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View Full Version : PI(women) is great for workout boosts IF I CAN STOP FANTASIZING ABOUT SEX during.....

09-14-2004, 03:48 AM
i must be really horny today or have some pent up sexual

frustration recently or something cuz i used PI(women) for a boost during workout today and i couldn't stop

dreaming up these fantasy scenarios involving my girl roommate... it was very distracting to say the least but

surprisingly i was able to push an extra 10lbs on top of my maximum tolerance. it certainly is quite helpful for

workouts but one of these days im sure im gonna get too distracted by the fantasies in my head and hurt myself on

the machine. what should i do?? :think:
(the fact that once in a long while she somehow manages to walk around

the apartment in her cute undies doesn't help the matter either..) :smite:

09-14-2004, 05:27 AM

Lifting Heavy Dumbbells in the Middle of a Testosterone-Filled Room Full of Sweaty Men

Then again, you could always:

Sleep with your roommate
Sleep with someone else
Sleep with your roommate

Seriously, though...

Put on some headphones, get into a groove, and pump those reps out!!! Get a buddy to

lift with you to keep your mind elsewhere... Hire me for motivation...you've never seen anyone spot until you've

seen me spot...I make Tony Little and Tony Robbins look like pessimists... :lol:

09-14-2004, 06:34 AM
man, don't i

wanna...unfortunately i don't seem to be her type and so far the mones have just made her a little more friendly is

all. on top of that my steady gf comes over very often so it would be a whole other fantasy scenario if she walks

in on me trying something funny. hahaha :rofl: (not to mention my roommate's bf also drops by sometimes)

although i gotta say having a 19yr old's natural mones float around the apartment sure puts me in a workout mood

everyday, i can't think of a better motivation...ever since she moved in there's not one day i felt too lazy to go

the gym. i've broken through my previous maximum tolerance all thanks to her. :thumbsup:

but yeah,

headphones r an excellent idea i'll try to get some mp3 or something...
and im not sure if i can afford u pancho

if ur as good as u says. hehe :goodpost:

09-14-2004, 07:51 AM
That's what I call

-monivation! :LOL:

Hmmm...well, roomie with bf, you with gf...that's a tight spot. Good luck with all

that...I'd say enjoy the boost you're getting and take all of that sexual energy out on something/someone


You use the -mones (natural or otherwise) to get psyched for the gym. Perfect. It's a lot better than

shoving down supplements with risk to your kidneys or whole body in the case of steroids...

That being said,

things you will hear me say at the gym for motivation:

"Come on, man...here we go. Light weight, now, light

"You got it, man...come on...It's all you, man, all you..."
"Oh, that was easy! You could do another 3

of those if you wanted!"
"I want one more, man! You can do it! I'm right here, but you don't need me. I could

go get a drink of water and you'd still be pushing out reps when I got back!"
"You need to move up, man. That was

too easy. You pushed that around like you were lifting a glass of water. Five more pounds next time!"


you will hear me say to my friends preparing for a set (I tried it during a set once and made them laugh...so I

refrain from that now):

"You're a tank! You own this weight! You've better throw around this weight

like it's your wicked stepchild!"
"You're a beast, man, a beast!"

Things I've never said but would love to


"You're not going to let this weak weight take you down, are you? This weight slept with your mom last

night! You're not going to take that from this weak weight, are you!"
"This is all you're doing? Man, you lift

that much when you go to use the restroom..."

:thumbsup: (I'm exaggerating, but not by much on the true ones)

09-14-2004, 05:17 PM
ahh man now that is some

funny sh**!! haha I would probably drop the bar on myself.
But thats awesome.
Later man.

09-14-2004, 07:49 PM

my advice is have a lot of steamy sex with your g/f , forget about your roommate and PM your roommates phone


09-15-2004, 03:46 AM
good idea jollysnowdevil

minus the phone pm. haha :smite:

09-16-2004, 10:08 AM
can't blame a man for

trying. after all it is better to try and fail then to not try at all

09-16-2004, 07:14 PM
wait, let me get this straight.

you're a male that bought the PI female version (used to attract males) so that you could spray it on yourself

before working out to give yourself a boost while working out?

09-16-2004, 10:43 PM
wait, let

me get this straight. you're a male that bought the PI female version (used to attract males) so that you could

spray it on yourself before working out to give yourself a boost while working out?uh huh, that's correct.

i wasn't the first one to think of utilizing the couplins this way though. :thumbsup: of course the downside to a

sudden surge of 200% testosterone is uncontrollable sexual fantasies...which may or may not interfere with ur

workout depending on ur preference. haha

warning: do not try this at home! if u happen to drop the bar on urself

like dalesalsa82 mentioned at least there will be people to help u in the gym. :rofl:

09-17-2004, 05:30 PM
Actually i think its 250% your

current testosterone level if uv had it on for 15 mins straight. Use of couplins during workouts is very popular and

can help with the max weight you are able to lift and the number of reps you can perform.

09-17-2004, 05:47 PM
What if the other guys in the

gym start getting a little too friendly because of your mones?

09-17-2004, 05:51 PM
Well i dont use PI/w i use the male

version of couplins. Honestly, i normally go to the gym when there arnt that many other people. Its a wonder to me,

its brand new, has more machines than iv ever seen but nobody goes (only in America!).

09-17-2004, 09:47 PM
What if

the other guys in the gym start getting a little too friendly because of your mones?like the girls who will

assume the mones r coming off the 'alpha' male of the group, the guys at the gym won't get friendly with u(unless

they r gay and ur their type) and will assume the couplins r coming off the other females in ur vicinity and drool

at them instead... :thumbsup:

09-18-2004, 08:24 AM
Well i dont use PI/w

i use the male version of couplins. Honestly, i normally go to the gym when there arnt that many other

people. Its a wonder to me, its brand new, has more machines than iv ever seen but nobody goes (only in


I'm curious what it is you're referring to as "the male version of copulins".

you clarify what you mean by that?

Oscar :)

09-18-2004, 11:48 AM
Uhh.... its a version of couplins

made for men. Its still called PCC, its pretty much just PCC with/out the feminine fragrence. It came with products

called A314 and CTTM from a pheromone supplier i was using before i found this store (iv seen a lot and this one is

definately the best). I was gunna write an e-mail to Bruce asking him to add these products to the forum since i

still use what i have left of them. Iv been using it for about 6 months and dam do they work wonders. I combined

them with TE recently and dam does that stuff do the trick with women! Every chick i meet acts like im the hottest

guy shes ever seen. DIHL isnt very common but if it is than its just about 1-3 secs. But if u know ANYTHING about

body language and the way they talk to you than its obvious to a mentally retarded chimpanzee that shes attracted to

you like shes never been attracted before. And this is nothing close to a rare event.

In a couple hours il send

you a PM about this stuff ok?

09-18-2004, 12:52 PM
Zeus, what ratios are you using those

products in?

09-19-2004, 12:06 PM
U have em? I still have to send

that PM to oscar instead of putting it off..

2 sprays TE/sandalwood, 1-2 drops CTTM (beta-nol) on each spot i

sprayed the TE, and 1-2 drops A314.

The site i bought all this stuff from is pathetic in ways i cant even

describe. They are understaffed like you wouldnt believe and rarely send you your order on time if at all. Whats

funny is that the store sucks so much their whole forum is filled with people complaining about not getting their

orders and how they actually (really did) file law suits and governmental complaints against the store because they

charged them on their credit cards and wont give them the product or at least a refund.

Well their really great

products and i hope Bruce will add them to the love-scent's products.

09-19-2004, 04:32 PM

Please stop posting

incorrect information. There is no male version of PCC. That other website is selling PCC as part of a deal based on

the assumption that cops can be used by men to attract women.

09-19-2004, 09:41 PM
This might be a stupid question,

but are there negative side effects to using the PI? If you guys consider it increasing your testosterone, how is

it different than steroids?

09-20-2004, 08:04 PM
There's no such thing as a

stupid question.

It's different because it's only a temp. increase in testosterone, and it is completely

regulated by the body. You would get the same result if you stuck your head between a woman's legs before a

workout, but that isn't always practical ;) .

09-20-2004, 10:29 PM

no such thing as a stupid question.

It's different because it's only a temp. increase in testosterone, and it

is completely regulated by the body. You would get the same result if you stuck your head between a woman's legs

before a workout, but that isn't always practicle ;) .

lol nice graphic analogy. :thumbsup:

09-21-2004, 03:28 PM
There's no such

thing as a stupid question.

It's different because it's only a temp. increase in testosterone, and it is

completely regulated by the body. You would get the same result if you stuck your head between a woman's legs

before a workout, but that isn't always practical ;) .
Wow sounds interesting. Although, I don't think

I would do that though. Hell, I don't even work out, but I really should.