View Full Version : The P(H)erception thing...

08-08-2004, 03:38 PM
Ok guys

I'm back. It's been a while since i've posted in here but i've been checking to see what's been going on. It's

also been a while since i've used any mones.

My life and adventures have gotten just a little duller without

mones. I miss that little extra "boost" of sexual charisma and the exciting stuff that happened when i applied

pheromones (particularly AE). If any of you remember, i had great and consistent success with the Alter Ego

products. It was the best pheromone product that i have used to date. It was good but the applications that i had to

use to get noticeable results would drain the bottle quickly and i hated to spend 50$ on another one every other

week. So i had to lay off on the spending and i was somewhat content because i had kind of a main girlfriend so i

knew i could "get it" anytime.

However, I was very interested in Chikara. But i guess it's not meant for me

to have it. When Chikara first came out on Beta, i sent my order through the mail and somehow it wound up at

business in California. I found out because my money order was sent back from them a month later... then when

Chikara was getting it's big buzz, i sent another order for it through the mail. It was my luck the next day later,

Bruce made a post that he was out of Chikara so i had to change my order to AE. That bottle lasted less than two

weeks. And that was my last of the -mones.

I also missed the tip pool that i had when i had the -mones on. As

you know i'm a student and a waiter at a mexican restaurant and i've said before how even the manager was shocked

that my tip claim was consistently larger than everyone elses. An average of 10-20 dollars on a shift!!! Sometimes


Now, Perception is out and has its buzz and its fans. I love the concept. Both Chikara and Perception

have my curiousity.
I want to feel the "power" again. Today i flipped a coin and Perception won so the order will

go out tomorrow morning. I was kind of glad because i saved any extra 10 dollars, but i can't wait to see later

this week how this product will play out and i have just the right cologne to play with it. I'm ready for more

action!!! Good investment guys???

08-08-2004, 05:15 PM
if got larger tips than anybody

else when you wore mones, then wouldn't the money that u spent every on mones every 2 weeks be offset by the extra

tip money you made?

08-08-2004, 07:01 PM
not really...even though a/e

was the s***, how would you felt if you spent atleast 100$ a month on a little bottle of cologne that depleted so

fast? That could go on my cell phone bill or be the money to go towards my new car, ya dig?
I needed something

that could work as well ( or better) and wouldn't take as much applying or go out so quick. Maybe P(h)erception or

my "Chi"kara can be that something.

08-08-2004, 07:22 PM
oh ok got ya, i thought u meant

you had to use alot of mones in general. i haven't tried perception yeah but i think it's just none, nol and rone.

don't know how much of each tho. but if you're a young guy try chikara and te. if you use te by dabbing it,

that'll last a very long time.

08-08-2004, 07:37 PM
Ok thanks for the info... i saw

your post on the chikara and the te. Sounds pretty innovative. Looks like a real winner. It's thanks to guys like

you that help everyone else get closer to where they wanna be.

08-08-2004, 08:10 PM
Thanks for the purchase.

Let us know how it works for you. :)

Rover The Dog
08-10-2004, 10:20 PM
Just curious but about how

much of AE did you apply on a regular basis?

08-11-2004, 12:03 AM
I don't know exactly... but it

was a lot. Everytime i applied the AE I applied atleast 4-5 drops on my shirt. I did that like 2 or 3 times a day.

08-17-2004, 12:21 AM
The "Power" is mine!!! (imagine

me yelling with a bottle of Peception in my right hand while raised in the air)...

You guys at BDC are fools

for this one. This is the real stuff right here! No joke! I can feel the power. I look at this stuff like a super

enhanced A/E. A/E is the old terminator and the Perception is the one that comes from the future and does all the

other amazing stuff making the older model obsolete. No amazing sexual incidents today; just an amazing feeling from

my catch up work from school. Read on:

I came home from work and saw the FedEx package laying on my table in

the living room. I was excited. After i opened it, i applied one spray of the fragrance to my body. The scent is

nice, but i'm not too thrilled of it. (It's a good thing the pheromones come unscented.) At 3:00 pm I applied two

sprays of the P(h)erception on my neck. At first, i was like, "what the f*** is this s***?" like in a jocular--kind

of skeptical way. But after a minute with it on, I begin to have a different sense of well being. I went to sleep

with it on because i was so tired. When i woke up at 6, I felt so refreshed and rejuvenated and it felt like

something was "emanating" from me. I woke up smiling.

I had to do some catch up labs in school today so i got

dressed. (Still with the Perception on) I went to school with what felt like a natural confidence. I just knew this

stuff had a lot of play in it. I went to the computer room and it was full tonight. There was a male instuctor in

there for about an hour then a female came in and relieved him. This was a lady probably in her thirties. My

intuition told me that the pheromones were going to illicit some type of response or reaction. I could feel it with

me. I felt good. I noticed that this lady was staring at me. At first it was subtle as if she was staring in my

direction, but when i got up to leave the room to go buy a bottle of water, i don't know if she noticed or not, but

i noticed that her head and her eyes were following me. And when i got back to my seat and continued to do my work,

i noticed she was really staring at me and i turned my head to look at her, and she gave me one of those blushing

and acknowledging, because you caught me and i can't turn my head away smiles. I felt soooo great. That's why i

like pheromones. Add that with my good looks and you have a deadly combination. Haha....No but really-- That really

did make my day. Seeing the package today made my day because i had to wait a little longer than usual, but it's

all good.

1)I couldn't smell the pheromones, but did notice the effect on me after two sprays. It also

seemed that my heart started to beat a little faster a little while after i sprayed it on. Any reason for that? or

am i trippin?

2)The fragrance is ok. I think it could be annoying if i applied two or more sprays. But it's

better than a lot other colognes out there and i don't like that many.

3)I believe the time-release thing

work. I applied Perception at 3 and got the DIHLs at school around 9. That's six hours that can be accounted


4)Came off easily. Just got out the shower. Can't wait til tomorrow cause i have to cover someone's

shift at work plus I have to go to school in the evening. May even go out to the club with co-workers. I'm so eager

to do some more testing. This thing has a lot of potential. A lot! And Chikara is maybe my next step. So much good

is said I'm wondering if there is anything with the both of them in conjunction.

5)Thanks BDC for

P(h)erception. Because i believe how she perceives me now may be a little more better. Her perception of me is more

profound I should say. I'm know I'm excited after half of a day, but that's what gets you started. The
