View Full Version : Do you have experiences with Athena pheromones

07-14-2004, 04:44 AM
I wonder if someone has experiences with Athena 10x pheromones for men.

07-15-2004, 03:32 AM
well, it looks like nobody bought

them, which is strange as they are much mentioned in the press.

Well, I tried them because they were available

in my country (they are very expensive, about USD 100.- per bottle 1/6 oz.) and results were catastrophally bad.

NEVER experienced any, even slight sign of any interest from females. I tried all kind of doses, even OD. So, I

wonder how can such product be so blatantly advertised if results are equal to zero.

07-15-2004, 05:30 AM
I've never usedthe

stuff... try doing a search for Athena.

07-15-2004, 09:48 AM
Isn't that the DHEA product?

07-15-2004, 09:48 AM
Well, I've used it, and I still have

some left in my aftershave bottle. They charge 126 USD for that tiny bottle. 26USD for shipping?? C'mon! Telling

you I was duped by the press. It didn't do jackshit for me. It even says on the bottle that you have to allow like

six weeks until it takes full effect. Oh, F--k'em.

07-15-2004, 09:53 AM
yea it is the dhea stuff, i guess

they want it to absorb through your skin and then over time (six weeks) you start producing more of your own

pheromone output.

or you can buy dhea pills cheaper.

07-15-2004, 10:30 AM
Winifred Cutler isn't about to say what's in her Athena line so (unless you've done

a rigorous analysis at great expense) I can't see how we know that it is DHEA, not DHEA, DHEA and other things, and

so on. This can only be speculation.

It 's possible that it contains alpha-EA (epi-andosterone) or beta EA,

which is very close to DHEA (dehydro-epi-andosterone) but it isn't the same. I do notice that our friends at the

Molcan Corporation offer alpha and beta-EA on their phero page.

I tested Cutler's two sauces on a large

number of people, some without their knowledge, some with. It was potent and effective.

However, when

combined with the goodies they sell here, especially androstenone products, It will be significantly more effective.

Cutler's stuff appears to be working in the touchy feely androstenol mood range. Cooperation, communication,

empathy are stimulated. With a strong whiff of 'none your evenings will be interesting.

Relative to what you

can buy here, I'd think that the LaCroy additive would have it all put together without having to tinker with

different bottles.

07-15-2004, 11:07 AM
Winifred Cutler

isn't about to say what's in her Athena line so (unless you've done a rigorous analysis at great expense) I

can't see how we know that it is DHEA, not DHEA, DHEA and other things, and so on. This can only be speculation.

IIRC, Cutler at first said that the Athena stuff contained DHEA. She later withdrew the statement -

probably because DHEA isn't a pheromone.

As a point of reference, a couple of months ago, I mixed up a bunch of

DHEA in isoprop, then started wearing a couple of dabs a day. Within a few weeks, I was definately showing signs of

increased tost, including acne and darkening of my beard - same signs I get when I take DHEA orally. So I see no

reason why Cutler's stuff wouldn't work, at least to raise tost levels.


07-15-2004, 11:22 AM
IIRC, Cutler at first

said that the Athena stuff contained DHEA. She later withdrew the statement - probably because DHEA isn't a


As a point of reference, a couple of months ago, I mixed up a bunch of DHEA in isoprop, then

started wearing a couple of dabs a day. Within a few weeks, I was definately showing signs of increased tost,

including acne and darkening of my beard - same signs I get when I take DHEA orally. So I see no reason why

Cutler's stuff wouldn't work, at least to raise tost levels.


Were you getting hits

just off the increased t-level (ie when not wearing synthetic pheromones)?

07-15-2004, 12:11 PM
THere's no reason why you

can't just get DHEA (7-keto might be best for this) and put it on your skin. Damned near free. I've done it

before. You can dissolve it and put it in suspension.

Practically speaking, I suspect DHEA is a

pheromone, at least a "pre-pheromone", and will be converted to various interesting -mones on your skin.

07-15-2004, 01:23 PM
Were you getting hits

just off the increased t-level (ie when not wearing synthetic pheromones)?
I was primarily interested

whether the obvious mechanism for Athena 10x (transdermal DHEA absorption) would work using a simple alc sol'n of

DHEA. I convinced myself that it would work fine. I didn't stop wearing my usual mix to see if it would work alone.

As the good Doc says, grind up some pills, soak 'em in alc, wear a few dabs. See for yourself.

07-15-2004, 01:27 PM
I don't think absorption is


07-15-2004, 01:30 PM
I don't think

absorption is necessary.
So you're thinking that DHEA could age on the skin into interesting things, eh?

Any ideas of what it would mutate into?

I was figuring transdermal largely because of Cutler's insistance that

the product could take up to 6 weeks to work.

07-15-2004, 01:43 PM
Besides -rone, I'm not


07-16-2004, 11:06 AM
I tried Athena before I knew of

Love Scent. I was going to write about Athena in response to a recent post asking for scientific evidence that

'mones will get you more sex.

People gave the poster all kinds of reasons why the experimental designs were too

complex, etc.

Cutler claims that she has done placebo-controlled experiments with Athena. Subjects kept journals

of how much sex they were having with others. They were not told whether they were getting Athena or a placebo

cologne. She claims that those with Athena had signficantly more sex.

I used Athena for about 4 months and then

just threw the bottle away. Didn't do a thing for me.

07-17-2004, 09:51 PM
athena 10x contains a lot of

compounds (human pheromones)
excludes the androstenone and androtenol.

try it!!!!!!

07-17-2004, 09:57 PM
How do you know this, Yayo? We

had only heard DHEA.

07-18-2004, 01:31 PM
well, this I read it in an article

of doctor W.B.Clutter. Who said that athena 10:13 and athena 10x is identical chemical copies of men and attractive

women in their twenty years thing that was responsible for at least 50 compound ones (different pheromones)

07-18-2004, 01:38 PM
yea, the stuff DHEA causes you to

produce naturally.

07-18-2004, 03:18 PM

in 2002, I bought some Athena 10x; it seemed to do nothing in particular for me. Luckily, I discovered Love Scent

shortly thereafter. I've heard that Athena's product 10:13 for women has gotten results for some females; if

anyone's interested you might look up a New Scientist article on this subject from a few years ago.

I wonder

what would happen if men took to wearing 10:13 in the same way that many use EW and PI/w.
