View Full Version : Used Perception yesterday and Pheros today

09-03-2004, 03:01 AM
Hi guys, yesterday I tried 2 sprays of perception to my chest and then sprayed about 4 sprays of the

scent over my neck to cover the smell. I must say the scent is nice. But it smells very common. Think I have smelt

that type of smell in other colognes before. However, it does not seem to work for me yesterday as everyone was

pretty much the same. But I think most products as a stand alone does not work for me. I always have to combine it

with another product to make it work. The only products that works for me as a stand alone is SOE and WAGG.

Therefore, I have decided to try a combination of Chikara/Pheros and perception in the next few days. I find

perception to be a good product as the smell is constant throughout the whole day. It doesn't go from strong

smelling to weak smelling but it maintains the same strength for the whole day. Washes out easy too.

As I know

that I often have to combine products to make them work, I tried Pheros with TE today. Wow!!! Smells great and the

scent easily covers TE. Sprayed 2 sprays of TE to my chest and dabbed 5 dabs of Pheros around my neck and chest. The

moment I stepped out of my house, my neighbours became extremely friendly. Something I have not experienced before.

Almost everyone was friendly and you can start a conversation with practically anyone easily. If you smile at

someone, they will give you an even bigger smile back!!! The smell also lasted for almost the whole day, but it got

weaker after the first half hour. Think I am gonna try Pheros with TE and Chikara, as TE and Chikara together works

great for me. But am not sure whether I will OD if I use the 3 together. Anyone tried this combo before?

09-03-2004, 09:46 AM
4 sprays of perception????

That's a `none OD unless you are in a very high-airflow / high-scent anyways work environment... What ever inspired

you to use so much in such a casual situation?


09-03-2004, 10:48 AM
I believe he said that he used

4 sprays of the scent, but only 2 sprays of the -mones.

That said, try out the Pheros + Chikara + TE and let us

know what happens! That's a hard one for others to comment on because the first two are relatively new and limited,

not to mention that people like Chikara stand-alone, but maybe someone has all three and will give it a try.

09-03-2004, 12:19 PM
Whoops! My bad, but still, it

has been doccumented that the spray heads are delivering more than anticipated. I've used 1 spray of perception at

work with one cover spray spread everywhere I could and have had great results. Less is more in so many cases.


09-03-2004, 05:04 PM
Whoops! My

bad, but still, it has been doccumented that the spray heads are delivering more than anticipated. I've used 1

spray of perception at work with one cover spray spread everywhere I could and have had great results. Less is more

in so many cases.

Hmm.....maybe I should juz try one spray of perception the next time I use it.

Then carry the atomiser around and if one spray doesn't work, then juz add one or two more sprays to experiment.

09-03-2004, 05:05 PM
Anyway, after we apply mones,

should we juz leave that area to dry or should we rub the mones into our skin and spread the area?

09-03-2004, 05:11 PM
You're not supposed to rub

perfumes -- no friction. You can rub gently just enough to spread it, but that's all. Perfumers just recommend air

drying. This is a misconception about wearing perfume.

09-03-2004, 05:14 PM
As I know

that I often have to combine products to make them work, I tried Pheros with TE today. Wow!!! Smells great and the

scent easily covers TE. Sprayed 2 sprays of TE to my chest and dabbed 5 dabs of Pheros around my neck and chest. The

moment I stepped out of my house, my neighbours became extremely friendly. Something I have not experienced before.

Almost everyone was friendly and you can start a conversation with practically anyone easily. If you smile at

someone, they will give you an even bigger smile back!!! The smell also lasted for almost the whole day, but it got

weaker after the first half hour. Think I am gonna try Pheros with TE and Chikara, as TE and Chikara together works

great for me. But am not sure whether I will OD if I use the 3 together. Anyone tried this combo

before?I've tried the combo. It's what I often wear (sometimes I add other things, like PF or A1). I

personally use 1-2 dabs of Edge, 3 sprays Chikara, and Pheros to taste, letting your nose be the judge. Apply

the Chikara last.

09-03-2004, 05:18 PM
Apply the

Chikara last.
DST, why do you recommend applying the Chikara last? Wat's the order then? TE, followed by

Pheros then Chikara? Will it affect anything if I use another sequence of application?

09-03-2004, 05:21 PM

not supposed to rub perfumes -- no friction. You can rub gently just enough to spread it, but that's all. Perfumers

just recommend air drying. This is a misconception about wearing perfume.
Wow! I didn't know that. I used

to let it dry and it seems to work better. When I rub it to spread the area, the effect seems to diminish, if I

remember correctly. But it may be a psychological effect after reading this post. But nevertheless, I will take your

advice and let my mones air dry instead of rubbing.

09-03-2004, 05:30 PM
DST, why do

you recommend applying the Chikara last? Wat's the order then? TE, followed by Pheros then Chikara? Will it affect

anything if I use another sequence of application?Probably TE first, then Pheros, then Chikara. Or do

what you want. :)

09-03-2004, 05:33 PM
Wow! I

didn't know that. I used to let it dry and it seems to work better. When I rub it to spread the area, the effect

seems to diminish, if I remember correctly. But it may be a psychological effect after reading this post. But

nevertheless, I will take your advice and let my mones air dry instead of rubbing. I don't know if rubbing

effects raw laboratory mones, but with perfume, they say air dry.

09-04-2004, 01:23 AM
Ok, would you say that Pheros

is classified as a perfume? Cuz it smells really nice. However, I took a while to really like the smell. The first

time I smelt it, I thought it smelled a little like incense, but after smelling it a few more times, I started to

really really like the smell.

09-04-2004, 02:25 AM
I classify it as a "cologne"

or "perfume". I think it's closer to cologne strength.

Incense is one of the few windows we have into

traditional perfume. So much of it can smell "like incense". Incense is often made with all natural ingredients, as

are traditional perfumes.