View Full Version : Just bought Archer Sloan specific girl

08-14-2004, 05:42 PM
Yes, I just broke down and bought it after reading some posts in the yahoo group. I was a little heasetant about

the price, but after reading some free stuff I got from the site I believe it does work. Even the "stinger" in her

handwriting was there. And the DeAngelo stuff is on the money with this woman. Unfortunatly I found out about

DeAngelo from this forum too late, now she has a bf. Archer Sloan's specific girl said the bf barrier can be

overcome with his stuff.

I hope it works!! Hey, Don't get mad at me for being a homewrecker! :twisted: She

likes the badboys anyway, I'm just gving her what she wants.

Ive heard frome people here with the package,

theres a lot to read. For this girl, I'll make the time. I will post how the stuff works.

08-14-2004, 06:08 PM
exactly if your game is right, it

doesn't matter that she has a boyfriend.

08-14-2004, 06:15 PM
Cool, I can't wait for it to

arive. I guess I've waited for her for over a year, so a month MIGHT not kill me. I've heard it takes a while for


08-14-2004, 07:57 PM
if it works for you, i will

definitely buy it for this one girl i've known since highschool that i want to get with. i haven't seen her since

highschool but i can track her down if i wanted, she still lives in the same city as me. i know i'm breaking the

code, but this is a rare case of one-itis. just take your time and get it right before you make your move.

08-14-2004, 08:10 PM
It's worked a little too

well for some people, apparently.

If you use it, be very sure about what (or who) it is you're after.

And learn the techniques necessary to "undo" all of your "work" should you find yourself in a bad situation down the


08-14-2004, 08:12 PM
like be stalked? lol!

08-14-2004, 08:14 PM
Maybe, yeah. :D

08-14-2004, 08:54 PM
like be stalked?

lol!Rather be stalked than a stalker!?...lol

08-14-2004, 09:09 PM
hey i definitely wouldn't mind be

stalked when i'm trying to impress some other girl. turn a negative into a positive. haha.

08-14-2004, 09:35 PM
Where can I find more information

on Archer Sloan? I did a google and couldn't find anything.

Rover The Dog
08-14-2004, 09:55 PM
How does Archer Sloan do

it? Like what are his methods? Just curious here but does he play on one's subconscious or what? How ethical is

this if someone becomes so obssesed with you that they begin to stalk you? I mean I believe that it is possible to

"brainwash" someone or a group of people for that matter. Take Germany for instance during the Holocaust. Anyway I

guess stuff like that just scares me.

08-14-2004, 10:04 PM
this is the archer sloan thread i

started. it should give you some info.


ead.php?t=11018&highlight=archer+sloan (http://pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11018&highlight=archer+sloan) i myself haven't tried the products yet, so i can't give you an

opinion of it.

Rover The Dog
08-14-2004, 10:17 PM
Just glanced at that link

and then did a quick search on ebay for Archer Sloan. Found a product that is entitled Demonic Confidence and I

began reading what it has to say. I feel like I am walking down a dark path right now getting interested into

something like this.

08-15-2004, 05:28 AM
I don't know about Archer

stuff...I mean, it sounds totally manipulative AND some of his claims are plainly overstated (turn ANY girl bi and

make her do 3somes? get ANY <20 yo girl? come on.). I'd rather play C&F and have some fun while I'm at it.
On the

other hand, Demonic Confidence is about yourself, not a manipulative technique, and I admit that if I ever were to

buy something from him (boy the prices are skyhigh, what the hell are those cds made of?) that would be my pick.

08-15-2004, 07:56 AM
if you think about it, anything

you do to a girl to make her like you is gonna be manipulative.

08-15-2004, 08:02 AM
Anyone had any luck with this stuff,

all I'm hearing is a lot of talk.


08-15-2004, 08:23 AM
Yeah thats true...Either it

works & therefore worth the money or its a marketing scam preying on the belief that the more people pay for

something the more value they perceive they're getting. It'd be interesting to hear from some people that have

actually had results...

08-15-2004, 09:36 AM
i ordered demonic confidence and

specific girl two weeks ago, still wating for arrival, will let u know what they are like when the come


08-15-2004, 09:48 AM
if you think about it,

anything you do to a girl to make her like you is gonna be manipulative.Exactly, that's why I'm talking

about c&f (or whatever): that's you doing something to YOU to make yourself more attractive. No manipulaion needed

there and hey, it's not even an act, you don't have to be ready to jump at every occasion she gives you to use a

so called 'technique'. Not that I'm a mormon or such, it's just easier too.
Anyway, I'm not saying I know it

all about Archer stuff (I just got a glimpse of it on the group) but I got that freaky feeling you sense when

watching astrologists bs on tv...besides, I hate people who praise themselves so much (who needs to do that? You

know the answer). That Abbas friend of him though sounds like he knows his game, which by the way reminds me a lot

of the alpha rule...no wonder he's the mastermind behind Demonic Confidence.

08-15-2004, 10:03 AM
I forgot to mention that besides

being skeptical, I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys with a big wallet and faith in humanity what really

is the stuff about.

08-15-2004, 10:06 AM
i'm a big fan of c&f too but i

believe in having an arsenal of techniques. like martials arts you incorporate the good stuff of every technique.

but yeah i'm waiting for somebody to give their results of archer sloan too.

08-15-2004, 10:09 AM
All interaction with other

people is manipulation to some extent. It is possible to seduce people into doing or believing things they

wouldn't normally go along with. That is where manipulation crosses the line for most people.

08-15-2004, 10:14 AM
I forgot to mention

that besides being skeptical, I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys with a big wallet and faith in humanity

what really is the stuff about.

Well, what Demonic Confidence is "about" is progressive


08-15-2004, 10:17 AM
I don't know about

Archer stuff...I mean, it sounds totally manipulative
Like women don't manipulate men?


I forgot to mention that besides being skeptical, I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys with a

big wallet and faith in humanity what really is the stuff about.
So am I right in assuming you would be

interested in "manipulation" too then?:twisted: :rofl:

08-15-2004, 10:20 AM
Well, what Demonic

Confidence is "about" is progressive conditioning.Yeah, I knew that, I meant the 'get girls' products. My


(I already said I'd get DC if it didn't feel like phlebotomy)

08-15-2004, 10:26 AM
Like women don't

manipulate men?I'm not questioning morality here, I just don't care.

So am I right in

assuming you would be interested in "manipulation" too then?:twisted: :rofl:Actually, you're wrong, since I

didn't ask whether it works or not, but what is it 'about', as in 'is it really brainwashing stuff or am I

screaming fire looking at a banana flambe?'.

08-15-2004, 09:59 PM
How long is specific girl supposed

to take until it take effect?

08-16-2004, 12:40 PM
hey i definitely

wouldn't mind be stalked when i'm trying to impress some other girl. turn a negative into a positive.

haha.Yep! exactly :thumbsup: ...

08-16-2004, 04:47 PM
This whole argument that the

various methods of seduction tha have been discussed use manipulation is ridiculous (especially on a pheremone


Teaching men what to do, what to say and how to act in the correct way with women to create

attraction is no more manipulating than teaching a women how to dress, use makeup, walk, etc around


Sexual attraction happens in the limbic brain, a very primitive part of the brain. It is very easy to

directly stimulate a man's limbic brain. Seeing any hot woman will do!

Women's limbic brains are much

harder to stimulate and for most woman is done through saying the right things in the right way. That's what most

of these seduction systems teach.

Why is it manipulation to use techniques that stimulate women's limbic

brains? Woman do it all the time to men!

08-16-2004, 06:25 PM
This whole

argument that the various methods of seduction tha have been discussed use manipulation is ridiculous (especially on

a pheremone website!).

Teaching men what to do, what to say and how to act in the correct way with women to

create attraction is no more manipulating than teaching a women how to dress, use makeup, walk, etc around men.

Sexual attraction happens in the limbic brain, a very primitive part of the brain. It is very easy to directly

stimulate a man's limbic brain. Seeing any hot woman will do!

Women's limbic brains are much harder to

stimulate and for most woman is done through saying the right things in the right way. That's what most of these

seduction systems teach.

Why is it manipulation to use techniques that stimulate women's limbic brains? Woman

do it all the time to men!
couldn't agree with you more.

Rover The Dog
08-16-2004, 08:36 PM
Not that i want to but is

it possible to use specific girl on a guy or is it gender specific? In otherwards im just wondering if its possible

for a girl to control a guy like this. Just kinda wondering if its possible to be done on me.

08-17-2004, 04:26 PM
couldn't agree with

you more.CAN I GET AN AMEN BROTHER!!:cheers:

exactly if your game is right, it doesn't

matter that she has a boyfriend.From what I've read on the group posts on yahoo, what they teach is not

really a game like in the DeAngelo style. It's more of understanding the womans thoughts and beliefs, how she

operates. Then you can tell her about her, things that she didn't understand about herself. Then she sees you as

the only one that ever really understood her.

But thats my theory, I'm still waiting for it to arrive.

Not that i want to but is it possible to use specific girl on a guy or is it gender specific?

In otherwards im just wondering if its possible for a girl to control a guy like this. Just kinda wondering if its

possible to be done on me.
Just say "hi, let's go to my place:kiss: " that's how to control a guy,

simple isn't it?:lol:

08-17-2004, 05:41 PM
Just say "hi,

let's go to my place:kiss: " that's how to control a guy, simple isn't it?:lol:

That's was my

point in my previous post (although I was a little more long winded).

There's an old saying, "women need a

reason to have sex, men just need a place". The "reason" is what is created by the various seduction techniques. But

it's not a logical reason, it's a reason created by the limbic brain in women that bypasses her rational mand. Her

rational mind will constantly create reasons why not to have sex with a guy, "he's not my type, he's too

old/young, he doesn't make enough money...whatever". But, if you can find a way to create attraction in her limbic

brain, she will now try to rationalize reasons why she does want to have sex with a guy. the limbic brain always

wins the decision process.

Again, it get's back to the drastically different ways men's and women's limbic

brains are stimulated.

Rover The Dog
08-18-2004, 09:43 AM
Quick question Phersurf,

how do you stimulate her limbic brain? I understand its by saying the "right things." But thats just really

general. What are these "right things" you were referring to.

08-18-2004, 10:09 AM

question Phersurf, how do you stimulate her limbic brain?

Making and not breaking eye contact

(without looking like a phsycho), smiling, using you voice correctly (slow down, take pauses), touch her on the arm

or shoulder when one of you says something funny, slightly invade her personal space just enough to make her very

slightly uncomfortable but not enough to make her step away from you, when introducin yourself, shake her hand but

hold it for slighlty longer than would ordinarily be comfortable, just to name a few. And trying not to look nervous

while doing them.

It's a man's behavior that creates attraction in a woman (unless you happen to be

one of the few that look like a GQ model, be famous or rich).

08-18-2004, 11:04 AM
I, too, bought Specific Girl

and I'm waiting for it to get here. Although, I'd really like to hear from someone who has used it since there

doesn't seem to be many people out there who actually have it and have used it. I'll be sure to post stuff about

it when i get it and try it out. I figure, even if it doesn't do what Archer Sloan promises, it'll probably get me

closer to the girl, although, on the other hand, i'm not sure if it's worth buying if it only does that because i

could get closer to the girl through conversation on my own, lol. well, hopefully i'll learn a thing or two.

08-18-2004, 11:15 AM
I've joined Archer's group and

sent him an email to get a product and price list, and have not received any replys yet.

Can someone please

give me a little run down on his products and prices and how to purchase them.

I've been using Non Verbal

Sexual Cuing for a few months and have been gettng great results (Last weekend I met and slept with a hot surgical

nurse from NY that was in LA for a conference that was going back to NY that same night).

But I want more


08-18-2004, 12:35 PM
is the "non-verbal sexual

cueing" an offered course? Where can it be obtained and for how much?

08-18-2004, 02:55 PM
YOu can do a search on ebay for

Archer Sloan. If you email him directly you can usually get a rather significant deal (which I missed out on. oh


The biggest product is Demonic confidence which is a program that makes you approach women on the street

and talk to. It starts at asking the time the first day and progresses to more difficult things. its $200 on ebay.

Specific girl is a program where you ask her questions to understand her personality and find out what she wants.

And I think she begins to feel you are the only one who can truly understand her. You are also able to make he leave

her boyfriend or husband. (PLEASE WORK!!) Sells on ebay for $310

I don't know much about the rest though.

Theres a program to get strippers to fall for you, Controll ger sexuallity which somehow turns her bisexual, A

pheromone CD that you listen to which is supposed to be a hypnosis cd to make you increase your natural phero

levels. Its $20 on ebay (I ordered that too) Just read through the posts on yahoo, you will see all the products


And the 1 year guarranty goes like this, Use it for 3 months and if you have any problems you e mail

of call I think for help which also shows you are trying it, and if that doesnt work then you got 1 year to return

it. Thats what I was told.

08-21-2004, 07:05 PM
just an update.

I found out

that it does involve you asking her questions about how she sees things to find out her personality type and then

you show her that you understand her in ways no one else does by knowing what her personality type wants.


also begin to change yourself to make you more attractive to her by being the type of guy she is looking for and

behaving like her desired type, be more confident, brainy, bad boy or whatever.

Then you make her aware that you

are EXACTLY what she is looking for. man of her dreams.:thumbsup: (then you play around with her, like you ain't

interested in her anymore!:twisted: )

There is no hypnosis or things like that to do on her either, so she wont

know whats going on. I think the things you do on yourself might include NLP, hypnosis and that stuff, but I'm not

sure how far it goes.

And if she does have a bf or husband, its the same thing, but it might take longer because

of breaking up and other obsticals. In my case I dont think it will matter that much because i dont think she loves

him, its just a money thing.

08-21-2004, 07:17 PM
so you basically go in her mind

figure out what she wants and be that guy without her knowing? sounds good to me. that's what guys normally try to

do anyways except this is a proven system.

08-21-2004, 07:42 PM
Exactly, BUT its like you get a

map with directions. Strange though, a guy stopping for directions. I guess guys do have to "wussy out" for women,

the trick is, never let them see you do it!

so you basically go in her mind figure out what she

wants and be that guy without her knowing? sounds good to me. that's what guys normally try to do anyways except

this is a proven system.

08-21-2004, 07:53 PM
yeah it's ok to wussy out as long

as she doesn't see it. i think combining archer sloan with cocky and funny would be a good approach. i love being

c&f and i find it funny when my friends from college say i have have no game when i act how i act. another case of

guys that think they "get it" but don't really "get it".

09-01-2004, 02:54 PM
anyone recieved their archersloan

products yet?, ive been waiting over a month but still nothing


09-01-2004, 04:48 PM
I've been waiting on the Huna

course for close to a month now. I think they deliver by turtleback.

(BTW, it's not technically Archer's

product, but it is sold by the same company.)

09-02-2004, 10:52 AM
You know.... Doctor John Gray's popular books, tapes, all that relationship muck-muck...


Too squishy for the macho "I made her do my bidding" crowd ?

Look at the bright side... it's

cheaper, it's easily available, it will give you something to talk about with your new playmate while you master

nested anchor trance inductions...

And definitely not as bizarre as a Tony Robbins seminar...

09-02-2004, 10:53 AM
if you

are interested


09-02-2004, 12:48 PM
if you are



Thanks for the link. Gray is really

good. I've been reading his stuff for years.

Too squishy not.

09-02-2004, 01:48 PM
Their shipping is extremely slow,

but after I read all that I kept on him, and I got it in a week. It doesn't seem to be anything too special right

now. It is just a list of questions that are fairly typical. You also get 3 cd's 2 of which is just some guy asking

this girl that he knows the questions, that doesn't help the program at all. Also, the thing that is supposed to be

the most successful part they don't explain how to do it at all.
Overall, I don't think this product is worth

it. Luckily there is a 1yr guarantee.

09-02-2004, 04:13 PM
Are you talking about Specific Girl

here or what? (yeah I'm guessing)
Anyone on Demonic Confidence yet?

09-03-2004, 12:32 PM
From everything I have heard and

read Demonic Confidence does seem to be a good book. But if you want to save yourself the money you can just go to

his yahoo group and look at all the people that talk about how their days went. I think you can pretty much get the

idea from that and go from there.

09-07-2004, 05:57 PM
Where do I buy this book?

Searchs come up dry all over. Any other effective reading out there?

09-08-2004, 06:13 AM

do I buy this book? Searchs come up dry all over. Any other effective reading out there?

If you mean

"Demonic Confidence," I don't think it's a book, but rather a CD course. Archer Sloan stuff is only available

through his auctions on eBay and through his Yahoo group. You won't find much about him at all when doing a web


09-08-2004, 07:52 AM
^ what playboy said. all his info

is in his yahoo group. confidence is a step by step program to get you to get over your fear of approaching women.

Rover The Dog
09-11-2004, 03:32 PM
Hey guys i was just

wondering what does NLP stand for, thanks... and damn this post has been at the top for quite a while

09-11-2004, 04:13 PM
Hey guys i was

just wondering what does NLP stand for, thanks... and damn this post has been at the top for quite a while

Neuro Linguistic Programming

09-17-2004, 12:30 AM
any updates on the archer

products? anybody recieve it yet or tried the products out?

09-17-2004, 06:34 AM
Just placed an order for Demonic

Confidence. Wish it were an original version. Hope they deliver faster than usual this time. I can't wait til I put

the program into practice.

09-18-2004, 11:09 AM
I emailed them last thursday and

was told it was shipped out and sent back. So it will be sent out the next day. I am expecting it this week unless

they went cheap on shipping and sent it out by an escaped retierment home resedent.

09-19-2004, 01:15 PM
I ordered mine form the

legitimate Ebay seller moe than a month ago and haven't received it yet. I tried to email the seller several times

and did not get any replies.

I disputed the transaction with ebay on Friday. It may take up to 30 days to get

resolution. Archer Sloan is offering it cheaper directly from him anyway, so I'll just reorder it his week.

09-19-2004, 03:25 PM
What did you order, Phersurf?

Archersloan recently posted that all this late-shipping problem will be completely eliminated as of next month on

the message board. Hope he keeps his word. Fingers crossed.
Anyway, how's sexual cuing working out for you? I

read situational opener tech, but found it sort of too commonplace. Well, all in all, I think, it's the godlike

confidence that has to come first before executing all these fine strategies. Maybe that's why DYD worked just fine

for me for a while until the initial rush wore out. It seemed like I was back to, well, not exactly sqaure one, but

like sqaure two or three or something.
I believe that until I sort myself out with this 'demonic confidence'

problem, I'll never become a chick magnet in the true sense of the word. I've got a cute girl friend, and am

generally liked by females to a reasonable extent. But, can't help feeling sort of depressed when I see some of my

babe magnet guys in action. I'd really like this area of my life handled and under my thumb no matter what.

09-20-2004, 09:37 PM
I ordered mine

form the legitimate Ebay seller moe than a month ago and haven't received it yet. I tried to email the seller

several times and did not get any replies.

I disputed the transaction with ebay on Friday. It may take up to 30

days to get resolution. Archer Sloan is offering it cheaper directly from him anyway, so I'll just reorder it his

If you ordered it with a credit card sometimes thats the best way to dispute the charges. Also,

ebay has a 30 day limit for disputing the charge and from this forum he takes longer than 30 days. Credit cards

have up to 90 days I believe.

PHP 87
09-20-2004, 09:46 PM
It took 6 weeks for me to get my

order, so be patient.

09-21-2004, 09:27 AM
It took 6 weeks

for me to get my order, so be patient.

Well, he should state that in his Ebay add then. When it got

to 4 weeks and I couldn't even get an email reply from the seller, I disputed the transaction with


I've bought quite a few things off of Eaby (including my ussed Audi A4 Quatro for $5,000 below

market!) and have always received them within days.

09-21-2004, 09:31 AM
yeah 6 weeks is a long time. do

they make the the product after you ordered it something or does it come from another country?

09-21-2004, 10:03 AM
About Specific Girl:


definitely does not come from another country.

All the product is is three burned CDs with cheap printed CD

labels that you can pick up from Staples or any other office supplies store with some printed out computer pages

that they obviously slapped together using Microsoft Word then printed out on their own home printer, these pages

are stapled together.

The audio quality of the CDs is horrendous and the explanations are even worse. The most

"powerful" part of the program is some psychic thing where you move around "pictures" in your head and that somehow

affects the girl. This concept is very poorly explained and it took messages on the messageboard to figure out

exactly what the hell he was talking about.

Basically, all the program is is just a list of questions that you

ask a girl. And those things are stuff like "What is your favorite movie and why?", "What is your biggest fear?",


They're trying to charge hundreds of dollars for this program. Guys, I don't think it's worth it.

yeah 6 weeks is a long time. do they make the the product after you ordered it something or does

it come from another country?

09-21-2004, 10:15 AM
It took 6 weeks for

me to get my order, so be patient.
Still, anything taking 6 weeks to order shouldn't be acceptable.

Also the fact that he does not contact you, apologize, and reply to your emails is definately not good. If you

order a new car it comes in less than 6 weeks. The above poster said that these CD's were pretty much at home

burns. Why should you have to wait 6 weeks for cd's that were poorly burned, and could be made by anyone with a

computer in under an hour.

09-21-2004, 10:22 AM
lagrimas have you tried asking

those questions in real life? i think i've heard from somebody that when you ask those questions to a girl. it

triggers something in her brain where she thinks you're the only person that understands her. i could be wrong but

i remember reading that soemwhere.

09-21-2004, 10:54 AM
Why they take such a long time to

deliver their goods escapes me completely. But, Archer wrote on the message board recently that the shipping delay

will be sorted out by next month.

His estimate was something like less than 7 days for overseas orders. I

said to him that if he really does that his business will boom for sure. As for the poor quality of his product,

well, as long as the contained info is powerful, I can't care less about the glossiness.

I ordered DC

recently. Paid through Paypal. Before I placed my order, he'd replied to my e-mail queries very promtly. SO I

e-mailed him and asked him to send me a confirmation e-mail for my order. Sent similar e-mails asking for the same

confirmation e-mail a couple more times. But no replies so far.

Said he's been busy building up the

Archersloan website, but I believe ignoring customers' requests for the sake of better customer service in the

future doesn't make much sense.

Let's wait and see what happens. I will keep you guys posted.

09-21-2004, 11:08 AM
I really wonder about all that stuff.

It is so confusing, I couldn't even find product descriptions on the yahoo group. It is like a wierd underground

cult or something with their own language. Wierdos.

Now does anyone know what constitutes an OD for NPA and

what is the best way to get a DIHL with PI? :D

09-21-2004, 11:42 AM
bjf, 1st rule of fight club there

is no fight club. lol.

09-21-2004, 11:51 AM

anything taking 6 weeks to order shouldn't be acceptable. Also the fact that he does not contact you, apologize,

and reply to your emails is definately not good. If you order a new car it comes in less than 6 weeks. The above

poster said that these CD's were pretty much at home burns. Why should you have to wait 6 weeks for cd's that

were poorly burned, and could be made by anyone with a computer in under an hour.

Maybe Bruce can

confirm this, but unless it has changed, I think the law is that a mail order vendor has 4 to 6 weeks to deliver

their product to the customer. Anything over 6 weeks, they have to notify the customer about the delay and give them

the option of getting their money back. Of course, eBay may be under a completely different set of


With quick acting companies like Love Scent, and things like priority mail and Fed Ex, we are getting

spoiled. I get antsy if it takes over a week for something I order to arrive. But there are still instances where it

can take up to 6 weeks to deliver. A product like described here for Sloane's stuff may not even be on the shelf

and only manufactured on demand. If this is a second income, his real job may interfere with this.

I'm not

defending this, just trying to state from past experience of over 35 years of buying by mail. Truthfully, I haven't

been impressed with what I've read about so far and keep forgetting to read the Yahoo Groups emails. One thing that

bothers me, though I'm into Siddha meditation, is that they seem to incorporate magick into some of their


09-21-2004, 11:52 AM
bjf, 1st rule of fight

club there is no fight club. lol.

:D ______________

09-21-2004, 07:53 PM
Well, I'm interested in how

well the course works... I mean, obviously I am because I bought it, right? Lol, but you bring up a good point, I

should put it through some very good test runs before I start trashing it. Just by looking through the questions,

I'm pretty sure this isn't worth much but I'll try it out. The thing that annoyed me the most was that they were

claiming that the most powerful part of the program was some sort of magical aspect where you move "pictures" around

in order to get her to like you. Not only was this annoying because I simply did not believe it, but it was annoying

because they hardly explain their "technique" at all on the audio CDs. It is really poorly explained.


here's the deal... I'm a freshman in college and I just got here a week ago, there are quite a few girls on the

hall that I've gotten to know a little bit, so, I will try out this course on a few of them, going through the

questions, etc, etc and I'll report back what happens to all of you. Then you guys can decide for yourselves if

it's worth buying or not.

lagrimas have you tried asking those questions in real life? i think

i've heard from somebody that when you ask those questions to a girl. it triggers something in her brain where she

thinks you're the only person that understands her. i could be wrong but i remember reading that


09-21-2004, 09:52 PM
well I'm expecting it any day

now. I am a little concerened about what you said about the questions are, they seem just too simple and pointless.

And what was said about the credit card claim thing also worries me because his guarranty is that you use it for 3

months, and the credit card claim is worthless after 90 days. On the other hand you can e mail for help, well if he

replies or not is another story. I do have faith though, the ebook coded personalities pinned her personality right

to her handwriting.

09-22-2004, 05:42 AM
The 90 days for the credit card is

to dispute it. Depending on the credit card you have they have different policies. Some will let you return it if

the company won't. It's all different.

well I'm expecting it any day now. I am a little

concerened about what you said about the questions are, they seem just too simple and pointless. And what was said

about the credit card claim thing also worries me because his guarranty is that you use it for 3 months, and the

credit card claim is worthless after 90 days. On the other hand you can e mail for help, well if he replies or not

is another story. I do have faith though, the ebook coded personalities pinned her personality right to her


PHP 87
09-22-2004, 09:13 AM
I agree, 6 weeks is atrocious, but

keep that in mind if you order.

09-27-2004, 11:21 AM
I just got it this morning, and as

I read the questions that you ask the girl, I felt like an idiot having ant doubts about it.

These questions are

simple to ask her, well most of them. See what happened for me to doubt it was I had gotten a copy of ross jeffries

stuff about questions you ask, and that was just something that I believe women would just see through like a

windexed window.

And the "moving pictures" that I read in ross's stuff, well I think you might as well wave a

pocket watch in front of her. It just sounded so rediculous the way he explained it. With the Archer Slone way of

doing it, it would look like a normal conversation.

Just like in the ebay description, you need to forget all

that other NLP psychic shit. I didn't even finish reading it yet or listen to the CD's, I just had to say I should

have trusted my instincts.

HOWEVER, I am not going to say thank you until I get my girl!

09-27-2004, 12:07 PM
^ so basically it should work or

from what it looks like, it should work?

i started the ross jeffries home study a few days ago. haven't really

got far but by self-hypnotising myself i'm amost over my fear of approaching girls(before this i always let the

girl make the 1st move). went to a club on sat with my boys, had a few drinks and just did c&f with any girls i saw

(no nlp yet). my goal this weekend was to just get over the fear of rejection. and i can say mission almost

accomplished. by the way i wore 1 dab te, 1 dab pheros, 2.5 sprays of chikara, and 2 (3 in) swipes of soe all on my

neck. so i did get shot down. but i also got a number and had some girl run up to me and start grinding with me

until either her bf or male friend grab her away from me. so thank you mones.

09-28-2004, 04:56 PM
I ordered Specific girl today

because I emailed archer and he cut me a deal for 1/3rd the original price. I dont think he wants me advertising

the price so I wont say. You can pm me if you want. We will see how this works. I will try it on my ex fiancee

first to see how this works. She does have a b/f but I think it will be easier to getin her head since we were

together for 3 years. I will keep you all updated.

09-28-2004, 11:20 PM
i kinda skimmed through the ross

jefferies stuff and it's good but not great. the only pattern i liked so far that would be natural is the boyfriend

destroyer. and in a club setting there's a good chance you'll get cock blocked by the girl's friends. it's true

that people say these techniuqes are outdated. but i do like his self hypnosis and state of mind exercises and

confidence exercises. it wasn't my home study course, it was my friend's. so i can say i'm happy with the product

but only because i didn't buy it.

off topic but


om/2004/07/the_seduction_o.html#more (http://www.thundercatseductionlair.com/2004/07/the_seduction_o.html#more)
it's a transcript of the paris hilton pick up by papa. i think i'll

look into their stuff.

09-29-2004, 06:37 AM
I just read that "paris hilton"

pickup, what cheese! If this stuff really works, I don't think women can spot anything a mile away.

09-29-2004, 07:31 AM
papa isn't just any guy doing

pick ups, he's the ceo and the guy that created real social dynamics. i don't think he would make this up and ruin

the company's credibility.

09-29-2004, 07:51 AM
off topic but


om/2004/07/the_seduction_o.html#more (http://www.thundercatseductionlair.com/2004/07/the_seduction_o.html#more)
it's a transcript of the paris hilton pick up by papa. i think i'll

look into their stuff.

Reads like a deleted scene from Entourage.

Rover The Dog
10-18-2004, 01:37 PM
Well mine came in earlier

this week and I am not really sure what to think of it? Kinda not sure what he means about moving the pictures and

even though i could ask most of the questions i do feel that i would be uncomfortable asking a girl a few of them.

But i just started listening to it earlier today so i guess its too early to tell and ive yet to try it out in real

life so who knows maybe this will work. Just a little skeptical.

10-18-2004, 01:56 PM
i know what you're talking about

b/c i read it in the ross jefferies. it's basically picture a large white screen in your mind. picture your most

favorite person then picture a person you really hate. you'll notice when you picture a white screen those 2 images

are located in 2 different spots on the white screen. basically you're suppose to make the girl move your mental

picture into the most favorite position. the ross jefferies way is retarded, hopefully the archer sloan way is


10-31-2004, 04:14 PM
So here is an update in my

dealings with Archer Sloan.

After the original shipment never arrived, it was shipped a second time and

still took almost 2 weeks to arrive (for a total of about 8 weeks). My original order date was August 20th and I

didn't get it until about the second week in October.

When I did finally did recieve it I was deep into

David Deangelo's Advanced Dating Techiniques DVD and usnig them with great success (I've got stories..). About a

week after I received DC (I just sort of ignored it and put it under my desk at work) I get an email wanting

payment. No offer of a discount, no offer of a free second product, not even an offer of selling it to me at the

price offered directly from to his Yahoo group members. I was out of town when this email arrived (at my companies

Romanian office, let me tell about Romanian women!). No problem, I decided to send it back at this point


Then I recieve another email threatening me with a bad Ebay report! This comming from someone that

takes over 6 weeks to ship a product. They also acuse me of trying to stiff them, for $200! Oh yeah, they "hex" me.

Supposedly within the next year I'll loose 17X more than the $200 they think I was going to stiff them for. Oh I'm

scared. I actually do believe that hex's work, but only if both parties believe they do. And I don't.


a fun and intersting experience dealing with Archer Sloan.

10-31-2004, 04:30 PM

I keep hearing people

bringing up this David DeAngelo, saying he is really good and stuff. People strongly recommend it, and this gets me

interested. However, it seems as if the majority of guys who have used his stuff are having trouble with women even

with it.

You mentioned some successes, though. Can you please talk more about the product you are using?

What is useful? Is there anything not useful (ie can't be applied practicually, or just BS)? Is there anything

profound? Is it easy to learn or do you have to spend a lot of time learning it? Does it force you to be someone

other than what you might already be? Do you have to have a facade (fasad)?


10-31-2004, 06:05 PM
.......I was

deep into David Deangelo's Advanced Dating Techiniques DVD and usnig them with great success (I've got

:-D Tell Tell!

10-31-2004, 07:54 PM
yes I am interested,

anything you can point out, I have a difficult girl I wish to deal with ;)


10-31-2004, 08:32 PM
:-( don't have enough money

for the ebooks, wish I did

11-01-2004, 04:01 AM
Well, in my dealings with Archer so

far, he's been pretty straight with me. I received my first products in about 5 weeks' time, If I remember

correctly. The, the second one in 2 weeks. Well, this isn't bad at all considering the fact that I live in the Far

East. He made a mistake of having forgotten to put one of the products I ordered into the package the second time

round. But I'm pretty sure he'd sort me out.
This time, he even threw in some of the bonus products like

Control Her Sexuality. Good stuff.

11-01-2004, 06:47 AM

I keep

hearing people bringing up this David DeAngelo, saying he is really good and stuff. People strongly recommend it,

and this gets me interested. However, it seems as if the majority of guys who have used his stuff are having trouble

with women even with it.

You mentioned some successes, though. Can you please talk more about the product you

are using? What is useful? Is there anything not useful (ie can't be applied practicually, or just BS)? Is there

anything profound? Is it easy to learn or do you have to spend a lot of time learning it? Does it force you to be

someone other than what you might already be? Do you have to have a facade (fasad)?

Thanks! From my

point of view, DYD is not "entry level" stuff, and that's probably why some people fail miserably. You need either

a strong confidence in your skills or to be willing to take a leap of faith, impervious to common sense.

DeAngelo's "game" is all about humor, so if you're not a funny guy it's really hard to incorporate it, especially

because if you fail, you fail BAD.
It doesn't build a facade, quite the opposite in fact, it frees you from some


I'd love to hear your stories too, I'm always open to new ideas :)


11-01-2004, 10:22 AM
Well, in my dealings

with Archer so far, he's been pretty straight with me. I received my first products in about 5 weeks' time, If I

remember correctly. The, the second one in 2 weeks. Well, this isn't bad at all considering the fact that I live in

the Far East. He made a mistake of having forgotten to put one of the products I ordered into the package the second

time round. But I'm pretty sure he'd sort me out.
This time, he even threw in some of the bonus products like

Control Her Sexuality. Good stuff.
Good as in you've had hits or good as in interesting?

11-01-2004, 10:51 AM
Interesting and well-structured.

11-01-2004, 11:48 AM
From my point of

view, DYD is not "entry level" stuff, and that's probably why some people fail miserably. You need either a strong

confidence in your skills or to be willing to take a leap of faith, impervious to common sense.

"game" is all about humor, so if you're not a funny guy it's really hard to incorporate it, especially because if

you fail, you fail BAD.
It doesn't build a facade, quite the opposite in fact, it frees you from some


I'd love to hear your stories too, I'm always open to new ideas :)


Good points.

I think the problems a lot of guys probably have is that they are looking

for the magic "pickup lines" and techniques and that's not what Deangelo is all about.

If you're comming

from the right attitude that allows you to comunicate with a woman's limbic brain (where attraction happens), any

technique will work.

The attitude is that you could care less about the outcome of talking to her. You're

being the one that is selecting her and testing her, instead of the other way around, which is normally the case.

When you say "DeAngelo's "game" is all about humor" that is only partly right. One of the reason the whole

"cocky-funny" thing works is because is because you are being different than 99% of all the other guys that approach

her and tell her how beautiful she is.

Your comment, "It doesn't build a facade, quite the opposite in

fact, it frees you from some bounds" is perfect! We are born with the ability to act the right way around women to

create attraction, but society, religion, our mom, etc knock this stuff out of us. Imagine you trained a male

peacock not to prean his feathers and not to display them around females, he wouldn't be geting


You're not being forced to be someone you're not, but it does teach you how to be the man you're

supposed to be.

11-01-2004, 05:26 PM
When you say

"DeAngelo's "game" is all about humor" that is only partly right. One of the reason the whole "cocky-funny" thing

works is because is because you are being different than 99% of all the other guys that approach her and tell her

how beautiful she is. What I actually meant is, humor is essential. As in, you approach the girl and then

you don't go wussy, you say something funny instead (and cocky too).
Maybe you could get some results just being

laid back, but that's not DD's game and, even more important, that would be really boring :D

PS: enough with

theory, I want your stories! ;)


11-01-2004, 05:44 PM
What I actually

meant is, humor is essential. As in, you approach the girl and then you don't go wussy, you say something funny

instead (and cocky too).
Maybe you could get some results just being laid back, but that's not DD's game and,

even more important, that would be really boring :D

PS: enough with theory, I want your stories! ;)


I've been a little too busy at work today to post them, sorry.

Here's a quick


I met a girl at a friends party (his girlfreinds cousin) a hot blond nurse from the South Bay. I hit her

with a little C&F. I wasn't even original, I stole directly from Deangelo, "nice shoes, what are you about 4'2"

without those?" and more like it. I had her saying all the right things, "You're horrible!" and "I can't believe

you said that" all while smiling and playfully hitting me on the arm.I got her email address and several days later

I emailed her and didn't hear back. Her cousin told me she never got it or delted it thinking it was junk. So I

sent her another one and busted her balls for deleting it. I said something like, "You're blowing your chances with

me and we haven't even gone out yet".

And believe me, this is 180 degrees from the what I thought was

supposed to work with women.

I get an email back pretty quickly saying she wants to meet for coffee and


There was a little more to it but that's the jist.

11-01-2004, 08:42 PM
That's all interesting stuff. Now

please don't take this next question as me being sarcastic, I'm serious, do you ever feel stupid repeating his

material? I would, knowing something was scripted. On the other hand, I doubt I'm funny enough to come up with

good material on my own. It sounds like he has good stuff that would work, I just couldn't make that stuff up


Another thing: Do you feel wierd being cocky and perhaps a little rude to someone you just met?

Maybe that is what helps it work; the audacity or whatever. But there's so many take-no-crap women where I live

that I'm not sure it would go over to well. Actually, polite, confident, relaxed and smart works pretty well

believe it or not, although it doesn't bring on the sexual tension like I would imagine David DeAngelo's

techniques might invoke.

Oh, and another thing, do you make these quips with a serious face or in a joking

manner (smiling)? I'm not really the type who wants to cut down someone sarcastically just to show them what balls

I have.

11-01-2004, 09:08 PM
this was from an old david d email:
Cocky & Funny Categories
Dear David,

using the C & F techniques, and analysing them, I have discovered

that there several classes or categories of c & f :

1) When you are cockyandfunniing about you. You are

saying that you are the best, or you are very sexy,

clever, etc in a funny way. i.e.Me:"You know, I'm

really tired of you women treating me like some

kind of piece of meat. I have feelings too, and I don't

just like being thought of as a sex object."

2) When you cockyandfunniing about her. You are saying

that she is wussy, nerd, ridiculous, etc in a funny

way. i.e. "Hey, I can borrow you a wig, but please,

don't kill it's roots !!3) When you cockyandfunniing about other person, an object, a place, etc. i.e. Me:"You know, if that chick lost

about 200 pounds, I think I'd be into her"

4) when you are inverting(in a funny way) the stereotypes

and asummes than girl must date boy, girl must

approach boy, etc i.e: SHE:"Are you from around here?"ME: "What, are you trying to

pick me up? I'm not that easy."There are other cocky & funny categories, and some

categories mix each others, but these are the more

important (I think). I think that the #2 & #4 are

the more powerful and efective categories. I'm going

to tell you, in wich case I use them (If the Maestro

agree with me )

1. C & F about me.It's useful, but you can't use it too mutch, it's more

useful If you are a not a cute boy, if you are awful,(bald,

overheight, etc). You have to use it with care, if not you are

becaming too cocky. 2. c & f about

her.It's very useful,(especially on hotties and average

women), and it's very powerful, but I discover that

if she has low selfsteem she may get upset (but she

will get atracted too). 3. c & f about other things.This is the more secure c &

f mode, but it is generates less atraction than others.

4. c & f inverting stereotipes

It's very funny and it's very powerful, and easy to


>>>MY COMMENTS: This is a great little set of categories,

and it's a great place to start if you're trying to come up

with funny and charming things to day for different


included it so others can use it as a guide whenworking on their

own situations... very nice, and thanks!

11-02-2004, 06:31 AM

You can't possibly feel

stupid, this is not NLP or speedseduction, you don't have a script (and in those cases Ibelieve it really sounds

DD doesn't give you the words, he teaches you the concept behind them. Well, sometimes you get examples

(like in the newsletters), but that's about it.
The problem with his system is, if you are not a funny guy, you

must learn. To this extent, he suggests some books (one of which is Comedy Writing Secrets by Melvin

Helitzer) and much brainstorming. Sit, think of the situations you may be in, of what you could see, of what she

could say, and then come up with funny remarks. You have to practice a lot, it will come natural someday.

"Take-no-crap" women, as you call them, should relax and enjoy life a bit more. If they don't, well, it's their

problem and I don't want to get sucked in.

David suggests delivering the jokes with a serious face, like you

see in comedy. I usually add a sly smile just to be sure, but I should really try the first method sometime.


11-02-2004, 10:35 AM
That's all

interesting stuff. Now please don't take this next question as me being sarcastic, I'm serious, do you ever feel

stupid repeating his material? I would, knowing something was scripted. On the other hand, I doubt I'm funny

enough to come up with good material on my own. It sounds like he has good stuff that would work, I just couldn't

make that stuff up myself.

Another thing: Do you feel wierd being cocky and perhaps a little rude to someone

you just met? Maybe that is what helps it work; the audacity or whatever. But there's so many take-no-crap women

where I live that I'm not sure it would go over to well. Actually, polite, confident, relaxed and smart works

pretty well believe it or not, although it doesn't bring on the sexual tension like I would imagine David

DeAngelo's techniques might invoke.

Oh, and another thing, do you make these quips with a serious face or in

a joking manner (smiling)? I'm not really the type who wants to cut down someone sarcastically just to show them

what balls I have.

I think you're still thinking about this from the standpoint of reciting pickup

lines or paterns. But with Deangelo (and KEanu Jager's Nonverbal Sexual Cuing) it has very little to do with the

words you're saying, it's all about the mindset and playful, relaxed, confident attitude you're saying them from.

I don't feel stupid repeating other peoples words because they're comming from me with my own attitude and

body language (communication is 93% nonverbal!). In addition, with every approach you have to think about it from

the position "I don't care about the outcome, I'm just going to have fun! And this is going to be a learning

experience". So, right now I may be using Deangelo's, but as I get more comfortable I will use my


Another thing to remember is that every woman has a part of her brain (even take-no-crap women) that is

older than the rational thinking brain (men too) that has an image of what will she find attractive in man. IN women

this is much less visual than in men. If you can talk directly to this part of the brain, it doesn't matter what

her public persona is! Women do stuff all the time to talk directly to this same part of a man's brain. Why do you

think they wear makeup to accentuate their lips, make their eyes look bigger, show off their cleavage,


Do you think women say stuff to each other like, "do you ever feel stupid putting makeup on and wearing

the same kind of cloths just like everyone in Cosmo?"

11-02-2004, 11:07 AM
Good points. Okay, well Yoel

elaborated on the slight smirks when making these jokes. Wondering what your position is.

By the way, nice

haircut, superman. :)

11-02-2004, 11:37 AM
RE the reading from a script

issue: As I have said the before, the best way to use these pick-up guides is to read them, understand the

principles, and forget it. Then apply the principles to who you already are, thus giving you your personalised C&F

(only one example) edge.

11-02-2004, 11:42 AM
Yea, but the problem is I am not

funny myself. So the guidelines don't mean anything.

Nice flag, btw. Did you design that yourself?

11-02-2004, 12:06 PM
[...] The problem

with his system is, if you are not a funny guy, you must learn. To this extent, he suggests some books (one of which

is Comedy Writing Secrets by Melvin Helitzer) and much brainstorming. Sit, think of the situations you may be

in, of what you could see, of what she could say, and then come up with funny remarks. You have to practice a lot,

it will come natural someday. [...]

Yoel I hate quoting myself (ok, maybe I don't, so what :D),

but hey, if you aren't funny, work on it. There's no magic pill you can swallow to wake up and go Letterman



11-02-2004, 12:13 PM

hate quoting myself (ok, maybe I don't, so what :D), but hey, if you aren't funny, work on it.

There's no magic pill you can swallow to wake up and go Letterman about.

that right there is

c&f, it's not hard if you start practicing it. it's alot easier to do than nlp patterns.

11-02-2004, 12:27 PM
Thanks for noticing, I'm glad you

liked it. (<-tip: here it's serious, but try it when she whines about something :D)


11-02-2004, 12:40 PM
i love it when they whine, they

just set themselves up for an onslaught of c&f.

bjf a good example of somebody who's c&f and does it in real

life is carson for queer eye from the straight guy.

"one word for that dress horrendo" i love that one, i use it

all the time. i take his material all the time.

11-02-2004, 01:14 PM
i love it when they

whine, they just set themselves up for an onslaught of c&f.

bjf a good example of somebody who's c&f and

does it in real life is carson for queer eye from the straight guy.

"one word for that dress horrendo" i

love that one, i use it all the time. i take his material all the time.

Women are constantly testing

men. From the first time you see them, if you break eye contact first you just failed the first test, to being in a

releationship and whining, and how you deal with it.

They don't do this consciously (usually). It's their

genetically programed brains constantly trying to disqualify you as a good provider or good source of genetic

material to bear healthy offspring. No matter how much you think we're in controll of these things, 6,000 years of

civilization wil not overide millions of years of evolution.

11-02-2004, 01:27 PM
"one word for that

dress horrendo" I'd say that's just plain rude jerkiness, but maybe I'm missing a parody or something

like that, not being from the usa. I mean, you're saying hideous in portuguese, is that even a joke? [edit: a quick

note, I could be more offended by that because I actually understand portuguese]


PS: phersurf

you've got a pm :)

11-02-2004, 02:41 PM
I'd say that's just

plain rude jerkiness, but maybe I'm missing a parody or something like that, not being from the usa. I mean,

you're saying hideous in portuguese, is that even a joke? [edit: a quick note, I could be more offended by that

because I actually understand portuguese]


PS: phersurf you've got a pm :)
i didn't know

horrendo was a real word. the real word is horrendous, by making it a fake word and overdoing body language and

facial gestures she know's you're not serious.

Elk Dreamer
11-02-2004, 02:48 PM
Save your money and watch a

few episodes of Sex in The City or Desperate Housewives and you will learn all you need to know. I don't know if

anyone is doing it now but I found the training Seminars on NLP by Groff to be extremely helpful in the

The NLP and Holiotrophic Breathwork training siminars were far more valuable than self study or written



11-02-2004, 02:49 PM
i didn't know

horrendo was a real word. the real word is horrendous [...] Well that's about as real as mine :D
And I

haven't ever seen the guy, but I guess he's using the portuguese one, since that would be quite queer (no offense

here, ever listened to a fashion designer?).


11-02-2004, 06:12 PM
back to the original topic, so is

anybody trying out the archer sloan products and having success?

11-02-2004, 06:53 PM
Save your money

and watch a few episodes of Sex in The City or Desperate Housewives and you will learn all you need to


GREAT show.

back to the original topic, so is anybody trying out the archer

sloan products and having success?

Pheromone CD - yes. I don't believe it, but yes.

11-02-2004, 08:17 PM
When DeAngelo says "When a girl

calls herself fat, agree with her. Most guys go 'No no your not fat your perfect'. This is wrong" Is this true?

Does it make her more attracted to you?

11-02-2004, 08:41 PM
when u lie to her you supplicate

to her. i wouldn't say "yes" more along the lines of "yeah you're morbidly obese" or "didn't i tell you to lay

off those big mac"

11-02-2004, 09:03 PM
I was gonna say like "hey, more

coushin for the pushin"

11-03-2004, 01:52 AM
That would be you trying to please

her and yet offending her...while in TRock's examples he's so rude she'll never think he's serious. Or is he?



11-03-2004, 09:34 AM
when u lie to her

you supplicate to her. i wouldn't say "yes" more along the lines of "yeah you're morbidly obese" or "didn't i

tell you to lay off those big mac"

This is the correct way to deal with this question.


answers are cocky and funny. Just say them with a half smile on your face.

11-03-2004, 10:50 AM
Phersurf, did you get my pm? Should

I send it again?


11-03-2004, 10:58 AM
Yea, but the problem

is I am not funny myself. So the guidelines don't mean anything.

Nice flag, btw. Did you design that

yourself?Work on it, watch lots of good comedies and see what goes on. Even "borrow" a few quotes,

especially if it's from a well known film/series.

RE the flag: No it's not my original design, I think that

was a guy called George.

11-03-2004, 04:32 PM
has any1 used specific girls yet

and got results, i dont see any feedback on archers products

11-03-2004, 07:36 PM
I've got Specific Girl. It's

something you'd have to study and digest properly before you put it to use. I'm still studying it at the moment.

Besides, I haven't got a Specific girl in mind to use it on, yet. I do not want to use it on ANYone just to see if

it works and deal with awful consequences later.
I PMd one of our forum members who USED it and GOT results. He

said that he's now being virtually stalked by the girl. It worked TOO WELL, he said.

11-03-2004, 07:42 PM
There's no way there's any system

that can get you stalkers. How can that be?

11-03-2004, 09:18 PM
I think the stalker comment

was partly in jest - i.e. - she's so in to me - I feel like I'm being stalked!?

11-04-2004, 10:07 AM
There's no way

there's any system that can get you stalkers. How can that be?

I can see this happening.


had what looked like it could have turned into a stalking stuation with DYD. If the girl was slightly more unstable,

I think It very easily could have gone bad.

I used Deangelos techniques on this pretty hot 33 year old half

Korean half Caucasian women. The 4th time we were together, she was acting like a real bitch torward me at the end

of the night. I didn't say anything about it then (I probably should've) but just didn't call her back. About 4-5

days later she called me and asked why I haven't called her back. I told her I didn't like the way she acted and I

don't have time to put up with that crap. She appologized and asked to get together and I said no. She continued to

call and leave messages for several weeks until she finally got the clue.

11-04-2004, 10:16 AM
Why was she acting like a bitch, and

what was her explanation? Just curious.

03-18-2005, 11:34 AM
I have been trying Ashleigh's

Seduction 101 CD course for the last 7 weeks or so. She said it'll start its magic in 5 weeks, but it took almost 7

weeks til I started noticing itsa effects,, These are simply hypnotic inductions, but the effects were very profound

and thorough. A big confidence boost, charisma and increased rapport, less self-sabotage, etc. The only drawback is

that you have to listen to all 4 CDs on a daily basis for at least 5 weeks. But I can vouch for the fact that IT

WORKED amazingly well. Naturally I ordered the other Ashleigh product called Naked Girl locker room talk.

Archer said, "this one will turn you into a 'natural'." I look forward to the course.


03-18-2005, 11:55 AM
Why was she acting

like a bitch, and what was her explanation? Just curious.

She was testing me.

Women are

constantly testing men (the very first test they give is seeing if you avert your eyes when they look in yours).

Other tests are if you make a date with a woman and she says something like, "give me a call the day of the date...

(followed by some excuse)" If you turn into a wussie even once, she has less attraction for you. Acting like a bitch

is only one way they test, if you put up with her crap she doesn't see you as attractive. Of course once you have a

long term relationship this dynamic changes, but women never stop testing men.

Women don't test conciously,

it's an evolutionary mechanism to make sure a man is really, really the real deal (able to give her healthy

children that are more likely to grow into sexy adults and therfore be more likely to reproduce).