View Full Version : Have your friends caught on?

11-11-2004, 04:53 PM
I am wondering

if anybody has friends or co-workers who have caught on that something wierd is going on with you.

Women turn

into zombies, do 360s or generally just flock to you.

Anybody have those around them question these things?

As in, where the hell do you get that mojo, or why do people vacantly stare at you?

11-11-2004, 05:49 PM
You know it's funny because

I've had three girls in their late teens almost falling out in giggles one day. When another guy tried flirting

with them, they ignored him.

I very seriously doubt that anyone I know will catch on because I'm very

discreet about it. Generally they'll attribute womens reactions to my personality and sense of humor.

11-11-2004, 09:56 PM
They have, but only if they get

help from me (tell them). And most of the time, they still don't believe me. ;)

Anyhow no one in my family

(only 3 friends, one of which was a forum member) knows exactly what I'm doing. So far they pretty much chalk it

up as me wearing cologne. They don't even seem to notice any of the "odd" rxns and if they do, I think they chalk

it up to normal mood swings.

Right now I just miss placed a 10 ml bottle full of Rogue Male (Grrrr). I have

a sinking feeling that my brother took it. Good thing that the only label on it was a white one with "RM" written

on it. Hmm . . . if he did take it I may be in for an entertaining sight. He really loves to slather on the

cologne. At the moment I believe that he has three women chasing him. Yes . . . this should be very entertaining

(yet expensive on my part) indeed. :D (snicker)

11-12-2004, 01:35 AM
I´ve told my mom what I´m

testing out. She was like: "Hey, next time you order something could you order something for me too?" :twisted:

11-12-2004, 01:50 AM
Me and my closest 50 friends know

about the pheromones (though since i changed jobs no one at the new workplace knows and im the centre of attention

lol - already been promoted lol)

That said the numerous invitations to attend parties BBQs etc ive had to

turn down mostly as i tell them i have a busy social life already so i cant spare the time - they appear cool with

it. Im only planning on working here for 6 months and am looking for something else.

11-12-2004, 04:30 AM
I Tell No One!why Share Your

Secrets About Mones ?it Means Less Women For You!

11-12-2004, 06:47 AM
A buddy of mine figured out

something was up - so I told him - I hooked him up with some gel paks which he tells me have worked out quite well

for him with his GF

11-12-2004, 07:49 AM
One time I thought I left all my

pheromones out in the bathroom, and my friend went in there. Not good. I was expecting to have to do some

explaining. Then when I went in there, I discovered they were tucked away.

Another time a friend of mine was

questioning me, like "what's up with you tonight?"

11-12-2004, 08:28 AM
knowledge is power, hide it well


11-12-2004, 01:03 PM
well i dont mention them anymore

unless specifically asked - that hasnt happened lol.

But yes knowledge is power i guess and anyone can type

sexual attraction into a search engine or how to attract women and pheromones are in there somewhere.

11-13-2004, 07:09 AM
I think mone wearers should

have our own "secret society".We shouldnt reveal sacred information about mones to outsiders.Do you give everyone

your credit card number too?Some things are just personal and should not be shared.If mones go "too mainstream" than

nobody will be getting any women because they realize that your wearing mones.If someone asks me what Im wearing

I'll just make up a phony name.

11-13-2004, 08:23 AM
As many of you know, sometimes

pheromone users can get some rather wacky results. Remember Big Gulps' super market scene?

Just wondering

if the odd behavior of targets sparked any questioning.

11-14-2004, 02:32 AM
I think most are to stunned to ask

- or are really focused on thier own world and cant be worried about you getting a line of 10 women hair flipping

and looking like stunned rabbits.

Or there to busy try to get the female attention themselves or getting in

yore way a question of "how you doing that" doesnt pop up.

Those situations where i am in where no one knows

and the most ive had is you lucky devil those women like you. Good luck man. No questions - they take it as

natural - they aint aware of pheromone linked behaviour and chalk it up to one of those mystery things.

11-14-2004, 06:08 AM
actually i got into pheromones

as me and one friend bought this one other pheromone product for last year's new year's party at a local place. it

was meant as a joke, because we did not really believe it. but we actually both had some sort of "hits", if you can

call them like that. or maybe just a placebo effect, don't know. anyways. a few months after new year's eve, i

found LS. before finding LS, i didnt know anything about ODing or what application i should use. we ODed BADLY on

the new year's party thinking "the more you wear, the more positive effect it has." as we all know, it was the

other way around... :)
my friend knows about the LS products, but he is not that excited about


but i have not got caught using pheromones, and i will never going to be = SECRET


"knowledge is power, hide it well" -- exactly!

11-15-2004, 04:01 PM

strongly agree with all of you that say we should keep things like mones a secret. Let me ask you this, do you think

an expert angler is going to broadcast to other fishrmen what his secret bait or techniques are. He would be quite

foolish to do so. I have also been active and practiced PE for over a year and like my experience with mones I do

know it works for me but there is no wy that I would ever let anyone know about my ways, even if they asked. The

closest thing I could compare this too is being a magician, they only talk with their close group of magician

friends and no one else, friends or family. I'm not saying not to be a giving person because I believe in abundance

but choose your gifts wisely. So IMO, go now...tell no one.

11-15-2004, 06:00 PM
Lets see here, my mom, my dad,

my brother(he tried stealing some, he's only 13). As well as all my friends, a few of which I sold some to;-)

11-15-2004, 06:02 PM
but no they don't think it

works, I told my brother it didn't work so he would stop using them, my friends still don't believe it and my

parents think its some scam on the internet