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10-22-2004, 02:49 AM

think the day will come. If everyone wore pheromone, wouldn't it lose the advantages that pheromone users are

after? :think:

Elk Dreamer
10-22-2004, 03:05 AM
One Big ORGY!


10-22-2004, 05:54 AM
This has been discussed

before. First of all, -mones aren't going to become mainstream yet because not enough people believe they work.

As soon as advertisers start to use them to screw with people's heads, they may start to put them in many

fragrances. That said, even then most people won't experiment to use them effectively, they'll just wear what's

in the mainstream colognes that just say they have -mones in them to enhance your sexuality. That'll screw with a

lot of people's lives (What if they OD? They won't know what's going on...).

In the unlikely situation that

-mones become as popular as CK cologne or whatever, the next level would be for the best users to experiment with

what works best for them so they have an edge over others who aren't willing to put the effort in to experiment.

The experimenters and the smart ones will still have an edge.

Besides, we teach more than -mones here on the

forum. We try and help people improve their overall attractiveness as well (go to the gym, check body language,


On a side note, with society being so sex-crazed as it is in the media, I wonder what would happen if

they started adding -mones...

10-22-2004, 06:43 AM
i agree with pancho here. i dont

think mones are going to be popular, because often you have to experiment in order to find the right amount. and

when people do not find it right away they just say "they wont work" and spread this further.


10-22-2004, 07:08 AM
Commerial perfume companies

are using or looking into using pheromones, and more will incorporate them in the future, especially as new

products come out. It'll eventually be main stream, but the doses will be lower than what we use (for the stinkier

things anyway, which can irritate women depending on the time of the month), and they won't disclose that

pheromones are in the product.

10-22-2004, 08:12 AM
What are the laws for

disclosing incredients?

I know all ingestible food has to have ingredient information for allergies and such.

Why don't chemicals you apply to your skin have to disclose ingredients as well?

10-22-2004, 09:15 AM
It is the wild west. Not that I have

much of a problem with that. And don't forget, many companies aren't American.

10-22-2004, 09:55 AM
I think a lot of people

probably think of mones as having a placebo effect. Sometimes, it can be easy to think that because the content is

not really given out to the public, such as WAGG, Pheros, or Chikara. (However, these are some of the more popular

products sold on this site!) I agree that it can be a big hassle or a time-consuming task to experiment with

products. And for every person who sees results with mones, there's probably another person who's getting no

results from it for whatever reason.

That being said, I think a lot of people know about this stuff nowadays.

You see it in spam e-mails, online articles, news stories, etc. Whether or not they use it is, only a guy like

Bruce would know.

10-22-2004, 11:21 AM
What are the

laws for disclosing incredients?

I know all ingestible food has to have ingredient information for allergies and

such. Why don't chemicals you apply to your skin have to disclose ingredients as well?
You have to

disclose for cosmetics but not perfumes.

10-22-2004, 07:27 PM
As a Business student who knows

marketers who works at cologne companies, companies are in fact looking into phero's, However there are several

issues that must be considered prior to doing so some of these I will discuss. These are reasons "why" mones will

most likely not become mainstream if ever.
1) There are legal issues, since mones do infact "influence" ones

actions and attitude, contents in colognes may cause unwanted effects. This is very complicated as I am not a

lawyer thus I can't elaborate. But one way is to fully disclose the effects of mones, the effects, drawbacks, etc.

which is very costly.
2) Companies will not use mones since there is no "market" for it. Like people said, not

much people know about mones, therefore companies have to "differentiate" itself from others, but if nobody knows

what is different nobody will really buy it. And since like others said, most people do not believe it works or may

know "adverse effects" will not even touch these things.
3) This lack of demand, is not profitable, therefore there

is no market for it.
4) Also, mones works differently with individuals, it may be good for some and bad for

others, but this is very unpredictable thus it may cause "bad image" through word of mouth etc. Ie, new product

with mone, it helps to make you more attractive, but if you wear it and you OD than it is really will be bad for the

company image.
4) In terms of OD, this is very true, in order to produce the product it must be homogenous, meaning

it must be accepted by the masses (in order to profit from it), so cologne companies will be VERY conservative in

the content and doses it uses. This will in turn make it less effective.
Note, us "real" mones users have

different doses, different combinations etc, which gives us the "kick" and effectiveness.
If a standard and minimum

content is used it will not work or lack in effectivness.
5) Also, in terms of market, If you havn't noticed the

cologne industry is mostly for women, sure there is cologne for men but havn't you noticed how if you go to the

cologne section of a store, you get like 5 to 6 areas for women perfume, and for cologne there is only one stand.

This proves how men usually does not use cologne as "daily" products compared to women.
Therefore, there really

isn't much to worry about in terms of us daily phero users.
So all of what I said, lack of market, huge costs, the

OD effect, the profit factor, and the fact that men just don't use cologne as much proves that we don't really

need to worry about mainstream.
There is just not enough "profitable" reason to make company mass produce these


10-22-2004, 08:27 PM
well said...

10-23-2004, 06:14 AM
I agree...