View Full Version : chemistry kit - lady needs some pro help here

08-11-2004, 01:28 PM
Hi everyone!

Well, I finally made my decision and wanted to buy Primial Instinct for my biz

meetings and PCC for my lover :twisted:

But unfortunately the german supplier ran out of PI and will have it

stock in about 3 weeks... but my biz meeting is next week, so I decided to go for the chemistry kid and do it


Cooking does not really work without a good recipe and therefore I need some help here in order to

clone Primal Instinct

any suggestions?


08-11-2004, 01:44 PM
Start with the pheromone

reference library and the cookbook It will give you ratios to work with.

08-11-2004, 01:53 PM
thanks! I´m working my way through

it right now and guess what, no matter what I try to mix with the chemistry kit, Primal Instinct has got more

pheromones in it than the chemistry kit provides anyway.. so I´ll simply have to wait...

08-11-2004, 02:00 PM

I'm sorry to say that by

buying the Chem-Set with the intent of cloning PI/w you really took a hit from the ecomomics angle.

You're not

going to get the Copulins that are in PI/w by buying the Chem-Set, so what you're going to end up with is 3/11 of a

PI/w bottle's worth of a pure Androstenol product, for way MORE than the regular price of PI/w.

You might have

been better off getting the 10mL CS A-Nol since you're probably not going to find much use for the A-Rone, and

hardly ANY use for the A-None that come with the kit.

Did love-scent.de HAVE the 10mL CS Nol? If they did, you

might want to consider changing your order if it's not too late.

Oscar :)

08-11-2004, 02:55 PM
Pheros is again available

and I urge you to try it out. You will get the desired results if you are in a group of women.

08-11-2004, 11:23 PM
thanks so much guys,


I´ll have to check with the shop system here, if they ship to Germany, with the Euro being stronger than the US

Dollar I would even save money by ordering in the US...