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View Full Version : your worst nightmare. imagine if everyone ELSE was wearing the same

09-06-2004, 02:18 PM
now that's far too fair, and i'm all for the unfair advantage.

well, it's


APC is available in Latvia, which is half Russian.

let me explain russian men. if there was a

greek symbol more powerful than alpha, that's what they'd be.

they are pumped on steroids, purposely look

aggressive and intimidating (but for some reason still all carry handbags).

NOW, the question is this: as I am

assuming every russian male will rush out and buy APC, the only product on the market here, what do i do to outdo


now i'm no alpha male, i'm the antithesis of all these lovely blokes. i have hair, i'm taller than i

am wide and i can dress properly and smile.

all of this gives me a head start, that plus the fact that latvian

girls see russian males here for the uncultured animals that they are.

but what should I wear? I only have WAGG

and a PAN mix left currently, gotta get me some more NPA soon.......

and how the hell do i tell what my natural

signature is? i'm seen more as cute and sexy than bodybuilder, does that mean i need more NONE?

or does the

fact that i'm usually hornier than most mean i give off MORE NONE and should underdo it?

frankly i've never

had any problems with serious overdose of NPA or APC the more the merrier seems to work in my case.

OK, there

were two questions there, sorry.

but imagine if this happened in your country, and you suddenly had to rely on

natural charm? god forbid........ i know i have your sympathy....:))


09-06-2004, 03:21 PM
NPA is way more alpha than APC. But

if you want maximum machismo my recomendation is AE + NPA.

09-06-2004, 03:27 PM
Just be yourself. If you're cute

'n sexy, go with it. Lots of women prefer that over macho brutes. All 'mones do is enhance your natural

attractiveness once you get a woman in your personal space.

09-06-2004, 03:31 PM

guess my two questions got confused, as is my brain most of the time,

to be honest i'm successful because i

DONT act the alpha male. i'm the approachable sort if i'm in a good mood.

smiling i have trouble with because

i'm shy, and don't drink. bit of a disadvantage.

but if i'm in a good mood, and i'm getting better at

smiling now, then i dont have any trouble.

i guess what i'm trying to ask is if i come across the shy, cute

harmless type i am (well, ostensibly) what does that mean for my natural scent?

everyone seems to know his/her

scen t, but i dont know if i give off a lot of natural pheros or not.

does this depend on the kind of thing

i've just described?

does it mean i am pretty much NONE-free to begin with or not?

how can i tell?


know i have a ravenous appetite for the chase, so does that mean, conversely i DO give off a lot of NONE


the second question regarding other alpha males was actually i guess pretty irrelevant there will be

nothing less attractive in this country than an animal becoming more of an animal. it may attract a certain type of

girl but not the ones i would want in my appartment:))


09-06-2004, 03:35 PM
thanks guys. sorry, i seem to

be posting as you answer, which is muddying the waters slightly.

no, i'm not worried about the brutes, as long

as i dont make any comments about their handbags or spill their pints of vodka.

i'm just curious as to what my

natural scent is, and how can i tell? by the person i have described to you?

is it hormonal (ie those with

raging hormones give off more NONE
) or can it be discovered by the fact that i am cute sexy and all girls want to

be friendly thereofre i am giving off NO NONE?

09-06-2004, 03:50 PM
People that use exogenous

testosterone often notice what I can safely say is a stronger `none profile in their natural signature, from

personal experience I don't think it is an across the board increase of all `mones that the body makes, but a very

`none dominant spike, with a possible increase (although i doubt proportional) in the other ones. Maybe someone who

knows the conversion pathways for testosterone into the various `mones could clear this up a bit more.


09-06-2004, 04:25 PM
hmm. your vocabulary is

obviously more extensive than mine.

in idiot's terms, does that mean testosterone proiduces NONE, or

hormones, or simply genes whereby the less "alpha" a guy is the less NONE he produces?

09-06-2004, 04:31 PM
1) I do speculate that

testosterone converts at a certain percent to `none.
2) I also feel that the less "alpha" guys have a lower `none

signature as well.


09-06-2004, 04:38 PM
many thanks, i'll accept that

explanation as why i never OD on NPA,


09-06-2004, 06:07 PM
Neiltrain, your going to have to just

use varying doses to find what works for you. Don't try to figure out too much before you simply try different


Thing is, you might piss off the brutes, even if you don't comment on their handbags. Your presence

might piss them off due to the pheromones. So be careful!

And I have touted Chikara quite a bit on this

forum, but I'll have to do it again: you don't lose the effectiveness of NPA as much as you might with a wagg or

soe, but it makes you seem less mean and intimidating (minus appearing to be on the wimpy/nice guy side). Everyone

using NPA should have Chikara.

09-06-2004, 09:33 PM
Now where do they buy that stuff in

Latvia? Do they sell them in common stores? If they did that in America i dont know what id do!

Dont worry about

it until they get better products though. APC is pretty much only smell it has a NONE content of like 1ppb


09-06-2004, 10:38 PM
LOL. I personally think it

is time to relax a bit. Not all russian men are using gear, not to mention that most will probably not be aware of

pheromones, not care otherwise, or simply not spend the money to purchase them. When considering that the US offers

the most amount of products available and has a diverse selection when it comes to supplemental pheromones while at

the same time, doesn't sacrifice its effectiveness with members on the board should put you at ease. Pheromone

users represent a minority of the US population and even less world wide. Remember that there is much more to

attracting people than spraying on something. You have to experiment, be happy with yourself, and continue to

strive to reach your goals. Keep at it!

09-07-2004, 06:35 AM
interesting thoughts:))

yes, all russian men use gear of one type or another, all russian men stranded in latvia anyway, because they are

the minority, hate the fact, and culturally just have to act "hard."

they're all either on steroids, vodka,

various illegal substances, pheromones or all of the above at once.

a sweeping generalisation? not sure:)


russian who for political reasons is suddenly in a country that has a long memory is going to act

defensive/aggressive toward the local population . it's only natural.

from the other side the latvian latvians

aren't going to let this one go away - they're actually banning teaching russian in schools just to enflame the


ok, not to do with pheromones, but an interesting coun try to live in anyway.......

09-07-2004, 06:43 AM
back to the matter at hand, pheros......:)

you said "And I have touted Chikara quite

a bit on this forum, but I'll have to do it again: you don't lose the effectiveness of NPA as much as you might

with a wagg or soe, but it makes you seem less mean and intimidating (minus appearing to be on the wimpy/nice guy

side). Everyone using NPA should have Chikara."

tell me more:))

i'm out of NPA at the mo, will order some

more soon. for me it has always worked, because i' come across totally non-threatening if i'm in a good mood.

am not sure about wagg and soe. i've asked this before but as they are both scented and i prefer to use a

cologne i'm always wary of mixing scents.

if i put cologne on neck and chest, where should i apply wagg or soe

for best results?

as these both contain no NONE i dont actually see the point of using Wagg as standalone but

others say it works. i have yet to prove this theory either way, as i never go out on the town without either APC

or NPA.

m,aybe i'll try it. use wagg and keep some NONE stashed away if nothing happens.........

thing is,

i'll of course be tempted to use the APC when things are moving in the right direction just to speed up the


so what is chikira?

actually, i'll look meself but the marketing blurb doesn't really stand up

to what you guys can tell me about it really.........