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View Full Version : Human Pheromones?? From Where??

09-07-2004, 07:26 PM

all. im obviously pretty new here. out of curiosity, if these products have human pheromones in them, where do they

get them from? are they actually taken from humans or are they man made chemicals, designer drugs or what?? i

believe all the science behind all of this pheromone stuff, its all just so new to me i hope i dont ever come off as

sceptical. i kinda think of it this way, just because ive never heard of it, doesnt mean its not true. ive been

doing alot of research lately on this site and a few others trying to find out as much as i can before i bumbard you

with a bunch of newbie questions that have been posted 1000+ times already. any feedback on this would be greatly

appreciated, thanks. :thumbsup:

09-07-2004, 08:21 PM
I'm definetely no expert, but

I'm pretty sure the phemomones used in colognes are synthetic (man-made.) I dont think they suck them out of dead

bodies or anything. :twisted:

09-07-2004, 09:02 PM
nope, not dead ones.

09-07-2004, 10:14 PM
Certain robust, manly men,

like Koolking1, have what is known as "musk glands" located near their anus. Those with large "musk pouches" appear

to the untrained eye to have three "cheeks," or perhaps two "scrotii", depending on the angle of "view". These "men

of men" are highly sought after by the pheromone industry. Extraction methods are now quite humane, and involve a

special massage technique called the "stankawank", and a recepticle that resembles a mechanic's oil pan. But if you

tell anyone this, well, you know what we'd have to do.

09-07-2004, 10:18 PM
...or maybe most of them are

lab synthesized.

09-07-2004, 11:55 PM
Armpit scrapings?

09-08-2004, 04:30 AM
"Extraction methods are now

quite humane" and it's a damn good thing too, it used to be pretty rough on me.

09-08-2004, 06:30 AM

all. im obviously pretty new here. out of curiosity, if these products have human pheromones in them, where do they

get them from? are they actually taken from humans or are they man made chemicals, designer drugs or what??


A more disturbing question is, where does baby power and oil come from? I reckon that they

squeeze all the oil out first, then grind the remainder into powder. :)

09-08-2004, 07:27 AM

haha, i wasnt aware we had so many comedians on here,lol. that was actually one of my first

guesses. ok, so there man made im gathering:blink: thanks for the info.

09-08-2004, 11:00 AM
...or maybe

most of them are lab synthesized. are other ones out there besides ones synthesized in a lab?? it looks

like 'pheros' doenst have any pheromones added in it. it looks like its just a collection of natural stuff that

has pheromones in them. is that corrrect? and if so, does that mean it doesnt have 'human' pheromones in it??

09-08-2004, 09:59 PM
Natural pheromones are considered by

most to be too expensive, since typically they must be "harvested" from animals. That's why synthetics are commonly

used. In chemistry, a molecule is a molecule--whether it's natural or created, so most people are not likely to

demand natural products. With products that do not divulge whether/which pheromones are used, or what amount is

used, you may be using a fragrance which can only be effective due to subjective experience: if someone else likes

the fragrance. Some will, some won't. Perfumers have been trying for years to come up with fragrances that most

people like, with successes that you've heard about, and failures that never make it to the market. With

pheromones, the largest effect is at the subconscious level, which basically means that the effect is not dependent

upon subjective experience. Whether or not you smell the pheromone content it will almost assuredly affect hormone

levels and behavior in the opposite sex. Studies now show that androstenol has positive effects on women; future

studies will show that androsterone also has positive effects, regardless of whether or not someone else consciously

detects an associated odor.