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View Full Version : Another Chikara hit report (long post!)

A Sack of Puddles
07-28-2004, 01:19 PM
I've been using pheros for about a year, not constantly, but somewhat off an on i.e. only when really


Just a little about me, for those who care:
18, asian/white, 5'7", 120 lbs,

emo/darkwave/alternative style.

Anyways, to the point.
About a year ago, I was really good friends with a

girl, but never anything more. There was just something that wasn't there. Well, school ended, she went to college

120 miles from where I went. She ended up getting a new cell phone, and I lost contact with her for around a year.

Then one day I somehow got her #, so I call her. One thing led to the next, and eventually I find myself on a date

(well sort of) with her.
Before leaving to pick her up, I apply 1/2 packet of SoE unscented to my arms and neck,

with 3 and 1/2 sprays of chikara to my wrists and neck. So I get to her house, and right away after she sees me, she

gives me this huge hug :blink:. Keep in mind that she hasnt seen me in a year, and things are still a little weird.

Well anyway, we hang out at her house for a while, then we go to a movie. The strange thing was that almost the only

thing she was talking about the entire time was her sexuality! I'd known her pretty well a year ago, and she would

never talk about this before. Did phereos have something to do with this? maybe. We get to the movie, and go

to buy the tickets, I walk up to the counter, ask for two, slap down my credit card, and she suddenly grabs

it:confused: and insists on paying. Another thing she would never do otherwise.I tried to argue with her

about that; failed misreably.:frustrate
Finally at the movie, which, might I add, sucked, she is talking nearly

the whole time about her boyfriend. THIS is the strange part, becuase nothing she was saying made any sense, and she

has an IQ of 130. (don't ask).
She said first how much she loves him, and someday they may even get married.

wonderful. But then, she starts talking about how much she hates the way he is, and all this other negative stuff

about him, and how she could NEVER marry him. Tha's what made no sense. after the movie, her b/f, who by the way is

a n insecure, posessive loser, calls her. We're sitting in my car waiting for the windows to clear from the

humidity. It's 12AM. he's calling from the hospital, he just got beat up by his ex-g/f:whip:
But then what

happened really botherd me. I her her say something like "i'm just with a friend. no, we're not doing anything,

no, that was nothing. I told you, he's a friend." and so on. Obviously, he doesent trust her. she continues to talk

to him for the entire ride home, and every so often I her her say something defending me. Well when we get back,

she's apologizing up and down for him, saying how much she hates that aspect of him and so forth.when I leave she

hugs me again, but this time she doesent want to let go:blink:. when she finally lets go, she 's already asking me

when we can get together again, wants my new phone number, things like that.

The bottom line is, is that when

I was with her, wearing chikara and SoE/U, She was treating me like her b/f, in more way than one:twisted:, and also

complaining about her real b/f.

So now my question...can pheros be a type of 'boyfriend destroyer', or is

this just typical?

--listen to this--


ide.mp3 (http://www.saddle-creek.com/sounds/TheFaint_AgendaSuicide.mp3)

07-28-2004, 02:09 PM
sounds to me like it's

time for you to make a sexual move and if she resists, move on as she could be a big time-waster for you.

07-28-2004, 02:38 PM
sounds to

me like it's time for you to make a sexual move and if she resists, move on as she could be a big time-waster for

This is just me but... I would never make any move on a girl that has a boyfriend... unless I know

her bf is a total jerk! :nono: That is because I would hate if someone did the same to my gf, so... I don't do

anything that I wouldn't want others do to me!

(sorry my English, I couldn't find the words...)

A Sack of Puddles
07-28-2004, 03:32 PM
He is a total jerk.

But I wasn't really planning on making a move anytime soon, I could never live with myself if I knew I was the

cause of someone's breeakup, even if its a bad relationship.

07-28-2004, 03:33 PM
I've read this script before, girl

has a fallen out with boyfriend, decides that she wants some male attention to ease the insecurities and possible

payback, she gives you some pum pum, boyfriend finds out and all of a sudden "he's changed" "he's changed" now

he's mister wonderful because his ego is bruised, she runs back into his arms because "he's changed" "he's

changed" and you stand there with your dick in your hand... literally.
Somewhere down the road boyfried becomes

and ass again and the cycle repeats itself.

Dude take it from me don't fall into the trap if your going to

take a slice, take a slice but keep both feet out of the kitchen.


A Sack of Puddles
07-28-2004, 03:34 PM
I've read

this script before, girl has a fallen out with boyfriend, decides that she wants some male attention to ease the

insecurities and possible payback, she gives you some pum pum, boyfriend finds out and all of a sudden "he's

changed" "he's changed" now he's mister wonderful because his ego is bruised, she runs back into his arms because

"he's changed" "he's changed" and you stand there with your dick in your hand... literally.
Somewhere down the

road boyfried becomes and ass again and the cycle repeats itself.

Dude take it from me don't fall into the

trap if your going to take a slice, take a slice but keep both feet out of the kitchen.


good point.

07-28-2004, 03:35 PM
"It's 12AM. he's calling from the

hospital, he just got beat up by his ex-g/f"

1. What was he doing around XGF??

2. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

07-28-2004, 04:46 PM
Boyfriends are expendable.

Many are history long before they know it.

I think you should give the girl an opportunity to decide whether you

are boyfriend material. It is HER choice, not YOURS, not HIS, who she will be with.

Just don't be too eager.

Don't be needy. Don't be jealous. Don't be possessive. She has all but told you how to win her and keep her.

She may turn out to have a few issues, but she seems ready for a change.

07-28-2004, 10:36 PM

DCW makes a very

good point. I was in a situation like this about a year or two ago. It was a really nasty emotional rollercoaster

(personally I had no buisiness getting mixed up in this relationship esp. since I had just gone through a major

breakup one month before.). Things really started to heat up between us when I started to use pheros. I eventually

decide to walk away when I got tired off all of this mess. I had heard from mutual friends that she had been going

on and on about how big a jerk he is. I pretty much told my friends that there was nothing more that I could do and

that it was up to her to end things herself if he is such a . . . jerk. I haven't see her since.

Be very

careful how you handle things. Sounds like this guy is pretty much digging his own grave.
