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View Full Version : guessing my daily androstenone level

09-25-2004, 11:14 AM
I only occasionally wear exogenous pheromones, so I am aware of how I smell (ismellgood). But I recently

started trying to guess my -none level (relative to myself on other days). Yesterday I had many "hits" from women I

did not know (and I had not worn any exogenous pheromones for a few days, showering 2x/day). I expected the hits

(hence a risk of self-fulfilling prophecy), because I smelled extra good yesterday (my armpits had an untarnished

masculine smell).

Has anyone else noted the association between your endogenous smell variations and


09-25-2004, 04:57 PM
yeah thats suppossedly is the

pheromones at work. Lately my armpits have been getting uber smelly i dunno wtf it is. Its never in my life smelled

so smelly and sweaty. Nothings changed. Anyway i do notice more hits with this smelly crap

09-26-2004, 01:09 AM
In addition to the quantity

of odor, I was thinking of the quality. If it is a "fresh" male scent (even if the sweat is a few hours old), that

seems best, but if it has a taint (sour, putrid, etc) I think that would not work as well. Of course, all of this

might be the biochemical reflection of mood, nutrition, etc.

09-30-2004, 01:50 PM
There's some research

regarding male cycles.

I know Testosterone levels fluctuate.

There can be times when you just feel good

and lucky.

I expect it's not just 'mones but everything; you're in the zone, or not.