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View Full Version : Perception, the real deal?

10-13-2004, 01:29 PM
Sup everyone.

I've been away from the forum busy with school but I was just browsing the forum and found alotta threads about

Perception. Is it that good? and is it good for sexual hits? I've been having good hits without pheromones here on

campus but I'd like to give pheromones another shot and see if it makes a bigger difference. Is Perception the new


10-13-2004, 01:38 PM
Perception offers a

water-based formula with 'time-release' properties that provide consistent -mone release over an extended period

of time. It's kind of like medicines that last 8-12 hours or gum that has flavor for more than 5 minutes.


fragrance and -mones are separate, making it good to mix and match fragrance and -mone amounts. It is also a pretty

classy design, packaging that looks just like any other cologne.

New standard? I wouldn't go that far. Let's

just say it's new, causing all of those threads. In fact, any new product would generate that much response, as

people would try to find out how to use it effectively.

That said, it is a very good product. I would recommend


10-13-2004, 01:40 PM
Perception offers

a water-based formula with 'time-release' properties that provide consistent -mone release over an extended period

of time. It's kind of like medicines that last 8-12 hours or gum that has flavor for more than 5 minutes.

The fragrance and -mones are separate, making it good to mix and match fragrance and -mone amounts. It is also

a pretty classy design, packaging that looks just like any other cologne.

New standard? I wouldn't go that

far. Let's just say it's new, causing all of those threads. In fact, any new product would generate that much

response, as people would try to find out how to use it effectively.

That said, it is a very good product.

I would recommend it.

Thanks for the input. Is it good for sexual responses or is it more of a social


10-13-2004, 02:07 PM
Reactions indicate both. You

have to look at the -mone ratios and form your own opinion about those. It favors -rone and -nol over none, without

neglecting -none.

10-13-2004, 05:12 PM
I personally have had both

types of successes with Perception ... I don't know if any ONE of the mone products sold here is the official "real

deal" ... one does this and the other does that, and sometimes vice versa with different wearers. But I will say

Perception is A real deal ... The more you refine and define your goals, the more we can tell you which is most

likely to be "your" real deal ...