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10-20-2004, 03:11 PM
Has anyone like

did an intentional overdose of primal instinct like with 5+ drops? My friend and I were joking around and I was like

hehe im going to put on 10 drops and see what happens. What exactly would people do?

btw- no coverscent,

nothing added:-)

10-20-2004, 04:14 PM
"What exactly would people


Ermmm, beat the cr@p outta' you?? :hammer:

10-20-2004, 04:19 PM
Mnjim, I thought that to initially,

but the irony will be that he won't get any response.

10-20-2004, 05:55 PM
Mnjim, I thought that to

initially, but the irony will be that he won't get any response.

My thoughts were that there

would be one of a couple of results.
1- Women would run in fear, and men would attack.
2- people would steer

clear due to the stench.
3- No reaction at all.

The getting the cr@p beaten out of him was the worst

case scenario.

10-21-2004, 06:47 AM
Has anyone like

did an intentional overdose of primal instinct like with 5+ drops? My friend and I were joking around and I was like

hehe im going to put on 10 drops and see what happens. What exactly would people do?

btw- no coverscent, nothing

added:-)I tried 5+ drops of PI/m, a long time ago. I forget the cover scent I used. I didn't do a lot of

research back then and I wanted the stuff to really work...so out of ignorance, I overdosed. Bad move. The

reaction I got was people clearing out of my way when I walked in a room, like they were afraid of me. Both men and

women. Another thing is it made me feel like I wanted someone to pick a fight with me so I could hurt them. Not a

good way to be at your job.
Now I know better of course...I haven't worn that much PI since then and rarely wear

it at all. Being a 'lone wolf', it's best I don't.

10-21-2004, 08:51 PM
I tried

5+ drops of PI/m, a long time ago. I forget the cover scent I used. I didn't do a lot of research back then and I

wanted the stuff to really work...so out of ignorance, I overdosed. Bad move. The reaction I got was people

clearing out of my way when I walked in a room, like they were afraid of me. Both men and women. Another thing is it

made me feel like I wanted someone to pick a fight with me so I could hurt them. Not a good way to be at your job.

Now I know better of course...I haven't worn that much PI since then and rarely wear it at all. Being a 'lone

wolf', it's best I don't.
yes i also had this same experience years ago as an anxious

newbie. people pretty much run away from you. i felt the strong desire to break stuff. and of course when people

did have to deal with you it generally wasnt pleasant... nasty atitudes arguments, etc.
be careful as

after prolonged OD with primal u may ultimately end up deep in depression as nobody will stay near u.

10-21-2004, 09:10 PM
Primal Instinct, making people's

lives better since 1987!

10-22-2004, 04:43 AM
Primal Instinct,

making people's lives better since 1987!I think PI is good for certain people, but you just have to be

careful with it.

10-22-2004, 06:46 AM
I think PI is good

for certain people, but you just have to be careful with it.I had good luck with PI when I bought my last


I used the application mentioned by (I think) a.k.a. - one drop on a saucer, dip the tip of the pinkie in

it, spread between the pinkies, apply to neck. I probably covered with the cologne of the week, but I don't

remember. You don't need very much of it.

Male salesperson. Got the car for the price I offered.


10-22-2004, 07:03 AM
My problem with it is that most

people who use the stuff are not able to talk to other users about how much to put on (it is not like the whole

world shops at LS). So they do minimum dose from the delivery method (1 drop) and often are ODing. But they don't

know that, so they try 2, 3, 4, 5. It is not like the thing comes with instructions, especially ones that say "1

drop may be too much."

Products need to be made idiot proof, anything that requires you to be an expert is

poorly made.

10-22-2004, 08:26 AM
My problem with it is

that most people who use the stuff are not able to talk to other users about how much to put on (it is not like the

whole world shops at LS). So they do minimum dose from the delivery method (1 drop) and often are ODing. But they

don't know that, so they try 2, 3, 4, 5. It is not like the thing comes with instructions, especially ones that say

"1 drop may be too much."

Products need to be made idiot proof, anything that requires you to be an expert is

poorly made.Absolutely. Same thing with a lot of other products. It took me forever to be able to use

Edge/NPA. Turns out the secret ingredients overpower the none for me and I have to add some. Who knew?


10-24-2004, 08:15 PM
It took me

forever to be able to use Edge/NPA. Turns out the secret ingredients overpower the none for me and I

have to add some. Who knew?-BassBass ... Not questioning your intelligence, but as usual ... trying to rob

you of some of it. What makes you think that/how do you know that? :think:

Thanks! :thumbsup:

10-25-2004, 05:54 AM
I find the same thing, and I

suspect that he found out by using TE/NPA with another -none product.

10-25-2004, 06:40 AM
Bass ... Not

questioning your intelligence, but as usual ... trying to rob you of some of it. What makes you think that/how do

you know that? :think:

Thanks! :thumbsup:I replaced the none in some mixes that had been working for me

with an amount of TE that would give similar none levels, and started getting odd, OD reactions - women I wasn't

even slightly interested in coming on to me, beligerent men. So I started backing off the TE in the mixes. By the

time I got it down to where the OD reactions stopped, it was obvious I didn't have enough none on - too much LJBF.

I took a guess at what was going on, and started mixing TE with Andro 4.2 1:1. Everything became rosy again

:thumbsup: .

There are probably other explanations for the above phenom, but I figured that I was OD'ing on

the secret ingredients, and needed more none than was in TE.


10-25-2004, 12:26 PM
"Products need to be made idiot


The problem with this is, once they make something idiot proof, they invent a better idiot!!


10-25-2004, 12:33 PM
"Products need to

be made idiot proof...'

The problem with this is, once they make something idiot proof, they invent a better

idiot!! :blink:
:rofl:PLEASE! Somebody arrest this guy!:rofl:

10-25-2004, 12:37 PM
OD reactions -

women I wasn't even slightly interested in coming on to me.
Thanks, Bass!

That would be my

kind of OD! :thumbsup:

10-25-2004, 12:51 PM
Thanks, Bass!

That would be my kind of OD! :thumbsup:Rough life I lead, eh? Trust me, I was being kind. :D
