View Full Version : Chikara for president!!!!!!!

08-05-2004, 02:36 AM

guys, was using Chikara last week for the first time and wow, the results were great. I applied about 3 sprays to my

neck and chest that day and was on my way to meet my friend. As I was walking to the train station, the school girls

all threw me a glance as I was walking past them. Then in the train, I sat in a corner as there wasn't any seat

left. As the train passed each station, women juz stood in front of me for no reason. After a while, I realised that

I was surrounded by women, be it seating next to me or standing around me. The train wasn't so crowded to the

extent that my area was the only place they could choose. It was really funny.
Later, I met my friend for dinner

and she more friendly than usual. I think this product's great. Hope it is not a once off result.

08-05-2004, 03:08 AM
Sounds very nice! mmmm, maybe I

should get Chikara too. How old are you? Was thinking if this could be something for me too... Anyways nice post!

08-05-2004, 05:59 AM
Chikara is great. I've been using 4

sprays a day for the last 2 weeks, and the bottle is still almost filled to the top. Long lasting product and well

worth the money. If you want blatant hits, get Chikara.

08-05-2004, 07:33 AM
Sounds very

nice! mmmm, maybe I should get Chikara too. How old are you? Was thinking if this could be something for me too...

Anyways nice post!
I'm 23, juz a yr older than u. Gd luck in choosing a product.

08-05-2004, 07:45 AM

I noticed you

have a Japanese handle. If you don't mind my asking, are you Japanese or just living in Japan or



08-05-2004, 06:22 PM

I noticed you have a Japanese handle. If you don't mind my asking, are you Japanese or just living in Japan or


Hi Bruce,

I am neither Japanese or someone living in Japan. I am an Asian living in


08-05-2004, 07:42 PM
My wife is half japanese,

chikara works extremely well with her. She always in dihl syndrome when i wear it. It is truely the best mone I have

tried so far.

08-05-2004, 08:19 PM
My wife

is half japanese, chikara works extremely well with her. She always in dihl syndrome when i wear it. It is truely

the best mone I have tried so far.
Maybe this product works better on Asians? Anyone think so too?

08-05-2004, 08:31 PM
I've used it twice around my

asian friend, she's super friendly when I used it. I'm going to try SOE unscented soon, I've heard it has good

reactions too. I'm 19 by the way.

08-05-2004, 08:43 PM
Maybe this product works better on Asians? Anyone think so too?

Last month, I was

at a Dead concert in an outdoor venue. I had applied two sprays of Chikara late that morning, then another two

around 3:00 or 4:00 PM. There was a bit of a breeze and it was hot at the concert. As the sun went down, an Asian

girl about 20 feet away from me suddenly turned around, left her group to approach me and held her cigarette up for

a light. As I lit it, she stared into my eyes. She then nodded "thanks," and returned to her group.

She was

somewhere in her 20's I'd say. I'm 45 next month, a potbellied ex hippie and was with two friends of similar age

and appearance. It was so strange to be singled out like that from such a distance, especially with such an age

difference that I attributed it to the Chikara.

08-05-2004, 09:11 PM
Maybe this product

works better on Asians? Anyone think so too?

My wife is Japanese; she seems to go for it, and she is

pretty fussy about fragrance.


08-05-2004, 09:13 PM
I tried mixing Chikara (2

sprays on the chest) with The Edge (4 sprays), APC (8 dabs in two applications several hours apart), and Creed (4

sprays) today.

Don't do it.

Had extended contact with an Asian girl. I usually do very well with Asian

girls. Nada. Zilch. Zip. And this girl was someone I met last week. She seemed distracted and edgy (not DIHL). I was

probably in an OD.

08-05-2004, 09:54 PM
I tried

mixing Chikara (2 sprays on the chest) with The Edge (4 sprays), APC (8 dabs in two applications several hours

apart), and Creed (4 sprays) today.

Don't do it.

Had extended contact with an Asian girl. I usually do very

well with Asian girls. Nada. Zilch. Zip. And this girl was someone I met last week. She seemed distracted and edgy

(not DIHL). I was probably in an OD.
Wow! Wouldn't 4 sprays of TE alone be enough to cause someone to


08-05-2004, 10:27 PM

Wouldn't 4 sprays of TE alone be enough to cause someone to OD?
Well, I have used 6 sprays effectively in

club environments. Normally, I go with 2 sprays for daily use. But I wanted to experiment.

08-05-2004, 10:33 PM
Juz wanna know if anyone has

used Chikara in club environments before? Is it effective in clubs? Or are other products better. Cuz I have only

used Chikara on social activities before.

08-06-2004, 08:12 AM
I wore Chikara to a club the

second time I used it. But I did not approach any women I didn't already know, so I cannot tell you much about how

well it helps in new club encounters. It worked very well with the ladies I stayed close to.

08-06-2004, 08:38 AM
I wore

Chikara to a club the second time I used it. But I did not approach any women I didn't already know, so I cannot

tell you much about how well it helps in new club encounters. It worked very well with the ladies I stayed close

I agree that it does work well with girls u already know. They just seem more friendly and more

willing to share their secrets. My friends are also more talkative when I wear chikara.

08-06-2004, 09:03 AM
I wonder if girls who smoke

are less subject to react to the pheromone`s?

08-06-2004, 02:00 PM
Don't know about the smokers.

I don't like to hang around women who smoke. I do have a new Chikara story, though.

I had to get a shirt and

tie pressed today. Needed them back by tomorrow, but didn't get up early enough to get in by the same day

deadline. So, the first place I went to, a drive-through dry cleaner, turned me down flat. They suggested a

one-hour place down the road but didn't hold out much hope.

I drove over to the one-hour place and walked in

with the shirt and tie. The lady behind the counter looked like she was in her late 40s or early 50s. She turned

me down, too. So, I asked how I could press my tie. She suddenly offered to see if the lady on the press would do

it for me real quick. So, I said, "Thank you" and handed her the tie. She brought it back in a few minutes and I

then asked where I could get the shirt done. She said no one in town would do it by tomorrow. So, I started to say

very softly, "Well, I guess I can iron and starch it myself".

So, once again, she offers to take it back and see

what can be done. I say, "Thank you. How much." "No problem. It's free."

They just pressed the shirt. It

was already clean, though I would have paid for the cleaning. Still, I got a free tie press and a free shirt


A little while later, I stopped in a convenience store I had visited earlier in the week. There is a

cute girl who works there, kind of young and a bit standoffish. I figured I might as well play the occasional visit

game and see if she starts to notice me. When I walked in, ANOTHER girl (probably a few years younger, possibly of

high school age) was standing in front of the doors. She couldn't take her eyes off me as I walked slowly around

the store and found my way to the colas in the back. When I came up to the front, she had an almost DIHL stance as

she continued to stare at me. I rudely stared right back but she didn't look down or away. I'm not sure she was

all there.

The girl behind the counter, while glancing at me a couple of times as she dealt with other

customers, did not give me any real indication of interest. I may have to go back and buy a few more soft drinks

over the next week to see if the ice will melt.

4 sprays of Chikara this morning. Nothing else.

And I was

dressed casually but nice. Light slacks, polo shirt.

08-08-2004, 04:59 AM
4 sprays of

Chikara this morning.
Is 4 sprays considered the right amount or too much? I normally juz apply 2 to 3

sprays. But I would like to try more sprays as I could hardly smell anything with 2-3 sprays.

08-08-2004, 08:26 AM
Bruce has been recommending 2

sprays. I tried to go with 2 sprays yesterday but the first one came out weak, so I went with 2-1/2 sprays. Had

some minor hits when I stopped at a local mall with one of my nieces and her boyfriend. She sort of freaked out

when I came on to one girl, so I backed off. Just as well. The girls were checking me out but not really very


08-08-2004, 12:40 PM
Maybe this product

works better on Asians? Anyone think so too?

I wore a spray of edge arouser and two sprays of

chikara on my hand, wiped on to me neck, and about 7 hours later, an asian girl at a bar was almost controlled by

the stuff.