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08-26-2004, 10:11 PM
this is probably

controversial but i think it's a good topic. i see it around campus and when i go to clubs. you ever see those

girls that only date black guys or they're all over a black guy at the club? i'm not talking about usher good

looking type black guys but the ones with average or below average looks. the girls could be a 8+ but the black guy

is only average or has below average looks. i don't see any other race of men who have average or below average

looks with so many 8+ girls. i know black guys generally produce more mones than any other race of guys. is it

because these girls need higher doses of mones to get going?

08-26-2004, 10:27 PM
there's a movie called

'black and white' with frodo of LOTR(he plays a wuss in the film) that talks about this exact issue. it's quite

controversial and thought provoking u should check it out it might answer some of ur questions. :hammer:

at the

risk of getting flamed, my opinion is that because of the slavery only the strongest blacks were able to survive and

thus pass on their superior genes...

08-26-2004, 11:33 PM
From my

experiences, I think the darker complexioned blacks get a lot more attention from white girls than the lighter ones

like me. It's a known scientific fact that darker skinned races have more apocrine glands than fair skinned

people. Using pheromones however, puts me at an advantage.

More often than not however, most of the white women

you see with black men are not your intellectual types. Looks are not everything. The reason one sees so few white

women who are really educated and intelligent with black men is because of the racist platitudes that still exist.

Most whites will denie that they are racist, yet still believe deep down inside that they are more intelligent than


One of the interesting things is that I've seen quite a few white women with asian men, but I've

yet to see an asian man with a black woman. On the other hand, men of all of the darker races seem to be able to

attract all races of women.

08-26-2004, 11:43 PM

a movie called 'black and white' with frodo of LOTR(he plays a wuss in the film)
Haha....the actor is

Elijah Wood.

08-26-2004, 11:57 PM
One of

the interesting things is that I've seen quite a few white women with asian men, but I've yet to see an asian man

with a black woman. On the other hand, men of all of the darker races seem to be able to attract all races of

women.just curious if i may ask r u urself white or asian by any chance? and where have u seen this


not to contradict u on purpose but of the 10+ yrs i've been in california, i've seen quite the

opposite of what u described. it's almost always asian women with white guys and not the other way around. i could

walk down the street and see 10 asian girl white guy couples b4 i see 1 asian guy white girl couple. it sucks(for

asian guys like me) but it's true.

08-27-2004, 12:06 AM

curious if i may ask r u urself white or asian by any chance? and where have u seen this 'trend'?

not to

contradict u on purpose but of the 10+ yrs i've been in california, i've seen quite the opposite of what u

described. it's almost always asian women with white guys and not the other way around. i could walk down the

street and see 10 asian girl white guy couples b4 i see 1 asian guy white girl couple. it sucks(for asian guys like

me) but it's true.
I second that opinion. I'm in Australia and I see a fair amount of asian girls with

white guys.

08-27-2004, 12:22 AM
I actually 3rd that

Although here in Hawaii, you do get to see more of the asian guy/white girl mix... just simply because of

the racial distribution here where white people are actually sort of a minority :)

Incidentally, I am asian and

I never seem to attract white girls... with or without mones :P

I've always been interested in race and

mones... so I am really interested to see how this thread progresses. Could need some hints from using them anyway

since I havent had success yet... BUT I still am experimenting around :) Wish me luck


08-27-2004, 06:46 AM
Controversial topic obviously, but here is some food for



"While interracial marriage is

increasingly accepted by whites,
a surprising number of Asian men and black women are bitterly opposed.

The force driving these skewed husband - wife proportions appears to be differences in perceived sexual

attractiveness. On average, black men tend to appear slightly more and Asian men slightly less masculine than white

men, while Asian women are typically seen as slightly more and black women as slightly less feminine than white





08-27-2004, 07:38 AM
The force

driving these skewed husband - wife proportions appears to be differences in perceived sexual attractiveness. On

average, black men tend to appear slightly more and Asian men slightly less masculine than white men, while Asian

women are typically seen as slightly more and black women as slightly less feminine than white women.

"this has alot to do with how people are portrayed in the media and the stereotypes that the media

perpetuates. the only black women that are made to look attractive are the ones with european qualities. look at

beyonce and alicia keyes they can almost pass for white. look at how asian women are portrayed to be exotic and

hyper feminine. look at how asian men are portayed as nerdy and feminine. black guys are portray as ultra masculine,

but also as thugs and criminals. seeing this stuff in the media all the times conditions a person to having

stereotypes of other people they don't really know.

08-27-2004, 08:47 AM
More often than

not however, most of the white women you see with black men are not your intellectual types. Looks are not

everything. The reason one sees so few white women who are really educated and intelligent with black men is because

of the racist platitudes that still exist. Most whites will denie that they are racist, yet still believe deep down

inside that they are more intelligent than blacks.
I'm not sure if it's because most whites believe

that they are more intelligent than blacks but rather that they recognize they're going to get looks and be known

as the person dating the black guy/girl which is something they may not want since it is uncommon, especially if

they are trying to fit in or climb a social ladder.

Additionally, because of slavery and racism, there is still

an unbalanced proportion of whites in the wealthy suburbs, for example. White people growing up in the wealthy

suburbs are going to be more educated because they have the money, and they are going to have more contact with

other white people. Plus, they are going to grow up in an essentially white culture. This means that it only makes

sense for them to be with another white person if that white person is from the same suburban culture. I think it

has more to do with availability, contact and culture, as well as possible racism that still may exist.

08-27-2004, 09:41 AM
One of the

interesting things is that I've seen quite a few white women with asian men, but I've yet to see an asian man with

a black woman. On the other hand, men of all of the darker races seem to be able to attract all races of

women.I personally have seen more Asian girls with white men than the other way around. I go to Chinatown

quite often and I always see Asian girls with white men. Usually the yuppy types. Every now and then I'll spot a

white girl with an Asian man.
I did come across an Asian man with a black wife years ago. I remember them being in

the military. You're liable to see nearly any kind of interracial couples on military bases.

08-27-2004, 10:55 AM
I personally have

seen more Asian girls with white men than the other way around.

Me too, to the point where it's

become a cliche.

Not that it's bad, mind you.

08-27-2004, 11:18 AM
at the

risk of getting flamed, my opinion is that because of the slavery only the strongest blacks were able to survive and

thus pass on their superior genes...
is that why the best atheletes in the world are black americans?

08-27-2004, 11:30 AM
Fast-twitch muscle fibers that

probably were being passed down before slavery. Maybe the flat terrain in Africa(?) created a need for speed to

hunt down prey (because it is open and more difficult to hide?)

08-27-2004, 02:26 PM
Whoa! Come on guys I'm

of a darker hue 6ft 2inches tall of average 'handsomehabitlity' to coin a strange word and must say it

might be rather geographical that some white girls are are all over black guys but that’s not really general. I have

only struck lucky twice. Generally when I go to clubs in the UK the white handsome male brethrens are having all the

fun. Its just damn pathetic, well only kidding and all I do it stalk, stalk, stalk and still go home empty handed.

It’s really hard guys. Of a truth Asian women do not really go out with black chaps but that although a rule is not

feasible! I work in a place where a lot young people of different ethnicity mingle without fear. White chaps have

all the luck they have all the fantastic TV and Screen actors that most women want to bed anyway, so when a white

chap slightly resembles any of them, ‘bang’, he's in there! ,Mones or na mones,. White chaps also

stand in good stead with many beautiful Japanese women not to talk of other races of the lighter and even darker

hue. Generally I think white chaps have a lot going for them in terms of wealth, status, geographical location and

hue. Just in case I forgot and the Ferrari!!:thumbsup:

Come on Tiger4 your

statement: "most of the white women you see with black men are not your intellectual types...''

Cannot be far from the truth but 'I suppose a personal observation is a personal observation. So you

are implying that only dull-headed white women go out with black chaps. My curious question will be why is


Its Friday night and

just down my road is a fashionable wine bar, full of white gorgeous, voluptuous white girls with trendy white blokes

driving trendy sport cars with hardly a black chap in sight, well of course only if he is the ‘cab driver’. Thinking

of what Tiger4 is implying…I should be of the opinion that all the white ladies at the pub are intelligent because

they are with white male brethren and that they are not with black blokes because they are not intellectually

bankrupt…should I be thinking this way?:smite:

The only reason that the black

American sports men are doing well is because America has a good sport program going unlike the


08-27-2004, 02:27 PM
One of the interesting

things is that I've seen quite a few white women with asian men, but I've yet to see an asian man with a black

woman. On the other hand, men of all of the darker races seem to be able to attract all races of women.

Yes, it's rare (not many blacks in Hawaii) but I'm Asian and my last girlfriend was black. We certainly got lots

of curious stares from all races! Oddly, black women seem to be more openly attracted to me than white or Asian

women. I haven't a clue why. I live in Honolulu--a real melting pot--and it's just as common to see a Asian guy

with a white woman as a white guy with an Asian woman.

08-27-2004, 03:02 PM
I live in

Honolulu--a real melting pot--and it's just as common to see a Asian guy with a white woman as a white guy with an

Asian woman.
really? i just got back from honolulu and i didn't see too many asian guy white girl

couples there, just oceans of japanese tourists--with surf boys. :blink:

08-27-2004, 03:34 PM
Yes, it's rare (not

many blacks in Hawaii) but I'm Asian and my last girlfriend was black. We certainly got lots of curious stares from

all races! Oddly, black women seem to be more openly attracted to me than white or Asian women. I haven't a clue

why. I live in Honolulu--a real melting pot--and it's just as common to see a Asian guy with a white woman as a

white guy with an Asian woman.
do you have a high -none output.

08-27-2004, 04:25 PM
"do you have a high -none


I don't think so as I don't sweat much, have little body hair and am slender and fair in

complexion. In fact, many women think I'm gay (could be my long 'n well cared for nails 'n metromale tendencies)

but seem to be attracted anyway. Oddy, many of these black women are tall and athletic (could kick my ass) while

I'm the exact opposite of a macho guy. I like small cute women but they're usually not interested...

08-27-2004, 06:02 PM
^ women love metrosexual

tendencies. i use it as part of my game.

08-27-2004, 06:41 PM
You wrote:
Come on Tiger4 your

statement: "most of the white women you see with black men are not your intellectual types...'' Cannot be far from

the truth but 'I suppose a personal observation is a personal observation. So you are implying that only

dull-headed white women go out with black chaps. My curious question will be why is that?:blink:

No, I didn't

mean all just most from my experiences. And this isn't just for socio economic reasons as another poster has

suggested... it's mostly out of racist platitutes as I've said before. I don't know much about the UK but based

on what I do know, a black man from East London has about as much a chance as a snow ball in hell in hooking up with

a nice Westend white girl. On the other hand I have heard some stories about black men in Europe (not just UK)

being very successful with white women to the point of being absurd.

But honestly, the pheromones do help in

breaking down some barriers. They will at least get you noticed.

The only reason that the

black American sports men are doing well is because America has a good sport program going unlike the


I've seen quite a few good black athletes in the Olympics from the UK.

Sprinting, basketball and boxing has always been a big thing with blacks here. I don't think the UK is doing as

well in the Olympics as they have been doing in previous Olympics. I remember some of your big track men such as

Linford Christie, Sebastian Coe and Steve Ovet. After they retired, its seems as though the ethusiasim for track

went down.

08-27-2004, 06:45 PM
Whoa! Come on guys I'm of a darker hue 6ft 2inches tall of average

'handsomehabitlity' to coin a strange word and must say it might be rather geographical that some white

girls are are all over black guys but that?s not really general. I have only struck lucky twice. Generally when I go

to clubs in the UK the white handsome male brethrens are having all the fun. Its just damn pathetic, well only

kidding and all I do it stalk, stalk, stalk and still go home empty handed. It?s really hard guys.

I ready recently that a poll shows that 90% of

whites in the UK don't have any black friends. Maybe that's why it's like you explain.

08-27-2004, 06:51 PM
I dont' know if it has anything

to do with not having black friends or knowing any. Because in places like Germany and Sweden, perhaps close to 95%

percent of the population don't know black people but I've heard some stories about black men in these countries

having to beat off women with sticks.

08-27-2004, 06:57 PM
You wrote:

I don't know much about the UK but based on what I do know, a black man from East London has about as much a chance

as a snow ball in hell in hooking up with a nice Westend white girl. On the other hand I have heard some stories

about black men in Europe (not just UK) being very successful with white women to the point of being absurd.

My brother is stationed in Germany and he tells me that tha German white girls

love gettin with the black soldiers, no matter how attractive or ugly the black soldiers are. He says the hispanic

soldiers get alot of love too from the German white girls. But not as much.

But he says that the soldiers think

it's because the girls assume the black soldiers are well endowed and the girls are in it for the feaky fling. But

once there ready for marriage they choose the wealthy white German guys.

08-27-2004, 07:36 PM
^so is it the stereotype of being

hung as a horse (that's not a bad stereotype lol) or high -none output?

08-28-2004, 04:54 AM
Of a truth Asian women do

not really go out with black chaps but that although a rule is not feasible!
I'm black myself but I did

date a Vietnamese woman ten years ago. I've asked Asian girls out since then, but no luck. I do know that

Korean women will date black military men. I've seen that many times.

^so is it the stereotype

of being hung as a horse (that's not a bad stereotype lol) or high -none output?Probably both!

08-28-2004, 12:23 PM
Well of course the UK

has some good black sports men but judging by the Olympics...Huh!

Most black men in the UK do not have white friends, strange but fact unless they get

married to a white woman or are the local drug supplier or friendly type who goes on pub crawls and buys most of the

beer rounds so as to win white mate friends, who will whisper behind his back, "he’s alright you know" well! I don


Germany and Sweden! That’s where I should be going man. I

must confess I had two weeks in Munich, Germany and it was smashing. I pulled first night, what a


However I went out with a Germany girl once and it took about two months to get

anywhere but between then she fucked nearly every full-blooded white male that just happened to smile at her. When

we eventually did get together I asked her why? Her answer was that ''she felt comfortable doing it since she

always had but with me she was sort of scared cause she could not get in ta me head and that I was of a different


Check the lonely-hearts columns in the UK papers and its

not strange to find black babes all looking for White males…


hoping me mones will lead to ha higher ground of thrills...

08-28-2004, 12:28 PM
Black men don't have trouble getting

ass in the UK. Look at Ali G.

08-28-2004, 12:36 PM
Ali G? Tell me about it? He's of

a lighter hue, has status is on TV and has lots of money to buy loads of mones...And has da blin-blin too...

08-28-2004, 12:38 PM
jub, i was just kidding around. He

calls himself a black man on the U.S. version of his show and accuses people of being "racialist"

08-28-2004, 12:41 PM
Black men don't have

trouble getting ass in the UK. Look at Ali G.

He's discriminated against daily for his

complexion, though. :lol:

08-28-2004, 01:59 PM
I know? Ali G! I thought he was

Turkish really...Or even Mexican

08-28-2004, 02:15 PM
He's jewish

08-28-2004, 03:18 PM
Germany and Sweden! That’s where I should be going man. I must confess I had two weeks in Munich,

Germany and it was smashing. I pulled first night, what a thrill.

Well, I don't

mean to say that all German and Swedish gals like black men. It's just that I've heard so many stories about

black men living in these countries. Anywhere you go that has an extremely low percentage of blacks (Iceland,

Norway, Sweden, Denmark, etc.) would probably be very easy for blacks to find partners. The greater the genetic

difference, the stronger the natural attraction. This is a scientific fact.

08-28-2004, 03:43 PM
It’s a shame that you

almost have to go to a sterile environment with no nasty pollutants or smells for mones to work.

So nightclubs and smoky wine bars are out of the question. Maybe

take up evening classes and hope all the other students turn out to be beautiful models; ‘unwilling

actresses for my mone experiment’. Ha, ha, ha

08-28-2004, 05:00 PM
"look at beyonce and

alicia keyes they can almost pass for white. " Well, Alicia Keys is just as white as she is black. Her mama

is white and daddy is black. So, no big surprise. Nice combo of genes.

"I do know that Korean women

will date black military men. I've seen that many times." I was born in Korea and, although brought up in

the USA, mostly lived among Koreans. Korean women aren't especially attracted to Black men. It's rare to see

Korean-American women with Black men. However, life in Korea is extremely difficult if you're poor. Thus, many poor

Korean women see American GIs as a ticket to the good life in the USA. Hence, the desparate ones are willing to

latch onto any GI--doggie breath, bald, fat, white, red or black! They'll try to stay married at least 2 years to

avoid deportation. Nearly every Korean family in the USA has a relative married to an ex-GI and hence sponsored her

whole family for USA immigration.

08-28-2004, 05:50 PM
It’s a

shame that you almost have to go to a sterile environment with no nasty pollutants or smells for mones to work.

So nightclubs and smoky wine bars are out of the


I never had a problem with pheromones in night clubs. I don't

recommend meeting people in clubs, but I never lacked for comeons from women in clubs.

08-29-2004, 12:37 AM
Of course

Pheromones and clubbing are a no it looks like if smoke was a Pheromone it will be one hell of a winner. I can

slightly remember a perfumed cigarette called 'Captain black' a few years back, well was it popular or what!

Talking of racial differences, are bottled Pheromones race
