View Full Version : Ever heard of or tried this?

09-11-2004, 08:39 AM

Anyone every bought this course?


The owner

wrote me and offered me a 100% commission on the sale of this e-book, which is of course tempting, but I'm

concerned about the quality. With that size commission, I could give away a starter kit of some sort right along

with it. The e-book costs about $40. Since I would get all of that, I could make it a set where you get quite a

few gel packets (we will soon have Chikara and Alter Ego for men packets).

Bottom line though... Is this book

of any value? Anyone tried it?


09-11-2004, 09:09 AM
I found the book to complicated

and to difficult to use in real life. But that is just my experience. Plus, when my computer crashed and I had to

reinstall the ebook it did not accept my old passwords. I emailed Swinger several times about this without getting

an answer. So with a customer service like that, I dont think you should associate yourself with him.

09-11-2004, 09:18 AM
Chikara and Alter Ego packets?


I've been gone too long, I see ...

Didn't mean to hijack the thread, I don't know anything

about the e-course, but if it isn't user friendly, it probably won't fly that well, even if the content is good


09-11-2004, 09:29 AM

Thanks for the

feedback. Complicated is probably better than the opposite problem. I will ask him about your password. I should

be able to get that fixed pretty quick. Now if he is slow to pay commissions that is bad; or if he misuses personal

customer info, that would also be bad, so I am very concerned about character issues. Thanks.

Note to

others: It looks like you can get a free chapter at that URL above. Might be good to be careful what email address

you give (as always). Us, you don't have to worry about. :-)


09-11-2004, 09:40 AM
Bruce, I just figured that you

decided not to do the AE packets. You were awfully close back when you released the edge packets, it was going to

be weeks, but then we didn't here about them again - until now! Good to see you are offering it, as well as the

Chikara gel packets. Any new way to make products more portable is something many of us value. Thanks!

09-11-2004, 11:07 AM
Bruce, I just

figured that you decided not to do the AE packets. You were awfully close back when you released the edge packets,

it was going to be weeks, but then we didn't here about them again - until now! Good to see you are offering it, as

well as the Chikara gel packets. Any new way to make products more portable is something many of us value.

Bruce, any idea about when the Chikara and AE gel packs will be available? :think:

09-11-2004, 11:09 AM
The DYD interview series

(mentioned in another thread) this month was interviewing Swinger. He certainly knows his stuff wrt the subject

matter. I've never seen his materials though so don't know if he has comparable book writing skills.

09-11-2004, 12:15 PM
I looked at some of his free

sample material, and noticed that it is different than many other dating advisors. He recommends some interaction

patterns with women that are both: 1) neurotic, manipulative, sometimes cruel, and 2) Things I have spontaneously

done with many women in the course of relationships, which might very well have added sexual intensity to the


09-12-2004, 02:24 AM
I suggest you read

a little of his material to see if you are comfortable with it, and if so, do offer it.

09-12-2004, 06:33 AM
It's funny I hear a lot of talk

about this stuff, yet I'm not getting a lot of feedback saying that these methods work.

Just my



09-12-2004, 06:43 AM
I had an offer from one of these

programs long ago, but after reading it, I felt I couldn't offer it with a clear conscience. Specifically, it was

very demeaning to women. I guess I just need to have a read of this one and see what sort of feeling I get about



09-12-2004, 07:01 AM
It sounds like

after you read the content of this one, you will decline it. However, it might still be an effective approach,

perhaps even a very effective approach. There are many demeaning interactions between people, but if the outcome is

mutually pleasurable, it might be worth it.

09-12-2004, 07:22 AM
I don't think demeaning to women is

necessarily bad, unforunately. If it is truthful, that is what counts. Is it truthful? That is the important


09-12-2004, 07:32 AM
The potentially

"demeaning to women" content of that (or any similar) approach does need to be balanced with the demeaning

encounters experienced by men, especially much of your clientele. Upon close inspection, even the nicest women do

many demeaning things to their men almost every day.

09-12-2004, 07:39 AM
It's funny I hear a

lot of talk about this stuff, yet I'm not getting a lot of feedback saying that these methods work.

Just my


DCWBesides the recent awakening of Sexual Cuing, a while back Watcher swore by Doc

Love's "The System." It's amazing the things one will go through, if they think it will help get them laid,


09-12-2004, 09:32 AM


are in my mind no doubt a good business man. so my question to you is why would u even consider this e-book thing.

with your business experience you should know what they r really doing.
think about it... seriously if

it's 100% commission shit ill take it. honestly they r going to scam u. the'll get you to buy the books to sell at

40 bucks or so than u have to try to mark the price up so u can make some money off of it. and that is only to say

if u can sell thru whatever number of books they get u to buy.
i've seen a lot of schemes to know one

when i see it. simply put it they r just trying to sucker people into buying quantities of their product. whether

the person makes money off it depends on how many people u can jack selling it.
DON'T BOTHER. the best

advice i can give you. they can offer 100% commission only becuz you already bought the book from them. they dont

care what u do with it after that. also consider is this book available in stores? if so your double fucked since u

already prob paid the full price u would have to sell it higher than book stores and who in their right mind would

pay an extra 10-20$ for a book they can get in a store cheaper

09-12-2004, 12:13 PM
I don't think

demeaning to women is necessarily bad, unforunately. If it is truthful, that is what counts. Is it truthful? That is

the important question.Could you please clarify what you mean a little, bjf?

09-12-2004, 06:15 PM
Could you please

clarify what you mean a little, bjf?

If guys want a seduction guide, and assume women go for

things that we are largely considered demeaning, then you can't fault the author or the book for including


Obviously women most often don't like to be explicity treated like shit (except for the really low

self esteem ones), but I've attracted ones that I wasn't nice to because I actually disliked them.


attraction isn't always kosher. Hey, us guys don't determine what works and what doesn't. That is up to the

females. So who is demeaning whom? If I had it my way, women would go for the guys who were most gentlemanly too

them. To some women, that can spell "not aggressive enough", "too sweet" or "wuss."

Another thing I'll add

- women are all different, so the same behaviors aren't going to work on all of them. Even if a seduction guru's

book is sound advice, and it is somewhat demeaning, there are going to be plenty of women out there who will wisely

not go for it.

09-12-2004, 06:25 PM
But, as I'm sure you are well

aware, you can be a gentleman without seeming like a wuss, or not confident. I think one of the most important part

of being a gentleman (and attraction in general) is making women feel good.

09-12-2004, 06:50 PM
No doubt Captain. The key is to seem

sincere, I guess, as overly nice guys (well, DST can go into this). I am just saying that you can be a gentleman

(and not a wuss), and to some women, you are too vanilla for that their tastes.

I don't want to get to off

topic though, my original point was that you can't judge the material by how it sounds, more so the results.

09-13-2004, 12:09 AM
Thanks, bjf. Makes sense. I

knew you had a good point in there, but didn't want you to sell it short. Also, nice point, Kip!

If you're

going to be nice, make it come from a place of fullness and happiness, not need for reciprocation or anything else.

Otherwise you're an energy suck, and everybody hates that.

09-13-2004, 02:25 PM
in my experience, most

women like being treated good. occasionally these women like to see the harsher more animalistic side in their men.

then u have the other women who actually like being treated like shit. we've all seen them, they're the

ones who constantly complian about their men treating them bad or even beating them, but in the end they just dont

leave them. if they do leave them the breakup lasts for what a month tops. if the breakup lasts then the next man

they r with just does the same things.
i think it is better to be a gentleman. the women who make good

wives like gentleman. but u always have the occasional woman who actually gets more turned on when u tell her your

not interested. it seems with these women the nastier u get trying to make them understand you dont want them the

more turned on they become. best thing to do in this situation is not say anything.

09-14-2004, 05:56 PM
then u have the other

women who actually like being treated like shit.
I'm sorry, I think that's BS.

You may find the odd

menatally unstable women who likes to be mistreated, but in general most of these women have something deeper going

on. They end up responding well to men who are more or less complete d*cks, but only because they have wrongly

associated violence, aggression or jerkiness with being indications of a strong man able to protect/support them,


09-14-2004, 06:25 PM
Captain, you seem to be aware that

they exist, so why do you think his statement is BS?

09-14-2004, 06:33 PM
I was saying that it is VERY

rare for someone to actually like being treated like crap, but rather they are responding to what they

interpret this behaviour to mean. In fact, the fact that they complain is an indication that they don't actually

like what is happening, but something draws them back in.

Sorry for picking up on a fairly innocent

comment, and the bad wording! :type:

09-14-2004, 07:52 PM
very rae to want 2 be

treated like crap? you obviously havent met any thugged out women from our ghettos. LOL lucky lucky man

09-16-2004, 08:45 PM
so what's the word on this? does

his technique work?

09-21-2004, 06:25 AM
.. CDs

from Swinggcat (RWS)? Where did you gets those? I recalled that he only has this e-book ... but have never seen any

CDs... pray tell if there are other products that I am unaware off.

As for my 2-cents on Swinggcat

and his RWS e-book, I must put forth a disclaimer first... his style of seduction is about getting the ladies (no

questions asked)... hence it might come off as say .... being too brash, strong or sometimes demeaning to woman (I

don't want to start another war on seduction books and their analogs)
....for those of you out there who know

what I'm talking about, I'm talking "Mystery Method", "Papa", "TD" and "Style" type of cold pickups and club

hits....in book form... and less strong.

As for their effectiveness, I do admit it works (for certain types

of women in its unadulterated form) and if you know how to simply take the essence of what is being taught and

modulate as per the individual (as in what works for you and what does not without BS-ing yourself)... it has a very

wide application.

....I would say that Swinggcat advocates a path that treads in between C&F (DYD) and

treating women like meat (some say MM and SS)......

Hope this helps Bruce. If you want, we can have a

private chat over this on PM.

09-21-2004, 08:49 AM
Just so this ebook doesnt

effect the quality of Love Scent. Its a great site with quality products and customer service. Dont wanna ruin that

with a bad product. So I would just check out the program..... see if its interesting..... and go from there. Maybe

sure its upto the Love Scent standards.

09-21-2004, 09:20 AM
hey bruce i'd be willing to test

the book if you give it to me, lol. but it sounds like swinger's technique is the kind that i'm into. i'd be

interested in buying the book sometime down the line.

09-21-2004, 12:07 PM
I would buy it if the price was


BTW, $40 for something like this on it's own is not the right price for me ;)

09-30-2004, 09:38 AM
Well, I ordered the book, tried to

read it. But I constantly got 'validation failed' messages. Contacted their customer support, but no one bothered

to sort me out. Finally, I just gave up and asked for a refund. Still no one replies.
Here comes

an interesting part. When I went to the refund page, it says digital goods can't be refunded. But Swinger kept

saying on the advert page that he'd get us a refund when we're not satisfied with what we got, and I'm D**n

Just read a little bit of it. Same ol' Same ol' for seasoned dating book junkies like me.

Lots of spelling errors all over the place. Explanation of his concepts didn't go deep enough.
In addition,

the eBook viewer sucks. It's got no print function, so you just have to keep looking at the computer screen. And I

ran into similar problem with NSC, so got a refund and deleted the file. The same eBook viewer there.

been warned.

09-30-2004, 02:54 PM
you didn't like nsc? now granted

some of the stuff is obvious but they're done subconsciuosly and you don't realize you're doing it. now you know

how to do it consciously and use it to your advantage. i think nsc is worth it if you bought the ebook not the

tapes. i've been thinking about getting swinggcat's book and i probably will later this weekend. if it's junk

i'll just get a refund.

as long as u paid with a credit card you can always geta refund back. if they bullshit

you, print out the page that says you can get a refund and your credit card company will handle the rest.

09-30-2004, 09:30 PM
Thanks, Trock. I actually ordered

NSC/Situational opener combo, and paid for them together. They only sent me the latter. I complained, of course. No

replies. In addition, The eBook viewer, in this case as well, didn't validate my username and PW, which means that

I can't navigate myself arounf the eBook. Well, I much prefer pdf files.
Anyway, I finally got a refund,

but until the very end, they didn't bother to tell me they're sorry or anything.
What's wrong with these


09-30-2004, 09:39 PM
oh i know why you have problems

with the viewer. happened to me too, you have to update the viewer from the options menu. then the password gets put

in by you, by clicking the help menu. yeah that sucks that you had bad customer service.

the openers ebook is

trash b/c you can get opener ideas from anywhere. and you don't need that many openers really, you just need a few

that works. my PUA skills are elementary right now so maybe you need to know alot of openers down the line. i know 2

or 3 and i have the routine down and i used that on every girl i talk to.

09-30-2004, 10:11 PM
Tried to update the viewer. Turns out

that it's the latest version. So, still no luck on that front. Think I'll have to contact my credit card co. in

due time. No argument there as to the uselessness of openers. I believe what's most important is to have the

powerful sense of authority and confidence in dealing with females than any gimmicks or techniques.
SO, does

NSC contain any new ideas that DYD Advanced Series didn't touch upon?

09-30-2004, 10:50 PM
This kinda sounds like a

repackged version of David Deangelos double your dating!

10-01-2004, 12:05 AM
I can’t comment on the DYD

Advanced Series as I don’t have it. Personally I do like the NSC. Since I acquired the ebook and took it into

practice for business and daily interactions, people seem to react in a more positive way toward me than before.

Granted that I have only used it for a short period of time and am still in the stage that I need to “consciously”

apply what I have learnt and at times I feel rather awkward, subtle changes in my body language and posture seem to

have made people felt more comfortable with me. Perhaps Chikara also has a role in it, since I have been wearing it

on and off for a while. It’s hard to tell. BTW, my NSC comes in as a PDF, and I have not had any problem with it

in terms of viewing.

On a side note, any chance of releasing a non-scented Chikara at all, Bruce?

10-01-2004, 12:46 AM
i think nsc is very valuable. i

don't have the advance series of dyd yet so i can't comment either. but from reading about other techniques and

gimmicks, they always talk about delivery and other nonverbal aspects in the approach. david d says it too in his

ebook and emails but not in detail. nsc explains the nonverbal aspect and why it's important. he says you can

create attraction before even saying a word by these techniques. i'll guess i'll have to try it out this


10-01-2004, 01:34 AM
Alright, TRock. Let us know how you

get on. So, the NSC came in pdf format, then?
Situational Opener came in with that awful viewer, in my case.

That's why I deleted the file, and got a refund.
Wonder why some refuse to use pdf format for their

BTW, Trock, what are the kind of things NSC tells you to do even before approaching women? If you told

me what they are, I might get an idea as to whether NSC has something definitely original or not. Cheers.

10-01-2004, 06:42 AM


every bought this course?

http://www.realworldseduction.com (http://www.realworldseduction.com/)

The owner wrote me and offered me a 100% commission on the sale of this e-book, which is of course tempting, but

I'm concerned about the quality. With that size commission, I could give away a starter kit of some sort right

along with it. The e-book costs about $40. Since I would get all of that, I could make it a set where you get quite

a few gel packets (we will soon have Chikara and Alter Ego for men packets).

Bottom line though... Is this book

of any value? Anyone tried it?

BDear Bruce,
have you tried to search for a similar argument on

There are a lot of books about this subject and I bought some of them.
The ones I liked the most were the

books with the body languages issues explained.
Probably I didn`t need them at all but it`s the way you figure out

yourself that matter.
I don`t think this book is very different from the others but it may be a good business for

My idea is the following: give ten copies to people around and try to collect their feedback.
Obviously it

has to work for awesome guys but the normal one also.


10-01-2004, 07:11 AM
i haven't read this book yet. but

from reading around other sites, commercially available seduction books that you can buy at from like amazon.com or

barnes and noble, don't really tell how it is. it's sugar coated and messes with men's mind even more. i rather

get the down and dirty information than the politically correct one.

10-01-2004, 08:42 AM
I read those dating manuals that are

available from Amazon.com. They suck! Books on body language written by Don Steele are the absolute worst of them

all. A book called layguide is like a summary of info available from fast seduction.com. So, if you don't like

reading off your computer screen, go for that book. You might find some useful unmoderated ideas there.

you, some of these books are so embarrassingly bad that you just can't wreak up the courage to let even your

closest mates to read.

10-01-2004, 02:57 PM
i just bought the ebook. it's not


10-01-2004, 03:30 PM
True seduction is not demeaning

toward women! Women want to be seduced.

Neither DYD or NSC are in the least it demeaning. They do however

advocate not taking any crap from women because that will make you look weak to them.

10-01-2004, 04:11 PM
according to david d. there's 8

types of men. 4 of them are chumps, i'm not gonna name them. the other 4: bad boy, adventurer, seducer, and artist

(the weird one) are the ones girls want to be with.

10-01-2004, 05:22 PM
Sorry but the problem is to

search the final reply on books about seduction.

Like the "all in one" book on technology that try to teach you

Java Enterprise in 24 hours or seduction for "dummis" series (I dont know if really it exists!)
My solution was to

read books on subject that can actually help me to have a better understanding about the "women" world.
A book very

very nice is "never to be lied to again" David j.lieberman .
I have few other books about NPL (not applied to

seduction but a discussion about the subject) and I think is too complex to be really applied by the way you can

ever give it a try.
The books on body language sometime fail to give you the right informations using comics or old

bn pictures stay away from them can put shit on your brain! You can find yourself serching for a pattern (a series

of gestures) that can never happen!
And, obviously, books about self confidence (yes I repeat that is the way you

see yourself that matter , if you see a very good guy the other will be happy to share their time with you...

Finally the old good one "dale carnegie" an author (dead rip) very interesting (how to make friends - I'm not

sure cause I know the italian title- is the book that I like) and Men are from mars, women from venus that can teach

you something very interesting on the "women" brain.

Well put it togheter and... well you will not remember

anything! Granted!
I read those book many times and I still make errors.

The "truth" book on "something" (put

here what you prefere) doesnt exist.


10-04-2004, 06:44 PM
according to david d.

there's 8 types of men. 4 of them are chumps, i'm not gonna name them. the other 4: bad boy, adventurer, seducer,

and artist (the weird one) are the ones girls want to be with.Hmm. I've been told I'm adventurer/artist.

That certainly gives me something to think about. Thanks!


10-05-2004, 11:11 PM
customer service for swinggcat


10-10-2004, 11:19 AM
i have filed a complaint with

paypal and will talk to my credit card if this isn't resolved. i never got my ebook and they don't respond to


10-11-2004, 12:49 AM
This Swingcat guy is out to rob us or

something. Absolutely no reply to any of my e-mails. Sent me wrong username and password, and I asked him to sort me

out. He for some reason chose to ignore my e-mails. I'll file a complaint as well.