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View Full Version : Women are testing me, HELP!!

11-14-2004, 11:54 PM

this has got to be a test cause its happened to me 3 TIMES!! :( I start dating someone, everything seems to go

smoothly for a week or two, then all of a sudden they are unreachable. I never see them on instant messenger, cant

get them on the phone. I leave messages and no call back. This happened twice with one girl earlier this year.

Lost contact with her for 3 months. Thought maybe she just didnt like me. Finally got ahold of her again, and it

wasnt that she didnt like me, we even went out again, but once again they drop off the face of the planet.

Now I have one doing this to me again. Havent talked to her since Tuesday, cant get a response on the phone, no

call backs. No answers. Guess I should try calling her from a number that she doesnt recognize (as me) and see if

she answers. Is this some sort of test? How do I pass? :)

11-15-2004, 12:10 AM
We've all been through that one!

It means they're not looking for a serious relationship with you. It may not be you or anything you did, but for

some, midterms, papers and work take priority over boyfriends. Maybe they just got out of a heavy relationship and

need to play the field and chill. Just keep shoppin' around 'til ya get the real deal.

11-15-2004, 12:25 AM
You pass the test by not

pursuing her. If you start to chase after her she will lose any attraction she have for you. It is ok to make fun of

her for trying to play "hard to get", but apart from that move on to other girls.

11-15-2004, 05:33 AM
exactly what traggard said. you

shouldn't call her anymore, she has to call you. go hangout with your friends.

11-15-2004, 06:38 AM
You could also try to force

her to approach you. If she likes you and is testing you perhaps a threat of losing you to another woman might make

her to change her tactics. If you have a pretty relative(cousin for example) your target knows nothing about you

could "be seen" with her by your target or her friends. Perhaps a bit risky but something will most likely


11-15-2004, 07:06 AM

could also try to force her to approach you. If she likes you and is testing you perhaps a threat of losing you to

another woman might make her to change her tactics. If you have a pretty relative(cousin for example) your target

knows nothing about you could "be seen" with her by your target or her friends. Perhaps a bit risky but something

will most likely happen:lol:

But I dont see her anywhere in public. The only time this could work is

if I show up where she works with someone. She would know what I was trying to do if I do that tho.

11-15-2004, 07:26 AM
If one of her friends see

you with someone she´ll propably tell her that you are with someone else. But whatever you do, make her take the

initiative. Don´t try to call her etc...

11-15-2004, 07:38 AM
But I dont

see her anywhere in public. The only time this could work is if I show up where she works with someone. She would

know what I was trying to do if I do that tho.just ignore her then and make her come to you. she's

controlling your reality right now, turn the tables and control her reality. also anything you do has to appear

natural for it to work.

11-15-2004, 07:57 AM
And take it from me, take those

restraining orders seriously. Don't wait til she knocks you down and carves 'YAWA OG' on your forehead.

It still stings when I laugh...

11-15-2004, 09:34 AM
Lots of fish in the sea,

keep fishing with those mones. And mones are the secret bait. It works.

11-15-2004, 10:14 AM
don't sweat any of them ladies, never!:nono: they are not looking for a relationship just to

have fun! you should be doing the same. use your mones to find and date others. maybe then you can find a

relationship, but in college you should be trying to shag every beauty that moves:kiss: . have fun!

11-15-2004, 02:59 PM

college you should be trying to shag every beauty that moves:kiss: . have



11-15-2004, 03:36 PM
I recommend leave her alone for

awhile, maybe, she not interested and didn't

want to confront you. I go in MIA mode too, when I don't like

that person and

they continue to be

Og Kush Marijuana (http://trichomes.org/marijuana-strains/og-kush)

11-15-2004, 03:57 PM
Best way to get someone away from

you: "I am not interested"

If you respect the person, that's what you do. But I agree, you've got to move

on and forget you even had anything going on with her.

11-15-2004, 10:32 PM
Got in touch with her

today. She said her phone was messed up. Went over there and everything seems ok. Suppose I jumped to conclusions

that she was testing me :)

11-15-2004, 10:53 PM
probably phone wasnt messed

up sounds like a part of the game !!!! i wouldnt playor if you do its your move back off and let her look for you!

11-15-2004, 10:57 PM
most women in my experience

do not like a guy who is too easy show a little interst and let them chase you a bit being too needy will turn them

right off! i just gave you some classsic good advice i never follow lmao!!!!!!:rofl:

11-16-2004, 08:34 AM
Phone messed up? That's bullshit

I sense mayhem coming :D


11-16-2004, 10:53 AM
I got the "my phone is a piece

of sh*t" from a girl for a long while... but then I really started to pay attention when I was hanging out, and

guess what... her phone worked great! To top it off, while I was "the greatest guy" and was getting lots of hits

from her, she found some other guy and totally threw me to the back burner. I've stopped calling her or even going

by her place to say "what's up." If I run into her, it's her move... I don't have time for bullshit games like



11-16-2004, 02:18 PM
Couple of things -


don't just drop off the face of the earth. Period. We may seem to for a few days, but not any longer than that.

That girl you lost touch with for 3 months you talked about in your first post? No way. She was avoiding you, and

then when you finally got in touch with her again it was because she allowed you to. When you went on another date,

it was because she changed her mind and decided to give you another chance or something. She most definitely did

not just drop off the face of the earth, and you didn't just "loose touch". Things like that don't just happen

for 3 months.

Secondly, phones do screw up. Some people do use this as an excuse, but many times it is genuine.

I know I've missed many a phone call from guys i've actually been interested in because I turned my ringer off

durring a class and forgot to turn it back on. *kicks self* Sucks, but it's very possible, especially if she's in

school. But once again, this doesn't happen for long. It can happen for a day or two, at most three. She could

also have just been really busy that time.

But rule of thumb is that if this happens for more than a week at a

time, or happens over and over, something's wrong. She's lost interest. She's a wuss for not telling you

straight out and avoiding you instead, but that's what she's doing. Move on, and find someone better who will

actually be straight with you.

11-16-2004, 02:59 PM
She's a wuss for

not telling you straight out and avoiding you instead,
Move on, and find someone better who will

actually be straight with you.

well, the most part of women / girls are wussies in your sight then,

because they don't tell you straight, especially if you have not really developed something big (NOT even then). it

just doesn't happen.

and yes, I totally degree with silver, MOVE ON to the next flower. don't just hang on

to her, because that's wussy behaviour. and her phone in this case was not screwed! that was just a way to avoid



11-16-2004, 06:32 PM
well, the most

part of women / girls are wussies in your sight then, because they don't tell you straight, especially if you have

not really developed something big (NOT even then). it just doesn't happen.
There are girls who are

mature enough to be straight with a guy. But there are a lot of them who don't understand that men just want to be

told straight out -- perhaps because they know some guy who wouldn't back down when he WAS told straight out.

The biggest mistake guys seem to make with women is rushing things, getting needy and clinging, trying to be the

one guy in their lives.

It would be great if we could meet Miss Right, recognize her, and she recognize we're

Mister Right all in a moment. But it doesn't happen that way, except on very, very rare occasions. Most of the

time, people have to learn to calm down (both guys and girls) and go with the flow.

It takes time and


11-17-2004, 01:06 AM
Basic rule

Ive had this in

the past if they cut off contact for more than 2 weeks and then dont contact you it isnt serious.

She will

let you know if she wants to take it further

Hold old are you anyway if youre under 24 a lot of the younger

ones just aint interested in long term youre a quick root and that is it.

11-17-2004, 05:53 AM
Hold old are you

anyway if youre under 24 a lot of the younger ones just aint interested in long term youre a quick root and that is

I find the opposite to be true. Most women under 25 seem to want steady boyfriends, if only for

social reasons. They drop prospects quickly if they have more than one to choose from.

They don't look at

older men as prospective boyfriends. Not at first. It takes time for an older guy to get a girl to think of him

that way, unless she has already had a relationship with an older man and is still interested in exploring that

option again.

11-17-2004, 03:22 PM
Hold old

are you anyway if youre under 24 a lot of the younger ones just aint interested in long term youre a quick root and

that is it.

23, and shes 21.

11-17-2004, 09:04 PM
SHes only 21 she is still playing

the field im in the 24-26 group myself.

Personal experience is i tend to attract women aged 25-28 - the

younger oens are just to fritty.