View Full Version : Mix or match

07-15-2004, 03:15 PM

I'm still pretty

new at this. I've been mixing stuff up from the chemisty set.

Seem to be having some luck with the mone

mixes, but less so with the fragrances. So I am now separating the two efforts.

I am in effect making my

own colognes from essential oils (I am a light worker and I am trying to figure in the chakra influences of the

various EOs -- like activate second chakra...).

So I have several experimental colognes (some better than

others), and 3 different mone mixes. And I am mixing and matching.

What do people think? Is there any

advantage to combining the fragrances, with the mones? Do they interact chemically, or is it jsut a matter of

having a good fragrance to cover any mone smell?


07-16-2004, 12:13 PM
It's a matter of just plain liking cologne. I love matching my cologne to my mood and occasion. It becomes like

any other accessory. They're useful for covering any phero smell, but whether I'm wearing mones or not I am almost

always wearing some sort of a scent.