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09-12-2004, 08:16 PM

everyone, I am fairly new to the usage of pheromones, and after a few days of doing a good deal of reaserch here I

think I'm ready to make my first purchase, but before I do, I wanted to ask a few small questions.

I myself am

a 5'10", ~120lbs. male (just stating incase those details are necessary) in my senior year at high school and am

hoping to order Chikara cologne for everyday use, and am considering also ordering TE(unscented) for very light or

occasional use.

My main question is relating to the buildup of pheromones. From what I've read I'm assuming

that 2-3 sprays of Chikara is a good amount (although this varies from person to person), and assuming I start with

this amount and continue to shower in both the mornings and evenings, should I be expecting of any extensive buildup

(assuming also I apply to skin, change shirts everyday, and use it upwards of 5-6 days in a row weekly) or would

their more likely be little to no buildup?

What would you say if I were to end up using 1/2 - 3/4 a spray of TE

daily along with the Chikara, would it be about the same or raise the chances of buildup extensively?

Off the

subject of buildup though, is it possible for the pheromone user (or user's GF) to develop any bit of an

'immunity' to its effects if I were to continue to use it for multiple years? What about any side effects; would

such a continued use of pheromones raise any chance of any sexual/mental/physical/hormonal side effects?

My last

question is relating to the usage amounts I just specified. Although the exact amount will vary from person to

person, in yall's opinions would 2 - 3 sprays of Chikara + 3/4 spray of TE daily be a bit much for my starting

daily usages in my age group? Not enough? Or just about right?

This is about all I can think of at

the moment; although I'm sure I'll have a few other questions later. Thank you for your time!

09-12-2004, 08:24 PM
It sounds like you have a good

plan. Use the CHikara alone first to see how much really works for you. Then add a small amount of TE to see what


With the frequency you shower you will probably not get any build up but nobody is really sure if build

up really occurs. It's just a theory some of us believe. As for side effects from ong term use, there have been

none reported. Tolerance is an issue I don't remember seeing discussed but I wouldn't think so.

09-12-2004, 08:45 PM
I wouldnt go with 3/4

sprays of TE. Thats a truckload. I tried 2 sprays one time and I about cried it was so strong. 1 spray is

probably the max youd want to go with it.

As for buildup, it really depends on how much you put on daily. I

dont have Chikara so I dont know how much it will buildup, but TE will usually leave appx 10% of its original dosage

(maybe a bit less) on the next day after a shower (this is applied to skin of course, im not sure about clothing

app). So if you put on one spray of TE on one day, then next day you put on another, its like having on 1.1 sprays.

Thats still within limits. I would say that using one spray of TE each day, then as long as you have 1-2 days per

week with no app then build up wont be a problem.

09-12-2004, 08:48 PM
I meant 3/4 as .75

Not 3-4.


09-12-2004, 08:57 PM
Well, I just placed my order,

and now I'm going to have to let my credit card have some time to heal after that. :lol: But I really think that

the money will turn out to be well spent. Besides even if I don't notice any difference with the pheromones after

a few weeks, I'm sure that the cologne will smell good enough to keep using. :D

I'll more than likely keep

yall updated on any first happenings with the products, but at the same time I'm going to keep in mind all that

I've read here about what the purpose of pheromones truely is (doesn't work as mind control), and I'll be sure

also to moniter others behaviour a bit closely, since I'm expecting any hits to be most likely subtle; I won't be

expecting anything extreme.


09-12-2004, 09:19 PM
I meant 3/4

as .75

Not 3-4. ;)
Oh, well im not sure how well you can measure 3/4 of a spray. That thing

lets it all go once you put enough pressure on the nozzle. :)

09-13-2004, 05:08 AM
Try dabbing TE.