View Full Version : It Happened!!! First time out!!!

09-29-2004, 02:10 PM
:wave: Hello I am fairly new to Love Scent and on 9/22/04 I placed my first order.

Read this entire post. I know it is long, but I think you will like it.

Well on 9/27/04 I received the Beginner Special, Free Gel Packs and Alter Ego in

the mail.

To Bruce, Thanks for the prompt service and ease of

shopping. This is truly a world class shopping experience. Excellent Store! After hearing some post about other on

line stores I am glad to patronize your establishment.

I have known

about Love Scent for quite a while. I also have been knowledgeable about pheromones my entire life thanks to

educational TV and good ole hunting techniques.

There was no doubt

in my mind that the pheromones would work. But, how good and to what effect? After reading several posts in the

forums, reviews of the products as well as the Reference Material, I chose a few products that I thought were

desirable. In no particular order here they are.

#1 Pheros, The

name invokes the image of an Egyptian Pharaoh; the product has over a hundred different essences. I was attracted to

the marketing of the product and the packaging. I also appreciated the ability to engage in conversation with its

creator DRSMELLTHIS. The final straw was the discussion on this product in “Perception Caused Intimidation.” This

was it; I had to purchase this product, and did. Still waiting, should be here soon.

#2 Alter Ego, Due to the combination of 3 pheromones and incredible hit experience described in

the reviews.

#3 Chikara,

Which claims to include 7 pheromones and an incredible scent. Also the reviews were very favorable, and again the

marketing was spectacular.

#4 Perception, This product has a

water/polymer formula that they claim is a controlled time release, and boasts a consistent release. They are also

touting the easy removal via proper showering. This is to prevent build up through transdermal absorption and

re-release, preventing an OD situation.

Well there were my


Now, lets move on to my experience and experimentations. I

Mixed The Edge and Super Primal Musk Oil 50/50. Before my shower I took a good clean white cotton handkerchief, no

fabric softer, and sprayed it with two sprays. I waited for the first to dry before applying the second. After a

shower I folded it up and placed it in my underwear. I only folded it over twice and did not try to form any

enhancements to my anatomy. I only used it as a concealed and focused carrier of the product. It was still emitting

a horrible BO signature even after time to dry dilution and fairly small dosage.

I then applied a single small drop of Alter Ego to my wrist and rubbed my wrist

together then transferred the remaining residue to my neck just under my ears.

I, several hours earlier, had also applied AE to my wrist and had contaminated my

fingers with The Edge when mixing the musk oil with it. So any amount left over from this first contact that did not

wash off was also emitting its signature after my application of the hanky and one drop of AE to my post showered


I experienced an OD in the first hour while shuttling my

mother on a few of her errands.

While she was in side one of her

destinations I was out side. I was approached from the south by an African American gentleman and his sexy mixed

girlfriend. I politely smiled. Then it happened, I got a hit. After she passed she turned and looked at me. He

grabbed her and said “come on, what’ sup.” She did not reply, but turned and continued. Then she, after only a few

steps, turned and smiled with a large friendly smile. He again protested and she put her arm around him and said

“Nothing baby, it is Ok.” After a few more steps she turned and smiled as if she did not know why, but she could not

resist, then she waived, and she made sure he did not notice as much this time. By this time they were 10 yards

away. The interaction was over, but I knew she was affected by the Pheromones.

I returned my mother to her domicile and continued to explore different


First was a Grocery store. No results. After that I went to

my uncles evening employment. There I was to be engaged by an older woman for quite a while in conversation. Lots of

smiling from here, she also was staying inside a set amount of distance. As I would create more space she would

close the gap and even gain ground. I then broke my conversation politely and visited my uncle for a small time. I

introduced him to the idea of supplemental pheromone therapy or as I also like to call pheromone replacement

therapy. He was very interested to receive the web address.

I then

vacated the premises to frequent the local Barns & Nobel. It was about ten O’clock by this time, and the dosing took

place around six thirty. I found two late teen or early twenties females at the magazine rack to stand by while

reading a magazine that conveniently was located in there vicinity. I never read about model planes but have a

fascination and want to learn more. I would like to possess a remote control model jet plane. I secretly pay

attention to the hotties. They became exited and kept crossing and uncrossing their legs and purposely avoided

looking at me. Then they got quite giddy. They decided to pick up and leave. I know it was a hit because they both

left their purses and returned embarrassedly to retrieve them while blushing and only making sparse eye contact to

then break the eye contact by looking down and giggling. I then made my way around the store slowly. I encounter

them again while they were descending the escalader and I was ascending. I looked directly at them purposefully and

smiled brightly. Their mouths dropped open they smiled and screamed and giggled. They then started whispering into

each others ears, hiding their eyes behind their hands, laughing while peaking and smiling me. They resembled little

school girls.

I proceeded to continue on my adventure. A very sexy

coed was studying at a table next to a wall, so I chose to look at the world history books close to her location.

She was engulfed in her studies. I made my way around the shelves only once but took my time as to be searching the

shelves. I then positioned my self as to make eye contact after several minutes. I was 3-4 yards away. She all of a

sudden stopped and looked up at me. Then look at her lap area. She was sitting Indian style. I believe that I had an

affect because of the over all reaction. As she looked to her lower anatomy she had a look of surprise as if to be

experiencing an unexpected arousal. She then looked up at me quickly and smiled warmly with a hint of dismay. I

chuckled and smiled to convert my smile to a coy smirk. And again, I vacated the aria to allow her to continue

studying. I figure I may see her there again.

I did pass by a few

ladies to whom I was not interested and they seemed to not be interested in me either.

I encountered an acquaintance who I did not feel has a proper respect for me. I engaged

in warm conversation to see what would happen if I kept an open mind. We connected on an intellectual level and both

enjoyed the company.

Before I left I was close to the exit and was

smiled at by several more women. Then, I was ready to exit a very beautiful employee who I have spoken to in the

distant pass walked by. She smiled and gave me a nice “Hello! How are you?” I of course replied with “Spectacular!

How about you?” She replied with by looking down to her breast. She standing more erect in better posture was

projecting her breast. Then smiling and saying “really good thanks!” I then dismissed my self to peruse a trip home,

and contemplate my experiences.

Well there it is. What do you think? I

hope this is informative and helpful. Also I hope that this will start some discussion. I really want some feed back

as to what you all think about my experiences.:type:



09-29-2004, 02:45 PM
Wow. That was a very good

first day for you. sounds like you had many successful hits. Im starting to become more impressed with the Edge. Ive

been using about 3 or 4 sprays of chikara and using about an inch of the edge(gel pack) on my wrist and rubbing my

wrists together. Again, am only doing this every other day. I dont wanna OD. But anyways, Ive been having good

reactions. A lot of smiling, laughing, and flirting. It's nice.