View Full Version : First post with some questions

08-13-2004, 11:26 PM
Greetings from a newbie.Well,I have just recieved my Alter Ego for men(Im a guy is you didnt know already)Im 37

years old by the way.
My first question is regarding application.When I use a "dab" of the product,is it better

to apply it in a smaller,localized area or to "smear" the product over a larger area.The first time I used it I

started at the base of my ear and was able to make a rather thin smear almost to the point of my shoulder.Is that

too thin?Too dispersed?
My second question regards natural pheromone production.Do men,as they age,begin to

produce less androstenone?
My first couple trips out with AE I found that men were very friendly,talkative and

treated me like they had known me all thier lives.Women...when approached were also very friendly and

talkative...but reacted more like I was an old high school buddy than like I was a man they wanted to get to know.I

am wondering if this might be a response to a lack of androstenone?
Any feed back or recomendations would be

greatly appreciated.
And...just a quick plug for Bruce...the product arrived on time and on target without a

hitch.Well done...

08-14-2004, 12:01 AM
AE comes with a dropper cap, so

you should use the dropper to apply drops of AE. The consensus of most people is to apply 3-4 drops, though it

never hurts to start out using less and increasing if needed.

08-14-2004, 09:51 AM
If women who don't know you

are talking to you like you're an old high school buddy, they ARE trying to get to know you.

Keep doing what

you're doing for a couple of weeks until you get comfortable with the reactions of people in different situations.

Then try some variations on application areas. Experiment. Don't obsess over getting immediate results. Give the

process 2-3 months so you have time to get used to the pheromones and to learn to be more observant.

08-14-2004, 05:59 PM
ae is great for older guys. i keep

using and keep getting hits from older women, i haven't had much success from younger girls using ae. tim, i think

the more surface space the better.

08-15-2004, 10:47 AM
I read younger girls are scared of

high none levels. I know its true too, the targets daughter (who says exactly whats on her mind) turns to her mom

and says "this guy is scaring me" the first time meeting me.

08-15-2004, 11:36 AM
LOL, thats funny, You have to

try and wear less when around the daughter, once the daughter dispises you, its over for the mothers interest in


08-15-2004, 02:04 PM
The daughter was friendly the

whole time but it was just out of the blue that she said that.

08-15-2004, 10:33 PM
I wear strong, even

overpowering applications of pheromones around young women. I haven't seen any indication that I frighten

them. It really depends on what you do. You need to be careful to give them space and not come on too strong in

any way. Let them get over the nervousness at their own pace.

Since younger men produce more androstenone than

older men, and since young women generally trust younger men more than they trust older men (on first meeting),

it's not the high pheromone concentration that frightens them.

08-16-2004, 05:36 AM
Physical appearance has a lot to do

with it too. Some guys can get away with a lot of none but the women still will not be frightened. Others need

only wear a little before the fear starts setting it.

08-16-2004, 12:50 PM
If you look like a thug, people

will probably treat you like a thug. Take that for what it is worth.

08-16-2004, 12:58 PM
Well..."thug" has never been a

word used to describe me..."cute" has be used..."not bad" hase been used...and my best friend calls me butt

ugly...that kinda says it.Actualy..

08-16-2004, 01:54 PM
True enough, but I wasn't talking

about people who look like thugs. Being muscular, tall, having a strong jawline, any of those testosterone related

traits contribute to being more susceptible to causing intimidation with the use of none products. If you look

harmless on the other hand, meaning beta male physical appearance, there's gonna be more leeway.

08-16-2004, 02:35 PM

has never been a word used to describe me..."cute" has be used..."not bad" hase been used...and my best friend calls

me butt ugly...that kinda says it.Actualy..
1. No one, under normal non-relationship circumstances, will

tell you that you are hot, unbelievably attractive, drop-dead gorgeous, etc. to your face. Think about how weird

your relationship with that person would be after such a statement.

2. No one, under normal non-hateful,

mature circumstances, will tell you that you are butt ugly.

Your best friend is either: joking, jealous,

or trying to keep you humble. I hope it's the first, but even then I wouldn't find it funny.

I haven't seen

a picture, but I'd guess that many people would find you to be a good-looking guy.

Believe it, know it, be

it, show it.

Wear that AE and present yourself like you are worth getting to know. Women will respond.

That's the key.

Old HS/college buddies have flings to wonder "What if?" or to feel young again. I'd say

you're in pretty good shape.

Thus ends today's lesson.


08-16-2004, 02:51 PM
1. No one,

under normal non-relationship circumstances, will tell you that you are hot, unbelievably attractive, drop-dead

gorgeous, etc. to your face. Think about how weird your relationship with that person would be after such a

Trust me. You get used to hearing it after the first few times.

2. No one, under

normal non-hateful, mature circumstances, will tell you that you are butt ugly.
You should meet my
