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09-13-2004, 02:17 PM
i almost forgot i

have a story from few years ago when i was using unscented primal. if this wasn't a hit i dont know what is.

a few years ago i was hanging out with a close friend of mine in his apartment. his father was

asleep in the bedroom next door to us. we were just chatting watching tv when his father's girlfriend sat down to

join us as usual. she sat down right next to me on the couch. after a few minutes she started commenting on my

physique on how i was such a strong sexy man. then she started rubbing my chest and kept begging me "let me see your

chest". i refused as this was completely awkward and i would not disrespect a good friend like that. she kept

persisting and started making even more sexual comments. my good friend got up to use the restroom and while he was

gone she then proceeded to unzip her shorts and started to rub herself.
my friend came back in the

room to see her sitting next to me all her goodies hanging out spread eagle playing with herself. i just couldnt

believe it. finally after trying to push her away from me i threatened to wake up her b/f in the next room. when i

asked her if she really wanted me to do that she simply replied "i don't care go ahead he knows what's up. hell he

can even watch u fuck me like a real man does" after hearing that i grabbed my shit and ran out of the apartment.

to this day i still wont go over there when she is home and my friend wont ever let me forget it.

about a hit. if she was drunk i might have understood but she was sober. it took me a few days to realize that i

was wearing the primal that day. i dont even think mace would have kept her away. oh yeah did i mention that she

kept trying to pull my clothes off?
so to all those primal users out there b carefull. when it works it

really really works.

09-13-2004, 02:22 PM
damn if this is true i woulda

smacked that shit and hit it hard!

09-13-2004, 02:31 PM
yeah believe me i thought

about it myself. 3 reasons i didnt.

1 - b/f is pappa mandingo i wouldnt have felt it if i stuck my

leg up there
2- family is powerful hatian family.would rather be on their good and respectful side if u

know what i mean
3- she is about a 5 on the milf scale not fat at all but seems like she has mental

issues from 9/11 unfortunately. dont need that stress in my life.