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View Full Version : Just ordered Chikara and The Edge

09-15-2004, 09:54 AM

I just ordered Chikara and The Edge, I can't wait for it to come. Was it smarter to get The Edge unscented?

Anyway, one question, Chikara doesn't need a cover scent, correct?

09-15-2004, 10:16 AM

09-15-2004, 12:12 PM
Was it smarter to

get The Edge unscented?

I'd like to think so, that way you can use it with your favorite

coverscent. Word of advice with TE (well it applied to me), dab don't spray. In the beginning I was using one

spray, but nothing was happening. So I tapered it down, now I only use 2 dabs, and get decent results


BTW I use TE Heat

09-15-2004, 05:37 PM
I'd like to think

so, that way you can use it with your favorite coverscent. Word of advice with TE (well it applied to me), dab

don't spray. In the beginning I was using one spray, but nothing was happening. So I tapered it down, now I only

use 2 dabs, and get decent results :-)

BTW I use TE Heat

Whats the difference between TE Heat,

and regular TE?

09-15-2004, 07:42 PM
Not sure.. Im thinking about

gettin TE unscented to go with my chikara. That way i wont lose the great chikara scent

09-15-2004, 08:47 PM
Whats the difference

between TE Heat, and regular TE?

nothing really just TE Heat has a light scent to it. I can't

remember what the smell is exactly, but the topic has been covered in the past. Run a search on it.

09-16-2004, 06:58 AM

the difference between TE Heat, and regular


Heat (http://love-scent.com/product_info.php/products_id/6) has "essential oils of

vetivert and clearisage," while regular scented Edge is a sandalwood scent. There is some disagreement about the

Heat's smell. Bruce says it smells like cedar to him and has wondered in the past here if the descriptions of the

products had gotten mixed up, as there is also Edge Arouser, which has ceadarwood oils in it. I am familiar with

vetivert and just recently smelled some clarysage (assuming it's the same thing as "clearisage"). Those two oils

smell similar to me and nothing like the Heat, which has a lemongrass smell to me. I have not tried Arouser so I

can't compare it's scent to the Heat.

09-16-2004, 01:19 PM
Regular Edge has no added

scent. Heat is vetiver and clary sage, Arouser is cedar. Both of the latter have other oils added too, but those are

the prominent notes.

You want to cover unscented edge with something scented. Chikara is a good place to start.

I'm biased, but I think Pheros is really nice for applying over Edge or NPA, as well as for combining with

Chikara. It would be a nice trio.

09-16-2004, 01:55 PM
Regular Edge

has no added scent. Heat is vetiver and clary sage, Arouser is cedar. Both of the latter have other oils added too,

but those are the prominent notes.

You want to cover unscented edge with something scented. Chikara is a

good place to start. I'm biased, but I think Pheros is really nice for applying over Edge or NPA, as well as

for combining with Chikara. It would be a nice trio.

I definately wanted to order Pheros, but I also

have a budget :(. Hopefully I can get that soon, but I want to see how this stuff works also.