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View Full Version : Prception without scent atomizer ( bulk ) ?!?!

08-28-2004, 05:17 AM

will there be a possibility later to buy only the pheromone product without the scent? I

think that would be a great advantage for customers not wanting to use the fragrance or who only need e.g. half a

bottle of the scent for one bottle of the pheromones.
That would save one atomizer in that case, thus Perception

could be offered for a better price and make it more attractive!
Not that ist isn't attractive at the moment, far

from it! But many users might buy an atomizer and a scent they don't need additionally.
What do you think about


Best regards


Chemo (BDC Concepts)
08-28-2004, 06:33 PM
hhhmmm...we'll take

that into consideration.

It's a bit harder to offer that option as it takes resources to support each

product manufactured. However, it is not impossible.


08-28-2004, 07:24 PM

will there be a possibility later to buy only the pheromone product without the scent? I think that would be a

great advantage for customers not wanting to use the fragrance or who only need e.g. half a bottle of the scent for

one bottle of the pheromones.
That would save one atomizer in that case, thus Perception could be offered for a

better price and make it more attractive!
Not that ist isn't attractive at the moment, far from it! But many

users might buy an atomizer and a scent they don't need additionally.
What do you think about that?




I am a little confused. You state, "I think that would be a great advantage

for customers not wanting to use the fragrance or who only need e.g. half a bottle of the scent for one bottle of

the pheromones. "

I would understand if someone really disliked the fragrance but the part about half a

bottle of scent is exactly how Perception is currently ... 10ml of pheromones to 5ml of fragrance. While I see from

a customers standpoint the idea that we would theoretically offer a better price because we would be making the

product purely a non-scented version (no second atomizer), from a business model, it makes little sense as the

included fragrance is an incentive for most to purchase Perception. Also, the response to the fragrance has been

overwhelmingly positive that we have actually considering INCREASING it. I suppose overall it will come down to

feedback and what the community wants. If there were to be a large number of posts like these saying, "hey, we just

want the mones, no fragrance", then we would respond appropriately. Anyway, thanks for the ideas.


08-29-2004, 12:22 AM
If there

were to be a large number of posts like these saying, "hey, we just want the mones, no fragrance", then we would

respond appropriately. Anyway, thanks for the ideas.


Here's your first comment about

it. The scent is nice and I'll probably keep it around but have not used it at all. There's two combos I want to

experiment with, both using Perception with another scented product. Since the other products are already scented,

I don't want to add Perception's scent to the mix. On the other hand, it is a nice scent and later I may try using

it as a cover for TE/NPA. It would be convientant if I could purchase them seperately.

08-29-2004, 01:57 AM
While I

see from a customers standpoint the idea that we would theoretically offer a better price because we would be making

the product purely a non-scented version (no second atomizer), from a business model, it makes little sense as the

included fragrance is an incentive for most to purchase Perception. Also, the response to the fragrance has been

overwhelmingly positive that we have actually considering INCREASING it.
MattHello Matt,

well, I agree

with you that it makes no sense to make Perception a only non-scented product. In fact, i was attracted by the

product because of the opportunity to use fragrance and pheromones seperatly ( Perception is the first product

delivering that ). The " You could..." option is very important. Leave that!

But the point is that even even if

you like the scent very much und use it regularly, you migt use very little of it, may it be becuase of your

sesibility or because you often mix it with your cologne ( respectively other secented pheromone product ) like

In that case you might only want to buy replacement for the pheromones.
So even if it would take

resources and you add that costs to the replacement bottle ( still having the set sold for the regular price ) I

guess these bottle could be cheaper.
Even if it would save the customer only 5-10$ ( or whatever the sprayer and

the csent costs you )... 5$ are 5$ and it make Perception a lot more attractive to those who don't need the scent,

or less of it, for whatever reason!

Best regards


08-29-2004, 08:40 AM
I think Ingo just

voiced what I was thinking when I read this thread last night. I was one of the first to say that I'd like to be

able to buy the scent separately from the pheromone spray.

My idea last night was maybe offer the set of two

atomizers as an "introductory kit," then offer refills of both the pheromone and scent separately. That way too, the

customer doesn't end up with a big collection of atomizers, if he doesn't desire them. I think I remember reading

that Perception's package was designed for eventual for sale in stores, so when it gets to that point in

distribution, maybe the refills could be exclusively available from Love Scent on the web and through a phone number

and/or mail order coupon included with the package.

08-29-2004, 11:02 AM
Well, I ordered two sets

and because I like the scent, it is now used up and I'm now using the 2nd set scent bottle but have plenty of 1st

bottle Perception left, with a full 2nd bottle right behind it. So, for me as well, it would be great if we could

order either the scent or the Perception mones. Now, I could go out and buy some appropriate cover scent ......

or, if it were available separately, I could re-order some more here thereby giving BDC and LS another sale instead

of it going to some department store.

08-29-2004, 03:40 PM

Victoria's Secret's "Very Sexy for Men 2" has a fragrance very similar to Perception's

accompanying scent. A 10mL mini runs $12.50. Spray on the VS and allow to dry, then apply Perception over top of it,

or just apply to different application points.

Oscar :)

08-29-2004, 03:47 PM

Victoria's Secret's "Very Sexy for Men 2" has a fragrance very similar to

Perception's accompanying scent. A 10mL mini runs $12.50. Spray on the VS and allow to dry, then apply Perception

over top of it, or just apply to different application points.

Oscar :)

Thanks for that tip

Oscar, though it was for koolking1. I have been interested in trying VS4M2, but the last time I had been near a

Victoria's Secret, I had just bought Pheros and Chikara and couldn't bring myself to spend any more money on

fragrances as I liked thos two so much.

I plan to venture out to civilization in October so will have a

chance to visit the Secrets then. Glad to hear too, that they have mini samplers.

Chemo (BDC Concepts)
08-29-2004, 06:12 PM
How about this: when

we batch the Platinum release we'll manufacture a few extra fragrance units so Bruce can give them out free. If

these are going to be free mainly to the forum members I'll make sure they are plain 1 oz. bottles to be used for


How's that sound?


08-30-2004, 12:29 AM

about this: when we batch the Platinum release we'll manufacture a few extra fragrance units so Bruce can give them

out free. If these are going to be free mainly to the forum members I'll make sure they are plain 1 oz. bottles to

be used for refill.

How's that sound?


I think that would be a great thing to do!

If you would offer a similar option for the pheromones you'd really have a completely outstanding great product!

Another suggestion for the Platinum Release regarding the price:
I am aware that the actual price is a special

introductional price. But I think it would be best to kepp it in that region, as many users often compute the price

per mg pheromone and the price per dosage value. Actually you pay 10 USD for one mg of pheromone. Comparing to other

products that is a very attractive offer.
But as the recommended dosage ( about 0.2 ml ) is relatively high

getting about 50 dosages out of every bottle ) it shouldn't cost muche more. Even if the product might be worse it.

For people, who are newbies ( or more advanced ) and interested in Perception, an amount of around 40 USD would be

the perfect price IMHO, particularly regarding the potential opportunity to buy replacement for the scent or

pheromones for a slightly reduced price / whatever is reasonable regarding business for you.

Well... let's put

it like that:

If I could determine the prices as a customer, I would say:

40-45$ for the starter

kit like it actually is (perhaps with 10ml of the scent).
about 30$ for the pheromones
not more

than 10$ for 10ml of the scent
Both refills in plain bottles without atomizers to make the

low price reasonable for the manufacturer.

:think: What is the opinion of the other forum members concerning

this issue? :think:

Best regards
