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11-12-2004, 10:37 AM
Can it

be done over time? I as because in Middle School and High School, I definitely was "the nice guy." Got reactions

similar (but not as intense) as a heavy SOE day, and always was in LJBF land. Continued on into college. Now that

I've altered my phsique and even approach to things, is it possible that I naturally have a more `none heavy

signature than before? I can understand phermone production going down as one ages and hormone levels decrease, but

is this increase possible?

I guess the short is, can changing behavior patterns to make oneself more alpha,

change smeone's phermone profile (over a LONG timespan)?


11-12-2004, 11:22 AM
i was thinking the same thing. as

i make my process from beta to alpha i was wondering if my mone signature was changing.

11-12-2004, 11:30 AM
Certainly. The brain and body

reform themselves to choices one makes. Some is genetically determined, but not all.

11-12-2004, 11:39 AM
so, basically as with NLP / self

talk / affirmations it is possible to change your personality, it is also able to change your personal pheromone


ANY forum members with deeper knowledge about NLP?

11-12-2004, 12:19 PM
I figure that since your

testosterone levels increase and decrease depending on when you've last ejaculated or worked out, that your

pheromones would be the same way. A buddy of mine went from being a little wiener kid to a giant muscular body

building firefighter. Now I'm going to assume that his pheromone signature is more alpha now, but that's just a


11-12-2004, 01:07 PM
Oh yes the NLP - it can help with

phobia removal - knowledge and speeding up learning retnetion and memory and yes it can be helpful in emotional

situtations and yes i have used NLP to change my mindset from fat whimp at 18 to mid 20s and balanced, dont take

shit etc.

11-12-2004, 01:13 PM
so, basically

as with NLP / self talk / affirmations it is possible to change your personality, it is also able to change your

personal pheromone signature?

ANY forum members with deeper knowledge about NLP?
The brain (i.e.

Psychology) is a wonderful and mysterious thing. People with Multiple Personality Disorder can do anything from

have different levels of vision impairment (20/20 vs. someone who needs thick glasses) to different voices to

different IQs. The body and the mind are not set in stone. If you start lifting weights, your signature is going

to be different...stronger and more prominent.

The following things could change your pheromone signature or

levels of that signature:

1. Diet
2. Exercise
3. Personality
4. Belief System
5. Mood
6. Sexual Arousal

7. Age

I'm sure there are more, but I'm a little short on time. The thing is that all of the above

factors affect the chemical balance of your body. Testosterone levels fluctuate, what your body uses to produce the

chemicals changes, etc.

For the NLP example, your state of mind, belief system, and body positioning have a

tremendous influence on your body's chemical makeup. I'll give you an example:

You're sitting at a computer,

correct? Slouch your shoulders, put your head down, and have bad posture. How do you feel now? You're probably a

little tired compared to how you were before (or the same if that's how you were sitting a moment ago). Now, get

into a position of good posture, pull your shoulders back, take a deep breath, and keep your head up. How do you

feel now? You probably feel a little more alert. How does your body react to this chemically? Well, you're more

likely to be producing good -mones while alert, confident, and positive than when you are slouched, tired, and

negative. In addition, you just improved your attractiveness to women by doing so. Who wants to be around the guy

who's down?

Think negative thoughts and completely tear yourself down. How does your body react? It shuts

down. It puts you in a slow, depressed, unhealthy state of mind. Your body is no longer producing -mones to

attract the women you want because that's no longer your focus. You're feeling bad and your belief system put you

in a bad state of mind, which then made your body shut down healthy -mone production. In fact, your body

positioning might've changed during this process as well.

Think positive thoughts and bring yourself into a

positive mood. How does your body react? Well, you probably have better posture or at least are in a different

position than you were when you were negative. You're probably feeling better. You're now promoting healthy

bodily function, and your body is in the best state now to produce -mones and attract women because everything is in

peak condition.

Hopefully the above examples gave you a sense of how different factors change your -mone

levels and -mone production. I am sure you have a gist of how the other factors work as well (e.g. eating healthy

would give your body the tools it needs to produce the best -mones).

As my own testimonial to the above

information, I can say that I am very successful at 1 and 2 (working hard at 3 and 4, which would influence 5 and

6...7 is permanent, (un)fortunately), and I am surprised at how pleasant my sweat smells. Although over time all

sweat gets kind of funky, I notice that my fresh sweat around the main -mone-producing areas is pretty nice.

11-12-2004, 01:14 PM
so, basically as

with NLP / self talk / affirmations it is possible to change your personality, it is also able to change your

personal pheromone signature?

ANY forum members with deeper knowledge about NLP?
i don't know much

about nlp but all it really took for me was affirmations, self talk, and visualization. i picked all that up from

ross jefferies' unstoppable confidence tapes. but i also think you need to have a strong desire to be alpha for it

to work or else you'll be left wondering why it doesn't work. just like the guy that goes to the gym twice a week

and goes to mcdonalds afterwards and wonders why his body doesn't look like usher's.

11-12-2004, 01:24 PM
pancho you have a good handle on


Trock do a google search not so much on ross jeffries but the mainstream NLP it can be more helpful and

more broadbased instead of just the element of pick up tips - suggest you do some heavy reading.

Its worth

the effort.

11-12-2004, 01:30 PM
Replacing "inert" body fat with

metabolically active muscle mass may have some influence.

11-13-2004, 02:34 AM
Lol thanks mtnjim yes that inert

body fat was an issue - now its metabolically activce muscle mass that gets put to good use and a ongoing extreme

workout to keep it that way.

11-13-2004, 07:22 PM
Tall. dark, and handsome is a

visual description of an olfactory profile, and all three visual descriptors indicate a lifelong association with

testosterone levels. Testosterone promotes the growth of the bones that make males taller than females; promotes the

darker skin tone-via increased production of red blood cells; and promotes the development of symmetrical features

which are judged to be most masculine/attractive by females. Females also prefer the scent of symmetrical men. How

do such preferences (e.g., for a tall, dark, and handsome man) develop? They are conditioned through associations

with the natural body odor of others who are found to be most interesting/arousing/rewarding. That's why by

wearing pheromone products that enhance your masculine (i.e., testosterone based) scent signature, you can appear to

be a more desireable male--even though your appeal is based on unconscious associations. I've detailed this in my

book. Also the link between exercise, muscle development and increased masculine pheromone production is a

given--since this link is also testosterone related. Waist to hip ratio is what's generally referred to as the

"figure" men and women find most desireable. Men prefer 0.7 in women, women prefer approx 1.0 in men (though one

report did indicate that a little higher WHR was still acceptable in men). And, did you ever wonder why tanning

became popular as a "healthy" look? Darker skin tone and the testosterone connection make sense--even for women, who

could be expected to have increased sex drive with darker skin tone.


11-13-2004, 07:27 PM
That's very interesting

11-14-2004, 02:44 AM
Hello james kohl thanks for the

post there havent read you for a while.

On a side note have you seen the australian company "epitan" which

has had very successful results with inplantable meitonian slow realise pellets into the abodmen that over 12 months

has sent its test subjects from white to very brown. Basically it will do away with tanning salons and even lying

on the beach as the increase melatonin levels (africans have much higher levels hence the black skin) but the slow

realise from the pellet similar to naltrexone implants for rapid treatment of herion addicts.

It simply

naturally raises youre melatonin and therefore you get a natural tan.

Very exciting technology (im a small

shareholder and thought it might be a useful additoin slightly off topic to the discussion) how about a slow realise

androgen to raise natural testorone levels or perhaps for older men testostrone slow realise to help combat hte

aging process. ?

11-14-2004, 04:39 AM
Wow very interesting. Did you mean

melanin and not melatonin? I take melatonin to help me sleep. It's a naturally produced hormone for sleep.

Melanin is dark pigments.

11-14-2004, 12:41 PM
Hello james

kohl thanks for the post there havent read you for a while.

On a side note have you seen the australian company

"epitan" which has had very successful results with inplantable meitonian slow realise pellets into the abodmen that

over 12 months has sent its test subjects from white to very brown. Basically it will do away with tanning salons

and even lying on the beach as the increase melatonin levels (africans have much higher levels hence the black skin)

but the slow realise from the pellet similar to naltrexone implants for rapid treatment of herion addicts.


simply naturally raises youre melatonin and therefore you get a natural tan.

Very exciting technology (im a

small shareholder and thought it might be a useful additoin slightly off topic to the discussion) how about a slow

realise androgen to raise natural testorone levels or perhaps for older men testostrone slow realise to help combat

hte aging process. ?
Yeah, they supposedly have a "Barbie Pill" coming out soon, too...it's supposedly a

weight-loss/tanning/---what was the third thing...I can't remember...I think I wrote about this on the forum

before---pill that'll probably be the most popular vanity product ever invented...

11-14-2004, 12:46 PM
Yeah, they

supposedly have a "Barbie Pill" coming out soon, too...it's supposedly a weight-loss/tanning/---what was the third

thing...I can't remember...I think I wrote about this on the forum before---pill that'll

probably be the most popular vanity product ever invented...:blink: Say what Panchito? I'm pretty

dissapointed in you.. You have one of the best memories ever!
BTW What ya' doing at work on a Sunday afternoon my


11-14-2004, 01:00 PM
And, did you ever

wonder why tanning became popular as a "healthy" look? Darker skin tone and the testosterone connection make

sense--even for women, who could be expected to have increased sex drive with darker skin tone.

Hmm...interesting thought. Whereas I had always thought that a preference for skin color is mostly culturally

based, depending on what your particular culture thought was desirable in terms of activity. For example, east

asian countries very strongly believe that whiter skin is the most beautiful. Now, I know for a fact that this

comes from a socio-economic preference: if you were paler, it meant that you didn't need to work out in the fields

and so forth. Paleness was a sign of social stature, and thus beauty. It was most prevelant in the imperial age,

but this line of thought has only been strengthened through generations since the cultural ideals haven't changed.

Your average run-of-the-mill facial in China in a cheap salon, for example, will include a skin-bleaching session.

Whereas, in the U.S., a tanned look is prefered because it is healthy, it means that this person goes out often

and is active. Sexual activity and freedom might be a factor as well, but I think the cultural view of the ideal

lifestyle is the determining factor when it comes to most desirable skin color.


11-14-2004, 01:02 PM
Epitan is doing some really

interesting stuff. Sometime either late this year or early next they were planning on starting trials in the US. If

you want to know more about it, go here:


You can sign up to be part of the tests too.

11-14-2004, 01:03 PM
Epitan is

doing some really interesting stuff. Sometime either late this year or early next they were planning on starting

trials in the US. If you want to know more about it, go here:


You can sign up to be part of the tests too.Hey Bel,
Thanks for the link I'm going to go check it out.

11-14-2004, 01:09 PM
The primary goal is to provide

a product for high sun damage/skin cancer risk people to help protect them from sun damage. Since it is an implant

it will be something your doctor will have to prescribe and place.

11-14-2004, 01:25 PM
:blink: Say

what Panchito? I'm pretty dissapointed in you.. You have one of the best memories ever!
BTW What ya' doing at

work on a Sunday afternoon my darling?:think:
I think the third one was a contraceptive, but I

can't 100% recall...maybe it was just skin-revitalization or something...grrr...I searched the forum and didn't

find a post from me mentioning it... :think:

11-14-2004, 07:23 PM
... I had always

thought that a preference for skin color is mostly culturally based, depending on what your particular culture

thought was desirable in terms of activity...

... in the U.S., a tanned look is prefered because it is

healthy, it means that this person goes out often and is active. Sexual activity and freedom might be a factor as

well, but I think the cultural view of the ideal lifestyle is the determining factor when it comes to most desirable

skin color.


Lionesses prefer males with darker manes; a sign of higher testosterone.

One might argue that this is a cultural thing with the lionesses, but the argument wouldn't get too far with a

biologist. There are far too many examples from the animal kingdom that link testosterone and visual (and even

auditory-in bird song) preferences. I'm not saying that culture plays no role, it's just that in all animals

biology (not culture) is the driving force. So, how would culture come to dominate human sexual preferences?

Besides, tanning is a self-destructive behavior when it comes to visual appeal in later years. Most humans are smart

enough to realize this, but continue to operate on a simple minded risk/reward ratio that promotes attraction now,

while risking the future as a prune.


11-14-2004, 07:34 PM
i go tanning, i have darker skin

to begin with. from what i understand if you're blond hair blue eyed, you're more likely to be screwed over than

naturally dark skinned people.

11-14-2004, 07:48 PM
if you're blond hair

blue eyed, you're more likely to be screwed over than naturally dark skinned people.

Men are more

likely to prefer blond/blue eyed women because along with the genetics of hair/eye color come a scent association

that is more characteristically female. But it's not just about hair/eye color; it's also about hair length--since

long hair traps more scent. How many men prefer women with short hair to women with long hair? Even a raven haired

Asian can rely on the link to a naturally more feminine scent to attract men, since Asians produce less natural body

odor. Why were men with long hair considered effiminate (by other men) when first the hippies started letting it all

hang out. Again, people think about the visual connection, while forgetting that the odor associations rule in all

other mammals--and nearly all species, in general.


11-14-2004, 08:07 PM
I'm not saying

that culture plays no role, it's just that in all animals biology (not culture) is the driving force. So, how would

culture come to dominate human sexual preferences?

Then how do you explain the marked preference for

paler skinned individuals in Asian countries? Or monarchial europe? The queenly paleness that characterized the

upper class was by far the preferred skin tone of England in the past, for example.

Consider the change in

American sexual preference alone throughout the course of history. Decades ago, the ideal woman was the size 8

marilyn monroe. And while not everyone has an affinity for the stick-thin models that prance around the nearest

television screen, our collective ideal has changed quite a lot. Perhaps it's not a size 0, but a size 4 at least,

and most would consider a size 8 to be a bit approaching pudgy. How can this change be anything but cultural?


think its safe to say that, while humans do rely a lot on biological imperative when it comes to sexual preference,

we are much more affected than other animals by culture. The degree is arguable...perhaps culture does not dominate

biology, but it is at least just as important.


11-14-2004, 08:13 PM
Men are more likely

to prefer blond/blue eyed women because along with the genetics of hair/eye color come a scent association that is

more characteristically female. But it's not just about hair/eye color; it's also about hair length--since long

hair traps more scent. How many men prefer women with short hair to women with long hair? Even a raven haired Asian

can rely on the link to a naturally more feminine scent to attract men, since Asians produce less natural body odor.

Why were men with long hair considered effiminate (by other men) when first the hippies started letting it all hang

out. Again, people think about the visual connection, while forgetting that the odor associations rule in all other

mammals--and nearly all species, in general.

i meant the whole tanning is bad for you


11-14-2004, 08:14 PM
i meant the whole

tanning is bad for you thing.

So are piercings.

11-14-2004, 08:34 PM
Then how do you explain

the marked preference for paler skinned individuals in Asian countries? Or monarchial europe? The queenly paleness

that characterized the upper class was by far the preferred skin tone of England in the past, for example.

Consider the change in American sexual preference alone throughout the course of history. Decades ago, the

ideal woman was the size 8 marilyn monroe. And while not everyone has an affinity for the stick-thin models that

prance around the nearest television screen, our collective ideal has changed quite a lot. Perhaps it's not a size

0, but a size 4 at least, and most would consider a size 8 to be a bit approaching pudgy. How can this change be

anything but cultural?

I think its safe to say that, while humans do rely a lot on biological imperative

when it comes to sexual preference, we are much more affected than other animals by culture. The degree is

arguable...perhaps culture does not dominate biology, but it is at least just as important.


I don't think he's arguing against culture shaping what we find attractive. He's more

so touching upon what humans find attractive at our biological "default settings."

11-14-2004, 08:36 PM
Men are more likely to

prefer blond/blue eyed women because along with the genetics of hair/eye color come a scent association that is more

characteristically female. But it's not just about hair/eye color; it's also about hair length--since long hair

traps more scent. How many men prefer women with short hair to women with long hair? Even a raven haired Asian can

rely on the link to a naturally more feminine scent to attract men, since Asians produce less natural body odor. Why

were men with long hair considered effiminate (by other men) when first the hippies started letting it all hang out.

Again, people think about the visual connection, while forgetting that the odor associations rule in all other

mammals--and nearly all species, in general.


Blond hair

does contrast against the skin differently than dark hair, showing ones skin flaws more easily (dark spots against

light background) and enabling one to notice clear skin more easily (no distracting dark background). Clear skin

signals youth and health which is generally a sign of reproductiveness in females.

Look at a blond and a

brunette, and it seems as if the blond's skin stands out more.

11-14-2004, 09:29 PM
I don't think he's

arguing against culture shaping what we find attractive. He's more so touching upon what humans find attractive at

our biological "default settings."

That's correct! Culture may shape preferences, but the underlying

process that allows for sex differences in preferences is biological. Also, most people give way too much credit for

cultural influences when, in reality, they just don't understand the biological basis of cultural change. Take odor

adaptation, for example. Even a biologically stimulating odor will, over time, become less stimulating. So, the

odor focus changes. For example, most people assume that exposing a large portion of the female breast--common

during some cultural periods--became less common due to something culturally based. Few people would ever think that

men became so accustomed to the increased pheromonal stimuli coming from the exposed breasts, that they adapted to

the stimulus. And few women would ever think that the change from breast exposure to leg exposure was anthing other

than cultural, when it was more likely because there was a biological need to keep men's interest, and men were

becoming less pheromonally stimulated/interested in breasts. So, change the focus to the

legs/crothch/butt/midriff--whatever it takes to keep men interested. But it takes something different every few

years because men adapt to the odor of women's body parts over a period of a few years. Then, along comes someone

like Bo Derek--tanned blond on the beach--who helps establish a new cultural ideal (like the pale queen), and all of

a sudden tanned blonds are preferred. So, then we see more tanned blonds; adapt to them/their odor, and another

change must occur. Meanwhile, the women continue to prefer exactly the same tall/dark/handsome (testosterone

charged) males that they always have preferred--because their biological imperative dictates choice for reproductive

fitness (i.e., a masculine scent signature). Who cares if he has long hair--if he's muscular? A man's biological

imperative dictates that once he has adapted to a woman's (or all women's) scent signature--it will take something

new to again arouse further his sexual interest. Women thrive on their interest in testosterone charged reproductive

fitness. I shouldn't need to say much more about biology versus culture. Most people have enough common sense to

realize that culture doesn't compare well, when it comes to sexual motivation. After all, culture dictates that we

should all be heterosexual. Biologically based predisposition and social environmental odor conditioning allow for a

gamut of sexual preferences--many of which are not culturally acceptable. Do the sexual preferences change--or does

the culture change to accept the variety sexual preferences--where's a Puritan when you need one? Does culture

change our food preferences, or is it the chemical appeal of different foods that allows for developmental changes.

How many of you liked the taste of coffee or beer when you were 6-10 years old? What changed over the next 4-8

years? Your olfactory system--and with it, your taste preferences, which are largely determined by odor. Why don't

more people "get" this? Maybe I should write another book as part of an ongoing series: Odor associations for

dummies. The books became popular for their common sense approach to teaching. Odor associations are common sense to

many. Cultural associations--at least from a biological perspective--make no sense at all without the odor

associations. Perfumed/powdered wigs, anyone? Give me a redhead, any day.
Culture and biology equally important?

Not a chance. My preference for redheads is due to a different pheromone/scent signature and very rewarding sexual

experiences as a result of the difference. I haven't adapted, thankfully, since there are so few true redheads out



11-15-2004, 06:05 AM
I have always found tanning

very unattractive, both for me and women of potential interest.

And the optimal male waist-to-hip ratio is

less than 1 (usually circa 0.9 in studies of women rating male attractiveness). For health reasons (which

attractiveness should signal), lower than 1 is also better.

11-16-2004, 08:42 PM
Does this mean if I increased

my testosterone by working out a lot (I haven't worked out in a couple of months now) or some other means that my

skin could get darker?

Tall. dark, and handsome is a visual description of an olfactory

profile, and all three visual descriptors indicate a lifelong association with testosterone levels. Testosterone

promotes the growth of the bones that make males taller than females; promotes the darker skin tone-via increased

production of red blood cells; and promotes the development of symmetrical features which are judged to be most

masculine/attractive by females. Females also prefer the scent of symmetrical men. How do such preferences (e.g.,

for a tall, dark, and handsome man) develop? They are conditioned through associations with the natural body odor of

others who are found to be most interesting/arousing/rewarding. That's why by wearing pheromone products that

enhance your masculine (i.e., testosterone based) scent signature, you can appear to be a more desireable male--even

though your appeal is based on unconscious associations. I've detailed this in my book. Also the link between

exercise, muscle development and increased masculine pheromone production is a given--since this link is also

testosterone related. Waist to hip ratio is what's generally referred to as the "figure" men and women find most

desireable. Men prefer 0.7 in women, women prefer approx 1.0 in men (though one report did indicate that a little

higher WHR was still acceptable in men). And, did you ever wonder why tanning became popular as a "healthy" look?

Darker skin tone and the testosterone connection make sense--even for women, who could be expected to have increased

sex drive with darker skin tone.
