View Full Version : Realm/m and None or NPA or TE

07-27-2004, 08:55 PM
Has anyone

tried Realm/m in combo with a none-based product, and what were your results??

The reason I ask this is

because I think Estratetraenol has seriously been overlooked as a compound for men to use.

Its been reported

to have a somewhat positive effect on women in studies, and if I could bring up the study I would, but I'd have to

search the forum again, which I don't feel like doiing.

Men have reported many hits from Realm/m, and I

suspect it might be because there body chemistry produces alpha male mones to begin with.

Using estra with

none or a lacroy product may work for a wide variety of males.

Men produce estrogen to begin with, and women

judgeing a male face when not ovulating generally go for some combination of softer features produced by estrogen

(care giver, etc) and harder features produced by test (good genes, protector, alpha male, etc).

Also, TE/w

or NPA/w might have that stuff in there, which could be why guys have had some success with it in there mixes.

07-27-2004, 09:28 PM
I wonder if Realm works better

for younger men, since older men produce more estrogen.

07-28-2004, 06:50 AM
What is interesting are some of the

reports of DIHLing, on more than just one target, for the guys that the stuff works for.

Maybe it is one of

those chemicals that, when paired with a pheromone(s) that works more subtlely, can bring about edge or npa-like

dihling reactions.

AE and estra could be interesting.

07-28-2004, 08:33 AM

I think that

this article (http://www.erox.com/SixthSense/StoryOne.html) is probably the reference to the effects of

Estratetraenol that you were thinking about.


I also

just posted the EROX patents (http://pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11046) elsewhere on the forums,

and there's some good info about Estratetraenol in them.

When I first got NPA and mixed it with my old, EROX

era Realm/m, it made for a pretty nice mix, but the older version of Realm wasn't an especially strong fragrance in

my opinion. After steeping a while the NPA became somewhat dominant in the overall scent, so I finished the batch up

by using it with additional Realm as a cover and haven't done any Realm mixing since. I HAD bought a new bottle of

Realm a couple of years back and only noticed the other day (as a result of seeing a post on this forum) that the

fragrance of Realm had been fairly radically changed.

The new fragrance of Realm, while not as well rounded and

nicely balanced as the older, more floral version, seems to be a bit more robust, and might well stand up better to

the inclusion of something stinky like NPA. But I haven't tried mixing it yet.

Oscar :)

07-28-2004, 09:12 AM

Actually the studies I

was thinking about were even referred to in the pheromone research article I just posted.

"In 2000,

McClintock and then-graduate student Suma Jacob, PhD, now a medical resident at the University of California, Los

Angeles, reported that androstadienone and estratetraenol's effects on behavior were both sex- and

context-dependent. In one experiment, the chemicals improved women's mood but had the opposite effect on men; in

another experiment, they kept women's mood from deteriorating over the course of the testing session, but didn't

improve it"

Unfortunately, I think having to use realm to test estra is a crappy way of doing it, because the

amount you wear is partially dependent on the concentration and the smell of the cologne.

Maybe one or some

of us can get their hands on the compound by itself.