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View Full Version : young guys and chikara

07-20-2004, 09:08 PM
can young guys OD

on chikara? my best hit from chikara was 2 sprays the 1st day i got it. but since i read people were using 5 and 6

sprays, i've been doing that many sprays since after the 1st day. i think i'm gonna do 2 or 3 sprays for a week or

2 and see what happens.

07-20-2004, 10:24 PM
My first 6 sprays was mostly an

accident. The bottle wouldn't give me full sprays and then, in the middle of doing that six, it started doing the

full sprays. It has mostly worked properly ever since.

Stay with the 2 sprays for now. The 6 sprays probably

worked for me because of the situation I was in.

07-21-2004, 04:01 AM
Generally, younger folks need less

of the basic pheromones, especially aNONE. We don't really know about the new pheromones in Chikara, and can only

guess the situation is at least similar, but like Friendly suggests, I would stick with small amounts and increase

only slowly to see if that might bring better results. Because of the potential for build up, whenever cutting back

to smaller amounts, you probably need to take a day or two off of pheromones to see where you are really at in terms

of results vs. effects.


10-25-2004, 06:56 PM
The Chikara gel packs are

awesome. I suggest that, if you've gotten your hands on some of those, you use about a half (or maybe a third) of a

pack at a time. Great results here!

10-26-2004, 05:02 AM
The Chikara

gel packs are awesome. I suggest that, if you've gotten your hands on some of those, you use about a half (or maybe

a third) of a pack at a time. Great results here!
Could you say more about it? :think:

10-26-2004, 09:40 AM
Er, I have, I just didn't want

to spam. You can check out my results here: http://pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11319&page=2