View Full Version : New Alter Ego!!!!!

11-16-2004, 08:43 AM
I was wondering is

there gonna be a new type of alter ego available.It was a great standalone product but with so many new products out

now,I was wondering if there was a new and improved version coming soon.

11-16-2004, 10:51 AM
Why mess with success? AE works

great as it is and smells good. I say keep it the way it is.


11-16-2004, 11:01 AM
You are right about that, but I

also would say that just like any good product new marketing is always needed to stay ahead of the rest. But to be

honest I actually enjoy AE very much.I think an Alter ego and perception combo would be probably one of the better

combo's around. Although im still testing my perception alone now.

11-16-2004, 02:56 PM
They could do like they do with

laundry soap. Put it in new packageing, slap "New and Improved" on the box, and leave the contents the same! :lol:

:lol: :lol:

11-16-2004, 03:18 PM
Eh... AE and perception are

similar in their `mone ratios, and each have a solid amount of `none in them, mixing should be done with



11-16-2004, 03:20 PM
I like AE just as it is,

please don't change it ... it works !

11-16-2004, 03:48 PM
I used to like the smell

of the newer AE but now it kinda smells like cig smoke. Maybe because ive had this bottle since Feb 2003?

11-17-2004, 09:54 AM
I feel the old clear glass bottle AE

with the scent was the best, the Brown bottle AE unscented is good but it does have that soapy smell. It's still a

good product.