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View Full Version : The newbie deal

09-30-2004, 09:00 AM
Man its been awaile

scense the last time I been on here my computer been acting up like crazy. This newbie deal going on it seem perfect

for me sense iam still a newbie. But I was wanting you guys opinon on this becuase I have heard alot about SOE

unscented from the last time I was on here. Because iam 15 and they said that SOE unscented would be great for me

because of the social hits it get. But it comes with the edge dont know much about that and the packs of SOE sented

I think. So whats your guys opinon on the deal and should I get it.

But guess what ever sense the last time

they told me to get the SOE I still havnt ordered anything yet. I know its sad. But I ran into some money now and im

ready to get started ordering. Is that special still going on when you buy that coupon in the arcade you get 50% off

100 dollar orders. Becuase I have 40 to spend my dad will out in the extra 10 bucks. But what would yall recommend I

get with the deal.

09-30-2004, 09:20 AM
damn i can remember when i was 15.

i'm 22 now, i miss those days. i loved highschool, one of the best times in my life lol. i really wish i can do it

again. back then i didn't know about mones but i was the man anyways. highschool is more about popularity, it

doesn't really matter about anything else. you want girls, be popular. you wanna be popular, be retarded (not the

mental one), act like an asshole, just do what you feel whenever you feel. i know i will prob get flamed and

chastised by other people but i was one of the most popular people in my highschool once you cancelled out the

brainy/focused/school president crowd. just remember that once you get outta highschool it's a whole new game.

for mones i would just go with soe. be a friendly, confident, cocky, asshole that's what i was. i lost it

somehwere down the line in college, but i'm getting it. PM me if you wanna talk, i got that blue print down.

edit:totally forgot about all this has to be incorporated into a funny/you're a fun person type.

09-30-2004, 09:32 AM
one more thing, it's not about

being alone wolf because if you are then this doesn't work out. you'll look more like a weirdo vs somebody that

all the girls want. you'll have to build up a crew of guys and girls (good looking girls only), yes-men and

yes-women that validate what you do is ok. this isn't done overnight, you're 15 so i assume you're an entering

freshman. i started out as just a nobody and didn't reach my peak til senior year in highschool. freshman and

sophmore year are meant to build your rep and start out with the core of the crew, junior year is when you crew

gains notoriety, and senior year you can just live off the rep of your crew.

09-30-2004, 09:37 AM
Wow that was more information

then I expected but it was helpful and I apricate it TRock. Yea man I see where you coming from and Im about to pm

you aight.

10-01-2004, 10:24 AM
Dang why dosent anybody what to

post did I say something wrong or somethin.

10-01-2004, 10:49 AM
Dang why dosent

anybody what to post did I say something wrong or somethin.

Naw! It's been soooo long since I was

15, I wouldn't have any ideas. :hammer: