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07-31-2004, 06:24 AM
I don't know if

there is any difference between the races when using pheromones but I definately have got more overt sexual

responses from white women than black women. Also, from what I've seen and heard, white women do seem to react very

strongly to none, maybe more so than black women.

First of all, I'm black and have limited experience with

pheromone products. What I'm going by are the responses I've had with white women after working out. I've seen

white girls linger around locker rooms filled with black men after working out and I've had a white girl (a 9.5)

just walk up to me and lock lips with me (with tongue) at a club. I had to literally peel her off of me and tell her

"no, not tonight". When I was at that club, I was not really in but was waiting for some friends near the exit. That

night, I had a hard work out and did not shower after I finished and wore the same undershirt I worked out in. All I

did was wash the sweat off of my face and put on a little deoderant. I had absolutely no intentions of meeting a

girl that night. I've heard similar and even more bizzare stories from black men who've been stationed in the

military in places like Germany. Don't get me wrong, I've had some responses from black women as well but they

were never as sexually overt as some of the experiences I've had with white chicks after working out. I've never

had a black woman I didn't know just walk up to me and start necking. I've also been to clubs filled with black

chicks after working out without showering and did not get any responses.

I've also noticed something else, the

darker complextioned black men seem to have a lot more success with sexual hits from white women. Me, I'm light

complextioned. I have certain theories about pheromones, race and sexual selection but I have no real way of testing

these therories and it doesn't seem as though any scientists would take these very seriously.

I have no idea if

the pheromones produced by black men are any different than the pheromones produced by white men. But a difference

would support the notion of increasing genetic diversity. It would be interesting to know whether or not any white

guys here have had black gals go after them after a good work out.

07-31-2004, 07:19 AM
I can't comment about

"after a workout" but my experience has been that when I use a heavy .none product I get excellent hits from Black

women, especially during a fairly recent trip to New Orleans (53 year old White guy here). There are few Black

women here though (New Hampshire) so I can't say that I've had all that much experience/exposure.

07-31-2004, 08:08 AM
I believe that certain mones

affect certain races differently.I have a system if I want to attract a certain race I wear a certain mone.

07-31-2004, 08:12 AM
I believe that

certain mones affect certain races differently.I have a system if I want to attract a certain race I wear a certain


Why not elaborate, what for who?


07-31-2004, 08:15 AM
I have no idea if

the pheromones produced by black men are any different than the pheromones produced by white


More -none.

07-31-2004, 08:19 AM
There was one Black Forum member

who's attracting black women with "Primal Instinct" a heavy none product. I don't know if he still visits the

forum. You probably produce more Pheromones combine that with your physical appearance and Gene traits women

physically look for (self-consciously) are attracting white women. Then again they probably want to have sex with a

black guy. :D

07-31-2004, 12:15 PM
Opposites attract?

I have a gay friend and he always seems to get a man every time we go out clubbing. I asked him how he does

it and he told me that it's how someone looks at him and body language. He never said anything about smell. I

think that if you are desiring a certain race you will be doing something to get their attention. And if someone

just comes up at a club and locks lips, I would suspect too much alcohol.

07-31-2004, 04:01 PM
I think there is something to

the "Opposites Attract" theory. When a man wears pheromones, he stands out from the crowd. Suddenly, he is very

interesting. So cultural barriers tremble. I have had much better success with Black and Asian women than with

Anglo women. I have generally had good success with Hispanic women, too, but not nearly as good as with Black and

Asian women.

Now, I may be missing something, but before I started using pheromones, I never noticed that kind

of attenton from Black and Asian women. I had a few Black women friends through the years and they just never

showed the kind of erotic interest in me that more recent friends have. Of course, I didn't dance with those

earlier friends. Dancing can open some doors. But these days I get hits from Black and Asian women just when I

walk into their places of work. I've met a few just by doing that.

So, I think there is something to be said

for interracial benefits from pheromone usage, but it may take us a while to figure out what is exactly happening.

08-01-2004, 01:47 PM
When a man wears

pheromones, he stands out from the crowd. Suddenly, he is very interesting. So cultural barriers tremble.

So, I

think there is something to be said for interracial benefits from pheromone usage, but it may take us a while to

figure out what is exactly happening.
Good insight Friendly.

The anecdotal evidence (all from white guys iirc), all points in the direction

of increased attraction from black women. This was discussion previously, and a basic conclusion was that these guys

were more on black women's radar because their signature had more -none. This makes perfect sense to me, because

after that thread there was another discussing pheromonal race differences, referencing an article mentioning the

differences in location and size of the apocrine glands.

The "Opposites Attract" theory is actually best discussed in terms of evolution

and genetic variation. Our purpose (in terms of reproduction) is to pass on our DNA, and ideally this offspring will

have identical DNA. For this reason humans are actually attracted to other individuals with similar

traits, so as not to "dilute" their own DNA significantly in the offspring. This is one factor to

consider when we are talking about what we are attracted to as individuals.

Conversely, as a result of progressive evolutionary prejudice in favour of a

strong immune system, we are also attracted to individuals with different MHC genes (see also, the study about

sweaty T-shirts where women chose the shirts of men with the greatest difference in MHC genes to their own). These

genes code for antibody producing B lymphocytes. Initially, the MHC genes code for millions of different B

Lymphocytes (they then divide and produce thousands more of each type). Each type produces a different antibody

configuration, and each antibody can only bind to one type of antigen. Because one type of antigen corresponds to a

different pathogen, it become an obvious advantage to have a broad and varied set of MHC genes, which is achieved by

"mixing" with a set of MHC genes different from your own.

Another factor that comes into play with group survival is the need to bring in

fresh genetic material. In some primate species, females will occasionally seek out males other than the males in

the group. This is to prevent the gene pool of that particular group from stagnating, which would leave them

susceptible to infectious and genetic diseases ("bad" alles of certain genes may not be bread out of the


Instances of women being

unusually attracted to men that are quite genetically different (i.e. by race), may be a

case of wanting to bring new genetic material into the population. Theoretically, this will happen a lot more if the

"different" individual is of particularly high quality, especially if they are very different (although I don't

think low quality and different will inspire much interest), something which will be exaggerated with the use of


However, this scenario seems like it could be pretty hit

and miss, as the female would a) have to be receptive to "outsider genes" (may or may not be a factor, remembering

the dilution of DNA is offspring) b) have to be responsive to your pheros in that particular situation.

08-02-2004, 04:12 AM
Good posting Cpt Kipling. I

recently read about that smelly T-shirt experiment peformed by the Swiss. By the way, do you live in


What you wrote and what I read is all very plausable and my experiences can attest to those "theories"

you alluded to. After a good workout, I like to experiment by wearing the same T-shirt I worked out in (maybe wait

for it to dry out a little). What may be even more powerful would be to put on a little pheromones rich in a-nol in

addition to that and see what kind of women react the most affirmatively. I've heard so many stories form black

men (particularly dark skinned black men) who go to your part of the world (i.e. Denmark, Germany, etc.) and seem to

attract blond women like magnents. I've also heard similar things about black women getting a lot of attention as

well. By the way, blondes, brunettes and red heads all produce differnent pheromones.

I think however that

people put up so many artificial cultural and racial barriers that they are not always going by their "sixth sense"

or natural pheromonal attraction.

08-13-2004, 07:14 PM
Racial differences are discussed in

"The Scent of Eros." There are even reported differences in the bacteria that colonize the axillary area. Some

Asians have no axillary scent gland. Race recognition by odor during wartime is also mentioned. Lots of other



08-13-2004, 08:47 PM
Of course this is anecdotal, but

I've had the opposite experience compared to the original poster. White and Asian women seem to be repelled by my

use of 'mones whereas black women are all over me. Without 'mones, Asian women like me and black women usually

don't even look my way...

Incidentally, I'm Asian (Korean).

08-14-2004, 02:30 AM
Mones and race! Anybody know what

mone to wear to attract Japanese girls? Ha, ha, ha...

08-15-2004, 04:39 PM
I have read many posts

regarding noticeable differences in responses to mones, depending on the race of the target, but when I have gone

out and field-tested, I have not seen anything (in my own experience) that would confirm the theories.

I am

white, and I went out purposefully testing some mones on Black women, wearing something that I thought might grab

their attention .. all that happened is that nearby white women observed that I was talking with the black women and

they immediately tried to steal my attention by starting conversation out of the blue.

There may be some

truth to Asian women liking this mone combination, or Black women liking this or that mone, etc, but I just

couldn't get any results to confirm the theory. Perhaps I was trying too hard :)

Interestingly enough,

when I'm NOT trying, I get plenty of attention from Black women, particularly at work, some of them are really hot

too :)

08-15-2004, 04:40 PM
To Jub: Bruce's wife is

Japanese, and I believe I read somewhere that she digs Chikara :)

08-15-2004, 06:06 PM
Anybody know what mone to

wear to attract Japanese girls? Here on Oahu about 25% of the population is Japanese or of Japanese descent.

My experience is that Japanese women take more showers than most and are quickly repelled by BO and facial hair.

Usually looking and smelling good and being friendly work the best if you want their attention. They love expensive

things, especially designer labels like Channel and Louis Vuitton, so a virgin Visa Platinum should prove more handy

than a buckle of 'mones.

08-15-2004, 08:09 PM
Well! So Gegogi its either going to

be Chikara or Visa? Well I have Chikara, SOE and NPA on the way so I might just go Platinum with any luck. Ha, ha,


08-15-2004, 08:19 PM
Mones and race!

Anybody know what mone to wear to attract Japanese girls? Ha, ha, ha...
Things like A1, -nol, beta -nol,

-rone, WAGG. Chikara is probably a good example as far as single products.