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07-19-2004, 10:38 AM
I had some friends

from High School (2 girls one b/f, and a guy) (I'm going to be going into my 5th year of college here) come up for

a night of partying to my town. The two single guys (myself and 'goose'), went out phermonally enhanced. I had

taked a break the last couple days at home, because I wasn't lookin for hits at all back home *shudder* and he had

never used them before.
Him: 1 dab NPA, 1/3 pack of SOE, and a bit of my Baldessrini for a great cover (both the

girls immediately commented on how good he smelled).
Me: 4 sprays Chikara and a little SOE (the girls weren't

around me when I got ready).

We went out to a couple parties, I got some great DIHL and touchy hits at the first

party. Where my friends took the time to catch up with each other a bit. At the second party I ran into a girl I've

been flirty with at work a lot lately, and got her number :D ! At the third party I had another girl hanging all

over me, kissing my cheek and neck, but she dissapeared when I went to use the facilities (DOH!).

Now... goose.

First party he didn't do anything, except the single girl from H/S (there was a bit of sexual tension between them

senior year) was always tryin to sit near him, and touch him. At the second party she was always holding him, not

showing interest in anyone else, same thing basically the rest of the night. Good `ol Goose had some fun in my

livingroom that night! I definitely credit the pheromones to helping in this case, because he is very quiet and shy

and not good at being directly or indirectly sexual in a conversation.


07-19-2004, 10:45 AM
I definitely

credit the pheromones to helping in this case, because he is very quiet and shy and not good at being directly or

indirectly sexual in a conversation.

But appearance-wise...?

07-19-2004, 11:19 AM
Well... being another guy I

can't give a "sexy" or anything. He's average, especially up in this town. 5'8-9" slim but not malnourished

build. Clean-cut but not exactly a fancy/sharp dresser.


07-19-2004, 03:50 PM
Just to add a couple more

pertinent details about goose. He's been here a bunch of times, and out at parties with people who were as wild

back then as I am now (if not me being a 'party animal' in comparison now, LoL), and has never had any kind of

luck here. The `mones definitely helped him, but the whole circumstance was in his favor really. (The girl was

put-off by even the slightest bit of sexual advance, yet teased with it all the time, and she really digs the "shy

passive type").