View Full Version : Body Language/-mone Alignment

08-03-2004, 09:02 AM
(originally from the "another new guy" thread, but I am cracking down on thread hijacking)
Friendly has presented

the challenge (in not so many words). Align your -mones and your body language and see what happens. In other

words, take your -none and present yourself in a strong, confident, masculine manner. Wear -nol and be the "go-to

guy" or confidante and get success in business or personal relationships.

My only experience with this was when

my ex-gf's (hard to explain, but she still wanted to be best friends and I couldn't handle that but somehow

managed to talk to her without wanting to strangle her) new bf cheated on her. This, of course, was a really weird

situation. I had a mix of -mones that I can't remember (I believe it was SOE and TE, but I remember the

possibility of using WAGG or AE in there somewhere), and I was talking to her about this situation and her decision

to stay with him because they were only going out for a month and they weren't too serious...any rationalization

she could generate. Acting in my new role as "Dominant One", I behaved completely outside of my normal self by

sternly talking to her:

*Stern, calm, collective, authoritative voice that has never come out of my mouth in my

entire life*
She looks down.
"Hey. Look at me."
I gently tilt her chin up and stare her directly in the

"I don't want to ever hear this again. You don't deserve that kind of treatment. Ever. I

do not want to hear anyone treat you like that again. You are too good for that, and you should not put up with

that from anyone. Do you hear me?"
She looks down before I can even finish. She is silent.
"Is that

She nods her head gently.

That was the strangest moment I've had in a long time. I've never

felt like such a dominant, almost fatherly force. It was quite a scene. I got my point across, and she definitely

took it to heart. I've never seen someone so submissive to my will before.

She went completely out of her way

to say goodbye to me that night (well, I was only there for the night so nobody would see me for a while...but she

was still the person so set on making sure she said goodbye).

I'm not sure what that did. I'm not sure if it

was the -mones, the alcohol, my feelings for her or the hurt feelings I still had from the past...I have no clue. I

do, however, know that it was definitely a trip.

08-06-2004, 12:22 PM
Speaking of

Body Language/-mone alignment...

Make that "Personality/-mone alignment" as well...

Do not wear SOE if you

don't have the energy or desire to carry on conversations. I had this problem today when my attitude and pheromone

signature were in disarray. I had people speak to me a lot today, but I responded in a fatigued, droning way

because I just didn't have the energy to carry a solid conversation (I worked, got home, slept from 8:30 to 6:30,

and went right back to work...I'm a little drained from stress). Let's just say that the 5" of SOE backfired as I

killed some good opportunities to get on good terms with people and instead created an awkward moment or two. On

the good side, an attractive girl I've never seen before smiled at me this morning for no apparent reason. That

was nice.

Moral of the story: Only wear the stuff if you can back it up.