View Full Version : What mones work the best for certain races?

11-06-2004, 07:55 AM
Now that I have Chick-ara most of my hits come from Hispanic women.Do you attract different races with

Chick-ara or just one race.This doesnt have to be for just Chikara any mone that you use.I know it has seven

phermones in it but find it weird that Im just attracting one race but IM NOT COMPLAINING LOL!

11-06-2004, 08:14 AM
That's interesting! Even

though my preference is for hispanic or latin women, I mostly seem to attract northern european types while wearing

Chikara. Would you please tell us about your skin, hair and eye color? I am blond haired (well, grey now) and blue

eyed with very light skin.

11-06-2004, 08:52 AM

interesting! Even though my preference is for hispanic or latin women, I mostly seem to attract northern european

types while wearing Chikara. Would you please tell us about your skin, hair and eye color? I am blond haired (well,

grey now) and blue eyed with very light skin.Im 31 black male.Hispanics and Asians are my favorites.I never

had a hit from an Asian woman while wearing Chikara just all Hispanic

11-06-2004, 11:42 AM
I'm Asian and live on Oahu.

Asians are in the majority here. My personal experience is 'mones are less useful on Asian women than white or

black women. Asian women are attracted to me without 'mones, but mones don't seem to enhance it much. In fact, it

seems to frighten them. On the other hand, there are few black women here but they seem to seek me out when I'm

ODed on 'mones...

11-06-2004, 12:06 PM

I'm like

you, I've gotten most of my hits from hispanic women. I've gotten one hit from an asian woman since I've been

wearing mones. She was a woman who would always be in the workout room in my apartment complex. Everytime I saw

her she would give me this scowl, and then continue working out. The last time I saw her she was working out and

she struck up a conversation. She told me that she was moving to North Carolina the next day but that she had to

talk to me finally because "she always wanted me to talk to her but I never did". I would have never known by the

way she scowled but it did teach me to at least try a conversation with every girl I meet. You never know I


11-06-2004, 01:40 PM
What does work on Asian women (im

white myself)

NPA and Attraction (dont ask why but they do NPA moreso - attraction for me personally yeilded

to many gay hits)

11-07-2004, 12:22 AM
"What does work on Asian

women (im white myself)"
As I menioned above, 'mones don't seem to enhance your chances with Asian

women. In fact, they seem to drive them away. It's a stereotype, but since I'm Asian I'll say it, Asian women

tend to be sensitive to body odor. Most Asians don't need deodorant and often mistakenly assume other races neglect

showers due to their obvious perspiration odor.

The best thing is to be ultra clean, fashionable, avoid facial

hair, carry a thick wallet and make friends with Asian men (you'll meet more Asian women that way).

11-07-2004, 12:59 AM
<<It's a stereotype, but since I'm

Asian I'll say it, Asian women tend to be sensitive to body odor. Most Asians don't need deodorant and often

mistakenly assume other races neglect showers due to their obvious perspiration odor.>>

A scientific fact

actually, with regard to acropine sweat glands, or something. Someone smarter can elaborate.

As for avoiding

facial hair, this sort of has to do with this, as acropne sweat glands are in areas of hair, hair broadcasts

pheromones and helps smelly pheromone converions.

Another thing: Gegogi, have you tried wagg? I've had

success with asian women with that. Some other people have told me of the same. Also, V-5 was another product that

might work well with asians.

11-07-2004, 01:57 AM
WAGG? It's one of the few

products I haven't tried yet. Actually--and I have to pinch my self--I'm about as busy as I can possibily be with

Asian females, so a test drive of WAGG will wait until my next "dry" period. Once an Asian woman is comfortable with

you, even an OD of NPA won't keep her off you.

11-07-2004, 02:57 AM
Oh yeah i forgot about wagg - NPA

is also a "clean" smelling Anone product and that is probably why it is effective at least for me - i got sexually

involved with one asian girl a few years ago while using NPA - she was only visiting from overseas met her at a

singles bar not far from here backpacker hotel she was in town for a few weeks seeing the sights and she got some

good ol australian lovin on the side.

11-07-2004, 07:54 AM

using the recommended dosages (2 sprays), and is it the new Chika or the old Chika? :blink:


11-07-2004, 09:02 AM

I wasn't

using Chikara at the time, I was using The Edge. I use Chikara now but the area I live in doesn't have many asians

to experiment on

11-07-2004, 09:11 AM
<<It's a

stereotype, but since I'm Asian I'll say it, Asian women tend to be sensitive to body odor. Most Asians don't

need deodorant and often mistakenly assume other races neglect showers due to their obvious perspiration


A scientific fact actually, with regard to acropine sweat glands, or something. Someone smarter can


As for avoiding facial hair, this sort of has to do with this, as acropne sweat glands are in

areas of hair, hair broadcasts pheromones and helps smelly pheromone converions.

Another thing: Gegogi, have

you tried wagg? I've had success with asian women with that. Some other people have told me of the same. Also,

V-5 was another product that might work well with asians.Could you please tell me how much success using

WAGG on a scale of 1 to 10.10 being best."Old Realm" was my ace in picking up Asian women but Im tapped out.I havent

tried WAGG yet.

11-07-2004, 09:15 AM

STANDINGTALL, are you using the recommended dosages (2 sprays), and is it the new Chika or the old Chika? :blink:

Thanks!Yeah two or three on the neck.

11-07-2004, 09:35 AM
Could you please

tell me how much success using WAGG on a scale of 1 to 10.10 being best."Old Realm" was my ace in picking up Asian

women but Im tapped out.I havent tried WAGG yet.

I couldn't make a good judgement because I don't

use it often since getting chikara. I prefer that to "comfort" my npa, as it takes out the scare equally well, but

also does some other things.

However, it is a different product, and I still think wagg is better for asian

women targets. Since I am not too into asian women, I don't wear wagg too much. But I think it works well with

asian women, maybe with small amounts of none, based on what I've seen and heard.

It'd probably be best

if guys going after asian women with wagg chimed in.

Newbie gal
11-18-2004, 08:13 PM
What works best to attract

white North American men?

11-18-2004, 08:30 PM
One reason that asian women might

seem to be put off by -none is the body odor factor, yes. Once again, like gegogi, I can say this because I'm

asian lol. I think asians as a race just don't sweat as much, or rather just don't produce as much body odor. I

personally almost never produce BO. I'll work out or go running and I'll sweat, but I almost never smell. Maybe

if I didn't shower for like 4 days and worked out all the time, I would. As it is, I don't really use deodorant

because it doesn't make much of a difference...all it does is get my clothes white >.<

I find that I'm pretty

sensitive to BO on guys. However, this doesn't mean it's all about the clean, fresh scents. I love slightly

musky, spicy, warm scents on a guy, especially with woody notes like sandlewood mixed in. While I do like the fresh

scents, I find the warm sensuous ones more attractive. That having been said, muskiness to the point of BO is

something that I am quite sensitive to.

Hope this helps in nabbing the asian chicas:)

Newbie gal
11-18-2004, 08:32 PM
What do you consider to be

warm and sensuous smell?

11-18-2004, 08:33 PM
Asians have less acropine glands

which let out the smelly mones as well as different bacteria cultures which basically determine


Basically, asians just let out less mones and they are therefore more concious of their smells (less

de-sensitized or nose fatigued or whatever).

Newbie gal
11-18-2004, 11:12 PM
bjf, what's your background?

How come you know so much?

11-18-2004, 11:14 PM
When I wear a strong

Androstenone mixture, Asian women crawl all over me (I mean, LITERALLY). I have reported this before. I am part

Hispanic, part Anglo. I think the strong Androstenone mixtures help guys with women not in their ethnic group.


There must be some sort of ethnic group signature bandwidth (for

lack of a better description). That is, all the men in a particular ethnic group probably have similar pheromone

scents (common ancestry) within a certain range of parameters I am not qualified to define.

If a man alters his

signature so that he stands out from his own ethnic group, he may be more interesting to women from other ethnic

groups simply because he is so different. Biologically, different is good (it complements the woman's body

chemistry and DNA, thus -- hopefully -- enhancing the benefits of reproducing with someone outside the woman's

ethnic group).

The appeal of different ethnic groups is evident in frequent male fascination with "exotic"

(foreign, strange, ethnically different) women.

Within the white, Anglo, Caucasian community, there are many

ethnic sub-groups (usually most easily denoted by differences in height, skin tones, and hair coloring). These

sub-groups have intermarried so much through the past few centuries that there may be a super-ethnic signature band

for pheromones.

Now, women (and men) are probably naturally disposed to react well toward pheromones within

their native ethnic bandwidth (similarity assures compatibility of DNA, body chemistry while allowing for some of

the benefits of biological dis-similarity).

So, let's say there is a Weak Pheromone Factor which determines how

much appeal we have to members of the opposite sex within our own ethnic group and a Strong Pheromone Factor which

determines how much appeal we have to members of the opposite sex outside our ethnic group.

The Weak Pheromone

Factor doesn't need to scream so much because there are benefits to marrying within one's ethnic group. Hence, the

pheromonal signatures within the group will be similar and distinctions between them need not be significant.

The Strong Pheromone Factor needs to scream so that members of different ethnic groups will be pre-disposed NOT to

intermarry. That is, biologically, we may be prone to fix successful traits within our bloodlines because successful

traits help assure the survival of future generations. We may look outside the local group if compatible but

substantively different potential mates become rare (too much inbreeding) or if an exceptional potential mate from

another region suddenly appears.

Increasing one's pheromone output would thus increase one's exceptionality.

That is, the negative effect of being outside a woman's native pheromonal bandwidth is more than offset by the

positive effect of generating strong pheromones. Her body chemistry may react to the heightened pheromone output


A man's reaction to a woman from another

ethnic group may be based on something else, though. Men, after all, seem to be predisposed toward seeking more

mates than women. So, for a man, variation is good. It helps ensure the survival of at least SOME of his offspring

if he sows his seed in different valleys, so to speak.

So, that may explain why ovulating women are more

attractive to men. Their pheromones are declaring their fertility. A woman who enhances her pheromone signature may

be screaming "I AM FERTILE. IMPREGNATE ME!" I don't know, never having knowingly experienced a woman wearing

supplemental pheromones.

Newbie gal
11-18-2004, 11:18 PM
Amazing theory !

Newbie gal
11-18-2004, 11:18 PM
:blink: Amazing theory !

Newbie gal
11-18-2004, 11:45 PM
What would an Asian girl wear

to attract a fair skin blonde guy?

11-19-2004, 12:17 AM
What would an

Asian girl wear to attract a fair skin blonde guy?
Tight, skimpy clothing? :kiss:

11-19-2004, 12:19 AM
What would an

Asian girl wear to attract a fair skin blonde guy?
On a more serious note, my hypothesis is too rough to

produce much in the way of refined advice. I think just increasing your pheromone signature may be sufficient, but

people with more detailed knowledge of how the women's pheromones work may be able to suggest more effective


Newbie gal
11-19-2004, 12:21 AM
too funny - but what


Now that I just ordered the TGIF AE and EW, with TE/w and SPMO, SOE gel, I guess I could mix

something to attract a 40ish fair skin blonde guy.

What's most effective mix? Help, Friendly !!

11-19-2004, 01:07 AM
What would an

Asian girl wear to attract a fair skin blonde guy?A friendly smile, a sharp wit, a good mind and a fresh

clean smell. You'll have men following you around in droves. My older sister's husband was Japanese. His sister is

the same age as me. She's one of the few women who can cause me to be tongue tied with just a look. It drives me

crazy. She is a lovely women but other women with as good of looks don't do that to me.

Friendly's post has a

lot of merit. I'm average height, blond/blue and seem to attract mostly northern european women. That's kind of

disappointing because I am most attracted to hispanic and asian women. My circumstances put me in contact with women

of all ages frequently. For some reason, the ones in their late twenties to early thirties seem to be most attracted

to me, I'm 48.

11-19-2004, 01:11 AM
too funny -

but what pheromones?

Now that I just ordered the TGIF AE and EW, with TE/w and SPMO, SOE gel, I guess I could

mix something to attract a 40ish fair skin blonde guy.

What's most effective mix? Help, Friendly !!

I'd suggest starting with small amounts of EW just to see what results you get. Once you know that, try adding

AE. Asian women don't produce a lot of scent so be very light in your applications. I think you could OD easily.

11-19-2004, 02:09 PM
but what should an asian guy

like me use to get some attraction from young (18-25) asian girls? I'm thinking goin with 2 sprays of Chikara and

a single drop (maybe half drop) of PI. (i haven't bought into anything as of yet).

11-19-2004, 03:32 PM
but what should

an asian guy like me use to get some attraction from young (18-25) asian girls? I'm thinking goin with 2 sprays of

Chikara and a single drop (maybe half drop) of PI. (i haven't bought into anything as of yet).

question gets asked a lot. The best answer is that you have to experiment. Of course, that gets expensive.


I'll suggest an alternative approach. Try searching the archive discussions for hit reports from Asian guys who

report success with Asian girls.

Gegogi is one example of someone who is currently in that group.

Newbie gal
11-19-2004, 09:55 PM
Belgareth, what's the mix

ratio of EW and AE?

11-19-2004, 11:45 PM

what's the mix ratio of EW and AE?
Sorry but I don't really know. Correct dosage of mones varies from

one user to the next based on your own natural signature and possibly your personality type. Your best bet is to

start with a little for a few days and see what happens. If you don't see any reactions increase the dose. Once you

find the optimum for one product switch to another and do the same thing. It may be slow and tedious but it will

give you a good understanding of what products work for you in what amounts. Then you can start playing with mixes

based on that knowledge. If you try mixing from the begining it will be a lot harder to get it right.

11-19-2004, 11:46 PM
I'm asian and have attracted

asian girls (17-20) using 3-6 sprays beta Chikara (note the sprays are smaller than the weak/new batch) and 6-10

dabs of TE gel. This combination seems to get lots of friendliness, I don't recall ever having a major sexual hit

with this combo however. I'm beginning to experiment with Pheros and Perception, 2 dabs Pheros and 1 spray

Perception cover. I've only tried it twice, but today in class, an asian girl friend of mine wouldn't stop

giggling around me. The effects of this as combination works well on myself as well, making me seem more calm. I

love the smell of Pheros too. Both times I've worn Pheros, it's made me unusually arroused - it must be the traces

of copulins present in the formula.

11-20-2004, 07:51 AM
What would

an Asian girl wear to attract a fair skin blonde guy?How old are you Newbie Gal?

11-20-2004, 09:34 AM
What would an Asian

girl wear to attract a fair skin blonde guy?

Implants!! :lovestruc


Newbie gal
11-20-2004, 06:43 PM

I don't need them !!! :rofl:

11-20-2004, 07:01 PM
Hello everyone.
I have a question.
Never been a mone user. But stumbled across this site looking

for workout supplements. Read some interesting things about pheromones that I did not know.


successful with women, not afraid to strike up conversations.

I am an african american male... and I was

wondering what product anyone could recommend that could give me

A. all around edge with all different races

of women

B. more of an edge with caucasian, latino and black women.

I saw the posts about asian women and

I am going to look into those on this site.

Thanks in advance.:blink:

Newbie gal
11-20-2004, 07:10 PM

everyone. I have a question. Never been a mone user. But stumbled across this site looking for workout supplements.

Read some interesting things about pheromones that I did not know.
Welcome, I'm pretty new here too. I

had my first order a few weeks ago and I got the TGIF order yesterday.

Check out this site:


Good luck !

11-20-2004, 07:15 PM
too funny - but what pheromones?

Now that I just ordered the TGIF AE and EW, with TE/w

and SPMO, SOE gel, I guess I could mix something to attract a 40ish fair skin blonde guy.

What's most

effective mix? Help, Friendly !!

I am a white blonde male living amidst millions of Asians. I would

be closest to Belgareth in my advice. I would say you would be best off smelling almost like "nothing." Basically,

you want to smell very clean and fresh, with possibly just a hint of some sort of natural delicious, pure smell,

if that makes any sense. I assume you are really into this guy that you want to attract. If that is the case, this

is the way to go. I am personally revolted by women who have some sort of strange skanky, hormonal odor and/or

perfumey smell about them. That signature may work sometimes, but only if the guy is really horny. If you want the

guy to be thinking long-term, I recommend "fresh." You aren't going to like my advice, but I am essentially saying

that you probably don't want to use any of the products that you listed, with the exception of one; that being EW.

Assuming that you can achieve the "clean" smell, add a tiny amount of EW with a small amount of perfume that works

with your body, rather than against it. I am always amazed at how many women wear perfume that absolutely stinks and

makes them smell like a rotting middle-aged woman who is trying to cover up her bad smell. Anyway, my EW advice may

or not be good, since I do not know how I would react to it on you. I have only tested in on myself, and I am male

and white. If I put the right amount of EW with the right amount of the right perfume on my arm, I instantly want to

either hump it or eat it(my arm.)

11-20-2004, 07:38 PM
I'm a 19 yo asian and I find

that most of my attractive female asian friends "smell like nothnig" at first, but when you go for a hug or close

contact, they have a delightful light "fresh" scent. This type I am attracted to, and if they leave a sweater or

something at my place, it will have that nice light fresh smell.

I personally don't prefer girls I can smell

from the public distance (> 18 inches), rather, I enjoy it when I have to work to get closer to have that enjoyable


11-20-2004, 07:46 PM
thank you kindly

for the reference Newbie gal.

11-20-2004, 07:52 PM

reason that asian women might seem to be put off by -none is the body odor factor, yes. Once again, like gegogi, I

can say this because I'm asian lol. I think asians as a race just don't sweat as much, or rather just don't

produce as much body odor. I personally almost never produce BO. I'll work out or go running and I'll sweat, but

I almost never smell. Maybe if I didn't shower for like 4 days and worked out all the time, I would. As it is, I

don't really use deodorant because it doesn't make much of a difference...all it does is get my clothes white


I just want to give you my thoughts, as a white guy that has lived in Asia for half my life. Anyone on

this forum who knows much at all about this whole topic knows about the racial differences when it comes to

pheromone production, but you could be doing yourself a disservice if you go through life insisting that "Asians

don't smell/stink." I find that half or more of the Asian men who surround me, "stink." Now, they stink in a

different way than a white man stinks, but they DO stink. They just "think" they don't stink. Similarily, probably

a lot of white men "think" they don't stink. It is hard to describe how they smell, if you are not familar with it,

but I will try. It is distinctively different from the acrid, sour, sharp sweat smell of a white guy. The best I can

do is to say that it is kind of an oily, hormonal smell. I reminds me of the smell of my jeans and or my bedsheets

if I don't wash them for several weeks.

I am not alone in noticing this either. I have had several Asian

women tell me that they think a lot of the guys of their same race smell horrible these days. What the conclusion to

all this is, I am not sure. One possibility is that groups of people are desensitized to the typical smell of their

own group; thus, the Asian insistence that they do not stink, when in reality, they do, to the point of being

offensive to me.

While I am at it, I might as well talk about Asian women. I am in very close contact with

heaps of them on a daily basis, either because of work or because of the 10 hours of dance lessons I do with them

every week. MANY Asian women smell absolutely clean and delicious, but "most", definitely no. Some smell oily and

strange like the men described above, some reek like B.O, and some smell like aging, deteriorating


Let's face it, humans stink; some more than others, some just in a different way.

Newbie gal
11-20-2004, 08:13 PM
You aren't

going to like my advice, but I am essentially saying that you probably don't want to use any of the products that

you listed, with the exception of one; that being EW.
I'll just do that. I just picked up a bottle of

Burberry cologne - very nice light scent. BTW, I'm hairless. I don't have BO. :lovestruc

11-20-2004, 08:35 PM

11-20-2004, 08:36 PM

reason that asian women might seem to be put off by -none is the body odor factor, yes. Once again, like gegogi, I

can say this because I'm asian lol. I think asians as a race just don't sweat as much, or rather just don't

produce as much body odor. I personally almost never produce BO. I'll work out or go running and I'll sweat, but I

almost never smell. Maybe if I didn't shower for like 4 days and worked out all the time, I would. As it is, I

don't really use deodorant because it doesn't make much of a difference...all it does is get my clothes white


I just want to give you my thoughts, as a white guy that has lived in Asia for half my life. Anyone on this

forum who knows much at all about this whole topic knows about the racial differences when it comes to pheromone

production, but you could be doing yourself a disservice if you go through life insisting that "Asians don't

smell/stink." I find that half or more of the Asian men who surround me, "stink." Now, they stink in a different way

than a white man stinks, but they DO stink. They just "think" they don't stink. Similarily, probably a lot of white

men "think" they don't stink. It is hard to describe how they smell, if you are not familar with it, but I will

try. It is distinctively different from the acrid, sour, sharp sweat smell of a white guy. The best I can do is to

say that it is kind of an oily, hormonal smell. I reminds me of the smell of my jeans and or my bedsheets if I

don't wash them for several weeks.

I am not alone in noticing this either. I have had several Asian women tell

me that they think a lot of the guys of their same race smell horrible these days. What the conclusion to all this

is, I am not sure. One possibility is that groups of people are desensitized to the typical smell of their own

group; thus, the Asian insistence that they do not stink, when in reality, they do, to the point of being offensive

to me.

While I am at it, I might as well talk about Asian women. I am in very close contact with heaps of them

on a daily basis, either because of work or because of the 10 hours of dance lessons I do with them every week. MANY

Asian women smell absolutely clean and delicious, but "most", definitely no. Some smell oily and strange like the

men described above, some reek like B.O, and some smell like aging, deteriorating women.

Let's face it, humans

stink; some more than others, some just in a different way.
While I've never experienced the real stink

of an asian girl, some of my guy friends (the ones who don't seem to care too much of their appearance) definately

smell like sour oil, kinda like Burger King (oh that sounds so bad.. sorry for ruining anyones appetite).

11-20-2004, 09:08 PM
While I've never

experienced the real stink of an asian girl, some of my guy friends (the ones who don't seem to care too much of

their appearance) definately smell like sour oil, kinda like Burger King (oh that sounds so bad.. sorry for ruining

anyones appetite).

Well, I'm glad someone else noticed the "oil" component. You also mentioned

something that reminded me of something that I neglected to mention. The problem could be partially related to

personal hygiene. I have reason to believe that some of these people do not enjoy bathing or showering on a daily

basis(because the "think" they don't stink), particularily young men( I have actually been told this). Also, I

think they do not wash their clothes as often as they should.

11-20-2004, 09:16 PM
I'll just do

that. I just picked up a bottle of Burberry cologne - very nice light scent. BTW, I'm hairless. I don't have

BO. :lovestruc

Well, I have no idea what Burberry smells like. Keep in mind that just because it is

"light" it is not necessarily suitable for you. "Light" does not necessarily equal nice, harmless, or non-offensive.

A light, dry perfume could smell as disgusting on darker skin, as a sweet, heavy perfume on fair(white) skin. The

key is matching your personal signature! Generally, the darker you are, the heavier you go, and the lighter you are,

they lighter you go. However, I suppose there are many factors involved. Basically, the Asian girls that I know that

smell the most delicious, are wearing maybe a medium-weight, high-quality(expensive) perfume(and not overdone!). The

ones who wear something light, flowery, and/or cheap smelling practically make me vomit. They disgust me at a

distance of a few meters.

11-20-2004, 09:19 PM
It's not that I can't identify

the smell...I have definitely noticed when asian guys smell. It's different, yes. However, on average, I would

still say that not only is the smell of asian guys different than caucasian males, it is also much lighter. And as

for myself, I know that since I shower every day, sometimes but rarely every other day, that even if I work out once

or twice between showers I won't smell. I can sweat ridiculously, but unless I don't shower for like 4 days I

just don't smell. Guess I'm lucky like that.


11-20-2004, 09:32 PM
I noticed that when I don't

wash my hair one day, the next day it smells oily. But I guess that goes for everybody:rolleyes: and whenever i go

to the gym to workout my ex-gf says I don't smell at all, even if i'm extra sweaty. She does have a rather

sensitive nose as she can sometimes tell if i ate something that smells bad....

11-20-2004, 09:34 PM
The diet and scent explanation

is right on point.
Two women I know who ate mainly fish, no red meats, drank lots of water and ate a whole lot of

had this natural 'fruity' smell even with no fragrance on.
Amongst other aspects.

I killed my

processed sugar, baked goods and carbonated soda intake, cut back on red meat, drank more water, and ate mainly

fresh foods for about two months.
One sunday I went to work with only a water shower, and I got compliments on my

smell all day.
One to the effect of 'he dresses like a bum but smells like heaven.'

Lots of things the

posters here do regularly or know about I tried through messing around and found they work.


Newbie gal
11-20-2004, 09:37 PM

the Asian girls that I know that smell the most delicious, are wearing maybe a medium-weight,

high-quality(expensive) perfume(and not overdone!). The ones who wear something light, flowery, and/or cheap

smelling practically make me vomit. They disgust me at a distance of a few meters.
I got my small bottle

of Burberry Brit (for women) at Sephora for $80. I love the scent. It's light but it's good. MadMaxx, not

everything light will make you vomit. Don't generalize. :nono: I don't normally wear cologne, so I'll start

with a light one and something that I really like. :lovestruc

11-20-2004, 09:55 PM
I got my small

bottle of Burberry Brit (for women) at Sephora for $80. I love the scent. It's light but it's good. MadMaxx,

not everything light will make you vomit. Don't generalize. :nono: I don't normally wear cologne, so I'll

start with a light one and something that I really like. :lovestruc

"Generalizing" is the only way

to discuss something such as the issues that come up on this board. Nobody said that "all" light perfumes were bad

on dark skin and that "all" sweet perfumes were bad on dark skin, but it is a useful rule of thumb, and there is

good reason for why it has been established as a rule of thumb. Anyone who is very knowledgeable about perfume

and/or pheromones knows it. Did you notice that I said that "light" was NOT NECESSARILY a good thing? The perfume

you picked may be great for you, and many light perfumes may be great for you. That does not in any way rule out the

validity of what I said.

Newbie gal
11-20-2004, 10:01 PM
Did you

notice that I said that "light" was NOT NECESSARILY a good thing? The perfume you picked may be great for you, and

many light perfumes may be great for you.
Yay, Burberry is great on me !!! :rofl: :rofl:

11-20-2004, 10:28 PM
Yay, Burberry is

great on me !!! :rofl: :rofl:

That's great. I hope it mixes well with EW for you. A lot of people

have trouble with EW because in can smell pretty rank. I have found that for me it worked quite well with the Dolce

and Gabanna in the zebra bottle. Please let me know if you drive any men crazy.

Also, women users have

commented that it can actually have quite the effect on themselves; things such as becoming weak-kneed, or

submissive; submissive to the point that they just wanted someone to "do them;" her words, not mine. I believe it,

because I used to use it, and I think I used too much, because many women that I danced with turned into rag-dolls

and I practically had to hold them up. EW can be powerful stuff! Be careful!

Newbie gal
11-20-2004, 10:36 PM
I am a white

blonde male living amidst millions of Asians.
I am an Asian living admist white blondes. I am living with

one. LOL

11-21-2004, 12:01 AM
Do you work with teenagers (Asian)? I visited some schools in Malaysia and

happen to smell those young men in a hall. They do smell especially after a workout. Men over 24 yo seem to have

less of this problem. Could it be a hormonal thing (part of growing up)? I also tend to believe different races in

Asia have different B.O. mainly due to differences in diet. Not being racist here, some comments from the locals in

Asia I hear regarding smell of different races.

Some male Indians exhibits stronger B.O. while some male

Caucasians smell of dairy products (beef, cheese etc). Also, dogs seem to sense Indians coming on the road from 20m

away (not in sight) and starts barking. When they're in sight of the dogs, the mutts just go crazy and chase them

for another 20m. These guys face it daily and come prepared on bikes.

Other races will smell a tint of the

smelly fruit (durians) if they consume it. Hell, I smell it on myself too, it even goes in the piss.


is our diet does affect the signature we project. It shouldn't be a problem if the population at large consume the

same diet as we are. Maybe one day, -mones will come in tablets/capsules (consumed orally) and calibrated for

extended/timely release. :D

Yes, I am around a lot of teenagers; they, and college age guys are

clearly the worst, but the problem persists into the thirties. It is basically the same smell, just not as intense.

Wow, I feel sorry for the Indian guys you know; imagine not being able to walk down the street because dogs want to

either eat you are just drive you away.

Diet is no doubt a factor for many people. My favorite when it comes

to that subject is the fact that even the smell and taste of semen is affected by diet. Their used to be a woman on

the forum who claimed that from the taste of a guy's semen she could tell you whether he was vegetarian, a drinker,

or a smoker. She could also tell you what he had for dinner the night before! She know whether he had eaten Mexican

food or Thai food! I went on a really "clean" diet once and drank lots of powerful mint tea. My semen took on a

minty aroma and I was told it tasted fresh and minty. Too cool!

11-21-2004, 01:27 AM
Welcome back MadMaxx!!!!!!! So did

you stop using EW?

11-21-2004, 01:29 AM
The diet and scent

explanation is right on point.
Two women I know who ate mainly fish, no red meats, drank lots of water and ate a

whole lot of fruit
had this natural 'fruity' smell even with no fragrance on.
Amongst other aspects.

I killed my processed sugar, baked goods and carbonated soda intake, cut back on red meat, drank more water,

and ate mainly fresh foods for about two months.
One sunday I went to work with only a water shower, and I got

compliments on my smell all day.
One to the effect of 'he dresses like a bum but smells like heaven.'

Lots of things the posters here do regularly or know about I tried through messing around and found they work.


Don't hold out on us! So what have you experimented with? Hot water showers and

special diets?

11-21-2004, 02:52 AM
im white caucasian male and in

aussie land its very multicutlural we have a very wide spread of nationalities and racial groups


seems to be gettign a broad based hit response perhaps that is a good cheap staritng point.

11-21-2004, 03:19 AM

11-21-2004, 04:51 AM
Have courage:

I've also been

looking for a connection between people who have success with pheromone products and those who don't and comparing

their diets.

Newbie gal
11-21-2004, 07:10 AM
Is perception solely for


11-21-2004, 07:28 AM
Is perception

solely for men?
The mone combo is intended for men. I don't recall anyb women talking about using it yet.

That's not to say they couldn't but the high none ratio might make it a waste of money for you.

11-21-2004, 07:42 AM

11-21-2004, 08:47 AM
Welcome back

MadMaxx!!!!!!! So did you stop using EW?

I actually did stop using EW, but believe it or not, I did

not do so because it wasn't working. I liked what it did to both women and men. Besides making women very

comfortable, men did NOT mess with me. I was actually Dr. Smell who mentioned something, that made me stop using it.

He suggested that if you had it on you all the time, eventually your brain would start thinking that you were

getting loads of pussy regularly, and thus, it would cause you to not be driven to look for any, or try to get any.

Basically, I think that is what happened to me. If you use it too long, it kills your aggressiveness(in more ways

than one), which can be a good thing, but also a bad thing, if your goal is to get a women and/or women.

11-21-2004, 09:08 AM
Maybe we

should look into what type of food makes us smell better (or don't smell worse). It could boost our natural

signature and maybe work better with the -mones. Any vegetarians here who would like to comment?

Typically, food to avoid in Asia prior to a hot date : durians (smelly fruit), leeks (Indian veg), som tum (Thai

appetizer), Singapore/Malaysian rojak (Chinese appetizer), most preserved meat/seafood paste like belachan, strong

smell seasoning sauce and large quantities of beer/hard liquor/beef/mutton. Try it once to learn how to

identify/smell it. Most Chinese/Malay food are safe. Durian smell will stay in your body for 1 or 2 days. The smell

of these food seems greater on Indians & Caucasians, so do take note. Pay attention to the type of foods you eat,

the way it is cooked + seasoning makes a difference too.

Anyone knows of drinks/beverages that smell good

on you?

It seems to me that people are always repeating the well known idea that dietary items such

as red meat, coffee, alchohol and whatever else, are going to increase your body odor. I definitely think that there

is some truth in the idea, but like a lot of things that people tend to believe with a sheep mentality, I don't

think the issue is that simple. There are more than likely a combination of factors involved. I know people who live

on meat, coffee, and alcohol AND they smoke, and yes, they stink big time. Interestingly, these people often have

foot odor that is something unbelievably rank.

HOWEVER, recently I am working out more than ever before.

Besides a lot of aerobic exercise, I am trying to beef myself up with some weight training, and thus, I am consuming

vast quantities of protein every day, mainly in the form of the EVIL MEAT. I'd say about 500 grams/1 pound of meat

every day, besides eggs and other protein. Guess what? No heightened odor problem. I also drink a couple of bottles

of red wine per week and drink 2-3 double or triple shot cafe lattes per day. My take on the matter, is that I can

get away with consuming these things for roughly 4 reasons: 1) I am very active physically, 2) I drink a fair amount

of pure water, 3) As someone else posted, my meats are consumed "clean" for the most part, meaning not soaking in

additive infested sauces that are commmon if you are eating meat in Chinese or Japanese restaurants for example. I

basically fry my meat in olive oil and herbs. 4) I also eat heaps of steamed vegetables.

If your overall

lifestyle and diet is quite healthy and clean, maybe meat does not have to be such a problem. Having said that,

something like mutton can be problem, but I do not find any problems with clean fresh chicken or beef. With this

lifestyle and diet I am finding that I need VERY little extra pheros; I use just a hint of relatively weak stuff

such as APC, and things are going well in terms of hits and interactions. One more thing, I consume quite a bit of

zinc. I think that is helping the natural phero production also.

Newbie gal
11-21-2004, 09:10 AM
It will be good if you are

already married.

11-21-2004, 09:34 AM
It will be good

if you are already married.

Good one. You may be right, but on the other hand, the guy using it may

not have any interest in his wife either....is that good or bad? I don't know.

Newbie gal
11-21-2004, 02:59 PM
the guy using

it may not have any interest in his wife either....is that good or bad?
Such behavior should not be

encouraged. Of course, it happens all the time.

11-21-2004, 06:32 PM
When I was using NPA I saw solid

hits from different races, but the best hits came from white women, and especially those over the age of 21. I'm 18

and I'm enjoying every second of it since I'm away at college :D

11-21-2004, 06:56 PM
Once I get my

-mones, I'll do a run with durians or rojak (the smelly stuff) or curry for a few days. Might be interesting.

Probably have to rinse the mouth first due to these smelly food. What's the equivalent in Western food?


Spicy food MAY help based on some things I learned.......but then again it may not and curry also

will give your skin a smell.

Please do experiment, your input will be very valuable to our collective


11-21-2004, 06:57 PM
I actually did stop

using EW, but believe it or not, I did not do so because it wasn't working. I liked what it did to both women and

men. Besides making women very comfortable, men did NOT mess with me. I was actually Dr. Smell who mentioned

something, that made me stop using it. He suggested that if you had it on you all the time, eventually your brain

would start thinking that you were getting loads of pussy regularly, and thus, it would cause you to not be driven

to look for any, or try to get any. Basically, I think that is what happened to me. If you use it too long, it kills

your aggressiveness(in more ways than one), which can be a good thing, but also a bad thing, if your goal is to get

a women and/or women.

I hear you. So your T-levels might have actually gone down.

11-21-2004, 10:20 PM
Don't hold out on us! So what have you experimented with? Hot water showers and special

I went halfway vegan and tossed out a lot of processed stuff. As much as I could afford to.

Drink about 10-12 glasses of water a day.

That one sunday took a scalding shower with an exfoliating sponge my

sister buys in packs.

Tried it again today and got the same results. The good comments on my smell.

when I

finally get around to choosing the right pheros, its going to give me the extra oomph.

11-21-2004, 10:24 PM
If your overall

lifestyle and diet is quite healthy and clean, maybe meat does not have to be such a problem.
I agree. I

stopped meat and dairy because I always had digestive problems with it.
But growing up poor I had to eat what was

in the house or starve.

I still get a little lean beef on weekends, which are the only days I dont work out.

11-22-2004, 02:38 AM
Newbie girl - if you want to be

the dominant woman type perception wiht perception you can give it a go i guess some female reports would be helpful

- plus its high in Anol which traditionally is the approach to androgen/womens pheromones minus the couplins


Ie AE for women etc. The arone is an interesting one but give it a go and give us some feedback

if you are willing and have the $$$ to utilise.

Newbie gal
11-23-2004, 08:30 PM
Newbie girl - if you want to be the dominant woman type perception wiht perception you can give it a

go i guess some female reports would be helpful - plus its high in Anol which traditionally is the approach to

androgen/womens pheromones minus the couplins influence.

Ie AE for women etc. The arone is an interesting one

but give it a go and give us some feedback if you are willing and have the $$$ to utilise.
I'll get my AE

in a week. I'm getting EW and AE. I'll use it and report back when my order arrives.

I want to report the

TE/w might have lasted longer than I expected. I put some on Monday night and got good fun with my hub. I just

washed my hair the next morning. That day, hub went wild again. I didn't think much about it but then when I

showered I still smelled some of the SPMO and I realized the TE/w and SPMO might have stayed on my body till the

next day. It could be a coincidence but it could be the TE/w and SPMO stayed on to affect hub the next day. Don't

know for sure.

Seek suggestion: I already have TE, SPMO, SOE, will have AE and EW. Anything else that I should

get? Just want to have more fun with hub and be well-liked at work. No swinging or flirting or anything else !

11-24-2004, 05:11 AM
When I was using

NPA I saw solid hits from different races, but the best hits came from white women, and especially those over the

age of 21. I'm 18 and I'm enjoying every second of it since I'm away at college :DDid you just use NPA

alone or did you cover it with something?

Newbie gal
11-25-2004, 08:40 PM
My excitement is fading away.

I put on my ususal 3 parts of TE/w and 1 part of SPMO in the day time today. It didn't work I'm hoping people

would get friendlier but nothing really happened. It also didn't work with hub last night. Why Why Why? It was

working with hub earlier. I'm totally disappointed.

11-25-2004, 08:51 PM
maybe you just dont have

the right combo for you newbie. Last week may have just been coincidence.

Newbie gal
11-25-2004, 09:28 PM
But it did work a few


12-02-2004, 06:00 PM
I got a date later tonight with a

Hispanic female mid 30's.
I got a PI, Edge, WAAG, AE and all the gel packs.
I also have a variety of

I know where I'm leaning I'm just curious what your opinions are.


12-02-2004, 06:28 PM
Everything seems to work on you :)

12-02-2004, 07:38 PM
I got a date later

tonight with a Hispanic female mid 30's.
I got a PI, Edge, WAAG, AE and all the gel packs.
I also have a variety

of colognes.
I know where I'm leaning I'm just curious what your opinions are.
AE:TE with a nice

cover would be my two cents!:run:

12-02-2004, 10:16 PM
But it did

work a few times.
Try the "Less is more" approach. See what happens if you go three days without the

pheromones and then start them up again. Some people swear by that approach. You may be someone who needs to

follow that path.

If hubby is under a lot of stress, I doubt any amount of pheromones will reignite his pilot

light. I just heard today that people who are dehydrated lose energy and become disoriented. Maybe he isn't

drinking enough water?

A little trick that works with a lot of men is give him a glass of caffeinated tea about

30 minutes before you go to bed (make sure he can tolerate the caffeine -- it can rip a stomach to shreds

eventually, so he might need an antacid). Not coffee. Not a cola. TEA (regular Orange Pekoe/Black Whatever).

But only give him the tea when you are ready to take action. Otherwise, he'll be up all night (well, some people

complain that happens with them -- um, YEAH, it's a STIMULANT).

12-03-2004, 01:52 PM
Did you just use

NPA alone or did you cover it with something?

I usually covered it with Acqua Di Gio, but sometimes I

used Bvlgari. The bottle went too fast though. I poured the NPA into an empty bottle I had with a dropper and used

that instead because the dabbing shit was driving my nuts.

I haven't used any pheromones as of late though.

I'm either going to try Perception or Chikara. The impressions I made with the NPA stayed with the women that I had

met wearing the NPA. The white women that I was spittin game to while on NPA are still on my balls.

Newbie gal
12-03-2004, 06:28 PM
Try the

"Less is more" approach. See what happens if you go three days without the pheromones and then start them up again.

Some people swear by that approach. You may be someone who needs to follow that path.

If hubby is under a lot of

stress, I doubt any amount of pheromones will reignite his pilot light. I just heard today that people who are

dehydrated lose energy and become disoriented. Maybe he isn't drinking enough water?

A little trick that works

with a lot of men is give him a glass of caffeinated tea about 30 minutes before you go to bed (make sure he can

tolerate the caffeine -- it can rip a stomach to shreds eventually, so he might need an antacid). Not coffee. Not a

cola. TEA (regular Orange Pekoe/Black Whatever).

But only give him the tea when you are ready to take action.

Otherwise, he'll be up all night (well, some people complain that happens with them -- um, YEAH, it's a

Ummmm .... he doesn't drink tea or coffee - health freak. Have to try something else. The

mones work sometimes. I posted under another thread just now about another experience. I put on a drop of SPMO on

each wrist and a dab on the neck before a big social function. A woman was following me all night. She is the

bitchy type but she's extremely nice to me. She practically followed me around. My question is why the SPMO only

has effect on one woman out of the whole bunch of girls and boys I talked to.

I'm a very friendly and smily

person and I have a very good attitude. Just that I want to be better-liked by some special groups.

Newbie gal
12-04-2004, 06:17 PM
I have

similar experiences, not sure how to nail it. Maybe I OD'ed on the -mones, probably try to go much less to target

another group in the same setting.

Read somewhere in the forums that older women/men have less acute sense of

smell or something, which makes them react to OD while the same dose will turn the younger ones off.I think

that woman is probably between 40 and 45. But then 2 drops plus a dab aren't really that much. I wouldn't think

it's enough to OD. Am I correct?

01-25-2006, 09:58 AM
I'm going to an event tonight

featuring a lot of Hispanic women, age range 30-40.
My plan of attack includes 4 drops of AE 2 now and 2 before

the event covered with Gucci Envy.
I'm looking sharp in my tweed sports jacket, how can they possibly



01-25-2006, 12:38 PM
I'm going to an

event tonight featuring a lot of Hispanic women, age range 30-40.
My plan of attack includes 4 drops of AE 2 now

and 2 before the event covered with Gucci Envy.
I'm looking sharp in my tweed sports jacket, how can they possibly



If TE does anything FOR you ... a dab on each pulse point of the neck covered with 1

drop each spot of your 4 drops of AE, should make it even harder for'em to resist. Are you place all your drops in

the same area (upper body)? Either, or, I hope you report your findings, Signor DCW. :thumbsup:

01-25-2006, 03:07 PM
If TE does anything

FOR you ... a dab on each pulse point of the neck covered with 1 drop each spot of your 4 drops of AE, should make

it even harder for'em to resist. Are you place all your drops in the same area (upper body)? Either, or, I hope you

report your findings, Signor DCW. :thumbsup:

I didn't put any Edge on and I'm at work and too lazy

to drive home.
The AE and the Envy will have to work the magic, plus my dynamic personality how can they

In any event I'll let you know the outcome if any.


01-26-2006, 12:52 PM
I attract a lot of asian women

but I don't attract black women at all. I don't even have to wear mones with Asian women. I think it's the way I

look that makes them attracted to me. Anyway, I recommend fashion when it comes to Asian women. Most asians dress to

look good, they don't dress comfortable sometimes. If the weather is extremely cold and an asian girl/boy has to

choose between a comfortable warm bubble jacket or a nice sleek fashionable leather jacket, most asians would go for

the leather jacket for its fashion advantages.

01-29-2006, 09:35 AM
Talk about bumping some old

threads.... whew!

My one DIHL with AE (2 drops) was a Hispanic 18-24 y/o (I'm guessing) girl.

01-29-2006, 11:08 AM
Maybe she was stoned or retarded.

Two drops of AE is nuttin'. I have to bathe in 'mones to get a DIHL result.

01-29-2006, 11:26 PM
Tight, skimpy

clothing? :kiss:

lol it's funny that when it comes to a girl, you'll immediately presume she's


and asians do stink, majority are just not as active. but after 2 hours of training. i reeeekkkk

like a biiaaaatch! (and u know when u smell bad when u can smell yourself and dun wanna be around u...)

01-30-2006, 01:42 AM
Actually not all Asians are the

same when it comes to sweat, genetics, diet and lifestyle. There are pretty distinct differences between Koreans,

Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Filipinos, etc. Some can be pretty rank if they eat America food and don't

practice good personal hygiene. Curry eaters smell like cumin when they sweat. Believe it or not, I can usually

identify Asian nationalities by smell (traditional Asians, not Americanized ones). That is, Chinese smell very

different from Koreans. Some FOBs only bathe once a week. However, I work out at 24-Hour fitness in Honolulu and the

stank from certain other races can make even funky Asians smell sweet.

01-31-2006, 06:45 PM
Maybe she was stoned

or retarded. Two drops of AE is nuttin'. I have to bathe in 'mones to get a DIHL result.

Well maybe it

was also my amazing personality...


02-01-2006, 07:22 AM
Actually not all Asians

are the same when it comes to sweat, genetics, diet and lifestyle. There are pretty distinct differences between

Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Filipinos, etc. Some can be pretty rank if they eat America food and

don't practice good personal hygiene. Curry eaters smell like cumin when they sweat. Believe it or not, I can

usually identify Asian nationalities by smell (traditional Asians, not Americanized ones). That is, Chinese smell

very different from Koreans. Some FOBs only bathe once a week. However, I work out at 24-Hour fitness in Honolulu

and the stank from certain other races can make even funky Asians smell sweet.

I have a Filipino

friend (with benefits) who told me that she eats pineapples to keep her putty tat fresh and sweet smelling.

must confess her putty has NO rank odor at all and is quite pleasant.


02-01-2006, 04:58 PM
I have a Filipino

friend (with benefits) who told me that she eats pineapples to keep her putty tat fresh and sweet smelling.

must confess her putty has NO rank odor at all and is quite pleasant.

DCWA "Dole Hole"

02-01-2006, 06:11 PM
That would make you a "Dole


02-01-2006, 06:30 PM
I have a Filipino friend

(with benefits) who told me that she eats pineapples to keep her putty tat fresh and sweet smelling.
I must confess

her putty has NO rank odor at all and is quite pleasant.



Perhaps that's one of the

reasons that the pineapple is regarded as being symbolic of "Hospitality". ;)

Know why the pineapple finials on

bedposts are usually made to be removable?
When a host removes the pineapples, it's a (not especially) subtle way

of telling a houseguest that he's worn out his welcome.

Oscar :)

02-02-2006, 11:22 AM
Mmmmmm Pineapple!

I try to munch

a little pineapple if I think I'm going to get a Hmmmmmmmer, supposed to make things taste better.


somebody pass the pineapple! :angel:

02-02-2006, 12:00 PM
The pineapples grown in Hawaii

are so full of pesticides they make my skin itch and belly swell.

02-02-2006, 12:18 PM
She swears by it and the proof is in

the er..ah..eating.
I remember years ago a male friend told me that a nurse was giving him Oral when she suddely

asked him if he drank a lot of Orange juice (he did).
It has something to do with the acidic nature of the



02-02-2006, 12:54 PM
... It has something to

do with the acidic nature of the fruit.


And the sugar!!

02-15-2006, 11:07 PM
I attract a

lot of asian women but I don't attract black women at all. I don't even have to wear mones with Asian women. I

think it's the way I look that makes them attracted to me. Anyway, I recommend fashion when it comes to Asian

women. Most asians dress to look good, they don't dress comfortable sometimes. If the weather is extremely cold and

an asian girl/boy has to choose between a comfortable warm bubble jacket or a nice sleek fashionable leather jacket,

most asians would go for the leather jacket for its fashion advantages.I agree 100%.Im black and I have a

thing for Asian ladies and they are the best dressers.

02-18-2006, 11:37 AM
Talk about bumping

some old threads.... whew!

My one DIHL with AE (2 drops) was a Hispanic 18-24 y/o (I'm guessing)

girl.I have had success with AE with darker skinned older Hispanics 30-40 age bracket.

11-30-2006, 08:31 AM
I just wanted to bring this

thread back for Slickracer and others who are intersted in my theory.

11-30-2006, 09:14 AM
I seem to attract older heavy women

without any effort.
Heavy women in general come to think of it.


Mohammad Shah
12-01-2006, 02:08 AM
lol it's

funny that when it comes to a girl, you'll immediately presume she's attractive.

and asians do stink, majority

are just not as active. but after 2 hours of training. i reeeekkkk like a biiaaaatch! (and u know when u smell bad

when u can smell yourself and dun wanna be around u...)

Well, when you speak about Asians, you have to

specify the ethnics or place they reside. Different ethnics have different habits / practises etc..

(A Truly Asian)

12-02-2006, 07:12 PM
I seem to attract older heavy women without any effort.
Heavy women in general come to

think of it.

DCWHeavy women are fine as long as they dont squash you, sometimes the situation can

leave a man short of oxygen, and you know what that does, as far as older women go i have noticed ever since i was a

youth that they can give so much pleasure and can appreciate the finer things in life. I think that pheromones have

more of an influence upon the older and or heaver women if they are healthy, and even more so if they are not on the

pill as i think this makes a difference as well. For some reason i find when it comes to older women i think the

asian girls are most attractive, but they are all good at times.:wub:

12-03-2006, 12:15 AM
Well, when you

speak about Asians, you have to specify the ethnics or place they reside. Different ethnics have different habits /

practises etc..

(A Truly Asian)

just the same as


06-21-2007, 09:34 PM
I know I kind of pulled this thread out of the grave, but the forum won't let me post a new thread.

Anyway, here is my question:

What pheromone mix or product would

attract an Italian guy (well he’s actually Italian & Caucasian)? Also in case I run into my ex, what pheromone mix

or product will attract a Latin guy (he’s Spanish/Mexican mixed)?

For reference: I am female and my ethnicity is a mix of Caucasian (Eastern European), Greek, &


06-22-2007, 06:42 AM
I don't know about you

but like 6 inches of SOE is enough. I am usually around quite a bit of Asians myself being Asian lol. It goes back

to the scent thing which I concur, I know when I have perspiration, after half a day it stinks like hell to me but

it seems to make everyone like me a bit more lol.

SOE isnt a strong none product but its a mixture and a small

amount should be fine. If you find you need more go up a little until you find your perfect amount.

SOE in terms

of scent is my favorite... I have some chikara but it just doesn't smell all that great to me. On women? who


06-22-2007, 09:24 AM
What pheromone mix or product would attract an Italian guy

(well he’s actually Italian & Caucasian)? Also in case I run into my ex, what pheromone mix or product will attract

a Latin guy (he’s Spanish/Mexican mixed)?

Copulins! Check out EoW (Essence of


06-22-2007, 09:45 AM
I know I kind of pulled this thread out of the grave, but the

forum won't let me post a new thread. Anyway, here is my question:

What pheromone mix or product would attract an Italian guy (well he’s actually Italian & Caucasian)?

Also in case I run into my ex, what pheromone mix or product will attract a Latin guy (he’s Spanish/Mexican


For reference: I am female and my ethnicity is a mix of

Caucasian (Eastern European), Greek, & Italian.

BB: I think that you have it easier

attracting men since you're a woman. for most guys, common interest signals (flipping your hair, brushing up

against him, etc.) can usually be enough to get a guy interested.

Not really that knowledgeable about pheros,

but I think a little bit of -None might give you an authoritative vibe, which may attract men. At the very least,

they may consider you a challenge, which makes them more interested in pursuing. Guys love a challenge - beat their

friend in Madden, Kill the buffalo, etc. It also amps up their aggression, which (I can tell you from my own

experience) gets them much more in the mood to take Jane back to the cave. ;)

06-22-2007, 09:51 AM

Check out EoW (Essence of Woman):thumbsup:
Pay attention to Mtnjim, he knows from being here a long time.

Copulins are going to do the trick better than anything else.

06-22-2007, 06:49 PM
I know I kind of pulled this thread out of the grave, but the

forum won't let me post a new thread. Anyway, here is my question:

What pheromone mix or product would attract an Italian guy (well he’s actually Italian &

Caucasian)? Also in case I run into my ex, what pheromone mix or product will attract a Latin guy (he’s

Spanish/Mexican mixed)?

For reference: I am female and my

ethnicity is a mix of Caucasian (Eastern European), Greek, & Italian.

Im not sure what

pheromone attracts an Italian guy, but I can tell you that mediteranean climate men (italians, greeks, spanish) tend

to produce alot of .none, i also find its very hard to OD around them, i can wear tons of .none around med people

and not enter OD territory, in fact a very wise man once told me to wear lots of .none around Italian and Greek

women, he was right, it worked!

a good product is AE/w, it contains the 3 major pheromones in


millas ellenika?

06-22-2007, 10:41 PM
Thanks for the advice, Mtnjim

and everyone else. I just bought both copulin products (EW & PCC) and haven't tried them out yet. I'll also try

a little -none to see what happens. I'll use this on both of them since they are both Mediterranean. I didn't

have to wear anything at all with my ex so if I did I might drive the poor guy to insanity.

Also, bronzie,

that's a lot of good information. I don't understand what you put at the end of your post though since the only

languages I speak are English and some French. :)

06-22-2007, 10:44 PM

think that you have it easier attracting men since you're a woman. for most guys, common interest signals (flipping

your hair, brushing up against him, etc.) can usually be enough to get a guy interested.

Not really that

knowledgeable about pheros, but I think a little bit of -None might give you an authoritative vibe, which may

attract men. At the very least, they may consider you a challenge, which makes them more interested in pursuing.

Guys love a challenge - beat their friend in Madden, Kill the buffalo, etc. It also amps up their aggression, which

(I can tell you from my own experience) gets them much more in the mood to take Jane back to the cave. ;)

Thanks for the help! :) I'll try this.

07-15-2007, 02:59 PM
I've noticed the following are

the most hit-receptive while lurking the forums so i'm pondering ordering the following, chime me in with any

helpful advice and recommended mixtures-
Edge Sandalwood
Chikara Cologne
Alter Ego
Scent of Eros

09-02-2009, 10:58 PM

It's one of the few products I haven't tried yet. Actually--and I have to pinch my self--I'm about as busy as I

can possibily be with Asian females, so a test drive of WAGG will wait until my next "dry" period. Once an Asian

woman is comfortable with you, even an OD of NPA won't keep her off you.

Gegogi. Aloha braddah. What

part of O'ahu are you from? My fam that still lives in the islands are centered around Lahaina Town on Maui. Great

place 2 live, and excellent surf. Though still not as good as pipe;), I've also got some friends that are from

Haleiwa. Surf's up bra. :drunk:

09-11-2009, 01:19 AM
I am black,with mexican and

native american indian in my blood 5'8 130 pounds my main targets are latin or white women sofar chikara has been

more effective on white women for me and one black girl I see around the neighborhood.