Spent some quality time with a beautiful young lady in my arms. But I was probably cutting it


11-22-2004, 12:23 PM
Well friendly likes to screem

pheromonally - lol you can get good results with 6 sprays but the women wont get to close lol.

Sugges you

perhaps start at 6 in a public place ie shopping mall and work backwards over 5 days back to 1 spray - the key is to

experiment experiement experiment. But 2-3 sprays is a good rational starting point.

11-22-2004, 12:46 PM
I cant wait to get started

experimenting (still waiting for my order to arrive). I just hope my SO (who has trouble smelling things anyway)

will be affected in a positive manner + standing out a little more at work wouldnt necessarily be a bad thing ;-)

11-24-2004, 08:31 AM
At last! I just received my

beginners kit in the mail today...cant wait to try them out. Anyway I mixed about 3.5ml of TE (unscented) with about

6 eyedropper drops of Super Primal EO Musk in the atomizer (btw it appears I am one of those guys that cant detect

the odor of pheromones--to me TE smells more or less like ethanol that I use in the lab). Anyway the mix has a nice

light musk scent to it...I'll post my results with it once I have tried it...im starting with 3 sprays and plan on

working from there.

11-24-2004, 08:43 AM
I can hardly smell the SPMO

at all, far less anything else. I have terrible sinus trouble to the point of having almost no sense of smell.

I'm having to experiment with ratios...recording results, etc, but I would actually prefer to go with the flow

once in a while and really be able to smell the stuff as a guide to appllication quantities.

I'm currently

looking for optimum SPMO amounts for 1 dab TE and 1 spray TE.

11-27-2004, 01:12 PM
Ok using the above mix I got

minimal results. I looked at my math and realized that i made a mistake and created a mix of roughly 7:110 SPMO:TE


So I went back to the "lab" and adjusted my formulat to try and mimic JB#2 (7:3 SPMO:NPA). To do

this I made a mix of 7:12 SMPO:TE since TE is more or less a diluted version of NPA. I reached these numbers since

NPA is 0.48mg/ml -none and TE is 0.12mg/ml -none hence 4x as much TE to reach same effect.

I plan on using 5

sprays to reach approixmately a 0.032mg -none concentration.

Pure TE has 0.1mg/ml -none
my mix is

12/19 of TE.
using V1 *C1 = V2 * C2
12 * 0.1 = 19 * x where x = concentration of -none in my mix per ml =

0.063mg -none
since my atomizer takes 10 sprays to = 1 ml that means 1 spray of my mix has roughly 0.0063mg of

-none in it. Based on my readings on the forum it seems that the best results are usually had around a 0.03 mg -none

concentration (please correct me if I am wrong) so 5 sprays = 0.032mg roughly.

Comments or Suggestions?

11-27-2004, 03:08 PM
TE:SPMO - 1:1 or 1:2, even

though you understood that NPA is 4X stronger than TE, it is still, for some reason, too much (12:7 TE:SPMO). My 2

cents, but still, you have to experiment, and since you've already mixed it ... go for it! 5 sprays is too much,

unless 2 are to your pits. Anywho, good luck in your findings. :run:

Newbie gal
11-27-2004, 09:47 PM
I mixed 4 parts of TE with 1

part of SPMO. It seemed to work with hub the first week. It doesn't work anymore, not since a week ago. Mobley,

should I use 1:1 instead? Of course, I'm using the ladies' version. Like Tiberius, I just want to spice up my

marriage and be well-liked at work.

Is TE more sexual and SPMO more social?

11-27-2004, 09:56 PM
Hmm, using 5 sprays...

noticed a couple of things.
1) My finacee seemed on edge all day either being really flirty/playful or

2) I have been feeling different since I put it on... Ive been feeling not necessarily aggressive,

but feeling the need to the need to go "assert my manhood" with a LOT of excess energy...kinda like the need to go

lift weights/workout or get a rush from driving very fast...that type of thing

Also as I am still awake I think

it might be affecting my ability to sleep...anyone had any problems with a possible OD on -none causing these types

of symptoms?

11-28-2004, 02:02 AM
I mixed 4

parts of TE with 1 part of SPMO. It seemed to work with hub the first week. It doesn't work anymore, not since a

week ago. Mobley, should I use 1:1 instead? Of course, I'm using the ladies' version. Like Tiberius, I just want

to spice up my marriage and be well-liked at work.

Is TE more sexual and SPMO more social?
NG, if

it's not working anymore, I'd try 1:1 or 2:1 SPMO:TE. Could you tell the forum how much and how are you applying

the mix? It will give the experts an idea as to what could be going wrong. You could also have a build up problem if

you're not doing anything to clean out your pores ... i.e. exercising. To be well-liked at work ... SPMO by


11-28-2004, 08:24 AM
How often should I reapply a

TE:SPMO mix. I mean what is the usual wear off period?

11-28-2004, 12:36 PM
Ok using the

above mix I got minimal results. I looked at my math and realized that i made a mistake and created a mix of roughly

7:110 SPMO:TE yikes!:LOL:

So I went back to the "lab" and adjusted my formulat to try and mimic JB#2 (7:3

SPMO:NPA). To do this I made a mix of 7:12 SMPO:TE since TE is more or less a diluted version of NPA. I reached

these numbers since NPA is 0.48mg/ml -none and TE is 0.12mg/ml -none hence 4x as much TE to reach same effect.


plan on using 5 sprays to reach approixmately a 0.032mg -none concentration.

Pure TE has 0.1mg/ml

my mix is 12/19 of TE.
using V1 *C1 = V2 * C2
12 * 0.1 = 19 * x where x = concentration of -none in my mix

per ml = 0.063mg -none
since my atomizer takes 10 sprays to = 1 ml that means 1 spray of my mix has roughly

0.0063mg of -none in it. Based on my readings on the forum it seems that the best results are usually had around a

0.03 mg -none concentration (please correct me if I am wrong) so 5 sprays = 0.032mg roughly.

Comments or

Suggestions?Use my spreadsheet on the pherolibrary



Newbie gal
11-29-2004, 08:52 PM
NG, if it's

not working anymore, I'd try 1:1 or 2:1 SPMO:TE. Could you tell the forum how much and how are you applying the

mix? It will give the experts an idea as to what could be going wrong. You could also have a build up problem if

you're not doing anything to clean out your pores ... i.e. exercising. To be well-liked at work ... SPMO by

The mix is 4 TE to 1 SPMO. I put 1 dab on left side of neck below the ear, 1 dab on the right

side. Then 1 dab on the top of my left breast. 3 dabs in all. A dab means I put my finger on the top of atomizer,

shake and apply.

I'll try it one more time tonight before I switch to 1:1 maybe tomorrow.

I take showers

every morning. I would think the soap will clean the mones out. Is that right?

11-30-2004, 03:34 AM
Ok guys and gals, I am still

not getting any (or at least noticing any clear cut hits or affects at work, school, romantically or otherwise)

clear results from wearing TE + SPMO. Yesterday I tried wearing one spray of pure TE on my chest (spread to my neck

with my wrists) followed by 1 drop of SPMO to each wrist. I am going to try this again today, but any other

suggestions on other ways/amounts to wear TE...I would really like to find out something that works for me.

11-30-2004, 07:41 AM
Have you tried dabbing TE?

11-30-2004, 08:09 AM

11-30-2004, 09:04 AM
Ok guys and

gals, I am still not getting any (or at least noticing any clear cut hits or affects at work, school, romantically

or otherwise) clear results from wearing TE + SPMO. Yesterday I tried wearing one spray of pure TE on my chest

(spread to my neck with my wrists) followed by 1 drop of SPMO to each wrist. I am going to try this again today, but

any other suggestions on other ways/amounts to wear TE...I would really like to find out something that works for

What do you want the pheromones to do for you? I mean, specifically, what sort of reactions are you

looking for?

You mentioned a fiance, so are you just looking for improved social interaction in general?

11-30-2004, 01:57 PM
Yes, maybe spice up things a

little bit with the misses (she is on the pill so I am not holding my breath for that one--she has been on her

period for the entire length of time I have been testing not sure how much that affects the mones).

For the

most part just enhance my social interactions in general (as in make it easier for me to grab other peoples

attention and keep that while I am speaking--I already have decent public speaking abilities...but I am always

looking for that little bit more of an edge)

11-30-2004, 02:15 PM

The main reason I

got involved with mones was business. At heart I am a computer geek who would much rather spend his working hours

haunched over his keyboard than out dealing with people. When I started my business I had to become the salesman and

mones helped a lot. I think that without them my business would only be half as busy as it is. One of the things I

do frequently is give presentations to small and medium groups, also to individual business owners. After much

experimenting I have found a set of rules that work for me and some of them might be of help to you. My personal

mone signature is probably a bit high on the none side so take that into consideration.

When speaking one on one

in an office environment I don't wear any none at all. WAGG or SoE have been the best. Any none at all has tended

to result in aggressive/defensive behavoir, especially with small business owners who are a pretty headstrong group

themselves. The exception is when I know the audience will be strictly female then I switch to Chikara.

When In

larger groups, say a roundtable discussion of 6 or more where I am moderating I will use either SoE or Chikara with

a small amount of TE or Perception. If I am not in a leadership position I leave out the TE/Perception.

When I

am looking for sexual hits I've had excellent results with a combo of 'weak' Chikara, TE and Pheros. Every woman

I know likes the smell and the hits have been great.

Your results will be interesting. Let us know how you do.

11-30-2004, 02:18 PM
Great business rules. Thanks.

11-30-2004, 02:21 PM
Well, I am graduating with my

BS this Spring, but I am also getting my commission in the US Army. I have had a decent amount of actual leadership

training and I am comfortable being in a leadership position. Once I commission this spring however I am going to be

put in charge of + or - 30 people and I want to have an edge when it comes to leading in a situation such as

that...thats why I thought about using edge, since more than likely the people I will be in charge of will be men (a

few women perhaps) and I want to have "the alpha male follow me" thing going for me. I am experimenting in my ROTC

unit at college, so the situation will be roughly the same.

11-30-2004, 02:29 PM
Most of my experience in life

has been in a leadership role of one sort or another. Mostly corporate with teams of technical people reporting to

me. During that time I knew nothing of mones. Instead I relied on some good leadership training. People will

willingly follow a leader who shows through actions that he thinks of his people first and supports them in every

way possible. Far too many leaders rely on the brute force approach, "I am in charge and you'll do what I tell

you". Your people will follow you that way, many grudgingly. But if they know that you think as "we" and they are

all part of it you'll have their enthusiastic support in many more cases. It's a harder approach to use but once

you earn their respect you'll have a far better team for it and your job will be much easier.

11-30-2004, 02:35 PM
Trust me, I have been on both

sides of that type of leadership and its definitely not the best way to go. I am not planning on having my

leadership style devolve back into that way of thinking.

The thing with the mones that I am wanting is for

whomever I may be addressing to "perk up" and think to themselves (subconscienously) "hey I should listen to this

type of effect.

11-30-2004, 02:49 PM
TRy using TE or Perception but

be sparing with it at first and you'd probably do well to avoid superior officers while wearing it.

11-30-2004, 05:11 PM
Hehe, yea I'll keep that in


11-30-2004, 07:29 PM
I take showers

every morning. I would think the soap will clean the mones out. Is that right?
Mobley's answer/thought

... NOPE. NG, if you've been reading, you've run across mone build up. I AM NOT an expert. With that being said,

this is a non expert's thought ... you know how women use make up, and at the end of the day, they wash their

faces, and then use one of those pads to thoroughly clean the rest of the make up off? That's how mone build up

works, I THINK. Showering won't cut it because of the oils, is my thought. If you're not sweating, your pores

won't become completely clean. Anyone? Anyone? Ideas/thoughts fer dee liddle lady? :blink:

Those are my

thoughts, BG, and I'm stikin wit'em! Hope I've kind of helped. :run:

11-30-2004, 09:30 PM

answer/thought ... NOPE. NG, if you've been reading, you've run across mone build up. I AM NOT an expert. With

that being said, this is a non expert's thought ... you know how women use make up, and at the end of the day, they

wash their faces, and then use one of those pads to thoroughly clean the rest of the make up off? That's how mone

build up works, I THINK. Showering won't cut it because of the oils, is my thought. If you're not sweating, your

pores won't become completely clean. Anyone? Anyone? Ideas/thoughts fer dee liddle lady? :blink: I accept

that buildup occurs because Jim Kohl and Bruce and some of the other long-timers and experts here say it occurs. But

it is a very confusing thing to consider.

On the one hand, some (or all) of the pheromones are converted by

bacteria on the skin (maybe just Androstenone). On the other hand, washing with soap is SUPPOSED to remove most of

them. And the rest eventually "burn off" through dissipation in the air.

I have gone light and heavy, and

skipped days. Maybe the buildup keeps me on a roll, maybe I just have game and dress well. Maybe I'm just lucky.

Some days, I get no interest at all from women -- maybe I am not around them, maybe I am not feeling well. Maybe

I'm just off.

So, do what makes you feel comfortable, experiment a little, and don't worry. People seem to get

all worked up over the little stuff. It's not like you have to get it all down inside a week.

12-01-2004, 06:50 AM
Ok, tried using 1 spray of TE

on my chest and 1 drop of SPMO on both wrists...seemed to get more attention and was more easily able to take charge

of the group (mostly guys)...not certain if it is the result of the pheromones...will keep experimenting with the

dosage of TE in respect to the SPMO.

12-01-2004, 02:36 PM
I have a question about

application amounts... which is larger a dab or a spray and what is the equivalents of one to make the other (ie how

many dabs = a spray or vversa). Also is a tab just putting finertip over mouth of bottle and flipping it once then

spreading what comes out on you or is it putting a cloth or something like that over the mouth and then spreading

what comes out on the cloth on you?

Newbie gal
12-01-2004, 06:43 PM
I have a

question about application amounts... which is larger a dab or a spray and what is the equivalents of one to make

the other (ie how many dabs = a spray or vversa). Also is a tab just putting finertip over mouth of bottle and

flipping it once then spreading what comes out on you or is it putting a cloth or something like that over the mouth

and then spreading what comes out on the cloth on you?
I would think that's what a dab is. Logically a

spray is much more than what a dab will give.

Newbie gal
12-01-2004, 06:47 PM
I accept

that buildup occurs because Jim Kohl and Bruce and some of the other long-timers and experts here say it occurs. But

it is a very confusing thing to consider.

On the one hand, some (or all) of the pheromones are converted by

bacteria on the skin (maybe just Androstenone). On the other hand, washing with soap is SUPPOSED to remove most of

them. And the rest eventually "burn off" through dissipation in the air.
I'm still not sure what friendly

and mobley mean. A few questions here.
- showering with soap can only wash out some of the mones, not all?

sweating can get rid of all the mones?
- if I apply again after the shower, there will be an od?
- if there is an

od, I will look aggressive instead of getting well-liked>

Is it 'yes' to all the above questions?

12-01-2004, 06:57 PM
Newbie....your skin is composed of a

lot of layers. Furthermore, it is porous, so stuff can penetrate to the lower levels. This is why buildup occurs.

Buildup mostly effects guys using a lot of none on a frequent basis that have small windows of none levels that they

can handle.

I doubt you will experience any of the negative buildup issues.

12-01-2004, 08:02 PM
I'm still not

sure what friendly and mobley mean. A few questions here.
- showering with soap can only wash out some of the

mones, not all?
- sweating can get rid of all the mones?
- if I apply again after the shower, there will be an

- if there is an od, I will look aggressive instead of getting well-liked>

Is it 'yes' to all the above

:type: What Friendly & BJF said. As to your question ... Mobley's answer ... without any

scientific background, speaking of meself ... yes, """I think""" tis all possible. :wave:

12-02-2004, 06:56 AM

have a question about application amounts... which is larger a dab or a spray and what is the equivalents of one to

make the other (ie how many dabs = a spray or vversa). Also is a tab just putting finertip over mouth of bottle and

flipping it once then spreading what comes out on you or is it putting a cloth or something like that over the mouth

and then spreading what comes out on the cloth on you?

A dab is done with a bare fingertip,

preferably after washing your hands so as not to contaminate the source. Using a cloth to dab would be a waste of

mones as the cloth would absorb a lot of liquid. I guess if you did it that way, you could carry the cloth in a

pocket or something afterwards, similar to Cassanova and his handkerchief. (I think that's who would wipe his

privates with a handkerchief and would carry it around to influence the women.)

12-02-2004, 03:32 PM
New result...I think I may be

getting close to a good mix for myself using these 2 products. Today I used a total of 4 drops of SPMO (1 on each

forearm and wrist) and a total of 2 dabs of TE, 1 smeared on each side of my lower neck (around the collar line).

Seemed to get a lot of attention today while at work and from my fiance. I had some meetings today and had

absolutely no problem taking center stage and giving good presentations (standing relatively close to audience

1-3meters away). The SO seemed a lot more touchy/feely today than normal.

The experiment goes continues...

Newbie gal
12-04-2004, 06:41 PM

result...I think I may be getting close to a good mix for myself using these 2 products. Today I used a total of 4

drops of SPMO (1 on each forearm and wrist) and a total of 2 dabs of TE, 1 smeared on each side of my lower neck

(around the collar line). Seemed to get a lot of attention today while at work and from my fiance. I had some

meetings today and had absolutely no problem taking center stage and giving good presentations (standing relatively

close to audience 1-3meters away). The SO seemed a lot more touchy/feely today than normal.

The experiment goes

Let me try your formula. A very important officer will come to visit this week. I'll be

meeting with him. This is a career related meeting - very important. Too bad I haven't got my EW and AE shipment

yet or do you think AE will do a better job - maybe 4 drops of SPMO and 2 dabs of AE? Comments are appreciated


12-05-2004, 06:04 AM
I couldnt give you any advice

on AE as I have only used it 1 time (fiancé loved the smell-a lot) and not experimented it with it at work on in

more social situations.

Newbie gal
12-05-2004, 08:16 AM
Anybody tried it at social

functions or at work?