View Full Version : Asexuality?

10-14-2004, 01:32 PM

This doesn't actually

mention pheromones, but it struck me that this phenomenon may well be related to VNO or other physical smell

problems. I remember reading something about it in James' book. Maybe he can comment.


10-14-2004, 01:48 PM
"Asexuality: it's not

just for amoebas anymore."

Ok I can understand ppl who just arent interested, but a movement?

Merchandise? And a slogan like that???

10-14-2004, 06:37 PM
People who are born with no sense of

smell reportedly don't fall in love. However, in the cases studied, the patients also produce minimal if any sex

hormones. Another confusing angle is that if you provide hormone therapy, sexual interest develops in the patients.

What I think is lacking is the hormone response to pheromones, which basically conditions our sexual

response cycle from the day we are born. With no olfactory/pheromonal input, a newborn has no means by which to

experience a sex difference in processing of the signals from others of the same species. These sex differences are

essential to forming the basis for attraction and love.

Also, as with other animals, if a male loses his

sense of smell before his first sexual experience, his sex drive will suffer--just as with loss of the sense of

smell (in aging, or through trauma) the sex drive declines.