View Full Version : PCC report

10-09-2004, 10:51 PM
I've been using PCC for

about a month now and have noticed some interesting reactions.

I've had kids stare at me in an almost dream

like state and act really crazy around me. As far as women are concerned, it does seem to attract them but I've

also noticed a tad bit more assertiveness in their behavior. I was sitting down and talking to a woman today when I

noticed a reaction in her eyes. She was a little bit assertive and very sure of herself, but she prolonged our

conversation longer than she really had to.

As far as other men are concerned, some seem very respectful of me

but others are more aggressive and antagonistic.

Personally, I get a little buzz shortly after putting it on

and feel confident and more assertive. I've gotten angry when wearing it, but nothing like the "pissed off with an

attitude" feeling I get from none only.