View Full Version : Guest Chats
You should have
guest chats - manufactuers (phil stone, jvk, daryn, wagg, etc), pheromone researchers at universities (some schools
even have pheromone insitutes), etc etc
A guest could be scheduled. A week in advance it is announced.
People PM questions to moderators. Then when the guest arrives, say 8 pm on a certain day, the mod feeds the guest
questions on a thread, posting a new one when the guesst finishes the answer.
People could "listen" to the
chat by reloading the thread.
It would also be beneficial in the fact that it would get knowledgable people
(the guests) to be aware of and register to the forum (so they could answer the quests).
What do you think?
07-21-2004, 11:27 AM
Sounds like a great idea. I invite
guys like that to drop by and toot their product horns, but other than James (JVK) they rarely even lurk. Shy I
guess. I'll see if I can organize something like that though. Maybe we could start with James since he shows up
here from time to time.
Great idea though.
You should have guest
chats - manufactuers (phil stone, jvk, daryn, wagg, etc), pheromone researchers at universities (some schools even
have pheromone insitutes), etc etc
A guest could be scheduled. A week in advance it is announced. People PM
questions to moderators. Then when the guest arrives, say 8 pm on a certain day, the mod feeds the guest questions
on a thread, posting a new one when the guesst finishes the answer.
People could "listen" to the chat by
reloading the thread.
It would also be beneficial in the fact that it would get knowledgable people (the
guests) to be aware of and register to the forum (so they could answer the quests).
What do you
07-22-2004, 03:57 AM
I agree -- good idea. This was
first suggested a long time ago, and would be very good for the forum. Daryn was here once and people liked it.
Anything we can do to attract more quality contributors here would be good.
07-23-2004, 04:38 PM
This would be a great idea.
When new products are introduced, it would be nice to talk with the creators of the products to find out what they
were exactly designed to do. What the contents are etc. Getting products without any information sucks and instead
of hundreds of speculations a person can get an exact answer and not be left in the dark.
Actually, one reason why guests
probably wouldn't want to do it is if people are pestering them about their secret ingredients that they wish to be
left secret. Of course, having moderators screen the questions would eliminate that concern, if the guests were
notified of this.
07-31-2004, 09:17 PM
My goal is for us to get Luca
Turin for a chat!
Just wanted to plant the seed. I won't forget about it.
Authors have $$$$ incentive to chat,
and there have been a lot of google and msn search engine spiders going through the pages, which means outside
people will also discover the chats, read through them, and perhaps buy the books the authors like Turin can plug.
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