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08-16-2004, 04:13 PM
And tomorrow

will be my first test-day ... well, actually I can test the scent-life right now (spritz, spritz, wow, that

fragrance puts out a whale of a spray) ...

No leakage of any kind ... package arrived in perfect condition

.. lucky bear :)

More as I find out :thumbsup:

Chemo (BDC Concepts)
08-16-2004, 04:25 PM
Great! A fresh test

subject!! ;)

Here's some input we need as a community:

Is it truly extended release? How long does

it last?
Does the pheromone application wash off completely and easily?

Overall, rate your Perception

experience in terms of performance of our CLAIMED STATEMENTS (if it's extended release and washes off easily we can

always tweak the ratio later).



08-16-2004, 04:34 PM
I'm actually a

newbie and pretty new to the community/forum/family or however you might call it :)
Placed an order for NPA and

perception and maybe I will get it tommorow or wednesday at the lastest (crossing fingers)
I have read quite a lot

from the forums and just can't wait to put what I learned to practice.
Any suggestions for newbies like me for

using perception aside from what is on the forums already?
I don't expect any "GREAT" hits in my first day of

using it but if I do, I'll be sure to post it!

I guess this post is just to say a small hello to the group!



08-18-2004, 01:39 PM
OK, I only have a little to

report but it's something.

Day 1 (Tuesday) ... put 1 spray of mones and 1 of fragrance on chest ... I liked

the way the scent kept coming back throughout the day ... have always wanted a cologne to do that. I put it on at

6:30AM and at 6PM it was still there. Washing it off was hardly a problem. A little soap and water and it is

gone. As far as reactions go, a few interesting ones ... while I was standing in line waiting for fries in the

cafeteria, I looked at a woman whose first reaction (from far away) was "not interested" and not in a good mood, but

she got closer to me and all of a sudden she did a complete 180, like I've never seen before ... all of a sudden

smiling, getting close, showing considerable cleavage, etc. Some of my female co-workers got extra close to me

too, seemingly making excuses to get close. A pretty good day.

Day 2: Actually read the instructions

which said, start with 2 sprays (only used one Tuesday) and put on neck and wrists. Well I put one spritz on my

neck and one on my arm ... didn't want to put on wrist because I wash my hands frequently. Well, I must have ODd

with two sprays because the results today were nothing like the day before. Nothing bad, just general

indifference. Going to stick to one spray in the future and I think I like it best in the chest area because I can

always smell the timed-release doing its thing then. I didn't when it was on my neck and arm.


know it's not much, but that's it for now.... I think tomorrow I will try Perception mones with a different

(non-mone) fragrance on the chest and see how that goes.


08-18-2004, 01:49 PM
I just got mine about a half

hour ago delivered to my work. I applied as directed.

I'll report back if I notice anything.

08-19-2004, 05:10 PM
Day 3: Used one spritz of

Perception mones with a "regular cologne" ("He" by Giorgio Armani) ... highlight of the day was when a woman in my

aisle at work just decided she was going to give me a massage and then in the middle of it she goes "now this isn't

sexual harassment, is it?" ... I put it back on my chest where I had it on day 1 and I could smell the scent

coming back every now and then. Sounds like a time-release thing ... More as it happens :)

08-20-2004, 01:05 PM
Day 4: One spritz Perception

mones and one spritz Joop! to chest ... women at work where having an intellectual exchange about the benefits of

having large breasts ... I chimed in something about having learned in school that "anything over a mouthful is

wasted" ** and next thing I know one of the women comes over to me shaking it full force and saying playfully, "is

this too much for you?" .. afterwards she turned around and shook her booty like she was at a club .. estimated

distance from me about one inch ... what do you guys mean, why didn't I do something about it? I was at work :p

** Okay, I confess, this is from a Frank Zappa album ... I will donate 100 points to the first person who

posts which one :)

08-20-2004, 01:10 PM
Penis Dimension off of the

Frank Zappa's 200 Motels Album.

08-20-2004, 01:12 PM
Lagrimas is the winner :)

OK .. on to the donate screen :p

08-20-2004, 01:16 PM
lol, thanks very much


08-21-2004, 09:10 AM
Day 5 is just starting

(saturday) and so far I have only had two encounters. The first was at the apartment swimming pool where a woman

(who I had met once before) started a conversation with me and asked me my name. The second was at the convenience

store where I had 3 very different reactions: 1) The woman at the counter who knows me quite well was indifferent

and apparently not in a good mood. 2) The woman directly behind me acted alarmed, almost scared. 3) The best

looking one there was paying me quite a bit of attention and hanging around.

Don't know what to make of

all that, but anyway, more as it happens :)

08-21-2004, 09:27 AM
I assume you just used one spray,


08-21-2004, 02:36 PM
Yes, it was just one spray ...

weird because you'd think I was describing an OD or a heavy-none phenomenon with that last scenario ... well, the

cute one liked me anyways :p

08-22-2004, 06:21 AM
Day 4: One

spritz Perception mones and one spritz Joop! to chest ... women at work where having an intellectual exchange about

the benefits of having large breasts ... I chimed in something about having learned in school that "anything over a

mouthful is wasted" ** and next thing I know one of the women comes over to me shaking it full force and saying

playfully, "is this too much for you?" .. afterwards she turned around and shook her booty like she was at a club ..

estimated distance from me about one inch ... what do you guys mean, why didn't I do something about it? I was at

work :p

:)That sounds like a fun place to work, with all that breast and booty shaking going on

08-22-2004, 08:02 AM
Ain't it tho? :p


SOE, Chikara & Perception brings it out in them :)

08-23-2004, 04:53 PM
I will continue to test

Perception, but have brought the SOE gelpak and Chikara back into my routine :)

More reports as things happen


08-28-2004, 11:57 AM
i just got

perception, cuddlebear which one is the cover scent and which one is the mones??2 bottles arrived.... i cant tell

LOL...i got a date tonight..help

08-28-2004, 12:38 PM
Read the instructions in the

Small one is the cover scent... larger bottle is the mones....

08-28-2004, 04:13 PM
What he said :p


smaller one is the fragrance :)

Chemo (BDC Concepts)
08-28-2004, 06:24 PM
In the future we'll

try to make it more clear...sorry for the confusion as to what is in each atomizer.
