View Full Version : Need help findin a Mone that fits me

Youngg Gunn
08-04-2004, 07:23 PM
ive seen numerous posts about pheromones that work with certain people... ive tried two brands... APC

and this other brand called Pherone (D-17X)... i used them equally (about a month and a half each), sometimes

together, and i havent noticed a thing... i usually apply them to my shirt and neck...

i am a quiet person,

dont go lookin for attention to much... if somebody talks to me, i will gladly have a conversation, but i dont go

lookin for it... same with girls... i wont go after them... i would like them to come to me...

anybody have any


08-04-2004, 07:34 PM
APC + NPA/m would be a cost

effective solution. Too much aNone ("Pherone"+APC) could have a negative effect. APC's scent is pretty strong,

thats good and bad. That's why APC + NPA makes such a good combo. Read the CookBook.

08-04-2004, 10:01 PM
I think all the experienced

folks here pretty much agree that APC is a good supplement. You want to combine it with another product. Some

(maybe most) guys value it more for its scent than for the Androstenone it contains, since the solution is so weak.

I tend to use a lot of APC when I want to put one of my other products a little over the edge. Hard to explain,

except to say that APC can give a little extra kick if you time it right. At least, it feels that way.