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View Full Version : The "comeback" phenomenon

08-11-2004, 04:42 PM
I would like to know how many of our forum members have experienced this ...

Day 1: You go out, all moned

up, meet a girl you like, she treats you with total indifference, or maybe just benign friendliness without even a

hint of sexuality.

Day 2: You see her again, and all of a sudden, she practically runs up to you to say hi

and gives you what you were hoping for on day 1.

I am calling this "the comeback phenomenon" because it

occurs when you least expect it, after you are quite sure you failed with a particular target.

So any of

you experience this? Testify! :)

08-11-2004, 04:49 PM
In my other thread, I posted that

I used 3 sprays of Chikara and 3-4 inches of SOE (overkill?) with a girl, and she seemed indifferent. Then, two days

later she really wanted me to go to dinner with her. But being the idiot that I am, I turned her down.

Canucky Guy
08-11-2004, 11:05 PM
Well, the most rememberable

aspect of a meeting is your scent...it could be the sight of you triggered memories of the pheremones and therefore

launched the reaction. Why they didn't act on first sight is a little baffling, though.

08-12-2004, 02:14 AM
I think it has something to do

with imprinting...