View Full Version : How do I use the newbie pack??

10-21-2004, 03:26 AM

question may seem a little banal but it is an honest one. I purchsed the newbie special and am a bit mystified on

how to go about using it. It comes with an atomizer, bottle of The Edge and a small bottle of nol with a musk scent.

What should I do, tip half a bottle of the edge into the atomizer with a few drops of the nol mone or something>?

What sort of ratio's am I dealing with here? Will a full spray of TE out of the atomizer be close to OD levels or

what? Anyone who has the kit and has some advice would be most appreciated!



10-21-2004, 03:46 AM

TE can be used by

itself or mixed with other scents. I'm going to tell you to do some research on the forum because that is where

you'll find everything we could tell you here. But to start, try 2-3 dabs of TE with whatever cologne you normally

use or a couple dabs of the musk oil. See how that works for starters. If after a few days you haven't noticed any

reactions, try a little more.

Good luck

10-21-2004, 06:32 AM
The original instructions on the

newbie kit were to mix half SPMO and half Edge in the atomizer, then try a full spray - increasing to two full

sprays if necessary.

I bought one of those kits a couple of years ago, took it on vacation to Savannah, and had a

great time. IIRC, I sprayed it into the air in front of me at chest level and walked through the spray.
