View Full Version : Great News: Chikara's Back!

09-10-2004, 09:42 AM


For the benefit of those who haven't read all of the 100,000 odd posts on this forum, (I'm sure

there's one or two of you), I'll do a brief recap (before beginning an EPIC!) ;)

My first exposure to Chikara

was in the form of a sample that Bruce sent me in a leaky atomizer. I recorded my observations and opinions on the

"Huge News!" thread. (http://pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?p=118235&highlight=chikara#post118235)

When I received my first actual production run bottle, which I believe to have been from batch #51-#150, I was

disappointed. Unlike the nicely balanced sample I'd been sent, this bottle had a very heavy note of vanilla which

virtually eclipsed all of the other notes that had made my sample so well rounded.

Even in light of my

disappointment I was not surprised that others found the scent to be quite pleasant. It was not unlike some

mainstream colognes: Le Male, A*Men, and Rochas Man, to name a few that I heard it being likened to. But what these

guys who liked it didn't know was that this wasn't Chikara. This was just the first in a series of mixing station

lab debacles that went on for months!

Only after following up on complaints about weakly fragranced batches did

Bruce come to discover for certain that something was going very wrong. There was a serious quality control issue at

hand. From what I could see it looked like there might even have been discrepancies between bottles from within the

same batch.

Cutting to the chase, Bruce has evidently gotten a handle on the situation. I received a new bottle

of Chikara six days ago. It's the "Nickel-Knurled-Top" version, the most recent incarnation.


IS THE SCENT THAT BRUCE INTENDED IT TO BE. I know this because he got to smell my sample before he sent it to

me. If it wasn't the way he had intended it, he wouldn't have sent it!

It's a much more sophisticated

fragrance than my beta was, if only for the fact that the notes are back in balance again. In this batch, as it was

in the sample, the pheromones are actually included as notes. They contribute a layer of the overall fragrance that

was all but buried in my beta.

There's but a small handful of people who can attest to what I'm about to say:

Bruce, myself, and whoever else were recipients of the samples, AND who have tried the new batch. To my knowledge

that may only be Bruce and me. I know Bruce won't go out on the limb and say it in light of all that's transpired

in the last four months on this long, strange, trip that has been the occasionally painful "birthing" of his life's

So I'll say it.


Oscar :)

09-10-2004, 11:16 AM
Even in

light of my disappointment I was not surprised that others found the scent to be quite pleasant. It was not unlike

some mainstream colognes: Le Male, A*Men, and Rochas Man, to name a few that I heard it being likened to. But what

these guys who liked it didn't know was that this wasn't Chikara. This was just the first in a series of mixing

station lab debacles that went on for months!

Now you got me worried! :think:
I remember that I was

the first one (in the world... yes, that's right... at least, considering the general sales... common customers) to

order Chikara. I ordered using Paypal and my order was the first one using that payment option. And I did it before

the product could be ordered online with credit card (if you remember, the website was having some problems with

that, so noone could have ordered it before me).

However, there was a mistake and my Chikara wasn't shipped as

soon as it should be (since it was the first order of all). It wasn't any of the first 50 bottles, cause I had to

wait some days (more than 1 week? I really can't remember... I just know I waited for the next batch) before my

bottle was shipped.

So, I guess I got that *not very good* version of Chikara. I must say I like its scent but

it doesn't last long. A couple of hours and I can only smell it if I force my nose against my pulse.

I'll have

to order a new bottle of Chikara. :blink:

09-11-2004, 07:59 AM

It sounds to me like you

got the weaker version. You clearly qualify for the rebate discount. If you email me (not PM) at bruce@lov......,

I'll give you the discount code.


09-11-2004, 10:30 AM
I order'd mine after the beta

version had been out for around 3 or 4 days I think, I remember because I was waiting to get paid and worried that

they would sell out befor I placed my order.
I was actually quite impressed with the smell, I definatly wouldent

complain about it, but it doesent seem to be very strong: i.e. 2 sprays worth doesent seem noticable for very

Problem is I've got nothing to compair it with so no way of knowing for sure!

09-12-2004, 11:19 AM
Sounds like you have the same

stuff as I do, Mad Doc ... and I feel the same way you do about it, pretty good stuff! I will also order one from

the new batch, since I'm almost out anyway ... gosh if it's better than what I have, it'll be THE BOMB


Even though the fragrance doesn't seem to last that long, the phero scent does .... it pretty much sticks

with you until you wash it off ...