View Full Version : Pheromones for Cats and Dogs

07-15-2004, 09:36 AM
In a

similar vein to our recent discussion about crotch-seeking furry missiles, you can now buy mones for your pooch.

DAP, short for Dog Appeasing Pheromones, are dispersed through a "plugins" type thing you put in your wall. It

releases pheromones they clame are similar to those produced by lactating dogs, taking your pup back to the place it

all began for him, and hopefully, keeping him from shredding the place he's in


http://www.feliway.com/html/comfortzone-with-dap.php3 has the details.

They also have

a product for cats available at http://www.feliway.com/index.php3#feliway. They claim it consists of the

"facial" pheromones, those produced in the face (why cats rub up against you) that are calming and mark an area as


The article I first saw, http://www.engadget.com/entry/5214434887721755/, on the engadget

blog, concludes with the ever-enlightened question, "Wonder what the long-term effect on humans is of constantly

smelling lactating pet pheromones?" I, for one, hope the majority of folks out there continue to think like this and

we get to keep our edge out there. :)

07-15-2004, 08:08 PM
So this will really get

dogs to bang at a faster rate??

Thats incredible

07-15-2004, 08:39 PM
So this will really get dogs to bang at a faster rate??



I don't think that's the goal of the pet pheromones. What I read, they're for animals

that act up, like a dog that has separation anxiety when it's humans leave. They might urinate/deficate on the

floor or furniture and/or tear up things. The pheromones are suppose to comfort the animal so it doesn't exhibit

that type of behavior.