View Full Version : Chikara and TE

08-08-2004, 09:30 AM
Ok, I finally gave in

and tried mixing the two. After a shower but before getting dressed I sprayed one shot of TE and three of Chikara on

my chest from about a foot away. About two hours later a group of us went to a dinner theater/murder mystery. There

were three couples, two unattached females and one unattached male in our group. It was a good show with a lot of

audience participation.

It's a non-smoking environment but very casual and since it was warm we were all

wearing shorts and light shirts. The wine list had a good Napa Valley Merlot that I bought a few too many bottles of

so we were all a bit buzzed. Our table was a little crowded and we were sitting huddled to one side of it so

everybody could get a good view of the show. On my right was one of the unattached females, an attractive blonde of

about 30; she didn't have anybody to her right. My SO was to my left and the other unattached lady to her left. I

think that was on purpose because niether seem to want to be near the only unattached male and he ended up forced to

sit at the far end.

At some point right after we finished eating the girl on my right went to the restrooms.

When she came back she discreetly moved her chair a couple inches closer to mine so her leg was pressed up against

mine. For the rest of the evening she was constantly talking to me and would put her hand on my arm every time she

said something. If she wasn't doing that, she had her hand in her lap so her arm was laying partially across my leg

or resting on my knee.
The girl to our left got up a few minutes later and started to walk past us. I had my back

to her so couldn't see what she was doing but heard her stop right behind me for about two seconds. When she came

back she leaned between my SO and me to say something to us and put her hand on my shoulder and started massaging it

while she talked. She stayed there for probably ten minutes, rubbing my shoulder while watching the show. Jessica

finally got irritated and said something to her about sitting down so we could watch the show. Every time she got up

after that she would rub her hand across my back as she walked by.

We were all just a little drunk and I have

known both these girls for a while. They flirt but neither has ever invaded my personal space like that before.

After the show I wanted to clear my head a bit before driving home so Jess and I decided to walk a couple blocks

and get dessert at a marble slab creamery. The girl from my right joined us. Ever try walking while holding hands

with somebody quite a bit shorter than you while the person on your other side keeps trying to walk sidled up

against you? It isn't easy, especially when you have a buzz going. If I hadn't been careful we could have ended up

walking in a ten foot circle until one or more of us sobered up.

Nothing interesting happened afterwards. We

got our ice creams and wandered around long enough to eat them. It took a while to get rid of the other girl, she

was intent on keeping us company but we both wanted some privacy. I did get a spectacular, full body hug before we

peeled our friend off me and sent her home, at least I hope she went home. She was sober enough that I wasn't

worried about her well being but seemed horny enough to rape some innocent passer by.

My SO was a little pissed

so we stopped at the park and took a nice moonlit walk before going home. She calmed down quickly enough and the

rest the night was very pleasant.

08-08-2004, 11:55 AM
Nice story Bel...:)

08-08-2004, 12:23 PM
I agree. Great report.

08-08-2004, 12:54 PM
Damn... I gotta try that

mix. 8-)


08-08-2004, 02:27 PM
Ok, I finally gave

in and tried mixing the two. After a shower but before getting dressed I sprayed one shot of TE and three of Chikara

on my chest from about a foot away. About two hours later a group of us went to a dinner theater/murder mystery.

There were three couples, two unattached females and one unattached male in our group. It was a good show with a lot

of audience participation.

It's a non-smoking environment but very casual and since it was warm we were all

wearing shorts and light shirts. The wine list had a good Napa Valley Merlot that I bought a few too many bottles of

so we were all a bit buzzed. Our table was a little crowded and we were sitting huddled to one side of it so

everybody could get a good view of the show. On my right was one of the unattached females, an attractive blonde of

about 30; she didn't have anybody to her right. My SO was to my left and the other unattached lady to her left. I

think that was on purpose because niether seem to want to be near the only unattached male and he ended up forced to

sit at the far end.

At some point right after we finished eating the girl on my right went to the restrooms.

When she came back she discreetly moved her chair a couple inches closer to mine so her leg was pressed up against

mine. For the rest of the evening she was constantly talking to me and would put her hand on my arm every time she

said something. If she wasn't doing that, she had her hand in her lap so her arm was laying partially across my leg

or resting on my knee.
The girl to our left got up a few minutes later and started to walk past us. I had my

back to her so couldn't see what she was doing but heard her stop right behind me for about two seconds. When she

came back she leaned between my SO and me to say something to us and put her hand on my shoulder and started

massaging it while she talked. She stayed there for probably ten minutes, rubbing my shoulder while watching the

show. Jessica finally got irritated and said something to her about sitting down so we could watch the show. Every

time she got up after that she would rub her hand across my back as she walked by.

We were all just a little

drunk and I have known both these girls for a while. They flirt but neither has ever invaded my personal space like

that before.

After the show I wanted to clear my head a bit before driving home so Jess and I decided to

walk a couple blocks and get dessert at a marble slab creamery. The girl from my right joined us. Ever try walking

while holding hands with somebody quite a bit shorter than you while the person on your other side keeps trying to

walk sidled up against you? It isn't easy, especially when you have a buzz going. If I hadn't been careful we

could have ended up walking in a ten foot circle until one or more of us sobered up.

Nothing interesting

happened afterwards. We got our ice creams and wandered around long enough to eat them. It took a while to get rid

of the other girl, she was intent on keeping us company but we both wanted some privacy. I did get a spectacular,

full body hug before we peeled our friend off me and sent her home, at least I hope she went home. She was sober

enough that I wasn't worried about her well being but seemed horny enough to rape some innocent passer by.

My SO was a little pissed so we stopped at the park and took a nice moonlit walk before going home. She calmed

down quickly enough and the rest the night was very pleasant.

If you were to pick just one of those

two which would it be? I'm leaving for college in two weeks and I'm trying to find a good pheromone to take with

me cuz I'm gonna be down south for 4 months and need something that will work. I'm leaning towards TE/NPA or

Chikara but I can only get one.

08-08-2004, 02:39 PM
You need more than one

fragrance in your arsenal. Otherwise, you'll be boring and predictable.

Let me add that, since Belgareth did

well with a heavy Chikara/light The Edge mix and I did not do well with a heavy The Edge/light Chikara mix, the

early indications are that it's better to favor Chikara over The Edge (in number of applications) when mixing


But we still need to see how well the mixes work for others.

08-08-2004, 02:57 PM
If you were to pick

just one of those two which would it be? I'm leaving for college in two weeks and I'm trying to find a good

pheromone to take with me cuz I'm gonna be down south for 4 months and need something that will work. I'm leaning

towards TE/NPA or Chikara but I can only get one.
Beyond question I would choose Chikara.

08-08-2004, 03:00 PM
Or if your budget permits,

maybe a couple TE gel packs AND Chikara ... I know I'm repeating myself since I put that answer in another thread

too ... :)

08-08-2004, 05:57 PM
If you were to pick

just one of those two which would it be? I'm leaving for college in two weeks and I'm trying to find a good

pheromone to take with me cuz I'm gonna be down south for 4 months and need something that will work. I'm leaning

towards TE/NPA or Chikara but I can only get one.
i'm a college guy myself. i'm 22. i've been getting

good reslut the last 2 weekends with 2 dabs te, 2 swipes of soe, and 4 sprays of chikara. i was out of town to visit

my buddy last weekend. he had 2 females friends that usually don't hang out with him on the weekends(both 8's). we

ran into them the 1st night we were there and that night they were like they wanted to hang out with us the next

day. one girl bought me a drink at the bar the next night, my friend was shocked because that girl always tries to

get guys to buy her drinks. and after the club, at the restuarant the other girl was feeding me and when i looked

into her eyes they were dilated. i was hung over from the night before so i wasn't talkative, friendly or anything

like that either, i just stayed quiet and made some comments once in a while. the next night i OD and didn't really

get any reactions from them.

last night i bought a female friend, who i hope i can turn into fuck buddies, with

me and my friends to a strip club. even though she acts like we're just friends, there was alot of contact intiated

by her.

and on friday night a girl hit on me but i wasn't wearing any mones. my dumbass dropped the ball and

didn't get here number. she was about a 6.5-7. only excuse i can give is i wasn't in the meeting a girl mood b/c i

was hanging out with my sister, but deep down i just dropped the ball. but overall the last 2 weekends have been

great for me.

i can't wait to get back to school and basically have a whole city of 18-22 year old girls to try

mones on.

08-08-2004, 05:59 PM
Ok, I finally

gave in and tried mixing the two.Hurrah! ;)

Although I have seen results from 3 dabs of TE and 2 sprays

of C7.

08-08-2004, 07:32 PM
Hurrah! ;)

Although I have seen results, from 3 dabs of TE and 2 sprays of C7.

I've had such good luck

with just C7, I didn't see any real reason to change it. But I also have a huge supply of mones from purchasing

whenever something I use goes on sale. It seemed a shame to let it all sit so another experiment was started. Over

the next few weeks I'll play with the doses in different environments. The fact that we were all drinking probably

had some if not a lot of impact on my results. I'd like to see what happens in my normal work day world.

08-09-2004, 02:41 AM
Larger applications definately

have their place, I have been wearing something similar to your original application (plus AE) in clubs.

12-06-2004, 04:36 AM
Great post belgareth! This thread

has got me excited. I've just received my Chikara along with gel packs of SOE and AE. I already have TE and SPMO

so, I'm looking forward to experimenting. I may give your recipe a shot in the near future, I'll let you know.

12-06-2004, 08:23 AM
I would also like to say that

it's because of posts like these that influence me to buy chikara... Was your version the old batch by the way?

Or does it really not make a difference?

12-06-2004, 08:44 AM
If I remember it was the beta

but it has been a while. Recently I've been playing with the 'weak' batch and believe it has the full pheromone

concentration as all the rest, just the scent is weak. It combines very nicely with Pheros and that combo has given

me many good hits.

12-08-2004, 04:16 PM
I have a question about the

difference in the scents between the beta and final versions of chikara. I just ordered a bottle of it yesterday,

but I have been experimenting with some gel packs. Ive tried 2 so far and one had a much different scent than the

other and I was wondering if they released beta and final versions of chikara in gel packs or just one or the other,

and if so why would one smell soo much different than the other?

12-08-2004, 05:08 PM
That's pretty strange. As far

as I know, the Chikara gel packs should all be identical. They came from the most recent batch.

12-08-2004, 05:47 PM
Hmm, I dont know. The first one

I tried was warmer than the other maybe that had something to do with it. The best way I can describe its scent was

sharp (as in the same sense you would equate with an acidic food or maybe something tangy). The other was much more

smooth and had a stronger musk scent. I liked the scent of the second one much more than the first.

12-08-2004, 06:36 PM
Maybe there is another problem

with the mixing. I don't know a lot about how they formulate it so couldn't even guess why they are different.

12-09-2004, 02:31 AM
Y'all are making me want to

try heavy doses again. Usually I do two dabs of Edge and 2 sprays C7. But I haven't had a "from Mars" reaction in a


12-09-2004, 02:35 AM

I've been wearing 3-4

sprays of the weak Chikara, several dabs of Pheros and a single spray of TE unscented lately, it's a killer


12-09-2004, 06:20 AM
I'm going to a pub/disco tonight.

I'm considering 1 spray TE, 3 sprays Chikara (new one) and 1/3 gel pack SOE. Is this too much?

My best result so

far was with 1 spray TE and about 8 drops SPMO. Later I applied another 0.5 spray TE with 1.5 sprays SPMO from 10ml

LS atomiser. It rocked.

Also, I'm wondering if there is room for AE gel in all this. I haven't tried it yet

but I've heard it is goos for "attention-grabbing", I'd like some o' that.

Any ideas? I'm leaving in about 8


12-09-2004, 06:54 AM
man, AE tooo??? No, just stick with

your original mix.

12-09-2004, 08:56 AM
man, AE tooo??? No,

just stick with your original mix.

Ok, hypothetically speaking...if I were to eventually use

TE/SOE/Chikara combo (let's forget AE for now then) would the amounts I posted above be likely to be an OD? I

could, of course, revert back to my original mix tonight. I had a good time with it last week but, I'd really like

to push the boundaries because I believe I can take things further. I know I can get better results from my 'mones.

I've just received my Chikara and I'm very keen to put it through it's paces. Also, I've only used SOE a couple

of times but I noticed some good reactions so, I wanted to include it into the mix.

I thought about SOE on

arms/wrists/shoulders (to create friendly aura/breakdown barriers) and then TE/Chikara on chest/neck area to suck

'em in further. What d'ya think?

12-09-2004, 09:37 AM
Ok, hypothetically

speaking...if I were to eventually use TE/SOE/Chikara combo (let's forget AE for now then) would the amounts I

posted above be likely to be an OD?
I'd say NOPE, not for a club. :blink:


I've been wearing 3-4 sprays of the weak Chikara, several dabs of

Pheros and a single spray of TE unscented lately, it's a killer combo.

That sounds like a pretty

interesting mix, Bel.:whip: I'm not Doc, but could you please ... tell me more!? Tell me more! :rant: The Where's,

the How's, and allllllllll of the naughty Whats? :blink:

12-09-2004, 10:55 AM
That sounds

like a pretty interesting mix, Bel.:whip: I'm not Doc, but could you please ... tell me more!? Tell me more! :rant:

The Where's, the How's, and allllllllll of the naughty Whats? :blink:
It's been my running experiment

for the last couple months. My logic was that the weak Chikara scent wears off fast while the Chikara and TE mones

have proven to be a great combo for me. Everybody who has smelled Pheros on me loves it and it does contain several

potent compounds unrelated to the other two. My application is 3-4 sprays of Chikara to my neck and chest, 1 of TE

to the same place and 1 dab Pheros to each side of the neck and one split between my wrists, all before getting


One of the more extreme hits.
Linda is one of the black belts at the dojo where I work out. We're

pretty good friends and spar together a lot. She's in her early 30's, 5' 5", brown hair and eyes, slender, nice

looking and moves like a cat! I had refreshed my mones about 2 PM then went to work out at about 6:30. She came over

at the begining of the session to stretch next to me. That's not unusual. She commented on the nice cologne as we

were finishing up stretching. When we began to spar, she seemed pretty normal but as we both started to sweat she

seemed to get a little fuzzy and started missing things she shouldn't have missed. At one point she stumbled in a

kick and fell back against me. I caught her around the waist to keep her from falling and she hung there for a

moment, mumbled something about how good that felt and laid her head back against my chest. When she stood up she

reached out, rubbed my upper arm and commented that she didn't realize how strong I am. This is all pretty unusual

for her. After the workout we did our cooldowns together then sat down to BS. She sat close enough to make me a bit

nervous, our upper legs to our shoulders were in full contact, again, very unusual. She seemed a little nervous and

at one point told me that my cologne should be illegal, it made me smell edible. She's married so the whole thing

made me uncomfortable but was fun.

Beyond that, I get looks, smiles and flirting almost on a daily basis from

teenage girls through old women. The ladies I mentioned in a previous post are still very friendly with me and I get

lots of hugs and kisses from them with full body contact. In general, it seems like a great combo that really opens

people up to me and makes them want to be close to me.

12-09-2004, 11:10 AM
Elvis, I think the application is

fine for a club. Notice what bel did too. He puts on a decent amount of mones (some say a spray of Te is an od),

but it is on his chest, under clothes.

That is different then just putting all the stuff on his jawline for

instance. So it is not just amount, but where you put it that factors into the equation.

12-09-2004, 11:33 AM
Elvis, I think the

application is fine for a club. Notice what bel did too. He puts on a decent amount of mones (some say a spray of Te

is an od), but it is on his chest, under clothes.

That is different then just putting all the stuff on

his jawline for instance. So it is not just amount, but where you put it that factors into the

I'm a believer of that ... thanks to Senior Friendly1. :thumbsup:

Bel, thanks for sharing!


12-09-2004, 11:43 AM
Mobley, do you think wearing under

clothes in perhaps larger amounts is more beneficial?

12-09-2004, 12:01 PM
Mobley, do you think

wearing under clothes in perhaps larger amounts is more beneficial?Now you're trying to make me wear the

MAD SCIENTST CAP! :trout: I can't say, but I've tried Senior Friendly1's 4, 5, and 6 sprays of TE unscented

before getting dressed, and 6 dabs of APC, and everywhere I went ... the eyes were constantly on me! :lovestruc

Mones and muscles perhaps, but geez! Felt great! :thumbsup:

12-09-2004, 12:08 PM
Thanks guys, gotta dash...I'll

report later if anything interesting happens. (Like getting beaten up by the bouncer, or something!) :rofl:

12-09-2004, 12:12 PM
Mobley, do you think

wearing under clothes in perhaps larger amounts is more beneficial?

For what it's worth, I wear

cotton almost exclusively. My reasoning behind putting it on my skin under my shirt is that cotton breaths and

allows the mones to disperse well in a semi controlled manner. It seems to work well, I can usually still smell the

mones ofter 6-8 hours.

12-09-2004, 12:46 PM
So is this all without A1 or


12-09-2004, 12:57 PM
So is this

all without A1 or WAGG?
Yup, just the products I mentioned. Pheros keeps getting me attention and it seems

to compliment the other two to make an effective (killer) mix

12-09-2004, 01:01 PM
Now you're trying

to make me wear the MAD SCIENTST CAP! :trout: I can't say, but I've tried Senior Friendly1's 4, 5, and 6 sprays

of TE unscented before getting dressed, and 6 dabs of APC, and everywhere I went ... the eyes were constantly on me!

:lovestruc Mones and muscles perhaps, but geez! Felt great! :thumbsup:

Thanks. I have tried

similar but the te just makes me feel to pissed off. Also, if you sweat, it really reaks, and it just makes your

shirts stink in general and mones them up.

That aside, it might be a more effective technique.

12-09-2004, 01:08 PM
Yup, just the

products I mentioned. Pheros keeps getting me attention and it seems to compliment the other two to make an

effective (killer) mix I'm glad Pheros is working as designed for you. The idea with it -- other

than smelling pleasant, erotic and captivating -- was to provide a multitude of otherwise unavailable active

compounds that would complement the rest. You do cover an awful lot of pheromone and aromatherapy bases with those

three together.

Maybe A1 or WAGG would be gilding the lily. But it would be hard to let go of using them for

me. But who knows -- it's possible that everything in A1 and WAGG is already in your combo, with all the mystery

ingredients involved.

What is your hygiene practice?

Have you tried adding a drop of A1 or dab of WAGG?

Would you be interested in trying it? I'd love to know what those additions would do, be it positive or negative.

12-09-2004, 01:18 PM
Bel, is that the new or old Pheros

that you use?

12-09-2004, 01:19 PM
This combo is built on earlier

success with TE and Chikara. Adding A1 or WAGG might be a good option to expand the experiment later. I usually like

to get at least four months records before I switch anything. You might recall that I provide a regular monthly

service in multiple office environments, it gives me pretty well controlled tests that I can quantify.

I shower

every morning using a liquid 'soap' that is more detergent than soap. If I work out, I shower again afterwards but

unless I am going out do not re-apply mones. I also have a lot of chest hair which figured into my decision to use

the mones on my chest. I assume there is some build up and conversion but have no way to be certain.

12-09-2004, 01:20 PM
Bel, is that the new

or old Pheros that you use?
It's the new. I ran out of the old a long time ago :sad:

12-09-2004, 01:32 PM
We've seen more hit stories

with the new version, for sure. Then again, there were only 100 bottles of the beta, and maybe 50 users considering

multiple-bottle purchases. So there are more users to report things now. The new version does have significantly

more of the most active ingredients, and is more concentrated to boot.

I hope you saved the old bottle,


12-09-2004, 01:34 PM
I hope you

saved the old bottle, though.
Since I like the cork to dab with, I transferred the new product into the

old bottle.

12-09-2004, 01:47 PM
Doc, have we seen more hit stories

with the new version?

I know you are privey to pm's and sms' that we can't all see.

12-09-2004, 01:56 PM
I think the stories from the

new version have been more dramatic -- though they were certainly there with the beta. The upgrade is more powerful

and muskier.

I still prefer the old bottles, though. You can even use them to sneak a shot of good whiskey into

a bar.

12-09-2004, 02:00 PM
I still

prefer the old bottles, though. You can even use them to sneak a shot of good whiskey into a bar.

:rofl: :rofl:

I love the old bottles too. Did the manufactuer discontinue them? They are quite elegant

12-09-2004, 02:12 PM
They were elegant to hold and

carry, too. My source dried up for the time being. But he knows to keep looking for me. Some more could turn up.

They had diappeared for two years before, but then reappeared in time for the beta Pheros. I had never seen a

little bottle anything like them (For newbies: it was the same bottle pictured in the link below).

12-09-2004, 04:12 PM
Also, if you sweat,

it really reaks, and it just makes your shirts stink in general and mones them up.Every since Bassman said

that he found that the mones reaching out from its cover scent was a good thing, I've embraced STANK. STANK IS

GOOD! :thumbsup: We often turn our nose up to MUSK/MUSTINESS/ STANK, but it's not all bad. I once had a girlfriend

that stuck her nose up in my armpit (non mone days), and took giant sniffs. I thought the child was wacko, but since

I've been here, I've seen the light on that subject!:whip: I say, "Let'em smell, and smile!" :thumbsup:

12-09-2004, 04:16 PM
This combo is

built on earlier success with TE and Chikara. I usually like to get at least four months records before I switch

anything. You might recall that I provide a regular monthly service in multiple office environments, it gives me

pretty well controlled tests that I can quantify.
Bel, I do hope you report your 4 month findings at the

end of your testing period. :think: T'would be niiiiice to read your thoughts/results on your CHIKA:PHEROS:TE

combo. :POKE:

Thankya! :thumbsup:

12-09-2004, 04:33 PM
Mobley, I've cleared out rooms with

the stank. My stank adventures have been anything but fun. Could it just be me?

12-09-2004, 04:55 PM
Bel, I do hope

you report your 4 month findings at the end of your testing period. :think: T'would be niiiiice to read your

thoughts/results on your CHIKA:PHEROS:TE combo. :POKE:

Thankya! :thumbsup:You've already read most of

what my summary will be. Pheros compliments weak Chikara and TE providing strong sexual hits from a wide age range.

Never found OD levels for Chikara while going as high as 6 sprays but I had OD reactions from the combo when wearing

more than 2 sprays of TE. I never tried to OD on Pheros.

We'll be having about a dozen or so people over for

New Years Eve and I plan to run this mix at least through then. A couple of the ladies who will be there have been

pretty friendly at past events. I wouldn't mind ending up cuddling with the three agin, it would be a great way to

start the new year.

12-09-2004, 06:21 PM
This combo is built on earlier success with TE and Chikara. Adding A1 or WAGG might be

a good option to expand the experiment later. I usually like to get at least four months records before I switch

anything. You might recall that I provide a regular monthly service in multiple office environments, it gives me

pretty well controlled tests that I can quantify. I do appreciate your feedback, Bel.

That's great that

you have controlled your experimentation like that. :thumbsup:

So I have to ask you to remember the times you

wore the combo, and interacted with women -- and think, then: What seems like the unique effect that Pheros

added to your existing, successful mix? :think:


Done thinking about it yet? OK. :)

From your

story it sounds like it might have evoked the direct initiation of intimacy, desire and closeness -- breaking

down those boundaries -- through the production of pleasure in the woman. In other words, it sounds like a pretty

direct sexual intimacy generating effect, to a greater or lesser degree.

Is that close to what it has been for

you? She also seemed to perceive you as stronger, or more alpha -- but it was more a "comforter and protector

alpha". She didn't perceive you as aggressive, even in an aggressive situation, and was not able to be as

aggessive with you. But I can't tell what part was unique to the three product combo that included Pheros as

its new component.

If so, that would be consistent with some other reports here and my own experience with

Pheros and other similar formulas I've whipped up. Friendliness, comfort, physical arousal and stress

reduction have been reported too. But I want to get as accurate and precise as I can with the overall picture

of what specifically the product adds, especially since it's so complex in terms of the number of


12-09-2004, 06:52 PM
It's only coincidental that I

can control my experiments because of my work. There was no plan to do so, it just happened that way.

First, I

think Pheros has a very pleasant smell and every woman who has commented on it has said the same. I think I even

sold a couple bottles of it for you when a client's wife asked me about it. I told her you made it in a limited

batch only available from one place and showed her where to order some. She says she ordered two bottles to give her

husband for Christmas.

It seems to me that if a person likes a scent they are more likely to take deeper

breaths, intaking more mones at the same time. That was the theory that got me to add Pheros to the mix.


always been a bit of a lone wolf and have a large personal space. Maybe I just don't come across as cuddly or my

body language warns them off. The Chikara and TE mix gets me hits all the time and my intent was to intensify that

through the method I just mentioned. What I noticed is that people started coming closer, wanting to be nearer to

me. I get a lot more physical attention from women other than my SO, attention I would not have expected previously.

By that I mean more women rubbing up against me, drive by boobings, sitting in close contact or just reaching out to

touch my hand or arm. It startled me the first few times but now it seems like an everyday occurance.

I guess

you could say that it encourages physical intamacy. It seems to loosen the tongue a bit too. I've found women

telling me personal things I never would have expected to hear from them.

12-09-2004, 06:57 PM

Please note the

edit of my summary of your hit (sorry for my obsessiveness) and let me know if it changes anything.

It also

struck me that she crossed substantive boundaries as if they weren't there -- like her being married, for


12-09-2004, 06:58 PM
If so, that

would be consistent with some other reports here and my own experience with Pheros and other similar formulas

I've whipped up. Friendliness, comfort, physical arousal and stress reduction have been reported too. But I want to

get as accurate and precise as I can with the overall picture of what specifically the product adds,

especially since it's so complex in terms of the number of ingredients.I think I related a story to you

through PM about a female office manager for one of my clients I took to lunch one day. She was pretty stressed when

we left the office. Normally it takes her all day to calm down. Once we got in my car, she started mellowing almost

instantly. By time we got to the resturant she was cheerful and bubbly. We even went for ice creams after lunch and

walked in a small park while eating them. It made her late back to work and she didn't seem to care at all. Was

probably the most pleasant lunch her and I have had together. I was wearing this combo then too.

12-09-2004, 07:00 PM
That seems to speak to the

creation of pleasure in the "target", and the relief of displeasure -- an opiate or endorphin type of effect.

12-09-2004, 07:02 PM
That seems

to speak to the creation of pleasure in the "target".Maybe...

A relaxed, comfortable feeling. Not sure

the best way to describe it though now that you ask it is distinctive.

Warm fuzzies?

I don't think it

increases the alpha so much as takes the edge off it. I am pretty strongly alpha anyway, that's probably why I get

OD responses with so little none in my mixes. Chikara and Pheros seem to lesson the snarling wolf effect.

12-09-2004, 07:04 PM
I love that this

qualitative data is starting to accumulate.

Thanks again!

12-09-2004, 07:08 PM

A relaxed, comfortable feeling. Not sure the best way to describe it though now that you ask it is distinctive.

Warm fuzzies?

I don't think it increases the alpha so much as takes the edge off it. I am pretty strongly

alpha anyway, that's probably why I get OD responses with so little none in my mixes. Chikara and Pheros seem to

lesson the snarling wolf effect."Warm fuzzies" sounds like emotional pleasure, and the rest sounds like a

soothing of the autonomic nervous system.

I am a psychologist, after all.

I think there's a difference

between the kind of alpha you simply fear and the kind you nest with. One is more adolescent, and the other more

manly, more fatherly (in general; not as a father for the target). One is for soldiers, and the other for Kings.

Here in America we watch too many terminator movies; and think that alpha is the same as "badass". But the badasses,

the Brad Pitts or whatever, are not the wise leaders of the tribe that need to be kept happy with a constant supply

of nubile flesh. ;) :p

12-09-2004, 07:08 PM
Doc, you got to start telling us more

about what is in the Pheros that is reputed to do what you suspect the product is doing. I know the valerian

relaxes, and obviously you have mentioned that and eos from chamomile to jasmine, but you have probably mentioned,

what 25 out of the 150 ingredients?

Why not tickle us with the story of the other substances in Pheros.

12-09-2004, 07:15 PM
Warm fuzzies

sounds like emotional pleasure, and the rest sounds like a soothing of the autonomic nervous system.

I am a

psychologist, after all.

I think there's a difference between the kind of alpha you simply fear and the kind

you nest with. One is more adolescent, and the other more manly, more fatherly (in general; not as a father for the

target).I'm not a psychologist so it's more difficult for me to articulate it but I think you may have it.

People rarely fear me but I can speak softly and get attention in a crowd, even without mones. The mones just seem

to intensify it so long as I go light on the none.

12-09-2004, 07:22 PM
What most think of as "alpha"

here is really more accurately a "pre-alpha", or a "green" alpha. The alpha quality ripens like anything else in

human development.

12-09-2004, 07:28 PM
Doc, you got to

start telling us more about what is in the Pheros that is reputed to do what you suspect the product is

doing. I know the valerian relaxes, and obviously you have mentioned that and eos from chamomile to jasmine, but you

have probably mentioned, what 25 out of the 150 ingredients?

Why not tickle us with the story of the other

substances in Pheros. I have been revealing many of them, but not all at once. People have to search

for the information that way. Pheros has always been a very "forum-embedded product".

Remember, you

can't spell "learn" without "earn". It's good for newbies. :) ;)

12-10-2004, 04:10 AM
Ok, just reporting back with my

experience of last night. Positive results with TE/SOE/Chikara.

Here goes:

7pm - Applied 19 dabs TE from TE

bottle. Application points were f/ everywhere but really spaced apart. Behind ears, neck, chest, top of head, below

nose, chin, shoulders, abs, back of neck, crotch, arse...f/everywhere.

Then covered as much as I could,

eventually using 5 sprays Chikara (might have been 4.5 because 1st spray wasn't impressive).

I then clarted

one-third or so of a SOE gel pack on my wrists and forearms.

9:30pm - Hit the town. First stop...the local

watering hole. Turns out the girls from the bar were on a staff night out (and chose to come to their own pub...oh

deary me!). Anyway, nice bargirl I've been checking out for weeks saw me, good EC from a couple of feet away,

smiled a lot and we eventually spoke as humans for a few minutes instead of worker/client. Maybe not a hit, but she

certainly didn't want to escape my stank in a hurry. Later on she would eye me repeatedly (even whilst

canoodling...how do you spell canoodling?...with her bf).

10:30 - Italian girl was being extra flirty with me,

as was another Spanish girl who last week hadn't shown much interest.

12am - went to the ball, baby. At first I

felt a bit aggro and called the ticket girl and the bouncer Nazis for charging me an arm and a leg for the

"priviledge" of entering. Can you f/ believe that? We do f/ buy your beer you know you bast...ok, deep breath,


Quickly escaped into the bog and applied one-third gel pack of Chikara all over neck area. Felt better.

Danced with 4 or 5 chics all night long. Bumps/grinds, you get the picture. Now, normally this wouldn't constitute

a hit, but it's hard to tell. I said before, I dance like a chook and definitely do NOT look cool. But, I could

feel the attention all on me.

3am - Met girl I lambasted earlier (couple weeks ago?) for ignoring me. I know she

got a good whiff of the Chikara because she had been dancing in my proximity most of the night. She kept approaching

asking for an explanation, I kept trying to apologise but everytime a cockblock would appear. Her friends think I'm

schizo. Oh well, stuff it. The last CB was a real heffer btw, must have been about 15 stones at least.

3:10 -

Here is a definite hit. Two girls were sitting quietly on a wall with their backs to a wire fence. Some kind of

compound for construction stuff. I grabbed hold of the railing and started shaking it, giving it "Let us out, let us

out please God"...just a bit of drama. They laughed and then one of them said to the other, "This is that great

smelling guy I told you about". I said, "Oh, you like my scent?" She took a BIG inhale of my neck and then the other

one followed suit. They both kind of went into this dreamy state with a smile on their faces saying "Wow, that is

good, what is it?" I just mumbled something about getting it from some Nigerian guy in the toilet. I felt great! I

leant forward and kissed the pretty one full on the lips, she didn't complain. I thought her friend felt left out

so I did the same to her.

All in all. TE/Chikara/SOE for me = GOOD. I will try it again and try to nail more


12-10-2004, 08:03 AM
...the wise

leaders of the tribe that need to be kept happy with a constant supply of nubile flesh. ;) :pSo where do I

go to apply for _that_ job? :lol:

12-10-2004, 07:46 PM
oh well looks like the old saying

"less is more" is out!

12-10-2004, 11:44 PM
oh well looks like

the old saying "less is more" is out!
Not necesasrily. He is experimenting right now. If he is being too

intense with the pheromones, he'll crash and burn like the rest of us have.

Even I, Mister Super-OD

application, have learned to back off. Sometimes, "less is more" is exactly what you need.

But the more intense

and crowded the environment, generally speaking, the more you can get away with OD-level applications.

12-11-2004, 05:26 AM
oh well looks like

the old saying "less is more" is out!
There's also the question of why wear more if you are getting good

to fantastic results with less? I don't know about anybody else here but throwing away perfectly good product by

wearing more than is needed because I can seems like a terrible waste of money to me.

12-11-2004, 06:30 AM

Your post is very

hard to read. Please slow down a bit and break it up into managable pieces. We really do want to answer your

questions but that single, long string of words is too much work to read.

12-11-2004, 08:18 AM
Y'all need to lighten up. Yes it

was 19 dabs, sheesh...what's the big deal? I had a great time. Nobody backed off from me. No guys were intimidating

me. Girls were lovin' me. I am still a newbie. I am still experimenting. Yes, I would like to make my 'mones last

longer for financial reasons but, I have had fewer decent results with 2-3-4 dabs, or a couple sprays Chikara


I'm just playing with it to see what happens. Remember, I was at a club untill 3am. Very smoky, lots of

perfumes wafting about. Guys sweating their BO everywhere and stinking like a brewery. Everyone was drunk, given

these conditions I don't think 19 dabs + SOE + Chikara is an OD. It's only an OD if you feel it's an OD (your own

reaction to the 'mones) and if the other people are intimidated by your stankiness. They weren't.

I've read

stories about folk using 4-5 sprays of TE and not mentioning OD.

Don't knock 'till you try it, as they say.

12-11-2004, 12:17 PM
Well, further experimentation

never hurts. 15 dabs is a bit much. I do think the cockblocking in the above story was an OD symptom, but it sounds

like there were also benefits. It's important to not have any preexisting buildup if you're going to wear high

doses, and newbies have probably been more successful with it for that reason.

My maximum habitual dose ever was

10 dabs of Edge, and the woman I was seeing at the time told me in hindsight the smell was a bit intense and took

some getting used to. She was very sensitive to the smell of -none. On the other hand she was a hottie (true redhead

-- I once posted our picture in the forum from a New Year's eve party.) and I did get to be with her. I've had

good results with younger women with one dab of edge added.

12-11-2004, 12:22 PM
The picture where you were snuggling

closer to your case of pabst than her?

I've always thought if you are going to use over eight dabs, may as

well spray. Edge is tricky to use, I have never mastered it, because of the wide variety of dosages. I prefer NPA,

you basically have a lot less choices (which some would consider a bad thing) making it easier to find the best


A lot of us stink like sh!t btw, and have NO clue that we do. None, because nobody likes to tell

someone that they stink.

12-11-2004, 12:47 PM
The picture where

you were snuggling closer to your case of pabst than her? Um, yeah that was the one. It was PBR, after all!


12-11-2004, 12:54 PM
Um, yeah that was

the one. It was PBR, after all! :)

I have always smelled PBR notes in Pheros. :drunk:



12-11-2004, 02:30 PM
I actually once thought of

putting hops EO in it to enhance the wood note but rejected the idea.

12-11-2004, 04:24 PM
Someone recently asked me what

that "woodsy, masculine smell" is in my bedroom. I couldn't tell her, of course, that it was probably The Edge she

was smelling. But this is the first time anyone has suggested to me how they perceive The Edge. I can just barely

detect some sort of faint odor, sometimes.

12-11-2004, 04:53 PM
A girlfriend of mind once asked if

I had been drinking because she smelled something in my room. It must have been the TE (she knows what my colognes

smell like) because I hadn't had any booze at all and the only other thing I had at the time was the SPMO, which at

that point I hadn't even tried because I had just received the order.

12-11-2004, 04:59 PM
Someone recently

asked me what that "woodsy, masculine smell" is in my bedroom. I couldn't tell her, of course, that it was

probably The Edge she was smelling. But this is the first time anyone has suggested to me how they perceive The

Edge. I can just barely detect some sort of faint odor, sometimes.

Sounds like Pheros, right?