View Full Version : Inconsistant results??????

08-11-2004, 08:02 AM
There have

been a number of reports from experienced users of good hits from Chikara, SOE, NPA or AE. Yet some people don't

see anything from those same mones. It leads me to believe there is one or more factors not being considered here.

My first thoughts on it are compatibility with your existing pheromone signature, personality type or behavoir,

appearance, environment.

What I'd like to get from everybody, experienced users and newbies, successful users

and unsuccessful alike is as objective as possible personal review of yourself, including as much detail about the

above factors as possible and your results with each type and amount of mone used. Also, please include your

expectations when you wear mones. With enough data points a pattern should emerge and maybe we can all help each

other to be more successful with pheromones.

08-11-2004, 08:37 AM
I am 5'6", about 170 pounds,

dark hair, somewhat thin on top, mid-40s. I dress well and I tease women a lot but try not to fall into pettiness.

I practice good hygiene and usually dress nice (as opposed to running shoes and jeans). Since I am enjoying an

extended stay with relatives in an area where I don't plan to settle down, I am using my pheromones just to invite

friendly reactions from people and occasionally just to get a few enjoyable hits. The best hits have been

unexpected (like the hair stylist).

The environment is sunny Florida coastal area. A lot of locals mixed with

tourists. Most people dress down, way down. Tourists usually look like dorks (Bermuda shorts, socks-in-sandals for

guys, big flabby clothing for the women) and locals usually wear jeans and t-shirts. A lot of the local

"professional" crowd are wearing shorts, too, with short-sleeved button-down shirts. Sort of a unisex style. So I

tend to stand out from the crowd with my slacks, Italian leather shoes, and polo shirts (mostly polo shirts these


All that said, there are days when I hardly see anyone who is not in my family. And there are days when

I wander around in crowds and don't feel much interest being directed at me (too much competition). Sometimes, I

have to just walk up to someone to get her attention and then she might flirt with me.

Some days, I feel like a

pebble splashing down in a quiet pond, and the hits just keep coming. I see no pattern to it at all. I take the

good and ignore the mundane.

A lot of the flirting I see is tentative. It may be that the local women are just

not exposed to strong pheromonic signatures very often. I find that hard to believe. Maybe the tourist guys come

on to them so often they are just very defensive by habit and the pheromones only slowly help bring them out of

their shells.

This area is very, very different from Houston. In Houston, there were days when women came out

of the woodwork to talk to me. Here in Florida, I occasionally get a "Hello" from an older woman. The young girls

smile and stare but don't talk much unless I talk with them first. Then they open up.

08-11-2004, 08:54 AM
I don't think it's so much

that there are no results as it is that folks may not be experienced/observant enough to pick up results. The ONLY

product I've not observed anything with is PPA/m (I have/have had TE/m/f, NPA/m, SOE/original/u, PI/m/f, Chikara,

Pheros, EO/v/m/c, all CS+A1, and AE/m), but then, I've only worn it perhaps twice, and one of those had Chikara and

SOE added before going out for fun. If you're expecting your target to throw themself at your feet begging for your

company, you need to go to the voodoo lady, not Bruce. <getting off soapbox>

Personality: Aloof, reserved,

observant, and deliberate. I'm warm and friendly with people I know, but anyone save friends would swear I have no

emotions. I've been told I have a very alpha personality, but it's not of the overbearing sort. My favorite

description was "content to let others lead with your input, but the moment they start messing it up (in your mind),

you have no qualms taking charge."

Appearance: Upscale. M-F I wear a shirt and tie, if not a suit, 75% of the

time. Usually a fashionable tie, though sometimes a fun tie. Always coordinated. I dress well, a fact confirmed by

consistent comments and glances checking me out. On the stats side, I'm 30, around 6', 175 pounds, and in decent

shape. I'd rate myself about an 8. Above average, but nothing terribly special.

Environment. 9-6 is an

office surrounded by people involved in technology. After hours, sometimes a dance studio, sometimes a coffee shop.

Th-Sat is usually at a club playing salsa music.

Expectations: I want to make people more friendly and at

ease. I've been told many times that I'm quite intimidating, though not in the physical "kick your ass" way. More

of the "quiet one who knows way more than they let on" way.

As for crotch-grabbing sexual hits, sure,

they're cool from time to time, but that's not what I'm using the mones for. Not a day goes by I'm not wearing

at least a little -nol, even if only a drop of vanilla EO. If I'm going out for fun, I'll crank up the -none a

bit. If I'm hanging out with someone I'm close with, out comes the A1. I've been playing with mones for over two

years now, and feel I have a good sense of what works for me where, when, and why.

Mones and a good

understanding of personality and behavior have served me quite well. Knowing when to tap the brakes and when to bury

the gas pedal in interactions is INVALUABLE. Not only invaluable, but quite a potent mix combined with pheromones.

08-11-2004, 09:07 AM
I'm 5' 8" with broad

shoulders, my weight bounces between 170 and 180. At 47, even with regular exercise it's hard to keep from growing

a pot belly. About 50% bald with grey hair and beard and blue eye. My self confidance is high and it shows through

in my attitude. My demeanor is calm, quiet and almost always polite but, so people tell me, very intense. I am

almost always cheerful, love to joke and tease in a friendly fashion.

My hygene is good but by the end of a

long day crawling under desks or in equipment rooms I can be pretty messy. Unless the occasion demands it I dress

very casually, during working hours in khakis and a polo shirt and after hours in shorts and a tee shirt. When

appropriate, I wear a suit and tie but really am not comfortable dressed that way.

My experience with mones is

that it is very easy for me to OD on None products. With TE for example I can only wear one light spray. Other

products like SoE and Chikara I can wear more without a problem. Like Friendly, hits are erratic and I suppose

that's just the nature of things. One day I'll meet a bunch of women that are receptive, the next day I won't. I

have noticed that the hits coincide with my attitude a lot. If I am busy or stressed I get fewer hits. If I am

relaxed and having an easy time of it or am out to have fun I get a lot more.

08-11-2004, 09:10 AM
I don't

think it's so much that there are no results as it is that folks may not be experienced/observant enough to pick up

That's one good possibility and why I asked the question. :)

08-11-2004, 10:39 AM
I’m 5’ 9” tall, 225

pounds, so a “little” overweight, mostly in the belly. Reddish-brown hair, starting to grey but only noticeable in

certain lighting conditions and in the fallout when getting a haircut. Full, but trimmed beard, red, with a lot of

grey in it. Will be 45 years old September 21.

Not a snazzy dresser, at work it’s jeans and sports shirts and

at home, it’s shorts, sandals (without socks :)) or white Nike walking shoes, and a sports shirt or Hawaiian shirt.

It’s hot here most of the year. I've had women tell me I have nice legs while in shorts, but that could have been

because I told them I was a "leg man." When I wear a hat, I have forsaken my ball caps for a nice Panama Fedora

style hat to stand out from the “clones.” :)

I'm kind of reserved, especially among strangers or in a

group. Consider myself a “lone wolf” type, but certainly not an Alpha. Outgoing women can pull me out of my shell.

The town I live in, Yuma, Arizona, shows to have a population of approximately 79,000 people, which doubles

in the winter. It is a town with severe growing pains. In the summer, it a virtual ghost town, and too hot to do

anything. In the winter, we are invaded by “snowbirds,” retired folk who spend the winter here, congesting our

roads, complaining about how things aren’t like back home, and alienating the year round residents. Entertainment is

mainly geared to the snowbirds in the winter and nonexistent in the summer. For year round fun, there are movie

theatres, two casinos, one offering concerts periodically, and dive bars. I work 10 hour days and don’t have the

incentive or energy to go out most nights, so I stay in hermit mode most of the time, cutting loose twice a year in

San Diego where the atmosphere is nicer, there is more happening entertainment-wise, and I know a nice lady well,

though it’s basically a LJBF situation. I do enjoy dressing up a bit when I hit the clubs there, even going as far

as wearing a suit and tie on occasion.

Up to early this year, I semi-believed the hype out there about

pheromones. I expected all you had to do was splash them on and the women would fall to their knees, begging for

attention. (A bit of exaggeration, but you get the idea.) I tried a couple of cologne products with unknown amount

and type of pheromone content. One I bought during the mid 1980s to 1990s from Adam and Eve (no longer available) of

which I liked the scent and replenished my stock several times. Another I bought a few years ago through a direct

mail ad, which I no longer remember the name of as the ink washed off the label from spillage. Just a dab behind

each ear made me self conscious, I don’t know if it was just the strong musk scent or the pheromones actually did

something in that product. I almost got into a fight in a nightclub while wearing it once though.

The first

product I had any real noticeable results from was Realm (bought between purchases of the two products mentioned

above), and that was that my feeling of well being improved while wearing it. I did get asked out on two separate

occasions while wearing it. Both women were moderately attractive, but a little less feminine than I like. I also

bought NPA about two years ago but wasn’t too good at mixing it. The fact that I mixed it with Realm and the musk EO

simultaneously probably didn’t help matters. I did get a compliment on my smell during a hug from my San Diego

friend after a night of sweaty dancing while wearing that mix though.

I think my expectations have changed

due to studying the forum and from the products I get more noticeable results from. I now use mones for the way they

make me feel, along for a more social interaction with others. Sure, I’d like the sexual hits too, but I’m not

really making myself available to them right now due to my feelings about the town I live in and my job.


was aware of this forum, but didn’t start reading regularly until around March, when I bought WAGG. That one gave me

noticeable results at my first few wearings. SOE seems to work to some extent, haven’t used it much since Chikara

and Pheros came on the market. Excluding Pheros which I really like but feel it’s not really in the same category as

the artificial pheromone products, my favorite is Chikara. I see potential in Perception, but have only been using

it for a week, so Chikara is my #1. Chikara, WAGG and SOE seem to make it easier for me to approach others and start

conversations, though others are sometimes more talkative than I care to be. I often get looks and treatment from

women while wearing Chikara that make me feel special. I’ve described the looks as if I share a great secret with

the woman and perhaps it could be turned into something more sexual.

I also have NPA and both unscented Edge

and Edge Heat. These three products make me uneasy when I wear them. First of all, I can easily smell the none in

them and even the tiniest dab of NPA makes me think I smell bad to others. I still plan to experiment with those

products since I have them, but I tend to feel impatient and irritable when I wear them, so even Edge dosage will be

in tiny dabs from now on.

Anyway, I hope I didn’t digress too much in describing my town and attitude about

it and my job. I feel they are an integral part of my success/failure with pheromones.

08-11-2004, 01:25 PM
I’m 21 years old, around 5’6’’,140 pounds, dark hair… I have a muscular build type body. It’s not an athletic

or ‘ripped’ body, it’s really muscular build type (I have 6,2% of body fat, that's why my weight seems low for

someone who says he has a muscular type body). Women usually say I’ve got a pretty face and a sexy body. In fact, I

have often been considered a real sexy guy, despite the fact that I am kinda short.

I dress well, I have my own style and I can say it also calls women’s attention.


I won’t rate myself. :rasp:

I am calm, ‘usually’ quiet when I’m around strangers, although I can be really

extrovert sometimes. As belgareth, I’m almost always cheerful, love to joke and tease in a friendly fashion (I had

to copy paste that sentence)… :blink: I don’t have problems flirting with someone I already know but I admit I have

some problems approaching strangers (though an outgoing women could pull me out of my shell, as InternationalPlayboy

said)... I am not an alpha guy definitely, but I also don’t consider myself as someone who follows the alpha guy.

Resuming, there are times when I’m a bit reserved and some other times when I am really extrovert and get along well

with everyone. My main problem considering this topic is what I said about having problems approaching strangers.

It’s a fact. :run:

About the phero products, I already used the

following ones:

AE: This is the one I used the most. I could say

I used this product more than the others all together. Though I never got any blatant sexual hit by using this

standalone, I find it to be quite useful for creating an “aura” that other people started to associate to me… sorry

but I can’t explain it better. I have also been told I smell great cause of this product (sorry but I don’t know

what more I can say)

TE and EE (heat version): Most of the

sexual hits I got while using pheromones were given by the combo AE + EE. I usually wear it when clubbing :drunk:

and I’ve got some nice reactions thanks to it. Lots of stares, physical contact, girls telling me I’m the sexiest

guy around, etc etc etc… I won’t go into more details… :twisted:

NPA: I think I got some good hits the first time I used this (it was the first time using mones). I wore it

with APC. Then, I started using TE so NPA was put aside, expect when I wanted to mix products (like the WKM mix,

which honestly didn’t give me consistent results, only sporadic results, which I won’t associate to the using of

mones). But I still consider NPA to be one of the best products sold by LS (although I tend to prefer


SoE: The gel form brought me some reactions and I don’t know

why but it seems to work better than the oil version each time I use it (the gel version). I use SoE oil when I want

to mix products. I definitely recommend the SoE gel packs.


This was the only product I returned to LS in order to get a refund. No need to say more. :frustrate

Chikara: I haven’t used it much, since I haven’t had good opportunities to do

it. So, I won’t say anything else about it (expect that I love its scent ).:think:

Pheros: I use it to cover the scent of other products. I said I loved Chikara’s

scent but honestly, Pheros is the best phero product when talking about scents. :box: But I almost never used it


So, AE and EE are my favourites. SoE gel is also

very useful. I will start using Chikara almost everyday in September, so until then I can’t say anything about


Do pheromones work? Of course they do, but not in a way that

many people think (those who don’t know much about it)… the reactions can pass unnoticed often, as they are usually

subtle. But if you wear them as a daily basis, you will start noticing the differences. Not to mention the times you

use them while clubbing (they’re the best there). Honestly, I have been told I’m the sexiest guy in my university by

many girls there (I won a “contest” for the sexiest guy… I mean, there were “elections” and I was the one who got

more “votes”). Of course I am not the sexiest guy there, especially because I am kinda short and we all know women

like tall man (it’s like saying they like handsome man or those with muscular bodies, the intelligent ones, etc

etc). So, being shorter than most of the male students there (there are hundreds), it’s a surprise how the girls

there tell me I am rather sexy even compared with the other guys there. But of course I am not the sexiest guy there

and I believe mones have created that “aura” (as I mentioned before)… I can’t explain it better.

I am sorry about the LOOOOONG post. And sorry about my English and the mistakes I

did in this post. :type:

08-11-2004, 01:46 PM
I forgot to say that my

behaviour has never been 'affected' by using pheromones. I mean, I was not more aggressive when I wore high -none

products like PI or NPA nor I was calmer when I used SoE or Chikara. Nothing! No effects in myself at all, EXCEPT

for the extra confidence that they usually give me, which is a must already! :thumbsup: